Commission Meeting Minutes 06/26/2023


JUNE 26, 2023


Agenda:          8:30 – Cammie Heaton – Comm Health

8:45 – Bills

9:00 – Don Rivera – WKCAC

9:15 – Tony Martin – Public Works

9:45 – City on a Hill – Ciara – NO SHOW

10:00 – Steve Lewis – Insurance

10:30 – Robert Harrington – Center for Infrastructure


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners, with the exception of Pat Hall, met in a regular session. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Rich, Deputy County Clerk were also present. Joe called the meeting to order. Tron moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Joe seconded. Motion carried.  Joe moved to approve the county vouchers. Tron seconded. Motion carried. The Deputy County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $             59,446.75
ARPA  $               5,000.00
Judicial District  $               1,070.61
Road & Bridge  $             35,887.15
Airport  $             13,717.68
County Building  $                        –
Noxious Weed  $               9,391.48
EMS  $               5,472.36
Fire  $               1,638.11
Community Health  $             12,458.75
Community Health Grants  $             20,880.00
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund  $                 301.60
Emp P/R Misc W/H  $                 400.00
Fire Equipment  $                 399.13
Sheriff  $             35,067.87
911 Wireless  $                 116.37
TOTAL:  $           201,247.86

Ross Sullivan dropped in to give an update on the HVAC system at the health department. He reported that maintenance will be extensive because of how dirty the coils and filters have become. They will need to be disassembled, cleaned, and put back together. He decided he should be doing the work on the coils and filters after receiving an expensive quote from Trane as to how much they would charge for the services. Ross was told one day of cleaning and maintenance that would cover maybe two (2) units, would be $4,200. The Trane employee relayed it is at least a two (2) person job. Ross feels like he can do the maintenance himself in order to save that money, as long as there is someone available to assist.


Cammie Heaton arrived, and discussion was had regarding the $198,000 bill from Trane for the new chiller for the health dept. Cammie believes a portion of this will be covered by the ARPA fund and will get clarification on that. Cammie then offered her and the health department employees’ assistance to Ross with the coils and filters. She said they would be happy to hold stuff, lift stuff up to him and assist in whatever way he needs, if the commissioners are okay with that. The commissioners said that would be fine.  Cammie said there is a mandatory community health assessment that must be done. She was able to obtain a Blue Cross Blue Shield grant to cover a portion of the cost and the Liberal Area Coalition will cover the rest.  Cammie relayed that she was told by Nex-Tech the health dept. network server is expiring October 10 and the estimate for a new one is $20,000. Nex-Tech said they informed of this back in 2019 and wondered if it had been budgeted for. Cammie replied she is new in the administrator position, so she was not aware of it. She will see if an IAP Global grant can cover part of it.  Lastly, she said they will be distributing bags with personal hygiene items to the kids at the teacher reveal swim party at the city pool.


Rodney Kelling stopped in and said he requested estimates for the EMS building interior doors from three (3) companies, and Aqua Shield is the only one who submitted an estimate. The amount for the doors will be $4,698.75.  Tron moved to approve the purchase from Aqua Shield. Joe seconded. Motion carried.  Rodney relayed that AK Roofing installed two (2) of the overhead door openers in Hugoton and will complete six (6) in Moscow this week.


Tony Martin was up next and reported delays in chip sealing due to the rain. He said they should be able to start around the same time as harvest, which should be within the next week or two.  Tony requested a $1.00 / hour raise for Nicolas Bustillos and $.75 / hour raise for Stacey Wood.  Tron moved to allow the wage increases. Joe seconded. Motion carried.  Tony informed that a John Deere crawler loader is broken down at the landfill.  Tony said he will find out what kind of questions need to be addressed at the July 10 meeting when John Felitto will be in to discuss the solar energy project.  Joe asked for an update on maintaining Road 18. Tony said it is looking better but takes a lot of blading.


Don Rivera arrived for WKCAC (Western Kansas Child Advocacy Center) to give the presentation for the organization. He requested $2,500 from Stevens County for 2024.  Joe thanked him and said all the services they provide for the children are much appreciated.  Next on the agenda was Steve Lewis with the museum. Steve informed the commissioners of issues with receiving funds for the wind damage from 2021. He said the insurance company claims they paid $6,000 but Steve has never received that. There was supposed to be an adjuster sent out again to reassess the damage, but so far no one has shown up. Steve said he was told the sign east of town would not be covered but the damage to the other museum signs were covered so he would like clarification on that. He asked if the commissioners would like to intervene and contact KCAMP or if he needs to contact them again. Amy relayed that Amy Jo had suggested to Steve to reach out to KCAMP again and had emailed the contact info. Joe told Steve to go ahead and try one more time and if nothing is resolved, they will need to step in. Steve asked Amy to resend the contact info., as he may have lost track of the name and number or accidentally deleted the email.  Steve said he had read in some previous meeting minutes that it was possibly assumed by the commissioners he was planning some additions to the museum because he had hydrants installed on some of the property. He wanted it to be clear he has no plans to build anything, but that he just wants to improve what is already there and that grass was dying so the hydrants were installed to water it.  Joe confirmed there was a discussion by all the commissioners that they do not want any more county infrastructure to maintain at this time.  Steve reported all the north side of the museum property now has LED lighting.  He expressed to the commissioners if they ever have any questions or concerns, they can contact him anytime.


Ted Heaton checked in with the commissioners. He informed them he periodically checks the salaries of the city police department. He feels like at this time, he would like to give a wage increase to a couple of his deputies and would like the commissioners to consider an increase for him as well, to stay more in line with the police salaries.


Last on the agenda was Robert Harrington with the Center for Infrastructure.  Robert shared the concept of the business he is working for pertaining to renewable energy.  They offer services for those who are considering adding sources of renewable energy to their community by reviewing ordinances to see if there is anything they feel may need to be adjusted. They evaluate if there is anything in the ordinance that seems too stringent or too lenient, etc., and offer suggestions for consideration. The service is completely free of charge. The company works with organizations who promote renewable energy and fund raise in order to give donations to fund their business. Employees are paid but recipients of their services are not charged anything. They do not try and sell anything related to the renewable energy industry or try and persuade anyone to buy in to it. They merely review the ordinances and make suggestions or recommendations if they find something worth mentioning, but it is totally at the discretion of who is using their services to take the suggestions or leave them.  Robert made it clear he was not there to sell Stevens County on anything but did talk about how he is from a rural community, his passion for serving rural communities, informing of the benefits that can be reaped if they are receiving information from the right people who have their best interest at heart and who are not trying to take advantage of them. He talked about the potential incentives for communities when establishing renewable energy concepts like wind farms and solar panels. He shared the benefits side regarding money given that could be used on projects such as school or city infrastructure. He explained that this is why they do what they do and are completely in support of offering their services without any fee.   Joe asked how they determine if the amount given is worth the amount spent on a project.  Robert replied they currently do not review pilot programs so did not really have a definitive answer but voiced that counties have received in the millions of dollars range and what some of the uses are that basically “free money” has been able to provide for these communities. He elaborated that after three (3) counties have made inquiries regarding the reviewing of pilot programs, they are taking it to their board for consideration.  Robert ended with an invitation to contact him any time with additional questions or if Stevens County would like to use their services.


Final business entailed two matters of discussion.  First, reiterating policy regarding independent contractor criteria and the requirement of submitting bonds or certificates of liability insurance. The matter had come up regarding the airport custodian position and whether it should be an independent contractor or part time employee. It was determined the position is more suitable as an employee.  Joe made a motion for the airport custodial position to be changed from an independent contractor to a part time employee. Tron seconded. Motion carried.


Second matter was the water hydrant installed on the 4-H building grounds and whether it can come out of the building fund.  Commissioners determined it would be allowable to come out of the building fund, as the previous hydrant was attached to the building, prior to the renovation.  Joe moved to allow the water hydrant to be paid for out of the building fund. Tron seconded. Motion carried.



By motion, the Board adjourned.

Attest: Amy Rich, Deputy County Clerk


Joe D. Thompson, Vice Chairman