MARCH 18, 2019
Agenda: 8:30 – Bills
9:00 – Nancy Honig – Extension District
9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge
9:45 – Phillip Willis – Old scale bid sale questions
10:00 – General Discussion
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk. Tron called the meeting to order. Joe moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Pat seconded. Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General | $ 67,520.58 |
Road & Bridge | $ 65,059.26 |
Airport | $ 1,661.55 |
Noxious Weed | $ 6,620.17 |
EMS | $ 5,361.52 |
Fire | $ 3,092.31 |
Community Health | $ 18,133.06 |
Sheriff | $ 35,660.10 |
Employee P/R Misc W/H | $ 40.72 |
Alcohol Treatment Fund | $ 250.00 |
911 Wireless | $ 111.88 |
Fire Bequest Fund | $ 79.98 |
Co Building Fund | $ 1,711.45 |
$ 205,302.58 |
Nancy Honig, Ron Honig and Don Beesley with the Wild West Extension District 18 came in to see about getting their board nominations approved prior to when they will start electing. They have requested Don Beesley and Nancy Johnson for a two (2) year term and Tony Martin and Steve Rome for a four (4) year term beginning July 1, 2019.
Pat made a motion to accept Wild West Extension District 18’s nominations for Don Beesley and Nancy Johnson for two (2) year and Tony Martin and Steve Rome for four (4) year terms beginning July 1, 2019. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Nancy gave the commissioners an office space agreement, confirming the Extension District 18 will still occupy 114 East 5th Street, Hugoton, Kansas. Each term will be one (1) year beginning July 1, 2019 and automatically renew unless either party, in writing, deems to terminate or modify the agreement. The Extension District 18 will be responsible for the utilities of the space.
Joe stated that the county would still be responsible for the insurance, upkeep and any repairs needed for the building as it is still county property. Don Beesley said the extension will take care of minor repairs as needed.
Don and Nancy both agreed that the 4-H building needs to stay a public building and not be integrated into the Extension District property.
Joe made a motion to accept the K-State Research and Extension Office Space Agreement dated March 18, 2019. Pat seconded. Motion carried.
Rodney Kelling came in and presented the commissioners with the spec sheets and pictures of the EMS/Fire roof from October, 2018. The commissioners discussed if it would be beneficial to repair the whole roof or just the trouble areas. The commissioners instructed Rodney to get bids for the whole roof using the spray foam and also bids for just the repairs needed, as well as patching or removing the vents that are no longer needed. They would like to see guarantees and the costs to see which would be more feasible for the county. Rodney said he would like to add a time frame to the specs so the work will be done in a timely manner.
Tony Martin with Road and Bridge came in and stated they are graveling roads and have had many calls to get roads graveled. He stated they are doing what they can. Tron inquired about the gravel at Porter’s and Tony said it was because all of the snow that just sat there.
Tony said he hopes to get the new stacker/conveyor any day.
Road and Bridge has many roads this summer that needs patching before they can begin their main work. Tony said that they will be doing three (3) miles of overlay around Sunbelt Feeders and approximately sixteen to twenty (16-20) miles of chip and seal on second street, all dependent on cost of oil.
Tony said he spoke with the Moscow City Council and instructed them to go to a county commissioner meeting to discuss having their roads overlaid. He said the streets are pretty bad. Half need to be completely redone but some can get by with just chip and seal. Road repair is expensive.
Tony said he shut off the county cell phones for the Road Supervisor, Road Foreman and Shop Foreman on March 4, 2019.
Pat made a motion to pay the Road Supervisor, Road Foreman and Shop Foreman $480.00 per year for cell phone usage. Joe seconded. Motion carried.
Paul instructed the commissioners not to get into personal business or property with the roads.
Joe mentioned that the City of Moscow would have to pay for the product. Tony said just one (1) block of overlay is about $20,000.00 which doesn’t include labor. Possibly check into grants.
Richard Claggett contacted a commissioner and stated he had houses north of Loren Seaman and the county put in a service road several years ago. Tron pulled the minutes of that meeting and found where the county did put in a road, stating Richard paid for the road and it is no longer county. Pat disagrees with putting in another road. Joe said if it is not on a mile line then the county shouldn’t put in a road. Tony said there is plenty of work to get accomplished and at this time he would not be able to take time and build another road.
Sheriff Ted Heaton came in and told the commissioners there is not much going on but he is on his way to make arrests for the armed robbery at Presto and needs to make a run to Elkhart to speak with Judge Ambrosier.
Phillip Willis came in and asked the commissioners if they want to sell the old scales as salvage or what he should do with them. The commissioners told Phillip to do bids on the sale of the old scales as salvage and would open them on April 15th at 9:00 AM at the commissioner meeting.
Joe inquired what would happen to the drainage issue once the scale is dug out and dirt is placed into the hole. Phillip said they will put some pipe in to direct the water away from the building and newer scale.
Amy Jo informed the commissioners she had contacted the airport board and KCAMP about the insurance and damages at the airport. Strong winds that occurred in 2018 caused hangar door damage. Jess with KCAMP said he was still waiting on the estimate for the doors. Amy Jo informed the commissioners she then asked Matt Rome of the airport board to try and get the estimate to the insurance company, so the hangar doors could get repaired or replaced and hopefully, close that claim.
Amy Jo brought up the costs of the equipment that the Appraisers, Clerks and Community Health offices need to upgrade and make the change for the new IT company. She also informed the commissioners that if people don’t want to change their computer equipment to a newer model than Windows 7, they would need a patch. The commissioners informed Amy Jo that as long as the new changes and equipment for the courthouse offices and Community Health department do not exceed the estimated amount to keep going forward.
Discussion was brought up about Seaboard and if they are exempt or filed for exemption in Oklahoma. Pat said he wasn’t sure but we need to expect them to file in Stevens County due to green energy or biomass energy. If they are exempt then they could do a pilot program. Paul suggested to put it in lieu of taxes. Joe said the statute states they can be property tax exempt for ten (10) years following the construction.
Abatement Orders for taxes numbered 110 and 117 through 128 for tax year of 2018 were reviewed and approved by commissioners and given to the County Treasurer; total valuation removed 3,536 with a relief assessment of $437.32. Added Orders for taxes number 116 from tax year 2018 were reviewed and approved by commissioners and given to the County Treasurer; total valuation 200 and total tax added $32.63.
By motion, the Board adjourned.
Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk
Tron Stegman, Chairman