JANUARY 6, 2020
Agenda: 8:30 – Bills
9:00 –
9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge
10:00 – Airport Board – Erick Nordling and Matt Rome
10:30 –
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk. Tron called the meeting to order. Joe moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Pat seconded. Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General | $ 231,870.88 |
Road & Bridge | $ 60,207.57 |
Airport | $ 1,661.55 |
Noxious Weed | $ 3,806.72 |
EMS | $ 8,975.48 |
Fire | $ 18,607.29 |
Community Health | $ 8,888.69 |
Sheriff | $ 39,750.19 |
Employee P/R Misc W/H | $ 144.30 |
Fair | $ 44,350.00 |
Services for the Elderly | $ 102,602.50 |
Employee Benefits | $ 59,045.00 |
Alcohol Treatment | $ 250.00 |
Hospital | $ 750,000.00 |
Library | $ 86,198.50 |
Road Machinery | $ 239,450.00 |
Insurance Agency | $ 138,410.00 |
Diversion | $ 950.70 |
911 Wireless | $ 111.78 |
Special Law Enforcement | $ 810.00 |
Library Empl Benefits | $ 10,000.00 |
TOTAL: | $ 1,806,091.15 |
Joe D Thompson discussed some information about a county employee requesting help on county equipment from the city. He did not feel it was a city issue and stated he would appreciate employees coming before the commissioners if they felt there was an issue. The other commissioners feel the same.
Rodney Kelling came in and told the commissioners the 2006 Freightliner ambulance has broken bolts that hold the box to the frame. He will use it only in town and will not use it for transport on the highway until he can get it repaired. He said he is looking into the warranty on the issue to see if it is covered under the lifetime warranty and if it is, he will need to take the vehicle to Iowa for repairs.
Rodney said the portable radios are in but waiting on the mobile radios to come in. He is hoping they will get in within the month.
Tron asked Rodney how old the fire and ambulance equipment is and how it measures up to surrounding counties. Rodney said he needs to replace fire trucks and is in the process of looking into getting the bids started for the new ambulance. He is checking into lease agreements where he could replace three (3) firetrucks for $30,000.00 per year. Rodney asked if it was possible to know by the end of March if he would have money to encumber to help purchase vehicles. Rodney said he will be needing to replace cylinders and SCBA’s soon. Tron asked if there was any concern on the equipment to involve the safety of the fire volunteers and EMT staff. Rodney said not that he was aware of and the equipment is very equal to Haskell, Morton and Grant Counties.
Vernon Anderson came in and discussed a Planning and Zoning senate bill number 248. He stated it concerns inter-local agreements being established between city and county to make sure they are published in the newspaper one time, as a notice of public hearing, at least (20) days prior to the meeting, proposal listed as well as the time and place for the public meeting. He stated all owners of the land must be informed for right-of-way issues.
The commissioners discussed COLA for the Stevens County employees. Pat said he is concerned due to the tax exemption causing problems with the budgets. Paul Kitzke said he is declining any COLA for his position. Other discussion concerning the possibility of a wage cap for county employees was dismissed at this time.
Tron made a motion for all Stevens County employees to receive a $1,200.00 annual raise for the 2020 year and all part time employees will receive a three percent (3%) raise for the 2020 year, omitting the commissioners and county attorney. Pat seconded, Joe declined. Two (2) votes for one (1) vote against. Motion carried.
Matt Rome and Erick Nordling with the airport board came in as per commissioner’s request. The commissioners had a memorandum of understanding they handed to Matt and asked him to propose it to the airport board and see if there was anything they would like to include. Tron said the airport board shouldn’t have a reason not to agree to the memorandum.
Paul spoke up and explained the commissioners only want to have the accounting procedures ran by county regulations. The commissioners do not want to micro-manage the airport, just to have it ran accordingly like the other departments within the county. Paul further explained if the airport goes out on its own, it will need to have an election for the board members and if it gets to a point where it needs financial assistance, they will be on their own and have to operate on a levy.
Matt said the airport drew down their funds and have a few CD’s left to help carry the airport for a little while. He said the money that has not been accounted for on the airport grants is probably in the wrong account. Amy Jo Tharp said she would speak with Vanessa and see if by chance it could have been deposited under the wrong fund and asked Matt to check and see if the money was deposited in the airport account instead of the county.
Tony Martin told the commissioners the new grader was in and hoped to use it soon depending on the weather. He said they are hauling gravel and will be putting in some culverts to create entrances to some properties on the west city limits of Hugoton. His only concern is the number of culverts he will be putting in within a short distance. He said the state only requests ninety (90) feet for right-of-way and one thousand (1,000) feet of signage control but nothing about entrances.
Pat made a motion to accept Resolution 20-01 for the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended December 31, 2019 to be prepared in conformity with GAAP. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Pat made a motion to accept Resolution 20-02 for participating in the Rural Opportunity Zone (ROZ) student loan repayment program. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Pat made a motion for the Hugoton Hermes to be the official county newspaper. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Joe made a motion for Citizens State Bank to be the primary depository and Equity Bank to be the secondary depository for Stevens County. Pat seconded. Motion carried.
Joe made a motion to move the commissioner meetings to the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Monday of each month, beginning January, 2020 until further notice. If a meeting falls on a holiday, then the meeting will be the next business day. Pat seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion came up on who should replace the open seat on the hospital board. Discussion was tabled until the next commissioner meeting on January 24th, 2020.
Amy Jo Tharp was instructed to inform county entities they could be looking at a shortage of ten percent (10%) or more due to the over-estimated valuations.
Pat made a motion to appoint commissioner Tron Stegman as chair. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Joe made a motion to appoint commissioner Pat Hall as vice chair. Tron seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion concerning a letter the commissioners received about a tax sale was reviewed and they said they would speak with Vanessa about it in more detail and follow up.
Amy Jo Tharp provided the starting wages for elected officials. Sheriff $52,000; Attorney $30,000; Commissioner $25,113.14; Register of Deeds, County Clerk and Treasurer $40,000.
Abatement Orders for tax year 2019 numbers 189-190 were reviewed and approved by the commissioners and given to the County Treasurer; the abatement value -4,444 and tax -$653.19.
By motion, the Board adjourned.
Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk
Tron Stegman, Chairman