OCTOBER 21, 2019
Agenda: 8:30 – Bills
8:45 – Karen w/ HUB – 2020 BCBS Renewal
9:00 – Paula Rowden – Personnel
9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge
10:00 – Open Session
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all Tron Stegman and Joe Thompson present. Also present was Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk. Tron called the meeting to order. Joe moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Tron seconded. Motion carried. Joe moved to approve the county vouchers. Tron seconded. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General | $ 88,059.55 |
Road & Bridge | $ 45,768.75 |
Airport | $ 9,347.57 |
Noxious Weed | $ 3,556.04 |
EMS | $ 4,672.00 |
Fire | $ 2,773.16 |
Community Health | $ 24,994.57 |
Sheriff | $ 33,309.27 |
Employee P/R Misc W/H | $ 47.96 |
Fair Association | $ 535.32 |
Services for the Elderly | $ 5,548.23 |
Extension Council | $ 1,110.34 |
Library | $ 75,060.00 |
Alcohol Treatment | $ 250.00 |
County Building | $ 2,509.64 |
911 Wireless | $ 108.62 |
$ 297,651.02 |
Ross Sullivan checked in with the commissioners. He was instructed to contact Casey Settlemeyer and get an estimated cost of trimming up the locust tree up front. Joe told Ross if the estimate is reasonable to have Casey get the tree trimmed. Joe informed Ross that his position is to oversee Marilyn in the kitchen and she is to check in with him if she will be gone and needs anything done in her absence.
Tron said he received a call from Shannon Crawford and Jo Lynn Harrison about their interest in the hospital board. Kirk Heger’s term will be done in January,2020, and discussion of a replacement was tabled for a later date. Amy Jo Tharp informed the commissioners she received a phone call from Tommy Romero stating he was not interested in being on the hospital board at this time.
Rodney Kelling came in and told the commissioners he has a meeting at the Moscow Superintendent’s office at 9:30 to discuss the ambulance at Moscow school games.
Rodney told the commissioners they will need to appoint someone to be on the Southwest Kansas Regional Planning Council for the next two (2) years.
Joe Thompson made a motion to re-appoint Rodney Kelling as the Southwest Kansas Regional Planning Council for the years 2020 through 2022. Tron seconded, motion carried.
Karen with HUB was on conference call to discuss the renewal of the county going with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas. She stated the insurance was increased at four percent (4%) due to the Affordable Care Act. A portion of that was not in effect for 2019. She did say with the decrease in dental it would complement the overall cost.
Karen said at this time, she does not feel it is in the county’s best interest to change to United Healthcare or Etna as they are not competitive with the current rates Blue Cross has.
Joe asked if the costs would be reduced if more people were on the insurance plan. Karen said it is possible but not likely.
Joe made a motion to authorize the renewal for Blue Cross and Blue Sheild of Kansas to be the Stevens County insurance policy. Tron seconded, motion carried.
Paula Rowden informed the commissioners Trista Nordyke tended her resignation to begin November 15, 2019. She is moving out of the county. Paula would like to wait six (6) months to make a decision on a replacement. She said she plans on retiring in three (3) years and would like a good candidate to take over as director and have enough time to train the prospective person. Cammie Heaton would like to stay focused on the schools and work at them two (2) days a week. The rest of the time, she would work at the department until Trista’s position has been taken care of. Paula would then revisit Cammie’s position as far as the schools go.
Paula told the commissioners she is looking at hiring a part-time clerical person to help her front desk staff. She said in three to four (3-4) months she will put out a recruitment for a position whether it be coordinator or Cammie’s position, whichever position Cammie isn’t interested in. Joe expressed his concerns with Moscow schools not having a nurse.
Tony Martin came in and said several calls have come in about the lines on Evans Road. He said the painters should be able to get to it by the first (1st) of November. Tony told the commissioners the county usually has forty (40) miles done but this year it will only be twenty-seven (27) miles. The Federal Statute states if a road is fifty-five (55) miles per hour or less, no lines need to be painted unless they were previously painted.
Tony informed the commissioners he has sent out spec sheets for a grader and will be ready to open bids at 10:00 AM on Monday, November 4, 2019, at the next commissioner meeting.
Tony discussed ComplianceOne and said Rodney brought him some paperwork stating the company they go through for drug testing is merging with another company and the prices are raising. He told Amy Jo Tharp he will call KCAMP and see if they have any suggestions on the drug testing and which company other counties are using.
Curtis Crawford with Alert Alarm came in and presented the commissioners with information on camera upgrades for the courthouse and costs along with communications between the courthouse and Sheriff’s office.
Joe said what works for the Sheriff’s and what they approve will be sufficient. He said it needs to get taken care of for the safety of the employees.
Joe made a motion to pay $500.00 to Alert Alarm for investigating what type of phone system and its operation would be best for the communications between the departments. Tron seconded. Motion carried.
Ted Heaton came in and Joe told him to let the commissioners know what will work best for the setup they need as far as cameras and emergency buttons in the courthouse.
Amy Jo Tharp presented the commissioners the cost of a new laptop for the Wellness Center. Tron asked if she could call Gilmore Solutions and find out if a laptop is required or if a regular desktop would be best suited for that entity.
Amy Jo Tharp discussed elections with the commissioners. She informed them the election audits will be held every election and has to be conducted prior to canvass. The audit is currently set to be November 8, 2019 at 2:00 PM in the commissioner’s meeting room. She also told the commissioners the State has approved her precinct consolidation and will hopefully, have everything in place before the 2020 Primary Election. She asked if the canvass could be moved. As per law, it has to be held within 13 days of election.
Joe made a motion to move the canvass date from November 11th, 2019, to November 18th, 2019, at 8:30 AM. The regular commissioner meeting will immediately follow the canvass. Tron seconded. Motion carried.
By motion, the Board adjourned.
Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk
Tron Stegman, Chairman