JUNE 17, 2019
Agenda: 8:30 – Bills
9:00 – County Business
9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge
10:00 – Civil Def Pickup sale bids
10:15 – SW Guidance Center – Dr. Leslie Bissell
10:30 – Great Plains – Bob Wetmore
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Paul Kitzke, County Attorney (until 9:00 AM due to court schedule); Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes. Tron called the meeting to order. Joe moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Pat seconded. Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General | $ 115,024.00 |
Road & Bridge | $ 70,846.95 |
Airport | $ 1,661.55 |
Noxious Weed | $ 2,708.06 |
EMS | $ 6,472.40 |
Fire | $ 2,849.93 |
Community Health | $ 25,433.03 |
Sheriff | $ 64,573.71 |
Employee P/R Misc W/H | $ 42.50 |
911 Wireless | $ 108.62 |
Co Equipment Fund | $ 19,275.00 |
Diversion | $ 43.00 |
Fire Bequest | $ 189.96 |
County Building | $ 771.00 |
$ 309,999.71 |
The commissioners discussed with Paul the lapse without a county appraiser, stating that nothing was officially approved after Cynthia Wellbrock’s interim and wanted to know what the issue could result in with the State. Paul said that the county never planned on a lapse of no appraiser and we have an appraiser being appointed and sworn in on July 1, 2019. He stated that the lapse was only from May 31 thru June 7 when the commissioners held a special meeting and approved of the resolution to have a temporary appraiser for the month of June until July 1.
Joe asked Paul Kitzke how long he could be prosecuting some of the county cases. Paul said it all depends on if the defendant keeps filing appeals and changing lawyers. Paul also stated for those cases most of the costs are state not county.
Morton County Attorney, Eric Witcher, send a letter to the commissioners stating they will not be going in to the inter-local agreement with the juvenile center.
Ross Sullivan came in and requested to kill the lawn by the hydrant on the courthouse grounds and put rock in. He said there is no water line going there and it is such a small patch of lawn it would be more beneficial to put something other than grass there. The commissioners agreed.
Amy Jo told the commissioners that Ted Heaton delivered and supplied the keys to the pickup that was purchased from the Sheriff’s department for the appraiser. She also informed them the pickup had been serviced and is ready. Joe mentioned that it could use an alignment and new tires.
The commissioners discussed who should be in charge of the upkeep and maintenance on the pickup. It was decided the courthouse maintenance supervisor should be in charge. Tron had Ross Sullivan come back in to the meeting and told him he will be in charge of the upkeep and maintenance of the pickup and requested him to get bids for tires. They said the courthouse maintenance supervisor will be allowed to use the appraiser pickup for county errands when the appraiser is not using it.
Sheriff Ted Heaton came in and Pat asked him if the juvenile detention center is beneficial for the county. Ted said that is it and the county should stay with the inter-local agreement with the Southwest Kansas Regional Juvenile Detention Center because the law states the sheriff’s office can’t keep a juvenile overnight. Amy Jo was instructed to get the amounts of what the county pays to the juvenile detention center.
Sheriff Ted Heaton discussed the diversion fund, informing the commissioners the money that goes into the fund is collected fees from the county offenders. He said since the funds do not come from the county tax payers he would like to continue to use them to fund the hamburger and hot dog feed at the county fair. The commissioners agreed the diversion funds can be used for the county fair in which the Sheriff’s office has done for the last several years.
Tony Martin with Road and Bridge came in and said the section line running from Road U going east off of Road 9 is tore up. The non-for-profit gas line that is being put down is requesting the county add gravel and blade the section line. The commissioners questioned how the section line became tore up and Tony said it was possible it happened with Hancock Electric or the gas line layers. The commissioners agreed that it is not an actual county road and they do not want to spend money and time on a section line compared to a county road.
Tony told the commissioners that Road 6, from Road BB and Road DD, the two (2) miles from Riverbend Feeders has been tore up and laid back down. He said the road is ready to be primed and chip sealed. The road by Sunbelt Feeders has been patched and ready to be overlayed. He is hoping the Road and Bridge department will be back on schedule by the end of August, and all projects should be completed.
Joe Thompson asked Tony if he had heard anything from the City of Moscow. He said the City of Moscow would like to either chip seal or use smoke seal. Joe said the only difference between the two (2) is one requires rock/sand and the other does not. The City of Moscow has the funds to pay for the materials to repair but would like to discuss labor. Pat inquired if Joe knew if the city had spoken with other contractors such as BNH and if not, maybe they should ask other companies what the charge would be first since the county is behind schedule some. Tony said the main issue with the work would be the county equipment is too big and could cause more problems making repairs. Tony also said the road would have to be cleaned properly and the county only owns a large sweeper which could throw dirt in the residents’ yards and houses. This could bring on some complaints. Tony said smoke seal is more cost effective but would have to be maintained more frequently than chip seal. He said the county couldn’t help with the City of Moscow roads until September depending on weather.
Rodney Kelling was in appearance and Tron asked if the landfill in Seward County would be able to dispose of the thymet-20. Tony asked if it would be possible to disk into the ground at the landfill in Stevens County so transport and costs could be cut. Rodney said the KDHE has only consulted with the Department of Agriculture and they suggested it be mixed with manure, spread on a field and plowed into the soil. Rodney said he will contact Mrs. Light and Seward County’s landfill and see what plan of action they want to take.
The commissioners opened the three (3) sealed bids the county received for the sale of the 1989 Ford F250 pickup by the fire department.
- Carson Schechter $3,807.00
- Vernon Baehler $3,200.00
- Wesley Regensberg $3,133.00
Pat Hall made a motion to accept the higher purchase bid of $3,807 by Carson Schechter. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Dr. Leslie Bissell with the Southwest Guidance Center discussed with the commissioners how funding has help offset the costs to individuals needing assistance in Stevens County by helping to provide medications and health management case workers for adults and juveniles. The Southwest Guidance Center is asking for an increase of $1,000.00 to their appropriations for 2020. The commissioners said a decision will be made at the budget hearing.
Bob Wetmore with Great Plains came in and said the Moscow’s lagoon is complete. All issues have been settled. He thanked the commissioners for their participation with Great Plains in helping locate grants for county issues and asked they continue their participation for 2020.
Tron said he spoke with Kirk Heger from the hospital board. Questions came up as to why the hospital does not have their own capital outlay account so money will be available to them. Pat questioned how much is left to owe on the Pioneer Manor.
The commissioners requested someone from the airport and hospital board be in attendance for the budget workshop on July 11. Amy Jo told the commissioners the auditors have some items to discuss with the airport in regards to their accounts payable process, stating it should be handled like all the other county entities (road and bridge, noxious weed, fire, EMS, etc.).
By motion, the Board adjourned.
Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk
Tron Stegman, Chairman