Commission Meeting Minutes 2/28/2022


FEBRUARY 28, 2022


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

9:00 – Shelby Martin

9:30 – Tony Martin



The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes were also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Joe seconded. Motion carried. Joe moved to approve the county vouchers. Pat seconded. Motion carried. The Deputy Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $             38,351.29
Judicial District  $                 393.69
Road & Bridge  $             43,146.53
Airport  $               2,038.14
Noxious Weed  $               3,268.69
EMS  $               5,353.62
Fire  $             17,927.55
Community Health  $             12,002.40
Sheriff  $             30,000.47
EMS Bequest  $               2,115.00
Emp P/R Misc W/H  $                   35.16
Building  $                 600.00
Fire Bequest  $           380,136.76
TOTAL:  $           535,369.30


Rodney Kelling came in and told the commissioners he will be picking up the new firetruck tanker on Thursday, which was donated to the Stevens County Fire Department by Seaboard.  He informed the commissioners the lights on the radio tower need replaced as it is an FAA requirement and there is a time limit in which it needs done. He said right now the incandescent bulbs cost around $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 per bulb to replace and only have a three (3) year warranty. He would like to check into getting LED instead which carry a five (5) year warranty.  He said the transition from incandescent to LED would cost around $10,000.00 but feels it would save money in the long run.  Paul told Rodney to get several quotes due to the cost of the bulb replacement.


The commissioners received a letter from one of the parties that are paying rent to the county on some county owned land stating they need to relinquish the property at this time.  Paul said to do open bids for the property on March 14, 2022, at 9:00 A.M. in the commissioner room.  He said it would give at least two (2) weeks to be published in the Hugoton Hermes.  The commissioners discussed the land and agreed it would be a five (5) year lease.  Gary Baughman had spoken with one of the commissioners and expressed his interest in setting up a sprinkler on the land he is leasing.


Pat said the Christian Brothers need to come into the next meeting to discuss what is going on at the land by the Pioneer Manor south of town.


Amy presented a policy to the commissioners for review concerning working from home.  After consideration, the commissioners declined the policy and do not agree working from home would be feasible.


Shelby Martin came in and discussed the budget issues she is having at the Wellness Center.  She said the budget she has is not enough funds to get through the year and wanted to know how to get it increased.  The commissioners explained to her about the Revenue Neutral Rates, levies and such and told her there is nothing that can be done at this time because the budget is set.  Joe told her she needs to come down to the budget workshop with the auditors and address her budget issue then before next year’s budget is set.  There was discussion about installing a washer and dryer at the Wellness Center for rag cleaning to help cut costs of having the rags outsourced to be cleaned. Also, Shelby would not have to take the rags home to clean. Shelby said she would have to see if there is room for appliances.


William “Bill” Patrick, Operations Manager of Seaboard, said there will be a ribbon cutting the last week of April and would like to have the donated firetruck out there at that time.  Tron told Bill the county greatly appreciates the new truck and is very thankful.


Tony Martin was present and told the commissioners there needs to continue to be funds in the Rodent Control expenditure account as it is needed in Stevens County for several reasons.


Tony informed the commissioners the bridge inspection was completed and where a pole was placed near the bridge in Stevens County, concrete will need to be poured around the pole and a trough needs to be in place.   He said this will pull water away from the bridge to keep it stable in the future.


Tony spoke about Invenergy needing conditional use permits.  He said they are planning to install a temporary tower to measure the wind speeds to determine the best place for wind energy equipment.  Tanner Yost with Kirkham Michael plans to attend the next meeting to discuss more information on the wind farms.


Discussion about delinquent mineral taxes and what to do about them.  The Treasurer’s Department states they turned in all tax information to the company which sends out the statements and are not sure if the company got all forms sent out or if the mail was somehow lost.  They have checked several residents with varying last names and show where their taxes were paid on time and have no idea what the issue is this year.  The commissioners tabled the discussion to determine if they should just excuse the delinquent fees or if they will do abatements once all fees are paid.




By motion, the Board adjourned.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman