Commission Minutes 07/10/2023


JULY 10, 2023


Agenda:          8:30 – Soil Conservation / Christy Jackson & Loren Seaman

8:45 – Bills

9:00 – NextEra Energy / John Felitto & Stephen Ellis

9:15 – Community Health / Cammie Heaton

9:30 – Public Works / Tony Martin

9:45 – Hugoton Senior Center Board

10:00 – Southwest Guidance / Dr. Marshall Lewis

10:30 – Museum / Steve Lewis


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in a regular session. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Tharp, County Clerk were also present. Pat called the meeting to order. Tron moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $           118,758.53
ARPA  $               4,230.00
Judicial District  $               2,911.49
Road & Bridge  $             86,384.53
Airport  $             12,160.75
County Building  $             15,895.90
Noxious Weed  $               4,078.67
EMS  $               6,024.89
Fire  $             14,836.19
Community Health  $             16,889.24
Community Health Grants  $               1,343.40
Fair Fund  $             36,750.00
Services For Elderly  $           102,861.00
Library  $             85,742.50
Library Employee Benefits  $             31,118.77
Sheriff  $             37,969.48
Emp P/R Misc W/H  $                 100.00
Hospital Maint Fund  $           500,000.00
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund  $               4,067.20
TOTAL:  $         1,082,122.54


Pat discussed the Moscow Cemetery roads with the commissioners asking if the county can work on them and pay the costs out of the building fund.  The commissioners tabled the discussion until later.


Christy Jackson and Loren Seaman were in attendance for the Soil Conservation District.  Loren said the Soil Conservation District is requesting their allocation to be the same.  Christy said they have brought in more cost share in the last two (2) years, the scholarship fund is still the same and they are paying to plug water wells, create windbreaks as well as helping with pipelines and stock tanks.  She said they really need to up the allocation to $33,020.00.  Christy said the drip part sales are doing well and are trying to get the word out to the community as to what the Soil Conservation does to help the community and the resources they have for citizens.  Loren said the state helps to fund some of the conservation but not enough to pay for health insurance and Loren asked the commissioners if there were any ideas or if Christy can be on the county’s health insurance.  The commissioners said she would have to be an employee of the county and the Soil Conservation District does not fall into county employment.  Christy said she will ask other Soil Conservation Districts on how they insure their employees.  Joe thanked them for attending and said the Soil Conservation District is one of the best budget line items for the county.


Paul Kitzke had to leave the meeting.


John Felitto and Stephen Ellis with NextEra Energy were in to discuss solar farms within Stevens County.  John stated solar outnumbers the megawatt volume compared to wind.  He stated NextEra Energy is interested in about 3,500 acres east of town and stated the solar farm they would like to install will create around 500 megawatts and 100 megawatts will power 16,000 homes.  John said the whole process to get up and running will take around five (5) to six (6) years.  The solar panels are bifacial which means they will also absorb power from light bouncing off the ground and the panels will be roughly ten (10) feet off the ground.  Creating wind power is still cheaper but solar is closing the gap.  Joe asked about jobs being created and John said there will be some jobs full time as skilled techs and construction will be only 18 (eighteen) to twenty-four (24) months.  Currently the NextEra Generation is about year two (2) in development within Stevens County making it roughly thirty percent (30%) completed.  The commissioners told John and Stephen the Stevens County Planning and Zoning committee is currently updating regulations for wind power and will be discussing solar as well. They suggested John and Stephen stay in contact with Tony Martin in case there are any changes in planning and zoning.


Rodney Kelling came in and stated the door openers have been installed and there is one (1) that is in a bind but hopefully will be fixed soon.  Moscow fire department has two (2) doors that will not open all the way and needs fixed as well.  The ambulance door came down on an ambulance and only one panel on the door needs to be repaired with no damage done to the ambulance.  Rodney said this Friday the new pickup will be getting the graphics, console and lights installed.  The box for the bed of the pickup is still a ways out and Rodney is hoping to get it in September.


Ross Sullivan came in and told the commissioners he spoke with Trane about the turnkey bill, and it is all part of the chiller for the Community Health Department.  Ross said all the coils are clean at the health department and noted the coils obviously haven’t been cleaned in a very long time.  He said the lines going to the actuator are cold but the lines after the actuator do not feel cold. Ross is hoping it is a screen that is clogged.

Tony Martin was in attendance and asked if the fence on the north side of the health department can be removed.  Ross stated he thought the fence had to be in place for the HVAC units as per insurance purposes.


Ross informed the commissioners with the last couple of rains there is water on the third (3rd) floor and first (1st) floor in the courthouse.  He went and checked on the Wellness Center and stated Shelby had buckets in areas where there had been water leaking in from the roof.  Ross also noted there are large cracks in Susan Schulte’s office which he feels a professional needs to view. He would like them to make sure the foundation of the courthouse is still good or if anything needs to be done before it gets worse.


Cammie Heaton discussed again with the commissioners that Nex-Tech informed her the health department needs a new network server which will cost around $20,000.00.  The commissioners asked if the health department can connect to the courthouse server and save some money.  Amy Tharp said she can ask around.  Cammie said she ordered supplies with the IAP funding for a class which has been cancelled completely so she will be taking those items to the fair to hand out.  Cammie told the commissioners she had heard the Stevens County Retail Pharmacy will be starting to do vaccines which is one of the biggest revenues for the health department and she is concerned how much revenue the county will lose. Cammie said she knows Hugoton Drug does some vaccines but not all.


Several members from the Hugoton Senior Center Board were present:  Nicole Kinser, Steve Davis, Linda Brooks, Sheryl Hayworth, June Trentham, Steve Perry, Jim Mothes and Karen Rich.  Janie Gaskill was in attendance by phone.  Karen told the commissioners they received bids from Ghumm’s Auto for a 2021 Chrysler Voyager in the amount of $25,995.00 and will receive trade-in amounts of $20,000.00 for the 2009 Express 2500 and 2014 Ford Econoline, making the total out of pocket expense of $6,923.55 including fees.  Pat asked if one (1) van would be sufficient, and Nicole explained there is a timed schedule, and one van works fine for the deliveries and rides given.

The commissioners asked the senior center board members if they will have the funds to pay for the purchase of the van and they confirmed they would have the funds.

Joe made a motion to accept the bid from Ghumm’s Auto for the 2021 Chrysler Voyager in the amount of $25,995.00 and will receive trade-in values of $20,000.00 for the 2009 Express 2500 and 2014 Ford Econoline making the total out of pocket expense of $6,923.55 including fees.

Tron seconded.  Motion carried.

Amy Tharp will check with KCAMP to find out if the new vehicle can be omitted from county insurance if the senior center wants to have control over their own vehicle.

Amy believes it should be allowed as the senior center is just using the building the county owns, but they are not run by the county.


Tony Martin came in and said he is getting a contract on the monitoring wells for the landfill closure.  Right now, the state rules will allow pit number eight (8) to be open but does not feel it is a wise choice to move closer to town.  Tony said Alfred Benesch and Company is trying to make sure everything is up to the state’s rules and regulations.  Tony also told the commissioners he will be looking for a different consultant after the new pit is dug for future advancements of the landfill.

Pat made a motion to go forward with the new pit.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.

Tony told the commissioners both crawlers at the landfill have been down due to wiring harness and hydraulic pump issues.  He said there will be a contractor out today to give an estimate on repair costs.

The road and bridge department has completed one (1) mile of chip seal which is on schedule.


Pat asked Tony if the road and bridge department can black top and repair the Moscow Cemetery roads.  Tony said Shirley Mothes called and asked for cost of what it would take to patch the asphalt and fix the large hole at the Moscow Cemetery.


Dr. Marshall Lewis with Southwest Guidance was in and requested the county allocate $37,975.00, which is the same as 2023’s allocation.  He stated they appreciate any funds the county can allocate to help mental health.  Dr. Lewis said the state is looking at making all mental health move into a CCBHC (Certified Center for Behavioral Health Clinic) which will bring in new services.

By moving into a CCBHC it will help increase staff to help with mobile crisis, coordinating with general health care, onsite screening, referrals, transportation, and suicide hotlines.

Dr. Marshall said it will take several years but by July 2024 all will be in place.  The commissioners asked how long that will last with the costs. Dr. Marshall said the state is finding ways to make it sustainable after the grant funding depletes and at this time the funding will be depleted in 2026.


Steve Lewis, the Stevens County Museum Curator was in attendance and discussed with the commissioners about the LED lighting. Steve said they have done about $14,000.00 worth of work on the lighting at the museum and there are still twenty-two (22) lights left to replace.

Using LED’s is more energy efficient, and the material is cheaper. The museum is looking at changing out the heating and air wall units which will be around $60,000.00 to $100,000.00.

Pat told Steve the building fund is mainly for repair/replacement of building problems and not lighting.  Steve said he is having to replace concrete in some areas.  Pat suggested the county help with the concrete and the museum pay for the lighting.  Steve agreed.  Steve said V & B is the only place they had received an estimate for concrete which is around $14,000.00 and cannot find anyone else to give them bids.

Joe made a motion to waive the bid on concrete and accept the V & B estimate for concrete work.  Tron seconded.  Motion carried.


Ross Sullivan came back in and told the commissioners he will get specs on the roof for the Wellness Center and try to get some bids coming in.


Amy told the commissioners the bid from AK Roofing for the garage doors on the emergency buildings came out to $800.00 higher due to remotes.  The commissioners told Amy the $800.00 needs to come out of the emergency budget as it was not included in the original bid.


The commissioners discussed the request of the sheriff’s pay being raised when Ted approached them about it at the last meeting.  Joe said it is possible. The commissioners are tabling the idea for a later time.


Discussion of the county’s KCAMP insurance has been reviewed and Pat said he will take some spreadsheets of the county properties to other insurance agencies and see if they are comparable on costs.  The commissioners told Amy to contact all departments who have buildings and vehicles to see what can possibly be omitted on the insurance or what they deem not needing to be insured.


By motion, the Board adjourned.

Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Pat Hall, Chairman