2009 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 6, 2009   The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  O

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2008 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 8, 2008   The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D

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2007 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 2, 2007   The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. Gary seconded.  Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Melvin.  Dave

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2006 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 3, 2006 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Commissioners discussed Community Health.  This entity is to be a separate fund and the grant

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2005 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 4, 2005   The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on

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2004 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 6, 2004   The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Melvin moved to have Citizens State Bank as the bank depository for Stevens County.  Dave

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2003 Meeting Proceedings

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 7, 2003 The Board of County Commissioners met to organize for the New Year.  Present were Commissioners Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and re-elected Commissioner Melvin Webb. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Gary moved to nominate Dave

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