JULY 15, 2019
Agenda: 8:30 – Bills
9:00 – County Business
9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Also present were Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes. Pat called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Joe seconded. Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General | $ 60,771.21 |
Road & Bridge | $ 226,364.21 |
Airport | $ 1,661.55 |
Noxious Weed | $ 4,291.45 |
EMS | $ 6,504.62 |
Fire | $ 2,529.17 |
Community Health | $ 17,968.99 |
Sheriff | $ 37,430.26 |
Employee P/R Misc W/H | $ 49.16 |
County Building | $ 596.50 |
Insurance Agency Damages | $ 3,012.77 |
Airport Grants | $ 11,179.01 |
Employee Benefits | $ 400.00 |
$ 372,758.90 |
Rodney Kelling came in and inquired about his budget during the budget workshop. Joe informed him that they took out the capital outlay he requested on the Fire totaling $20,000.00 and same with EMS along with another amount to total $30,000.00. Rodney stated the money was to purchase new portable radios and to carryover for next year into the equipment funds for purchase of new fire and EMS vehicles. Joe said he felt good with the numbers and there should be money to replace equipment and purchase vehicles as needed.
Rodney expressed his concern with other departments and their purchase of vehicles when needed and stated he felt he was not getting the same treatment.
Rodney said he would get prices on fifty (50) portable radios, enough for each of his employees and a few spares. He will also be getting prices on the new vehicles he is needing, which consist of at least two (2) fire vehicles and one (1) ambulance.
Rodney asked the commissioners if they had any more thoughts about the extra room at the EMS/Fire building as far as renting out for parties or events. The commissioners do not think it is a good idea at this time.
Tony Martin came in and said the roads south of the county look pretty rough. The road and bridge department is going to complete their chip and seal before working on the dirt roads.
Tron told Tony that something tore up the asphalt at Road 16 and 2nd Street. Tony said he would drive out and look at the road.
Donna Norton and Amy Jo presented the commissioners with a request to change the commissioner meeting dates beginning in January of 2020 to the second and fourth Monday of each month to help coincide with bills that are due so no late fees will be incurred. They also stated by moving the dates, it would help out with elections as far as giving the office more time for preparations the day before election and canvassing can be done on a regular meeting day instead of calling for a special meeting.
Paul Kitzke and two of the commissioners said they could probably do that if the change is beginning of the year and one of the commissioners didn’t see a reason to change the date.
Joe made a motion to pay the few bills that require payment before commissioner meeting dates unless the bill is out of the normal amount. Pat seconded, motion carried.
Pat asked questions concerning Vernon’s health and payment through payroll. He said he would contact Vernon later this week to see if he would be able to work from home via phone and computer.
Ross Sullivan (maintenance) came in and said he is looking into purchasing a small sprayer to pull behind the mower that could be used year-round. He said it would be used for weeds, fertilizer and liquid de-icer. The commissioners agreed to allow some expenses for a twenty (20) gallon pull behind sprayer.
Ross brought up the pine trees on the east side of the courthouse building wanting to know if the commissioners would like bids to take them out or if they would rather have them trimmed up. Ross said it would be best to have them removed so some of the branches are not hanging over the ECDC playground which could injure someone if a branch broke. He also expressed his concern that after they are trimmed up, two (2) of the pine trees are probably more than seventy percent (70%) dead. After looking at the trees, the commissioners decided to have them trimmed up and instructed Ross to get bids for trimming.
Ross told the commissioners the elevator shaft and area is unclean and has caused issues with the elevator sensor. He asked if they would prefer him to clean it or have KONE come in and do maintenance cleaning for about $1,600.00. The commissioners prefer having KONE come in and clean and maintain and have Ross learn to prevent injury.
Joe discussed issues with Paul Kitzke and the auditors stating Lewis, Hooper and Dick would like the county attorney to itemize his budget so it fits the mandated requirements. Paul agreed.
Auditor issues surrounding the airport came up and Tron said he would contact Matt Rome and see what can be done to fix the issue.
Pat mentioned that if something needs to be done to a county building or if an entity wants to add on to a county building it needs to come before the commissioners for permission.
By motion, the Board adjourned.
Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk
Pat Hall, Vice Chairman