FEBRUARY 14, 2022
Agenda: 8:30 – Bills
9:00 – Nicole Kinser – Sr. Center
9:30 – Tony Martin
10:00 – Tyler Trujillo – Land
The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Rich, Deputy County Clerk were also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Joe seconded. Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The Deputy Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General | $ 74,762.61 |
Judicial District | $ 126.32 |
Road & Bridge | $ 77,753.65 |
Airport | $ 3,130.79 |
Noxious Weed | $ 3,664.18 |
EMS | $ 8,984.31 |
Fire | $ 4,966.62 |
Community Health | $ 18,079.21 |
Sheriff | $ 38,903.40 |
Special Law Enforcement | $ 2,699.97 |
Emp P/R Misc W/H | $ 52.74 |
Building | $ 5,617.00 |
Alcohol Treatment | $ 212.50 |
TOTAL: | $ 238,953.30 |
Pat questioned the Nex-Tech bill, asking if that was the amount every month, because he thought it seemed high. Amy called Donna and Donna confirmed that is the payment each month.
Rodney Kelling brought in photos of the new fire truck Seaboard purchased for the county.
He presented his encumbrance letter for a command truck. He said his is 10 years old and has 80,000 miles so he would like to trade it for a newer truck.
Joe mentioned to Rodney the new rules on obtaining a CDL. Rodney said EMT’s and firefighters do not need a CDL. Some have them, but they are not required. He said the state does not require drug testing, even though he feels it is in the best interest of the county if they do drug testing for anyone driving ambulances and fire trucks.
Amy shared with the commissioners that Amy Jo asked her to relay to them Hal and Brenda Schechter had been sent two land rent notices and they still have not paid. The commissioners skimmed over the contract to verify there is no subletting allowed, then after further discussion, it was decided Paul would send a letter requesting this year’s payment and next year’s payment in advance. If payment is not received by the date Paul requests, they will need to vacate the land and the county will seek a new tenant.
Nicole Kinser and Karen Rich were on the agenda to discuss the purchase of a commercial garbage disposal needed in the senior center kitchen. Two estimates had been mailed to the county clerk’s office. Amy presented the estimates to the commissioners and Karen shared with them what the amounts were for each. Joe went over the bid procedure with Nicole and Karen in case a needed item exceeds $5,000. He stated a written policy is being drawn up, so all department heads have a clear understanding of when a bid is required and the complete process that needs to be followed. The garbage disposal was under $3,000 so the commissioners approved the purchase without having to request bids. They went with Lin Goode’s estimate of $2,900, which was the lower of the two estimates.
Pat made a motion to approve the purchase of the garbage disposal for the senior center. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Next in was Tony Martin. He presented the commissioners encumbrance letters and requests for transfers between his departments.
He relayed to the commissioners an update on the new estimate for oil distributor.
Tony gave the commissioners copies of the conditional use permit for Invenergy’s two MET towers. They will need to be 1,000 feet from property lines. There are eight (8) property owners who will need to be notified about the towers. Tony requested an appointment with Paul to have the public notice drawn up that needs to be put in the newspaper. He stated a meeting with the planning and zoning board would be the next step and time and location would be put in the paper as well.
Tony reported on an inspection that was done at the landfill. He said there was some information provided to them, but no issues or concerns were relayed.
Ted Heaton popped in to give the commissioners Tatro’s cost for a plumbing job at the sheriff office.
Pat moved to approve the plumbing job for the sheriff department. Tron seconded. Motion carried.
Tyler Trujillo requested to meet with the commissioners regarding purchasing property by the Pioneer Manor. When Tyler arrived, Tony and the commissioners had the map out and were talking about the different plats and how they are divided. Lots of discussion took place about how many acres Tyler was interested in, and which locations he prefers. He said he would like five (5) acres. The commissioners said they paid $5,000 per acre and would like to get that same amount. Tyler said he would have to think about it and get back to them later.
Pat made a motion to accept Resolution 22-04 for the January 14, 2022, fire – State of Local Disaster for Stevens County. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Tron showed Pat and Joe a letter Paula Rowden submitted for approval regarding additional bonuses through the covid hazard salary support grant. She would like a combined total of $17,000 in bonuses to her and her employees in 2022. The letter lists the individual amount for her, and each employee Paula wishes to provide a bonus to. Pat had a resounding, “no” on the approval of additional bonuses, reiterating his thoughts from the prior meeting, that he does not agree with paying bonuses out of these funds. Joe and Tron had a brief discussion and agreed on allowing half the requested amount.
Tron will communicate this decision to Paula.
Abatement Orders for year 2019 taxes numbered 266 and year 2021 numbered 46-47 were reviewed and approved by commissioners and given to the County Treasurer; total valuation removed -15,911 with a relief assessment of -$2,482.91.
By motion, the Board adjourned.
Attest: Amy Rich, Deputy County Clerk
Tron Stegman, Chairman