Commission Meeting Minutes 7/1/2019

JULY 1, 2019


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

9:00 – County Business

9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge

10:00 – Angela Eichman – County Appraiser Appoint


The Board of County Commissioners with the exception of Tron Stegman, met in regular session. Also present were Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes. Pat called the meeting to order.  Pat moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  Pat moved to approve the county vouchers.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $         119,859.51
Road & Bridge  $           80,645.63
Airport  $             3,289.06
Noxious Weed  $             5,074.39
EMS  $             4,214.84
Fire  $             8,289.92
Community Health  $           12,381.67
Sheriff  $           41,754.60
Employee P/R Misc W/H  $                207.50
Fair Fund  $           43,814.68
Services for the Elderly  $           85,359.27
County Building  $             2,300.00
Extension  $           68,889.66
Hospital/PM Fund  $         744,493.12
Highway Improvement  $           48,179.92
Alcohol Treatment  $                250.00
Election Equipment Fund  $           34,442.53
Employee Benefit Library  $           28,106.50
Library  $           75,060.00
 $      1,406,612.80


Amy Jo presented the commissioners with a letter from the River of Life Church who rented out the portion of the fire/EMS station for their church services.  The River of Life Church has vacated the premises as of June 30, 2019 and has paid dues up to date.  They have found another place to hold their services.


Amy Jo presented the different bids for new tires on the Appraiser/Courthouse Maintenance pickup.  Joe and Pat agreed to table the idea until later in the meeting.


Rodney came in and asked if it was possible to require permits for firework stands in the county.  Pat said permits are required for the City of Hugoton and it would be something to consider to receive sales tax from the fireworks.


Rodney said since the church has moved he is tying the gas line into the existing meter to create one (1) bill instead of two (2) separate bills.  He also expressed his idea of renting out the section of the building as a community center for parties.  It has a small kitchenette and is a decent sized room.  Rodney told the commissioners the only expense would be to get some tables and chairs for the events.


Rodney inquired about Great Plains with helping on grants with the Fire and EMS vehicles.  Joe told Rodney to get in touch with them and see what the county would be eligible for.


Angela Eichman was present to get sworn in as the Stevens County Appraiser.  The contract was signed to appoint Angela as the county appraiser for the four (4) year term beginning July 1, 2019 thru June 30, 2023, as previously motioned.


Amy Jo presented the commissioners with two (2) different bids for repairs to the Moscow Senior Center.  She told them Jim Bell dropped the bids off in her office last week.  They are not sealed because they do not exceed the $5,000.00 amount.  The commissioners discussed if anyone knew or heard of the roof leaking and needing repaired.  Joe called Billy Bell and was told it was leaking in the kitchen area.  Discussion tabled until later in the meeting.


Tony Martin came in and said the road and bridge department is behind on chip/sealing but they are still working to try and get caught up.  He said the county owns land by 2nd Street and the Hooker/Moscow Road where they store some of the gravel.  There are three (3) other places they store gravel which the land owners allow the county to use for those purposes.


Tony informed the commissioners he received a check from KCAMP for reimbursement on the tarps and KCAMP will reimburse the county for any employee that needs to attend safety trainings.


Tony said they are trying to get all of the dirt roads and chip/seal done by the first of August and have two (2) to three (3) roads padded by the fall/winter months.  He said the road by Riverbend Feeders is done and he is going to check it again today to make sure it is good.


Tony said the extension district looks good and appears that it will save Stevens County some money this coming year as the mil for extension looks to be going down some.


Vanessa Willis came in and expressed to the commissioners that all the departments are allowed to use the postage meter in her office as it is for the county.  She said it saves money on postage and every department has an account through the meter.  Vanessa said it would save on stamps and mailing packages.


Vanessa said the CD she had in Equity Bank was transferred to the Citizens State Bank because the interest is better with investment pool rates and it is only a one (1) month CD.


Pat made a motion to accept Aqua Shield’s bid in the amount of $1,800.00 to repair the roof at the Moscow Senior Center.  Joe seconded.  Motion accepted.


By motion, the Board adjourned.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk



Pat Hall, Vice Chairman