Commission Meeting Minutes 07/11/2022


JULY 11, 2022


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

9:00 – Soil Conservation – Luke Grubbs

9:30 – Tony Martin

9:45 – GIS – Susan Schulte – Equipment

10:15 – Treasurer – Jayme Rich – Computers



The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk were also present. Tron called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting were tabled until August 8, 2022. Joe seconded. Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:


General  $             81,251.29
Judicial District  $                 390.06
Road & Bridge  $             93,168.68
ARPA  $                 441.31
Airport  $               5,883.49
Alcohol Treatment  $                 212.50
County Building  $               2,290.00
Noxious Weed  $               3,049.36
EMS  $               9,884.96
Fire  $             16,588.80
Community Health  $             19,831.54
Sheriff  $             38,580.49
ROD Tech  $               9,892.00
Emp Misc W/H  $                 144.40
TOTAL:  $           281,608.88



Pat said he would like to have the Noxious Weed department spraying the weeds at the airport as they are getting out of control.  Commissioners discussed the trouble with bind weed stating it is getting out of control within the county due to the weather.


Discussion of putting in a service road south of 11th Street on County Road M.  It was stated there was a driveway put in which needs to be discussed with Tony on what will work best.


Rodney came in and told the commissioners the cost of the chassis on the new fire truck was increased by $5,623.00 due to the current economy.  He stated Weiss is willing to cover half of the cost if the county will cover the other half.  The commissioners questioned if it was possible to charge more on something which was bid on.  Joe said to stick with the bid amount and not go over.  Pat disagreed with Joe’s comment as the commissioners previously agreed to accept the increase on the road and bridge oil distributor.  Further discussion ensued and Tron told Rodney the county will not pay the extra amount unless Weiss threatens to cancel.


The Hugoton Wrestling Club is asking for donations to help with costs.  Pat said it is not right using taxpayer money for donations.


Camera system in buildings – Tron said get prices (ARLO, TJ, INA Alert).


Tony came in and Joe said there is an issue on Road V and Road 18.  He stated a truck ran the stop sign and didn’t even slow down.  Tony said the problem is people not paying attention nor wanting to take the time to stop.


Tony said he had the airport hangers and fuel tanks sprayed to kill vegetation and sprayed some Johnson Grass around the airport.


Tron asked Tony about the service road.  Tony said the driveways were supposed to be temporary until the county could get the access road built.  However, he noticed the driveway put in is asphalt and does not appear to be temporary.  Tron and Tony said they will meet with the owner and go over the agreement for the houses being built along the road.


July 19th thru the 20th, Jace, Jeff and Tony will be at meetings for the Landfill.


Pat said the Musk Thistle is starting to come in more rampant.  Tony said they are controlling it as best as they can, the farmers have been helping which is much appreciated.  When the Musk and Russian Thistles bloom, they need to be cut down and burned.


Tony said the road and bridge department is working on getting caught up.  There have been issues with employees being out due to illness and injuries.  The weather with the heat and winds have also caused many issues.  There is currently an area on 2nd Street between Road 13 and 14 which was about to blow shut but after adding manure to the road it has helped.  Road F from Road 12 thru Road 14 has already blown shut.  Tony is hoping to get caught up on the roads soon.


Amy Jo was instructed to retrieve the minutes for the access road by Flatlanders.


Susan Schulte came in and told the commissioners she will be needing new office equipment as her scanner does not work with Windows 10 and most of her equipment is outdated by at least ten (10) years.  She is looking to purchase a Canon Scanner which does thirty-six (36) inch color/monochrome scans for $5,300.00 and a Sharp copier for $7,299.00.  The total cost for the copier and scanner would be $12,599.00.  She said the Register of Deeds offered to pay half of the total expenses which is $6299.50, out of the Register of Deeds Technical Fund.


Joe made a motion to bypass the bidding process and accept the quotes from Salina Blue for the Canon Scanner ($5,300.00) and Southern Office Supply’s Sharp copier ($7,299.00) for the GIS department totaling $12,599.00.  Pat seconded, motion carried.


Joe stated there was an issue with the last meetings minutes and asked why they were in the Hugoton Hermes.  Amy Jo stated a representative from the Hugoton Hermes was unable to attend and she had typed up the minutes which were proofed in her office and then sent to the Hermes so they could use what they needed with the acknowledgement they were unapproved.  He asked Amy Jo if she had any explanation as to what all the issues with the Wellness Center were about.  Amy Jo stated they were her minutes and she wrote them.  The commissioners asked Amy Jo to review the minutes and reword them because they appear to be worded incorrectly and harsher then the meeting actually was.  Paul said Shelby planned on coming into the commissioner meeting and didn’t understand why the minutes stated she was “requested to attend by the commissioners.”  Amy Jo stated she e-mailed the commissioners some issues with policies in which Shelby needed to be informed of and asked if they wanted Shelby to attend the meeting or not.  She stated Paul told her to have Shelby attend the meeting in which she then e-mailed Shelby about the policies in question and asked her to attend the meeting.  The commissioners tabled June 27th meeting minutes until the next commissioner meeting.


Joe made a motion that unapproved minutes will no longer be in the newspaper or published anywhere until the minutes are approved.  Pat seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion, the Board adjourned.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman