Commission Meeting Minutes 04/25/2022


APRIL 25, 2022


Agenda:          8:30 – Linda Stalcup – Medicare Letter

8:45 – Stacey Strickland – Library

9:00 – Tony Martin & Roger Willis – Roger’s Retirement

9:15 – Mark Hinde – SDSI

9:30 – Charissa Bradford – City on a Hill

9:45 – Rebecca Clancy & Stephanie Wills – RCDC

10:00 – Bills


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes were also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $             48,070.78
Road & Bridge  $           103,084.80
Airport  $             14,711.59
Noxious Weed  $               3,671.95
EMS  $               5,239.57
Fire  $               2,439.48
County Building  $                 125.00
Community Health  $             23,574.99
Judicial District  $               1,997.23
Alcohol Treatment  $                        –
Sheriff  $             82,733.76
Emp P/R Misc W/H  $                   35.16
ARPA – COVID  $                 300.00
TOTAL:  $           285,984.31



Rodney came in and said everything is good.  He will not implement a burn ban at this time because when the wind dies down it is a suitable time to burn.  Amy Jo asked what budget the firetruck plaques should come out of and the commissioners agreed out of the General fund instead of the Fire fund.


Linda Stalcup came in with a letter for the commissioners to sign.  She said every five (5) years a letter must be submitted to allow them to receive Medicare at the care home and hospital.  She said without the letter it will terminate Medicare allowance.  Commissioners agreed to sign the letter.


Stacey Strickland with the Stevens County Library presented the commissioners with the budget request with the understanding the library is held at 2.5 mils.  She stated she is utilizing grants to help do different programs and has been receiving donations as well.  At this time, they are building up to the $15.00 per hour minimum wage which will be in effect in 2023 or 2024.  She asked about the libraries EBL CD and where it can be used or spent. The commissioners suggest she ask the auditors.  Stacey said they have had a lot of success with the Cloud Library app so others can log in and listen to audio books.  The library will also be having a book sale next month.


Tony Martin came in and presented Roger Willis with a retirement gift.  Roger has worked for the county for twenty (20) years.


Tony presented the budgets for Road and Bridge, Noxious Weed, Solid Waste, Rodent Control and Stevens County Fair.  He stated there will be changes due to the costs of chemicals going up and by law, the county is required to do cost shares for chemicals.  Tony asked if the Rodent Control budget could be combined with Noxious Weed. Amy Jo said she will check into that.


Tony asked the commissioners about getting a refurbished Caterpillar instead of a new one because the costs differ greatly.


Mark Hinde with SDSI came in and stated they serve 1,042 people in the Southwest area and stated they receive funding from the state as well as counties.  He presented the commissioners with a packet of information concerning SDSI for budgetary purposes.  Mark stated they are looking for a board representative from Stevens County who would be willing to meet quarterly. They will get mileage reimbursement and meals paid for those meetings.


Charissa Bradford with City on a Hill came in and stated at this time they have nine (9) patients who will start detox in Liberal. In the next three to five (3-5) days, they will be transferred to a rehab facility.  She stated the facility has moved from Dighton which had eight (8) beds to Marienthal which has twenty (20) beds. The clients will have twenty-eight (28) days to get help through rehab and help them move forward.


Rebecca Clancy, Stephanie Wills and Nancy Honig, representing RCDC, came in and told the commissioners there are nine (9) childhood programs for early intervention.  Rebecca stated there is a satellite office in Elkhart and Liberal as the RCDC group has grown and had to branch out.  They are requesting $22,500.00 based off population.  Rebecca said one of the new programs is Finding the Light. This program is to help with post-partum depression, struggling with infants and perinatal mental health.  Nancy said this program is very important for Southwest Kansas and would appreciate the counties continued support.


Jim Ghumm and Colton Ghumm came in to discuss the Pioneer Manor lots and if anything with the Christian Brothers have progressed since the last meeting.  Discussion about the lots was had.


Pat made a motion to dissolve the oral agreement between the Christian Brothers Construction and Zac Carlton.  Joe seconded. Motion carried.


The commissioners were in understanding Jim and Colton would like to have Block 17, Lots 4 and 5 of the Pioneer Manor addition.  The commissioners stated the restrictions they are putting in place is to have a building started within a year of the sale of the lots and house completed in one (1) year.  They stated if something comes up, the purchasers may request an extension with the commissioners.


Sheriff Ted Heaton came in stating nothing new.  Pat asked about the medical bill received that was more than $10,000.00.  Ted said Medicare did pay and the amount seen is what the county is responsible for on the inmate.


Discussion about putting the one percent (1%) sales tax question on the ballot was raised and was tabled until later.



By motion, the Board adjourned.

Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman