MARCH 10, 2025
Agenda: 8:30 – Bills
8:45 – Cammie Heaton – Grants
9:00 – Decontamination Trailer Bids
9:15 –
9:30 – Tony Martin
10:00 –
10:15 – Encumbrance Letter Review
10:30 –
The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in a regular session with all members present. County Clerk Amy Jo Tharp was also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Joe moved to approve minutes from the last meeting. Shannon seconded. Motion carried. Joe moved to approve the county vouchers. Shannon seconded. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General | $ 130,188.23 |
Judicial District | $ 720.73 |
Road & Bridge | $ 120,493.83 |
Airport | $ 9,066.41 |
Co Building | $ 1,448.80 |
911 Wireless | $ – |
Noxious Weed | $ 7,734.82 |
EMS | $ 27,535.88 |
Fire | $ 18,812.23 |
Community Health | $ 24,430.59 |
Airport Grants | $ – |
Sheriff | $ 90,937.50 |
TOTAL: | $ 431,369.02 |
Amy asked the commissioners if the wellness center equipment purchase is approved to be paid today. The commissioners agreed to hold off on payment until Jordan receives signed invoices. Amy relayed to the commissioners that the renter who previously inquired about renting the additional 2.4 acres near the landfill said he was told by Tony Martin he could rent 0.4 additional acres. He asked about the cost so he could pay that. The commissioners agreed to allow the individual to lease the extra 0.4 acres of land at no extra charge.
Cammie Heaton shared with the commissioners the WIC audit concluded on Wednesday and went well. She stated there were one hundred forty-five (145) active families and now there are one hundred sixty-two (162) for Stevens and Morton Counties. Cammie and Brittney went to the school in Rolla and screened forty (40) kids bringing in $1,200.00. Cammie is in the process of writing a plan for PHEP for approval. In the lab, the Trane chiller is working correctly, but the boiler will not put out heat in that room. Cammie said since the weather is changing it should be fine for now and is using a space heater in the lab room. The Helmer vaccine fridge is relatively new and is having issues. The vaccines have been moved from the Helmer fridge to a mini freezer to maintain the correct temperatures. Cammie stated grant requests are due next week, including the state PHEP worth $26,543.00, and the regional PHEP worth $32,130.00. Cammie asked the commissioners what their thought was regarding family planning because there is a grant for that, and Lisa Steers would be willing to help with the women’s health exams. This plan will help women with birth control and people with STD and hepatitis medications, and is a stable, long-term fund. The commissioners approve of Cammie moving forward on the women’s health program/family planning.
Amy told the commissioners she received a text from Jordan stating the wellness equipment invoices from November have been signed and turned in via e-mail. She asked how they would like to proceed since the current check process is already completed. The commissioners agreed to write the check for those invoices tomorrow and use Tron’s signature stamp to sign the check.
Tyron Hudgins was present.
Rodney Kelling came in and informed the commissioners he had received no bids for the decontamination trailer and Amy stated the same. No other person appeared for the decontamination trailer bids.
Joe made a motion stating since no bids have been received by the county clerk or emergency management for the decontamination trailer, it shall be traded to Seaboard Energy for a smaller trailer of similar value with the condition the county has access to the decontamination trailer if ever needed. Shannon seconded; motion carried.
Tyron confirmed the decontamination trailer will be available if ever needed by the county.
Tony Martin presented the commissioners with a crossing permit, the noxious weed report for acres sprayed and cost share/equipment use papers for signatures.
Shannon made a motion to approve the noxious weed department reports. Joe seconded; motion carried.
Tony told the commissioners Jessie Eckert received second (2nd) place at the noxious weed conference for weed identification. There are some issues with a few of the graders. Richard Clinesmith is working on them this morning. Fortunately, one of the graders is still under warranty. Tony said Tony Melini needs to find out if the bid for the landfill pit needs to be revised for the pipe protection casing (bridge) or the bid skipped with the understanding the cost will be higher due to the pipeline issue. The cost for this work is estimated to be roughly $100,000.00 – $120,000.00 for two bridges to protect the pipeline.
Shannon made a motion to bypass the bidding process for the pipeline protection casing (bridge). Joe seconded; motion carried.
Tyron asked the commissioners if the speed limit in front of the Seaboard Energy plant can be reduced from sixty-five (65) miles per hour to fifty (50) miles per hour. Tony Martin commented he did not see a problem with reducing speed in that area.
Shannon made a motion to reduce the speed limit to fifty (50) miles per hour on County Road P, between Road 10 and Road 11. Joe seconded; motion carried.
Joe asked Tony if gravel could be placed on the east side of the wellness center. Tony replied that the only issue he is aware of is the perforated lateral lines that run along the west side, but he will look again and see what can be done.
Joe asked if the county’s time clock system is adequate, especially since Tony has so many employees. Tony said it works fine for now. He explained that his employees have a bar code they scan when they are in and out and the system is automatically set up to accommodate their lunch break since they are usually not in town. Joe asked Rodney how it was working for the EMS and Fire crew. Rodney stated they do not use the time clock system. Fire and EMS times are recorded by dispatch from the time they call in to the time the service is completed, and they are back at the station. The sheriff’s office runs the same way through dispatch.
Sheriff Ted Heaton and TJ Steers were in attendance.
Rodney commented that the tornado sirens for Hugoton worked but Moscow’s did not, and he is checking on what the issue might be. Flora Foods asked Rodney about a siren on the east side of Hugoton in the industrial addition. This issue was previously discussed to determine if the City of Hugoton or the county is responsible for the cost of adding sirens on the west and east industrial additions. Rodney spoke with Paul Nordyke and Paul will speak with the city council since they have always maintained electricity for the sirens but is not sure who would be in charge with the current situation. The commissioners feel the city should take care of the east industrial since it is now PART of the city, and the county should cover the west industrial. Rodney will check on costs.
Ted said the new fingerprint machine will hopefully arrive soon and the cost was about $23,000.00. This machine is approved by the KBI and will automatically send fingerprints directly to the FBI and KBI for matches and to be placed in those databases. Joe asked how the school resource deputy plan functions since no one is tasked to be at the schools full-time. Ted stated it is not like it used to be but is working. The day shift sheriff deputy checks in with the school principals to see if there are any needs or concerns.
The commissioners reviewed the encumbrance letters they received:
EMS requested a roll-over of $92,674.00 from remaining funds from 2024 into the equipment fund.
Fire requested a roll-over of $153,000.00 from remaining funds from 2024 into the equipment fund.
GIS requested $103.10 to pay a bill received in 2025 from 2023 due to an error in billing with Southern Office Supply.
County Clerk requested a roll-over of $3,112.00 into the clerk tech fund and if that is not allowed, to go back into the general fund.
Election requested a roll-over of $6,366.82 into the election equipment fund.
Road and Bridge requested a roll-over of monies left over from 2024 into the road machinery fund.
Noxious Weed requested a roll-over of $55,000.00 to be transferred into the noxious weed equipment fund.
Joe made a motion to approve the requests from EMS, fire, GIS, county clerk, election, road and bridge, and noxious weed. Shannon seconded; motion carried.
Abatement Orders for taxes 2020 number137-138, 2021 number165-166, 2022 number287-288, 2023 number117-118 were reviewed and approved by commissioners and given to the County Treasurer; total valuation removed 3,600 with a relief assessment of $544.99.
Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk
Tron Stegman, Chairman