Commission Meeting Minutes 05/09/2022


MAY 9, 2022


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

9:00 – Planning/Zoning Hearing – Invenergy

9:15 – Tony Martin

9:30 – Bob Harr – Wilson Engineers – (did not appear)

9:45 – Thea – ROD Copier


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk were also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Joe moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Pat seconded.  Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $             88,472.85
Road & Bridge  $           178,630.80
Airport  $               3,427.83
Noxious Weed  $             15,331.87
EMS  $               6,222.55
Fire  $               6,448.30
County Building  $               1,391.60
Community Health  $             18,148.48
Judicial District  $               1,044.54
Alcohol Treatment  $                 212.50
Sheriff  $             41,412.20
Emp P/R Misc W/H  $                   35.16
Insurance Agency – Damages  $             13,851.00
ARPA – COVID  $                   84.75
TOTAL:  $           374,714.43



Discussion over the Wellness Center brought up issues with the purchasing policy the county has adopted.  The commissioners stated it does not matter if a county entity receives grants or donations, the supervisor still needs to come before the commissioners for approval on their purchases and discuss the grants and donations they are receiving and what they are for.  The commissioners stated they are still waiting for a contract for the Yoga instructor at the Wellness Center and stated the classes shall be placed on hold until the County Clerk receives a contract.


General discussion over the Pioneer Addition lots.


Rodney Kelling checked in and stated he had nothing to report.  Amy Jo asked the commissioners to change the policy regarding the Emergency Management supervisor position to be forty (40) hours per week not eight (8) hour days.


Joe made a motion to change the policy for the Emergency Management supervisor to work forty (40) hours per week and to redact the eight (8) hours per day.  Pat seconded.  Motion carried.


Amy Jo said the Stevens County Library sent a letter requesting Tom Smith to be reappointed to the board for his second, four (4) year term.


Pat made a motion to accept the library’s request to accept Tom Smith’s reappointment on the Stevens County Library Board for a second term concluding in four (4) years.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.


Luke Hagedorm, Bud Jordan, Mitch Lucas, Paul Henderson, William Davidson, and Tony Martin were in attendance for the Planning and Zoning hearing over the Invenergy MET towers.  Bill Patrick with Seaboard also came into the commissioner meeting.


The commissioners asked Invenergy how long the MET towers will be in place and how long it would take to put them in place and be built.  Mitch Lucas said the MET towers can either be left up or taken down.  Luke Hagedorm said depending on what the county requires; it will be placed in the project agreement.


The Planning and Zoning, MET Tower hearing began.  Tony said the Zoning Board held their public hearing and they approved the conditional use permit.  He stated it is now up to the commissioners to determine if they will approve, deny, or request changes be made.


The commissioners discussed with Tony about the wording on the permit allowing seven (7) years plus one (1) year additional if project has been ceased in order to clean up the towers.  They asked if the wording can just state eight (8) years.


Pat made a motion to accept the conditional use permit as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board with the exception of seven (7) plus one (1) year be changed to eight (8) years.  Motion died and Pat rescinded the motion.


Pat made a motion to accept the conditional use permit as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board as Resolution 22-06 with the exception of seven (7) plus one (1) year be changed to eight (8) years.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.


Neal Gillespie was in attendance.


Tony Martin handed the commissioners information he received from KDOT over the traffic accidents in the area.  The State of Kansas said they had received several phone calls from residents in Stevens County wanting something done with the dangerous intersections.  KDOT stated they did some studies on intersections and will gather more information on the intersections but are considering placing larger “Stop” signs on each side of the roadway.  They stated the accidents discussed were during daylight hours and feel no need to add lights to the signs at this time.


Jim Ghumm and Colton Ghumm were present.


Tony said he received a call from the company he purchased the new oil distributor from.  Tony stated he was supposed to have the equipment no later than June 1 and now he is told it will be the end of June or later and the price will possibly change.  Tony asked if he received a bid and the commissioners agreed to the bid, if the company has any standing for raising the rate.  Paul said it would depend on what was stated in the bid.


Bill Patrick with Seaboard said he had heard concerning news about the plant and wanted to come in personally and discuss the situation.  He stated the Seaboard plant has sensor monitors for temperatures on the RDU making diesel fuel.  He stated the sensors were not set correctly so they kept tripping alarms and in doing so will automatically contact the fire department.  He stated they are getting the correct settings for the monitors and the issue should be cleared up.  There were no accidents or injuries during any of the calls.


Thea Schnittker with the Register of Deeds office came in and explained to the commissioners her copier machine is at least eight (8) years old and would like to purchase a new one.  She stated they have been making several copies for many customers.  She stated they received an inquiry about a company donating for a new copier.  Thea said she was unsure about receiving donations from someone for a copier but did state they will still be required to pay for their copies regardless.


Thea discussed her budget stating it has been diminished so much within the last few years making it very difficult to purchase office equipment when needed, including all of the paper the office goes through.  She also stated the EMS department would like to have the copier she plans to replace and keep the maintenance agreement.  The commissioners agreed and will discuss her budget at a later time.


Pat made a motion to waive the bidding process for the Register of Deeds color copier and accept the quote from Southern Office Supply, Inc. for a Sharp 45 color copier in the amount of $10,200.00 which would include a service agreement.  Also allowing a donation from Invenergy to purchase said copier.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.


Jim Ghumm mentioned the lots and blocks at the Pioneer Addition.  The commissioners and Jim discussed the lots and came to an agreement for Jim to acquire Lots 1, 2, 3 and 6 on Block 17 with six (6) years to complete housing.  Jim said he will be in touch with Paul Kitzke regarding the wording concerning those lots for the public notice to be published in the Hugoton Hermes.


Sheriff Ted Heaton and Duane Topliss were in and stated they had nothing to report.

Ross Sullivan came in and told the commissioners he is planning to replace the mulch with rock around the memorial at the southwest corner of the courthouse.  He said the wind has been relentless the last month or so and most of the mulch has blown away.  The commissioners agreed to have rock around the memorial.


Pat said he had spoken with Trane and Paula Rowden.  The Community Health Department has a chiller that is roughly twenty-five (25) years old and needs either repaired or replaced.  The cost of repair is approximately $20,000.00 and replacement is around $100,000.00.  The discussion has been tabled until later.




By motion, the Board adjourned.

Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman