JANUARY 4, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.
Dave moved to appoint O D Littrell as Chairman. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to appoint Gary Baker as Vice Chairman. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to appoint the Hugoton Hermes as the official newspaper for Stevens County. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to have Citizens State Bank as the bank depository for Stevens County. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to have First National Bank as secondary depository for Stevens County. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to continue the meeting days and time on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 8:30am unless Monday is a county holiday then the meeting will be on Tuesday. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Pam Bensel, County Clerk presented the GAAP waiver Resolution10-01 to be approved and signed. Dave moved to adopt the GAAP Resolution10-01. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 8:55am to 9:10am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:10
Susan presented an encumbrance letter for 2009 for GIS in the amount of $4,100.00 for per diem, mileage, motel expenses and registration incurred for schooling and training classes.
Dave moved to allow the 2009 encumbrance letter for GIS in the amount of $4,100.00. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Susan presented a 2009 transfer letter for GIS in the amount of $8,000.00 to transfer into the County Equipment Fund within General.
Dave moved to allow the 2009 transfer letter for GIS in the amount of $8,000.00 to transfer into the County Equipment Fund within General. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
An encumbrance letter was brought in to the Commissioners for Stevens County Fitness Center in the amount of $10,596.38 for maintenance/repairs of the Ford tractor and equipment for the fitness center.
The encumbrance letter for the Stevens County Fitness Center was not approved at this time.
J C Cantrell came in to talk about the raise that was given to the Stevens County employees.
J C asked to have the remaining 2009 Road & Bridge budget transferred into the Highway Improvement Fund – 225 ($500,000) and the Road Machinery Fund – 220 ($300,000).
Dave moved to allow the transaction for the 2009 Road & Bridge budget with the approval of the auditors. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved appoint Gary as delegate to the WEKANDO Board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to appoint Dave as delegate to the Port Authority Board. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
JANUARY 18, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk, Susan Schulte, acting secretary and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………15,827.27
Noxious Weed…………………………..………101.85
Alcoholic Treatment……………………………237.50
Community Health……………………………3,407.78
Dave moved to change the March 15th meeting to March 22nd. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Koleen Nosekabel was allowed to buy the hard drive on her old computer in the Clerk of the District Court for $50.00.
Robert Rich presented an encumbrance letter for 2009 for the Wellness Center in the amount of $10,596.38 for reupholstering several of the weight equipment, insulate the office area of the building, repair the leaks in the roof and insulate, retile and make some updates to the restroom and update on equipment from Hibbett Sports and Sam’s Club.
Dave moved to allow the 2009 encumbrance letter for the Wellness Center in the amount of $10,596.38. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition and attorney/client privileges for 15 minutes from 9:15am to 9:30am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.
J C Cantrell presented the Road & Bridge annual report for 2009.
Gary moved to approve Resolution 10-02 approving the sale of Cereal Malt Beverage in the County at the Dirtona Racetrack for Ron and Millie Heger. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Rex Evans came in to discuss the flooring at the Law Enforcement Center. Ted is checking into having repairs done on the floor.
Gene Leonard came in to discuss the spray-labor and equipment rates for spraying chemicals for the State of Kansas and private individuals and prairie dog treatment.
Gary moved to allow Gene to raise the labor & equipment rates for spraying weeds and prairie dog treatment. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Labor rate for weed spray for State $35.00
Equipment rate for weed spray for State $30.00
Labor rate for weed spray for Private with
one hour minimum $35.00
Prairie Dog Treatment rate per hour plus
the cost of the bait $35.00
Ted Heaton requested to have the alleys and streets in Meadows (Feterita) vacated.
The Commissioners agreed to vacate the alleys and streets in Meadows (Feterita). Robert Johnson is drawing up a resolution.
Millie Heger came in to check on the cereal malt beverage license. Pam Bensel gave her an application to fill out and Ted Heaton will need to ask for a background check before the license is issued.
Mike Schechter came in to discuss protocols for moving patients that have already fallen before the EMS department arrives at the destination.
Mike also discussed the transporting of patients.
Mike asked about having the county pay for the membership for the firemen to go to the Wellness Center. He asked about using the donated money in the Fire Bequest fund. The Commissioners agreed to allow this. This will have to go through the individual’s payroll according to the auditor, Theresa Dasenbrock.
Shelby Martin came in to ask if she could have Zumba classes at the Wellness Center on Tuesday and Thursday evening, also. The classes will be starting on Tuesday, January 19. The Commissioners were in agreement to allow the classes. O D will talk to Robert Rich.
Neal Gillespie came in to explain Neighborhood Revitalization. Commissioners discussed software costs and city/school involvement. Commissioners discussed opting into Neighborhood Revitalization if both school districts and both cities opt in, also. Neal is going to check with the other entities.
Doug Martin came in to request reappointment to the Economic Development Board. Dave moved to reappoint Doug to the Economic Development Board. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Harry Bartel came in to discuss concerns about the Airport losing grant money and forfeiting future grant money. Harry was told the Airport Board assured the Commissioners there wasn’t any grant money at stake.
Harry asked if he could have more time to get his personal belongings from the office and the hanger at the Airport. Commissioners said he needed to talk to the Airport Board.
Harry discussed Air Petro giving 1,400 gallons of fuel to him to promote the airport. He said there is 690 gallons remaining and he wants it to go the Eagle Med. Commissioners said they would have the Airport Board check for excess fuel.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
FEBRUARY 1, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Marie Austin, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………………..105,215.58
Services for Elderly…………………………91,237.50
Employees Benefit…………………………163,423.00
Noxious Weed…………………………..……9,242.54
Hospital Maint……………………………1,062,500.00
Insurance Agency………………………….125,205.00
Alcoholic Treatment……………………………237.50
Community Health……………………..……23,475.79
911 Land Line…………………………………1,089.32
Airport Grants………………………………278,398.83
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition, contract negotiation and non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 8:55am to 9:10am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go back into executive session for land acquisition, contract negotiation and non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 9:10am to 9:25am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:25am.
Gary reported on the KLPG meeting in Topeka.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss getting bids for a Bomag pneumatic tired roller.
Commissioners agreed to allow J C to get bids for a new and used Bomag pneumatic tired roller to be opened at the next Commissioners meeting on February 16, 2010.
J C got two proposals for hauling rock: Eastern Colorado Aggregates – $9.60 per US ton
delivery from Holly, CO to Hugoton, KS
Martin Trucking, Inc – $12.50 per US ton delivery from
Holly, CO to Hugoton, KS
J C chose Eastern Colorado Aggregates, LLLP to haul rock for the Road & Bridge Department.
Jack Rowden with Citizens State Bank and Barry Angell and Gary Gold with First National Bank came in to present a proposal for a finance/ownership lease purchase in the amount of $8,000,000.00 and ten year term on the construction of the long term care facility-Pioneer Manor.
Bob Johnson says he will get in contact with Sarah Steele, Gilmore and Bell about starting the paperwork.
Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners that an antennae had been installed in the Law Enforcement Center building to get better cell phone reception.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 10:20am to 10:35am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:35am.
Dave moved to appoint Ted Heaton to the Southwest Regional Juvenile Detention Center Advisory Board, replacing Mark Crawford. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Steve Rome came in to ask for reappointment to the Economic Development Board.
O D moved to reappoint Steve Rome to the Economic Development Board for a 3 year term. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Roger Lynch came in and asked about laying gas line in ditches on private property. Bob Johnson says the individual will have to contact the land owner on private property. If it is on the county right-of-way they are to talk to the County Commissioners and if they need to go across the road they will need to talk to J C Cantrell.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel and contract negotiation for 15 minutes from 11:00am to 11:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Airport Board members: Kim Harper, Shannon Crawford, Dax Gaskill and Robert Davis, Jr present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:15am.
Tony McBride and Dwayne West presented the progress report for the Pioneer Manor project.
Kim Harper, Dax Gaskill, Shannon Crawford and Robert Davis, Jr came in and asked the Commissioners if they would have a problem with the Airport Board rented space to an individual spray company. The Commissioners said if the Airport Board agrees to do this it is fine with them.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
FEBRUARY 3, 2010
A special meeting was called to order by O D Littrell, Chairman of the County Commissioners at
12:30pm on February 3, 2010 at the Ranchito Restaurant. O D Littrell, Gary Baker and Pam Bensel, County Clerk were present. Also present were Kim Harper, Shannon Crawford, Bob Passmore, Risa Norton – Airport Board, Dr Rodrick Heger, Dr Samer Al-Hashmi – Stevens County Clinic/Hospital, Linda Stalcup – Hospital Administrator, Dawn Maas – Director of Nursing, Mike Schechter – EMS Director, Ruthie Winget – Hugoton Hermes newspaper reporter, Selia Simmons and Shelia Rupp – Eagle Med Air Ambulance.
Selia and Shelia explained the reason Eagle Med chose Liberal to be based out of instead of Hugoton. Liberal has an Instrument Landing System, a hanger that already meets the standard for housing the bigger aircraft and a larger landing strip.
Eagle Med is purchasing a new King Air B-200 aircraft which will be faster than the C-90 King Air aircraft that is being used at the present time. Being at Liberal will allow them to get here in less than 15 minutes. There will be a nurse, paramedic and pilot on call at all times.
They also explained they are offering membership which will pay the out-of-pocket expenses after the health insurance pays the allowed charge.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
FEBRUARY 16, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………17,983.41
Noxious Weed…………………………………2,483.24
Road Machinery…………………………….59,402.36
Highway Improvement……………………..84,574.84
Community Health……………………..……..4,326.51
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H…………………..1,620.00
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition, contract negotiation and litigation for 25 minutes from 8:50am to 9:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to change the July 5th meeting to July 6th. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to join the law suit with Barton County and other western counties to recapture monies on severance tax for minerals. Bob will be working with Richard Boeckman, Barton County Counselor. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to accept the proposal for the finance/ownership lease purchase with Citizens State Bank and First National Bank in the amount of $8,000,000.00 with a 4.45 % interest rate and ten year term on the construction of the long term care facility-Pioneer Manor. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners were presented with a resolution for the Stevens County Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan. Gary moved to adopt Resolution 10-03 for the Stevens County Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
J C Cantrell asked about individuals using the county right of way. The Commissioners told him this is not county policy to allow individuals to use the county right of way. The individual needs to talk to the land owner.
O D opened bids on a Bomag for Road and Bridge.
Berry Tractor new 2010 BW11RH Bomag 1 year warranty or 1000 hours in the
amount of $59,337.00
trade in 7,500.00 – 1978 Hyster roller
total $51,837.00
used 2008 BW11RH Bomag 30 days money back warranty
amount of $47,262.00
trade in 7,500.00
total $39,762.00
Gary moved to accept the bid from Berry Tractor for the new 2010 BW11RH Bomag. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Ashley Fiss, Nancy Sides, Craig Malone, Rick Wolters and Nate Wolters came in for the opening of bids on the Extension Office roof. O D opened bids from Malone Enterprises of Ulysses and Wolters Construction, LLC of Hugoton.
Malone Enterprises base bid proposal $98,000.00 100 days
Alternate #1 Proposal (replace exterior doors) 7,500.00 no additional days
Alternate #2 Proposal (SBS Modified roof in -1,500.00 no additional days
lieu of TPO) $104,000.00
Wolters Construction LLC base bid proposal $79,596.25 120 days
Alternate #1 Proposal (replace exterior doors) 7,726.50 no additional days
Alternate #2 Proposal (SBS Modified roof in 3,780.00 no additional days
lieu of TPO) $91,102.75
Dave moved to accept Wolters Construction LLC bid with both Alternate’s 1 and 2. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Ashley will talk with the Hospital Board about their roof situation.
Don Trentham, John Akers, Jeff Ramsey, Tony Hall and Rick Schroeder with the Golf Course Board came in to discuss the money situation for the extra nine hole course project.
There was discussion of different ways to raise the remaining amount of money needed for the extra nine holes.
Pat LeClerc with Group Benefit Specialists came in to discuss long term care insurance for the Stevens County Employees.
Tony McBride, Vincent Mancini, Ashley Fiss and Emily Peterson came in to present the final plans for the long term care project- Pioneer Manor.
Vincent presented a plaque award to the Commissioners from American Concrete Institute for a 2009 Project under $6 million.
Paul Kitzke and Rex Evans came in to discuss charging inmates for medical expenses incurred while incarcerated.
Paul says a statute has been passed so the counties can recover the medical cost on an inmate while incarcerated.
Rex informed the Commissioners that Mr Cobb from Moscow refinished the flooring at the Law Enforcement Center and he will maintain it on a monthly basis.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
MARCH 1, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. O D moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………118,591.90
Noxious Weed………………………………….5,939.98
Highway Improvement……………………….73,539.05
Alcoholic Treatment…………………………….237.50
Community Health……………………..…….25,457.89
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund…………………………81.09
911 Land Line………………………………….1,089.32
Dave moved for Stevens County to file a claim against the State pursuant to the Barton County letter following the law suit to recapture the monies on severance tax for minerals. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to reappoint Sue Hagman, Debra Schartz, Paula Sosa and Dave Bozone to the Cimarron Basin Community Corrections Advisory Board for a three year term as of March 31, 2010.
Guy Rowden came in to discuss the problems with gas smells in the Memorial Hall. He explained every time the wind blows the pilot lights on the stove blow out. He asked about checking into the cost of an electronic striker for the stove. The Commissioners agreed to allow getting a quote for an electronic striker.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss Ron Brewer using the County’s right of way for laying a pipeline since the landowner will not give him permission to go on their land.
Commissioners discussed having all county employees do direct deposit.
Josh Morris and Nancy Honig came in to talk about counties districting together. Nancy explained the benefits of the program. Each county would still have their own offices but the funding would be changed. There would be cost savings for supplies. Each agent would be more specialized in an area and would represent each county in that particular area. The state is not asking for this at this time.
Nancy explained some of the programs that the 4H Clubs are working on.
Josh asked if it would be possible to put a wind break at the new Pioneer Manor site as one of the projects. The Forest Service will furnish the trees and the Conservation District is in agreement with the project. Commissioners decided it is too early to make a decision.
Josh also was asking if the County had any land available for a shooting range to help with another project.
Ted Heaton presented a bid from Riley Chevrolet Buick, Inc.
2010 Chevrolet Silverado 4X4 Crew Cab PU with $32,795.96
a front Grille Guard Black
Less trade in 12,650.00
2008 Chevrolet Silverado 4X4 Crew Cab PU – K 9 $20,145.96
Dave moved to accept the bid from Riley Chevrolet Buick, Inc for a 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 4X4 Crew Cab PU in the amount of $20,145.96.
Gene Leonard came in with a bid from Lee Construction, Inc for crushing approximately 5,000 tons of waste concrete.
Mobilization $2,000.00
Crush Concrete $9.25 per ton
Gene asked about raising the cost of selling crushed concrete. The Commissioners agreed to allow the cost to be raised to $12.00 a ton.
Dave moved to accept the bid from Lee Construction, Inc for crushing concrete at the landfill. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 25 minutes from 10:25am to 11:00am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson, Warren Willis and Ted Heaton, Sheriff present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:00am.
O D moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 11:17am to 11:27am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:27am.
Tony McBride presented bid package #3B for the Pioneer Manor project to the Commissioners.
O D moved to approve bid package #3B. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Kim Harper came in to update the Commissioners on the airport project. The Airport Board is taking bids to relocate the road at the airport. This will be paid through the airport grant funds.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 25 minutes from 1:10pm to 1:20pm with County Counsel, Robert Johnson, Ted Heaton, Sheriff and Roger Lynch present. O D seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to go back into executive session for another 5 minutes from 1:25pm to 1:30pm with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Roger Lynch present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 1:30pm.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
MARCH 22, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with O D Littrell and Dave Bozone present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. O D seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………28,417.76
Employees Benefit………………………..…8,496.00
Noxious Weed………………………………..1,768.31
Road Machinery…………………….………56,537.00
Highway Improvement……………………173,205.40
Community Health……………………..…….5,110.20
Fire Bequest………………………………….1,617.00
911 Land Line…………………………..…….1,089.32
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H…………………….117.89
Jack Rowden, Barry Angell and Greg Bond came in to finalize the paperwork for the Pioneer Manor project and have the contract certificate in the amount of $8,000,000 signed and approved by the Commissioners.
Dave moved to adopt Resolution 10-04 authorizing Stevens County to enter into a lease purchase transaction, which will be used to pay for constructing and installing improvements for a nursing home facility located in the county. O D seconded. Motion carried.
J C Cantrell came in for bids on a 2010 Tandem truck. There were two bids.
Liberal Kenworth
2010 Kenworth W900B Dump Truck and dump body $110,842.00
Trade in allowance on a 1995 International truck 15,250.00
Total $ 95,592.00
Peterbilt of Garden city
2010 Peterbilt 365Dump truck and dump body $115,920.00
Trade in allowance on a 1995 International truck 7,500.00
Total $108,420.00
Dave moved to accept the bid from Liberal Kenworth for a 2010 Kenworth W900B Dump truck and dump body in the amount of $95,592.00. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Ashley Fiss came in to discuss the Extension roof project and alterations.
The Commissioners agreed to the alteration of the cost to insulate make-up air ducts for $400.00.
The Commissioners were undecided on the alteration of the cost to roof the concrete canopy with the same system as the new roof for $6,200.00.
Ashley talked to the Commissioners about the Hospital roof. The Hospital board wants to wait on the bid because they still want a metal roof.
Ted Heaton came in to update the Commissioners on the Sheriff’s department.
O D moved that all county employees will go direct deposit as of May1, 2010. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Paula Rowden came in to discuss funding streams for the Community Health Department.
Paula informed the Commissioners that the State suggested the health departments become accredited. Paula felt this would be beneficial for the county with future grant funding from the State.
The Commissioners instructed Paula to pursue this avenue of accreditation and find out what else needs to be done.
Paula discussed future ideas for the Public Transportation Program. Commissioners agreed to continue as is.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
MARCH 25, 2010
A special meeting was called to order by O D Littrell, Chairman of the County Commissioners at
8:00am on March 25, 2010. O D Littrell and Dave Bozone were present. Also present were Pam Bensel, County Clerk, Theresa Dasenbrock and Mary Floto, auditors with Lewis, Hooper and Dick.
Theresa discussed the 2009 transfers to the 2010 funds.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 9:07am to 9:22am with Theresa Dasenbrock and Mary Floto present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:22am.
Guy Rowden and Ron Sides with Pioneer Communications came in to discuss internet access in the Memorial Hall. There are different business’ that rent the Memorial Hall that need to access the internet for their presentations. The cost would be approximately $300.00 plus the cost of the wire.
The Commissioners agreed to allow Pioneer Communication to put internet in the Memorial Hall.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
APRIL 5, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. O D seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………167,317.64
Noxious Weed…………………..……………..13,685.07
Highway Improvement……………….….……4,841.59
Alcoholic Treatment………………………………237.50
Community Health………………….…………48,440.07
Airport Grants……………………….….…..307,327.84
Reg of Deeds Tech………………….…………4,227.45
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….…………….83.11
O D moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel and attorney/client for 20 minutes from 8:52am to 9:12am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:12am.
O D moved to replace Connie Gold with Lori Rome to be in charge of checking and signing the time cards for the personnel in the Stevens County Appraiser’s office. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Ted Heaton came in with a quote for siren control equipment and services to be used at the Law Enforcement Center for Stevens County. The amount was $18,549.55. The Commissioners will decide at a later date.
J C Cantrell came in to give an update of the Road and Bridge Department.
Commissioners discussed the entities that buy items costing over $500.00 need to have them pre approved by the Commissioners. The Commissioners talked about raising the cost limit.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
APRIL 19, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………22,135.49
Noxious Weed…………………..……………..3,781.35
Highway Improvement………………………….272.35
Community Health…………………..……….5,138.58
911 Land Line…………………………………1,097.93
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….………..1,980.84
Dave moved to go into executive session for attorney/client for 15 minutes from 8:10am to 8:25am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 8:25am.
Kim Harper, Steve Rome, Keith Rome, Dwayne Hull, Erick and Debbie Nordling, Jay Garetson, Darin Heger, Neal Gillespie, Rick Sheldon, Barbara Sheldon, J C Cantrell and Roger Lynch came in to discuss a new business facility of grain elevators owned by Hansen Mueller.
Steve Rome talked to several coop entities about this facility and they were in favor of the business.
The facility will be on the SE 5-33-37, 40A which the land is owned by Barbara Sheldon and the company will be purchasing the land from Barbara Sheldon.
Jay Garetson explained the process of the developing of the site and asked if the Commissioners would agree to pave the road up to the site. The plan is to have the operation up and going by September 1, 2010.
Gary Baker moved to commit to a blacktop road for this company Hansen Mueller of Sublette, even if Abengoa does not come into the community. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Roger Lynch will get the application ready for a conditional use permit to change land from agriculture to heavy industrial.
There was discussion of the bypass road. The Commissioners and J C explained where they stand with this project.
Sherri Martin presented the 2011 Soil Conservation budget in the amount of $32,020.00.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss the Road & Bridge department.
Mike Schechter, Joe Hartman and Kay Mills with Cimarron National Grasslands came in to discuss a wild land fire agreement with Morton/ Stevens counties.
Dave moved to accept the agreement with the Annual Wildfire Operating Plan for Cooperative Fire Management between Pike & San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands and Morton County and Stevens County – 2010. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Mike also discussed the siren controller. He agreed to pay for this out of the County Equipment Fund monies that are designated for the fire department.
Dave moved to purchase the siren system. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Larry Sharp with Haake Insurance Company came in to talk to the Commissioners about the counties liability insurance.
Guy Rowden came in to discuss the west doors of the courthouse. The mechanism in the door is not working properly. The Commissioners told him to talk to Tony McBride.
Guy discussed the roof above the west entrance is leaking and he is to work on getting it fixed.
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 13 minutes from 11:06am to 11:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at11:15am.
Commissioners asked Dennis and Beth Moser to come in and discuss right of ways for the bypass road. Dennis says he will talk to the owner of one the sections and inform them that the County will be contacting them about this situation.
Tony McBride, Vincent Mancini, Ashley Fiss and Julie Hopkins came in to discuss the color chart for the Pioneer Manor rooms.
Celain Baker, Rachel Crane, Linda Stalcup, Dave Piper, Robin Sullivan, Matt Johnson and Joyce Baughman all with the Stevens County Hospital and Joe Daniels and Lissa Rolenc with Aptura/Direct Supply came in to do a presentation on colors for the Pioneer Manor rooms.
The hospital staff would like to work with Aptura/Direct Supply to do the color chart on the Pioneer Manor.
Linda Stalcup presented the contract for Aptura/Direct Supply.
Bob Johnson asked what the contract covered that would be beneficial to the project. Joe Daniels said he would get that information to the Hospital Board before the end of the day.
Gary moved to accept the contract from Aptura/Direct Supply upon the approval of Robert Johnson, County Counselor. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Bob Eyestone came in to interview as a prospective member for the Library board. He explained what he could do for the community and the library.
Charlie Wagner came in to interview as a prospective member for the Library board. He discussed his interest in the library and community.
Dave moved to appoint Bob Eyestone to the Library Board to replace Annette Sosa as of May 1, 2010. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Millie Heger came in to ask about asphalt millings. The County doesn’t have any extra for the Race Track. Millie asked if she could move the pit building and if the County could put gravel on the road that goes into the pit area of the Race track. The Commissioners agreed to put gravel on the road.
Megan Meile came in to interview as a prospective member for the Library board. She expressed her interest in the library and community.
Dave moved to appoint Megan Meile to the Library Board to fulfill the term for Lisa Whitham until April, 2012. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
MAY 3, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………163,510.39
Noxious Weed………………………….……….9,459.96
Highway Improvement………………….…….….738.33
Alcoholic Treatment…………………….….……237.50
Community Health……………………………40,150.77
Airport Grants……………………………….322,855.32
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….……………..83.20
Dave moved to reappoint Kim Harper to the Airport Board as of May, 2010. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 8:55am to 9:10am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:10am.
Roger Lynch came in to update the Commissioners on the land use permit and public hearing.
J C Cantrell presented the 2011 Road & Bridge budget in the amount of $4,355,500.00.
Susan Schulte was asked to come in and talked about the licensing for Orion. She feels this is necessary for pulling the information from Orion to her computer for updating the parcels.
Gary asked Susan to move forward with the redistricting of Commissioner Districts for Stevens County.
Nancy Honig and Josh Morris presented the 2011 Extension Council budget in the amount of $140,000.00 and the 2011 4H budget in the amount of $13,500.00.
Nancy updated the Commissioners on the progress of the building repairs on the Extension Council building. She said after repairing the overhang roof at the front door, water is still coming inside.
Guy Rowden came in with a quote with 4 different options from Southwest Glass & Door Inc. for the doors to the west entrance of the Memorial Hall.
Dave moved to continue with option 2 stating – Remove existing panic bars from the 6’ x 7’ pair of doors on the west elevation. Furnish and install typical aluminum door manufacturers’ hardware for a cost of $1,252.00. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to continue with the installing of the internet hook up in the Memorial Hall. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Mike Schechter presented the 2011 Fire budget in the amount of $172,500.00, the 2011 EMS budget in the amount of $182,000.00 and the 2011 Emergency Preparedness/Civil Defense budget in the amount of $7,500.00.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 5 minutes from 10:30am to 10:35am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:35am.
Gene Leonard came in to discuss receiving special waste at the landfill.
Dave moved to raise the prices to $10.00 a ton for incoming concrete and special waste at the landfill. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gene informed the Commissioners the repairs for the scraper from Foley Equipment would be $18,696.00.
Ted Heaton, Rex Evans, Connie Gold, Bobbie Talbert, Rick Wolters, Nate Wolters and Greg Bond were all present for the court ordered Sheriff Tax Sale.
Spikes Fifth Avenue Addition
616 E 4th Lot 9 Blk 1 $6,000.00 + 8.00 Wolters Construction, LLC
704 E 4th Lot 13 Blk 1 $5,000.00 + 8.00 Gregory W Bond
705 E 4th Lot 14 Blk 1 $6,100.00 + 8.00 Wolters Construction, LLC
712 E 4th Lot 15 Blk 1 $5,000.00 + 8.00 Gregory W Bond
716 E 4th Lot 16 Blk 1 $5,000.00 + 8.00 Gregory W Bond
715 E 4th Lot 17 Blk 1 $5,000.00 + 8.00 Gregory W Bond
713 E 4th Lot 18 Blk 1 $5,500.00 + 8.00 Wolters Construction, LLC
301 S Polk N66 2/3’ Lot 1 Blk 30 $5,000.00 + 8.00 Dillco Fluid Service, Inc
K5th Addition
1401 S Eisenhower Lot 1 Blk 14 no sale
1403 S Eisenhower Lot 2 Blk 14 no sale
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 10 minutes from 11:35am to 11:45am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:45am.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
MAY 17, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. O D moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………36,861.92
Noxious Weed…………………………..……….956.10
Community Health……………………………3,403.22
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….…….……..72.78
Linda Stalcup and Dave Piper presented the 2011 Hospital budget in the amount of $2,040,000.00.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel for 15 minutes from 9:10am to 9:25am with Linda Stalcup and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:25am.
Gene Leonard presented the 2011 Noxious Weed, Solid Waste and Rodent Control budgets. Noxious Weed – $277,200.00 Solid Waste – 324,760.00 Rodent Control – $1,700.00
Gene informed the Commissioners that United Prairie Ag hauled spoiled grain to the landfill. The Commissioners suggested he contact Seward County Sanitation Department to check if they use
grain for compost.
J C Cantrell presented a map of the proposed by pass.
J C bought millings from Apac Asphalt Company to use for the Road & Bridge road construction projects.
O D moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:00am to 10:10am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:10am.
Kim Harper presented the 2011 Airport budget in the amount of $330,560.00.
Tony Martin presented the 2011Fair budget in the amount of $122,250.00.
Roger Lynch came in for the public hearing on the zoning of the land for the new elevator project.
Also present were Steve Rome, Kim Harper, Neal Gillespie, Gary Porter, Barbara Sheldon, Tony Nix, Jay Garetson and Don Beesley.
O D called the Public Hearing to order at 11:00am. Roger read the notice that was published in the paper, notifying all residents and property owners within 1000 feet of the SE corner of the SE/4 of 5-33-37, requesting a Conditional Use Permit for Heavy Industrial District to build a grain elevator on this property. Said tract of land is currently zoned Agricultural.
The Planning and Zoning Board ask that the Commissioners agree to change the land use from Agriculture to Heavy Industrial.
Dave moved to change the land use from Agriculture to Heavy Industrial for the amount of acreage necessary for the project. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Due to rules and regulations, the Airport board will be notified when construction starts.
Jay Garetson explained what the time line is for construction of the project.
Gladys Renfro and Stanley McGill presented the 2011 Museum budget in the amount of $95,000.00.
Neal Gillespie presented the 2011 Economic Development budget in the amount of $85,759.44.
Ashley Fiss came in to discuss problems on the Extension office project. There are places where the mortar on the brick has fallen out and water is leaking through the brick. Also the concrete canopy over the door way is leaking water.
The Commissioners instructed Ashley Fiss to get bids to fix the mortar and concrete canopy.
Mark Hinde with Southwest Developmental Services, Inc presented the 2011 budget in the amount of $33,581.00.
Deanna Berry with Russell Childhood Development Services presented the 2011 budget in the amount of $22,400.00.
Tom Fuhrmann presented the 2011 Appraiser budget in the amount of $260,881.00.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
JUNE 7, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with O D Littrell and Gary Baker present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. O D seconded. Motion carried. Gary moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………238,119.19
Noxious Weed…………………………………..9,705.21
Noxious Weed Equipment……………….……..544.78
Highway Improvement………………………….982.57
Alcoholic Treatment…………………….………237.50
Community Health……………..……………29,908.56
Fire Bequest………………………………….…300.00
911 Land Line………………………….……..1,097.93
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….…….……..68.06
Mike Schechter came in to report the roof on the EMS building is leaking.
The Commissioners said turn it into the insurance company and they will inform him on what to do.
Mike informed the Commissioners on the conference call that he, Susan Schulte and Ted Heaton had about the weather alert that could warn individuals through their private phones. He said it would cost about $5,500.00 a year.
Mike talked to the Commissioners about being the host county for the Homeland Security- Incident and Command Center trailer. He will need to call KCAMP for the insurance on the trailer.
Ted Heaton presented the 2011 Sheriff budget in the amount of $1,643,588.20.
Bob Johnson presented the 2011 County Counselor budget in the amount of $66,000.00.
J C Cantrell came in and discussed the surveying of the land for the bypass road.
Neal Gillespie came in to talk about tax abatement on the new part of the Great Plains Compression building. He explained the process for the abatement.
Gary moved to recommend the tax abatement for Great Plains Compression and to set the time for the public hearing.
Neal discussed neighborhood revitalization.
A letter was presented to the Commissioners explaining Diane Downing has moved and no longer will be serving on the Moscow Cemetery Board as Treasurer. The Board asked that Angie Lahey replace Diane Downing.
Gary moved to allow Angie Lahey to be appointed to replace Diane Downing as Treasurer on the Moscow Cemetery Board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
A letter was presented to the Commissioners to reappoint Alta Pettis, Norman Weaver and Linda Stalcup to the SW KS Area Agency on Aging Board.
Gary moved to reappoint Alta Pettis, Norman Weaver and Linda Stalcup to the SW KS Area Agency on Aging Board with the consent of each individual. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Pam Bensel presented the 2011 Clerk of the District Court budget to the Commissioners for Koleen Nosekabel in the amount of $74,900.00.
Ashley Fiss reported she had not received the bids for the brick and the canopy cover on the Extension building yet. She would try and get them for the next meeting.
Jim Karlan with Southwest Guidance Center presented the 2011 Mental Health budget in the amount of $49,640.00.
Robert Rich presented the 2011 Wellness Center budget in the amount of $130,158.14 and the 2011 Community Service budget in the amount of $17,677.60.
Dave Cutter and Don Concannon came in to discuss using the present Pioneer Manor as an assisted living facility. There are independent people offering money to support the idea. They asked if the County would lease the building to a Corporation and the Corporation would update and operate the facility on their own.
The Commissioners said they would have to discuss the idea.
Roger Lynch, Tony Martin, Doug Martin, Cornelius Neudorf, Cornelius Schmitt and Abram Friesen came in to discuss the idea of putting in a one room German Mennonite School. They discussed zoning regulations and a possible site for the school.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
JUNE 21, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………..8,316.90
Noxious Weed…………………………….……..883.10
Highway Improvement………………..……60,941.62
Community Health……………..……….……1,191.06
Airport Grants………………………………22,325.75
911 Land Line………………………….……..1,097.93
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….…….…….66.56
Dave moved to send $400,000.00 to Wekando for the purchase of rail. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to go into executive session for litigation for 10 minutes from 9:25am to 9:35am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Harry Bartel present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:35am.
J C Cantrell came in and informed the Commissioners that the Moscow/Hooker road north of Highway 51 will be finished and reopened this week.
J C talked about starting work on the new bypass at Road Q and Road 12.
Eunice Schroeder, Charlotte Veatch and Bob Eyestone presented the 2011 Library budget in the amount of $461,556.30.
O D moved to establish a treasurer’s bond in the amount of $25,000.00 for the Library Board Treasurer through KCAMP.
Kelly Robbins with Western KS Child Advocacy Center came in to let the Commissioners know what services their group provides the county. She was asking for support from the different counties.
Neal Gillespie came in to update the Commissioners on ideas the tourism board has. They are considering reopening the theatre. Neal wants to do an advisory opinion to check if the community is in favor. Neal and Kristin have toured other theatres in different counties and were impressed with some of their ideas. He talked about different ways of funding for the project. There is an opportunity to get some theatre chairs from another theatre that is being updated.
Neal updated the Commissioners on the wind farm project. The interested parties will be coming to town for a meeting.
Ashley Fiss and Kate Heaton came in to open bids for the Extension office project.
Trinidad Don Juan – masonry bid – brick repointing in the amount of $14,000.00
Diamond Roofing – base bid for canopy re-roof in the amount of $6,890.00
Dave moved to approve the bid from Diamond Roofing for canopy re-roofing at the Extension office in the amount of $6,890.00. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Tom Fuhrmann, County Appraiser and Terry Lawhon with Landmark Appraisal, Inc came in to discuss contracts. Commissioners agreed to continue with the contracts unless otherwise notified.
Tom discussed how he and Landmark figured the valuations for the oil & gas renditions.
Ashley Fiss came back in to ask permission to give the County’s previous Assisted Living plans to the anonymous donor. Ashley informed the Commissioners that she is doing a study on the Pioneer Manor.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
JULY 6, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………151,158.77
Services of Elderly………………………..…91,237.50
Noxious Weed…………………………….…….6,652.55
Hospital Maint…………………………….1,062,500.00
Noxious Weed Equipment……………………….644.75
Highway Improvement……………………..200,752.07
Alcoholic Treatment………………….…………237.50
Community Health……………..……….……31,016.97
Fire Bequest……………………………..……….60.00
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund…………………………66.56
Employees Benefit……………………………..5,195.88
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….…….…….513.59
J C Cantrell came in to discuss the access road for the bypass. He asked to prime and seal the access road this year so the soft spots could be worked out and then he would go in later and asphalt the road. The Commissioners thought that would be a good idea.
The Commissioners had a teleconference call with the Wekando Committee Group, Economic Development directors and County Clerks. The group needed to make a decision on the advance purchase of rail needed for the rehabilitation project. Greg Kissel with CVR/Western Group (Cimarron Valley Railroad) was on line to answer any questions. The cost was estimated to be $250,000.00 for each county for two years.
Ted Heaton came in to update the Commissioners on the Sheriff office.
Millie Heger came in to discuss the Dirtona Racetrack. She asked if the County could help with funding. Bob Johnson said if the County of City doesn’t own the land they cannot issue tax dollars to a private entity.
Alejandra Juarez with BC-BS came in to update the Commissioners on the new Health Care Reform bill.
Kim Harper came in to discuss Airport board appointments.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel for 5 minutes from 11:35am to 11:40am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Kim Harper present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:40am.
Dave moved to appoint Jeff Crawford to the Airport Board to fulfill the unexpired 4 year term of Shannon Crawford from October, 2009 to October, 2013. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to reappoint Robert Davis, Jr to the Airport Board. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Kim updated the Commissioners on the Phase III project at the Airport.
Gary moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel for 1 ½ hours from 1:08pm to 2:38pm with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Jim Verner present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 2:38pm.
Gary moved to go back into executive session for non-elected personnel for 20 minutes from 2:45pm to 3:05pm with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Jim Verner present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 3:05pm.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
JULY 8, 2010
A special meeting was called with the auditors at 8:30am on July 8, 2010 for an audit and budget presentation. Commissioner O D Littrell, Gary Baker and Dave Bozone were present. Also present were Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Ruthie Winget, Hugoton Hermes.
Theresa Dasenbrock and Charles Claar with Lewis, Hooper and Dick of Garden City explained the 2009 County audit and reviewed the 2011 County budgets with the Commissioners.
Linda Stalcup and Dave Piper with the Hospital board came in to discuss the 2011 Hospital budget.
The Commissioners had J C Cantrell come in to discuss the 2011 Road and Bridge budget.
The Commissioners had Ted Heaton come in to discuss the 2011 Sheriff budget.
Dave moved to the 2011 County budget hearing for August 2, 2010 at 8:30 am during the Commissioners regular meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
O D Littrell, Chairman
JULY 19, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge…………………………….288,500.33
Noxious Weed…………………………………4,774.58
Community Health……………..……………3,560.05
County Equipment………………………….18,549.55
Airport Grants………………………..….…61,437.76
911 Land Line………………………….……1,093.33
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………….……33.28
Guy Rowden came in to ask about getting a machine to strip the floors. The Commissioners said to get an estimated cost for the machine.
Guy talked about the air conditioning in the basement.
Mike Schechter informed the Commissioners the fire siren at the southwest corner of town was not working. Mike presented a quote with the Federal Signal Corporation from Blue Valley Public Safety, Inc to rewind the motor at a cost of $3,500.00 with no guarantee of it working or a new siren to replace the one at the southwest corner of town in the amount of $9,209.75. Gary Rowden with the City of Hugoton says he install the siren for the County at no cost. Dave moved to go with the quote from Blue Valley Public Safety, Inc to buy a new siren in the amount of $9,209.75. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to allow $38,000.00 be put into the 2011 County Employee Benefits fund earmarked for the Library due to lower valuations. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss the Moscow/Hooker road north of Highway 51.
J C and the Commissioners talked about the bypass road.
Barbara Beeks with the Senior Citizens Center came in to talk about the roof on the entryway to the Senior Center. She brought in a quote from Aqua Shield in the amount of $12,068.54. The Commissioners decided to wait and check on other options.
The Commissioners talked about spraying for mosquitoes at the land east of town owned by the County.
O D moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:10am to 10:20am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:20am.
Gary moved to raise the Memorial Hall deposit from $100.00 to $200.00. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
O D Littrell, Chairman
AUGUST 2, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………112,661.77
Noxious Weed………………………………….22,984.60
Road Machinery……………………………..95,592.00
Alcoholic Treatment………………………….…237.50
Community Health……………..………….…30,512.86
911 Land Line………………………….…..…4,866.00
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………………66.56
O D Littrell opened the 2011 County Budget Hearing meeting at 8:30am. No one from the public showed up. O D closed the hearing at 8:50am. Gary moved to adopt the 2011 County budget. Dave seconded.
O D checked with the City of Hugoton and they do spray for mosquitoes at the Russell Lake area. The City feels if it was cleaned up and mowed the mosquito problem would be taken care of.
O D received change orders for the Pioneer Manor. After some discussion, Dave moved to accept the Pioneer Manor Nursing Facility Revision Acceptance Authorization #1. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss different roads in the county.
There was discussion about the Hooker/Moscow road north of Highway 51. J C said he worked on 7 mile of road and he is trying to keep sand on it due to the oil seeping through.
They discussed working on Road 11 between Highway 56 and Road P.
The Commissioners were informed that due to the humidity, the tiles on the Memorial Hall floor are coming up and needing repaired.
Dave moved to pursue on getting bids to put new flooring in the Memorial Hall. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
O D will ask Tony McBride about what types of flooring will work for the Memorial Hall.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
O D Littrell, Chairman
AUGUST 6, 2010
The Board of Canvassers met at 8:30am to canvass the votes from the August 3, 2010 Primary Election. Present were Dave Bozone, O D Littrell and Pam Bensel.
Others that came to the canvassing were William Sutcliffe and Dan Widder.
There were 32 Provisional Ballots and all were counted. These ballots did not change the outcome of the election of the first count.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
AUGUST 13, 2010
A special meeting was called with the Airport Board at 8:00am on August 13, 2010 to award a bid. Commissioner O D Littrell and Dave Bozone were present. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order.
Airport board members, Kim Harper, Robert Davis, Jr, Jeff Crawford and Dax Gaskill came in to present the bids for the Runway 2/20 Parallel Taxiway Phase III project to the Commissioners to be awarded to the lowest bidder.
Gary moved to award the bid for $863,273.47 to Tarbet Construction with approval from the State. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Kim Harper talked about the money for Federal Assistance they could get if the Commissioners agree to allow the Airport Board to pursue for the grant. The Airports share would be $56,672.00 and the Federal Assistance grant would amount to $1,076,756.00.
Dave moved to allow the Airport Board to continue with the Federal Assistance. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Kim Harper explained they need to have the electricity, gas and the individual people’s lines relocated to be able to receive FFA grant money. The Airport Board has bids to relocate each of these items.
Dave moved to accept bids for each of these items: electricity from Pioneer Electric for $9,060.00, gas from Anadarko for $6,000.00 high and $2,500.00 low and the individual people’s lines from Hancock Electric for $500.00 to $800.00 an hour and $995.00 an hour for Triple H Farms line. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to approve Dell Cullison to be appointed to the Airport Board to fulfill the unexpired term of Bob Passmore from September, 2009 to September, 2013. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners discussed turning lanes for when Abengoa trucks start coming in and out.
Gary mentioned putting rumble strips at each of the Second Street Road intersections.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
AUGUST 16, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Ro Glenda, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes for August 2 and August 6, 2010. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………24,996.17
Noxious Weed………………………………….4,851.04
Insurance Agency-Damages………………..18,196.00
Community Health……………..………….…5,561.87
Airport Grants……………………………….20,494.54
911 Land Line……………………………..…1,093.33
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………966.56
The Commissioners received a bid from Cobb’s Commercial Maintenance in the amount of $981.20 to strip off the old finish and sealer then re-wax the floors for the Courthouse.
Dave moved to accept the bid from Cobb’s Commercial Maintenance in the amount of $981.20 to strip three floors and landings then re-wax floors and landings in the Courthouse. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners did not accept the bid for monthly maintenance of the floor. This will be kept up by the janitors.
Cobb will need to get with the Courthouse janitors to check if the previous wax product will work with his wax product.
J C Cantrell came in and the Commissioners asked about putting rumble strips at the intersections on the Second Street Road. He still feels this would cause more problems than not having them. The Commissioners suggested putting solar lights or flashing lights on the stop signs at each intersection.
J C talked about the 7 miles on Moscow/Hooker Road North of Highway 51. The County is going to put a 2” lift on the road to fix the oil problem.
Moscow Recreation Board Members – Shelly Stuckey and Lorie Christensen came in to discuss the Moscow pool and pool house. Shelly says they need to fix the pool leak, filters and cement around the pool. They need to get the pool house up to code.
The Commissioners asked the Recreation Board to get a cost for repairs or renovation and a drawing together for the pool and pool house, then come back at a later date.
The Recreation Board informed the Commissioners they are working on getting grants.
Dave moved to appoint Gary as the voting delegate for KAC with 1st Alternate – Dave and 2nd Alternate – O D. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to appoint OD as the voting delegate for KCAMP with Dave as alternate. Dave second. Motion carried.
Gary moved to appoint Dave as the voting delegate for KWORCC with Gary as alternate. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Susan Schulte came in to ask about going to the KAM conference in October. Her office will be closed during this time. The Commissioners approved the meeting.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Ruthie Winget, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge………………………………455,108.24
Noxious Weed………………………………….20,400.93
Alcoholic Treatment………………………….…237.50
Community Health……………..………….…23,955.62
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H…………………..…133.12
Dave moved to adopt Resolution 10-05 providing for the adoption of the Stevens County solid Waste Management Plan. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss road projects.
J C and the Commissioners discussed the Moscow/Hooker road north of Highway 51.
J C is working with the State to get a blinking light at the intersection of Second Street and Highway 25. The State asked for a copy of the last accident report to decide if it is necessary to put up a light, so Ted Heaton brought in the report for J C to send into State.
J C says they have 19 miles of road left to seal.
J C reported that Road 10 is finished.
J C is working with the State on a turning lane for the bypass road.
Mark Crawford and Don Beesley came in to discuss land for a ball field. Don Beesley says the school could share a facility with the Recreation.
Commissioners discussed the KLPG dues. They feel the dues are incorrect.
Mike Schechter came in to discuss a program for those with “special needs” during the event of an incident. Mike asked the Commissioners if they would be interested in joining other agencies and contract with NetEOP to develop a Kansas Vulnerable Needs Planning System.
Gary moved to accept the agreement for the vulnerable needs registry. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Mike asked the Commissioners if they would be interested in pursuing a grant for the replacing of the old sirens in the county.
Gary moved to give Mike the go ahead to pursue the grant. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Tony McBride and Dwayne West came in to talk about the Memorial Hall floor. Dwayne presented different types of flooring that could be used. Dwayne says the glue on the floor now will need to be removed.
Dave will check with Ashley Fiss to find out which type of material would work best to use for this floor.
Tony McBride presented a revision of $34,550.00 for the Pioneer Manor Nursing Facility.
Dave moved to accept the revision of $34,550.00 to the Pioneer Manor Nursing Facility. O D seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
SEPTEMBER 20, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. O D moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……….201,094.51
Noxious Weed…………………………………….2,396.18
Highway Improvement…………….………..119,197.96
Community Health……………..……….…..…12,473.27
911 Land Line………………………….………1,093.33
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………..…66.56
O D moved to go into executive session for litigation for 20 minutes from 9:47am to 10:12am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:10am.
Ashley Fiss and Dwayne West came in with different types of flooring materials for the Memorial Hall. They presented carpet squares and limestone tiles.
Dave moved to go with carpet tiles to cut down the noise in the Memorial Hall, replace the carpet and put handicap rails on the ramp and take the wall paper border off and texture the wall. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dwayne asked to have David Thompson from Liberal to get a sample of the glue and have it tested.
Dwayne suggested testing the concrete for moisture.
Ashley will put the Memorial Hall floor project out to bid.
Richard Claggett came in to discuss the NW corner of NW 27-32-37. He wants to have this land surveyed into (4) 5 acre plots. He asked the Commissioners if the County would put in a gravel frontage road on the west side of the property and maintain it. The State will allow one entrance into the property. There is an approach at the North end.
The Commissioners said they will need to see the finished plat and if KDOT will allow another approach to the property.
J C Cantrell brought in pictures to discuss about an issue on Road 10.
J C and the Commissioners discussed the soft shoulders on Road Q.
Ted Heaton came in to discuss sheriff business. He discussed some the cases they have solved.
Roger Lynch came in to discuss the guy line wires and the proper lighting of towers. The Commissioners moved as of May 4, 2009 to have the towers properly marked. Resolution 10-06 is now being signed and approved as of September 20, 2010.
Carl Eyman with KWORCC came in to explain the Workman’s Comp claims analysis for 2010.
Pat LeClerc came in to explain the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Health Care Reform.
Dave moved that Stevens County pay dues to KLPG at the amount of pro rata based on membership of number of counties in the program. O D seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
OCTOBER 4, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. O D moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……….210,948.53
Noxious Weed……………………………………..6,191.64
Alcoholic Treatment………………………….….237.50
Insurance Agency Damages……………………3,306.30
Community Health……………..………..…..…29,424.94
Airport Grants………………………..……….11,724.77
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………..…70.56
Dave moved to go into executive session for litigation for 20 minutes from 8:55am to 9:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:15am.
The Commissioners discussed the dues for KLPG. Bob will check with Pinegar & Smith concerning the amount of dues that each county pays.
J C Cantrell came in and discussed with the Commissioners about the frontage road on Claggett’s land – NW 27-32-37.
J C asked about getting a proposal for the relighting of the Road & Bridge shop. He had one bid from Hancock Electric LLC. The Commissioners told him that he needed at least two bids for the project and they could be opened at the next meeting on October 18th at 9:30am.
The Commissioners discussed housing for when the Abengoa project starts.
Ted Heaton came in to let the Commissioners know what was going on at the Sheriff’s office. He informed them everything was good.
Gary informed the other Commissioners that the Pioneer Manor transportation bus needed to be updated.
Larry Sharpe with KCAMP came in to discuss the values of the county buildings that the State Appraiser compiled of all county buildings valued over $1,000,000.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
OCTOBER 13, 2010
A special meeting was called with the Airport Board at 7:45am on October 13, 2010. Commissioner O D Littrell and Dave Bozone were present. Also present were Airport Board Members – Kim Harper, Robert Davis, Jr and Wayne Tate, Airport Attorney. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order.
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 7:45am to 8:00am with Airport Board Members – Kim Harper, Robert Davis, Jr and Wayne Tate, Airport Attorney. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 8:00am.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
OCTOBER 18, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. O D seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……….132,996.45
Noxious Weed………………………………………..123.61
Community Health……………..……….…….…2,562.35
911 Land Line………………………….………1,088.26
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………………312.90
Dave moved to go into executive session for litigation for 15 minutes from 9:00am to 9:15am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:15am.
J C Cantrell came in to open bids for the relighting of the Road & Bridge shop. He had two bids – Hancock Electric, LLC and Frankie D Thomas.
Hancock Electric LLC – $10,651.00
Frankie D Thomas – $14,826.00
Gary moved to accept the low bid from Hancock Electric LLC. The motion died for the lack of a second.
J C brought in a quote from Foley Equipment to repair the lay down machine. The Commissioners asked J C to look at all the options and bring more information to the next Commissioners meeting, November 1, 2010.
Ashley Fiss came in with some carpet tile samples for the Memorial Hall floor project. The Commissioners, Bob Johnson, Ashley Fiss, Pam Bensel and Susan Schulte went to the Memorial Hall to determine which carpet tile color would look best and serve the purpose.
Ashley says the top part of the wall will be repainted, the wall paper border will be removed, and the ramp will need to be replaced and a hand rail put on. She is checking into a guard rail to put around the wall so the tables and chairs don’t damage the wall.
Ashley brought in a drawing of the land surrounding the Pioneer Manor to show where other buildings could be built in the future.
Neal Gillespie brought in a revised cost benefit analysis for tax abatement on Great Plains Gas Compression. A portion was missed on the first analysis so they were required to resubmit the corrected analysis. Neal informed the Commissioners there needs to be a public hearing set.
O D recommends having a public hearing on the amended tax abatement for Great Plains Gas Compression. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners discussed different Wekando projects.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:40am to 10:50am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:50am.
Lynn Engle with EBH & Associates, Tom Hicks, City Clerk and Tony Martin, City Planning & Zoning Administrator came in to discuss the platting of the land in the SW 21-33-37, around the new Pioneer Manor. The corrections have been made and Mr Engle will finalize the plat.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
NOVEMBER 1, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……….163,520.90
Noxious Weed…………………………………….10,751.38
Alcoholic Treatment……………………….……..237.50
Community Health……………..……….………33,418.88
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………..………99.84
Dave moved to change the November 15th meeting to November 19th and the end of the year meeting is set for December 28th.
Shelly Stuckey, Lorie Christensen and Amy Davidson with the Moscow Recreation Board came in to ask if the County would help Moscow fund money for a new bathhouse and to fix the existing pool. The Commissioners said they need to get blueprints drawn up. They could go ask Ashley Fiss to draw up the prints and the County would pay for the prints then Ashley would have an estimated cost for the job.
The Commissioners said when the prints are ready, the Recreation Board could bring them to another Commissioner meeting and they would have an idea of how much they could help with the funding of the project.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss Road & Bridge business.
He asked if he could move $719,045.78 from the 2010 Road & Bridge fund to the Highway Improvement fund to replenish the amount that was used for road work in 2010.
Dave moved to allow $719,045.78 be moved from the 2010 Road & Bridge fund to the Highway Improvement fund. O D seconded. Motion carried.
J C brought in quotes for a new lay down machine with trade and for a used one.
Caterpillar $280,000 Cedar Rapid $255,000
$325,000 (new) $315,000 (new)
lease/rent Caterpillar $18,000 a month
The Road & Bridge Department mechanic will work on restoring the lay down machine on hand.
The Commissioners agreed to not put in new lighting at the Road & Bridge shop at this time.
Alejandra Juarez with BC-BS came in to explain the increase in the County’s health care and to show the different options for the County.
Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners that the 911 system at the Sheriff’s office will need to be updated soon to be Phase II compliant. The cost will be around $50,000.00.
Ted informed the Commissioners he has 1 less deputy at this time and doesn’t plan on hiring another one.
Tony McBride and Linda Stalcup came in to finalize the recommendations for the Pioneer Manor.
Mike Schechter came in to ask for a new heater for the EMS building
Mike informed the Commissioners that the person from Blue Valley came out and the tornado siren pole needs to be 50’ instead of 35’.
Mike informed the Commissioners that his budget for radios had been reduced from $20,000 to $5,000 and he will need the money for radio updates.
Charlie Wagner, board member for the Silver Haired Legislature came in to give an update on the on the new laws the legislature is working on.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
NOVEMBER 8, 2010
The Board of Canvassers met at 8:00am to canvass the votes from the August 3, 2010 Primary Election. Present were Dave Bozone, O D Littrell, Gary Baker and Susan Schulte.
There were 25 Provisional Ballots, 21 were counted and 4 were not counted because these people were not registered at the time. These ballots did not change the outcome of the election of the first count.
Bills were presented to be approved and paid.
O D moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……………20.88
Noxious Weed……………………………………..157.89
SV Co Community Health……………………1019.40
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……….24,289.61
Noxious Weed………………………………………..23.23
Insurance Agency-Damages…………….……1,350.00
Community Health……………..…………….…8,415.30
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………………66.56
Mike Schechter came in to have some papers signed by the Commissioners.
Guy Rowden came in to ask about buying POW flags to keep at the Courthouse to fly for special occasions. The Commissioners said that the VFW is to supply the POW flag for the Veteran Memorial.
Pat LeClerc came in to discuss health insurance. She explained different options and answered questions. She is getting other dental options to compare for the next meeting.
Ashley Fiss and Tony McBride came in with a bid for Memorial Hall floor project and alterations.
