Commission Meeting Minutes 10/7/2019

OCTOBER 7, 2019


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

9:00 – County Business

9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge

10:00 – Open Session


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present was Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes. Tron called the meeting to order.  Joe moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Pat seconded.  Motion carried.  Pat moved to approve the county vouchers.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $         119,995.44
Road & Bridge  $         119,363.58
Airport  $             3,323.10
Noxious Weed  $             7,160.12
EMS  $           10,988.72
Fire  $           11,475.16
Community Health  $           34,586.71
Sheriff  $           77,974.28
Employee P/R Misc W/H  $                195.42
Highway Improvement  $           26,594.55
Diversion  $                  27.50
Wellness Center Bequest  $             8,756.60
Fire Bequest  $             1,349.77
ROD Tech Fund  $             3,000.00
County Building  $           43,431.65
 $         468,222.60

Susan Schulte stopped in before the meeting got under way and wanted to discuss the GIS data between the county and the City of Hugoton.  She stated the city would like the GIS department to send parcel data to iWorQ, a company doing a map service for the City Inspector, on a quarterly basis.  Susan told commissioners the cost for the area the city needs would cost $560.00 every time the quarterly parcel update is done.  Susan presented copies of the required one (1) year agreement and non-disclosure agreement for the City of Hugoton and iWorQ.  She then asked if the commissioners would consider giving the city a discount after the initial $560.00.  Discussion with the commissioners on the best way to handle this with the city was visited.

Pat made a motion to have the City of Hugoton pay $560.00 for the first (1st) parcel data then $280.00 each quarter for parcel date thereafter for the same parcel areas.  Two (2) votes for and one (1) vote against.  Motion carries.

Tron inquired into regulations on chemicals that farmers can use.  The commissioners have no authorization over chemicals used and no way of controlling the chemical usage.

Rodney Kelling came in and informed the commissioners he is transferring an ICP trailer to another county later today and that trailer can come off the insurance plan.

The commissioners asked Rodney if there have been several fires out at the cotton gin and what is being done to help control the situation.  Rodney said the Fire Department gets called if the fire or situation gets out of control or is too large for the cotton gin to control and mainly to help protect the neighboring crops.  He said the cotton gin has water tanks but they are not large enough to actually put out fires.  Pat asked if the fire department gets paid for these fires and Rodney said he was sending bills to the cotton gins insurance company but wasn’t even receiving ten percent (10%) of the total bill.

Amy Jo Tharp informed the commissioners about the courthouse extensions and cameras reaching the Sheriff Department. Pioneer Communications told her it was due to upgrading to fiber and there would be a new cost to run a line from the Sheriff’s Department to the courthouse for a phone loop which would also incur a monthly fee.  She informed the commissioners placing antenna’s on top of the sheriff and courthouse buildings and could be conducted wirelessly for one set up fee as opposed to monthly service fees.  The commissioners instructed Amy Tharp to have TJ come in and give them a briefing on the situation and what he feels would work.

Tony Martin came in and told the commissioners all the Road and Bridge employees have completed forklift training and have been re-certified for insurance purposes.  He also stated there is a scheduled flu vaccine date on October 16th at the Road and Bridge Department for employees.

Tony said he has a 2009 road grader he would like to use as a trade-in for a newer grader.  He gave the commissioners a spec sheet to look over and approve to send out and receive sealed bids for a new grader.  The commissioners agreed to have bid openings on a new grader at the November 4th commissioner meeting at 10:00 AM.

Tron asked Pat and Joe if the county would be willing to give up some ground around KDI to allow some citizens to put in a water facility. That way trucks won’t have to drive through town to get water by the Extension office.  He said it’s a hinderance to have trucks navigate through town at times.  Paul said it would depend if the building of the water facility meets the covenants.  Pat suggested the mixing plant.  Tony spoke up and said the industrial park area or even the old mix strip would be best if there is decent water.  Commissioners tabled the idea until it can be looked into further.

Amy Jo Tharp asked the commissioners if Marilyn Harris needs to report to Ross Sullivan or to her office.  The commissioners decided Marilyn would be under Ross and he will oversee her.

Vanessa Willis told the commissioners a new MICR printer was purchased to print checks and said it has taken a week to get it up and running.  She feels as if Gilmore Solutions is not getting things done in a timely manner when it comes to IT.  She said she is waiting on information to do the tax sale through the company in Wichita. Paul said he is waiting to hear back about the contract for the work to be done by this company.

Susan Schulte came in to discuss with the commissioners about comp time she will be accruing soon and wanted to make sure it fell within the policies guidelines.  The commissioners agreed the comp time she is referring to would be approved and falls within the policy.

Tron said the Holstein Processing Plant is holding a meeting on October 9th to discuss a possible site for a new processing plant.  Tron wanted to gather information from the commissioners on their thought about trying to get that to be built in Stevens County.  The concerns were if Stevens County would benefit from that or if it would be better having a neighboring county do a processing plant.

TJ Steers and Ted Heaton came in to tell the commissioners about the cameras and phone systems.  TJ is agreeing the costs from Pioneer Communications and the monthly fees would not be very practical as opposed to paying a one-time fee for towers and installation.  He said he would like to see what costs Gilmore has for towers and new camera systems.  Amy Tharp said she would get in touch with Gilmore and try to get some figures for new cameras and towers.

Angela Eichman came in and requested an executive meeting for ten (10) minutes over personnel sick time.  Pat made a motion to go into executive session for ten (10) minutes over non-elected personnel.  Joe seconded, motion made.  Executive session began at 10:05 AM and commenced at 10:14 AM.  No motion made.

Pat asked Angela if the appraised value of the land west of Carter’s Grocery Store is $12,000.00 for six (6) acres.  He said an individual paid more than that appraised amount and wanted to know what the true appraisal was.  Angela said she will look into it.  She said the appraisers are working on the Ag land and told the commissioners they will probably get phone calls around tax season.


By motion, the Board adjourned.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk



________________________________                                                                                                  Tron Stegman, Chairman