McBride Construction, Inc base bid $44,861.00
alteration of chair rail $1,978.00
Gary moved to accept the bid from McBride Construction for a base bid of $44,861.00 and bid of $1978.00 for the alteration of the chair rail.
Tony informed the Commissioners that Dwayne West will come in next week to get a sample of the Memorial Hall floor to check the moisture under the floor.
O D Littrell will continue working with Tony McBride on the Pioneer Manor project until the project in finalized.
Susan Schulte came in to ask about purchasing a new scanner for blue prints and mapping.
Dave moved to allow the purchase of a new scanner. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Susan asked to have $10,000.00 transferred out of the GIS account into the County Equipment fund at the end of the year.
O D moved to allow the transfer for $10,000.00 out of the GIS account into the County Equipment fund at the end of the year. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary informed the other Commissioners of a meeting he attended at KAC. They talked about the dues for each county to pay for KLPG. The dues were based on oil & gas valuations of each county. The Committee came up with a different formula to figure the county dues.
Dave moved to rescind the motion on September 20, 2010 to pay $5,000.00 to KLPG for 2010. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to approve the county dues in the amount of $10,172.00 to KLPG based on the new formula. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Ted Heaton and Rex Evans came in discuss 911 issues. Ted presented a contract for the new 911 system. Bob will review the contract and more discussion will take place at the next meeting.
J C Cantrell came in to inform the Commissioners the Federal Exchange Program will allow Stevens County an estimated price of $505,925.00.
Dave moved to allow J C to change from the program the county is currently with to the Federal Exchange Program. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
DECEMBER 6, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……..124,210.78
Noxious Weed…………………………………….6,363.71
Alcoholic Treatment…………………….………237.50
Community Health……………..………………26,628.56
Fire Bequest…………………………………….500.00
Airport Grants……………………….………10,588.33
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………………66.56
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 12 minutes from 8:48am to 9:00am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.
J C Cantrell came in update the Commissioners on the Road & Bridge department.
He informed the Commissioners that Abengoa has started working at their site west of town.
Tony Martin presented a list of the new board members and officers for the Fair Board.
Dave moved to approve the new members for the Fair Board. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Mario Hernandez came in to ask if he could be put on as full time maintenance janitor for the Memorial Hall, 4-H building and Extension Council.
The Commissioners said to let them discuss this situation and they will get back with him at a later date.
Pat LeClerc with Group Benefit came in to discuss the Blue Cross-Blue Shield options with the Commissioners.
Dave moved to stay with the BC-BS health and dental renewal that was presented by Alejandra Juarez with BC-BS at the November 1, 2010 meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Ted Heaton and Rex Evans came in to talk about the 911 contract. The cost for the project is $118,000.00.
Pam Bensel informed the Commissioners they need to reappoint Mark Crawford to the Economic Development Board.
Dave moved to reappoint Mark Crawford to the Economic Development Board. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Neal Gillespie and Kristen Farnum came in to discuss several different issues.
Neal talked about Neighborhood Revitalization. He explained why it would be good for the county to have this program.
Neal discussed the Commissioner redistricting. He explained some counties have all commissioners at large.
Neal also discussed the grant money for a bypass turning lane. He has talked to Larry Thompson and this would be a Kansas Department of Transportation project.
Guy Rowden presented a proposal and contract from Southwest Glass & Door Inc from Liberal for door closers on some of the offices in the Courthouse costing $1,841.00.
Dave moved to accept the proposal from Southwest Glass & Door for $1,841.00 to fix the office doors in the Courthouse. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Thea Schnittker came in for an interview as a prospective candidate for the Hospital Board. Thea expressed her concerns and what ideas she had for the hospital.
Betty Rosel was presented with an award from KAC by the Commissioners for 40 years of service to the county.
The Commissioners received a proposal from Tony McBride with McBride Construction for the Memorial Hall renovations. The Commissioners agreed to purchase 5% extra carpet tiles to be left for future use at a cost of $745.00.
The Commissioners chose not to accept the proposal to install the carpet tiles on a 45 degree angle for a cost of $894.00.
Commissioners talked about raises for 2011 but no decision was made.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
DECEMBER 20, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with Gary Baker and Dave Bozone present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Vice Chairman Gary Baker called the meeting to order. Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Gary moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……..129,189.24
Insurance Agency……………………………75,892.30
Community Health……………….………………7,755.87
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………..107.84
Theresa Dasenbrock and Dave Lunzmann came in to discuss the money situation for the health insurance. Theresa informed them of different ways they could handle the rise in cost in the insurance. They talked about the different options for health and dental insurance.
Theresa informed the Commissioners that pursuant to the new Federal legislation there will be a 2% decrease in FICA/Medicare for every individual in the year 2011.
Gary Baker asked about a cafeteria plan for the county employees. She explained how the plan would work.
The Commissioners discussed possible COLA raises for the 2011 year.
J C Cantrell checked in with the Commissioners to see if they needed anything from his department.
The Commissioners presented Mike Schechter with a 40 years certificate from the County in appreciation for his service on the fire department.
Ted Heaton and Rex Evans came in with two pickup bids from Riley Chevrolet Buick, Inc.
2011 Chev Silverado 4X4 Ext Cab $28,328.69
Less trade in of 2007 Ford 4X4 Ext Cab 12,400.00
2011 Chev Silverado 4X4 Ext Cab $28,511.69
Less trade in on 2009 Chev 4X4 Ext Cab 13,250.00
Dave moved to allow Ted to purchase the 2 – 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 4X4 Ext Cab for $15,928.69 and $15,261.69. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gene Leonard brought in an encumbrance letter for Solid Waste. He asked to encumber $65,000.00 from the 2010 budget to be used toward the purchase of a track loader. He also asked that the $21,350.00 of the capital outlay part of the Solid Waste budget be transferred to the County Equipment fund to help purchase the track loader.
Dave moved to allow Gene Leonard to encumber the $65,000.00 or less plus the $21,350.00 from the 2010 Solid Waste budget to the County Equipment fund to put toward the purchase of a track loader. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dave asked Gene about taking in contaminated dirt/non hazardous at the landfill. He also asked about the salt water coming in to the landfill. Dave suggested charging a possible tipping fee for this service.
Dave asked Gene to check with other Counties on what they charge for contaminated dirt/non hazardous.
Gene said he will talk to KDHE on how to handle these items.
Gary moved to go into executive session for litigation for 10 minutes from 10:35am to 10:44am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:44am.
Kirk Heger came in for an interview as a prospective candidate for the Hospital Board. Kirk expressed his concerns and what ideas he had for the hospital.
Dave moved to appoint Kirk Heger to the Hospital Board as board member replacing Matt Johnson starting January 1, 2011. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary Baker presented a packet from Richard Claggett for the land north of town on the NW corner of NW 27-32-37 showing the entrance approved by KDOT. The Commissioners decided to invite Richard Claggett to the January 3 meeting to discuss the entrance approved by KDOT.
Dave moved to give a 3% COLA raise for all employees as of January 1, 2011. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Bob Johnson discussed the water rights south of town, and he presented the Approval of Application for Change in Place of Use and Use Made of Water from Kansas Department of Agriculture received from the State.
Bob will finalize work on the contract with the City of Hugoton.
O D Littrell had previously volunteered to continue to oversee the Pioneer Manor project; however he has declined to continue on the Pioneer Manor project because of possible conflicts. The Commissioners will oversee the project through completion.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman
DECEMBER 28, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with Gary Baker and Dave Bozone present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes. Vice Chairman Gary Baker called the meeting to order. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge……………………….……272,661.85
Noxious Weed………………………………..8,688.61
Community Health……………….…………..21,812.56
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………..69.56
Pam Bensel informed the Commissioners that Kim Harper called and asked to choose someone to meet with UPA about a better light system when the unit trains come in. Dave Bozone and J C Cantrell were chosen to meet with UPA.
David Gustafson came in on behalf of Amarillo Natural Gas Company. He had a contract between Amarillo Natural Gas and Abengoa to provide gas to the Abengoa facility. He asked if they could use the county right of way if necessary for laying the gas line to the facility. The County requires the requesting party to attempt to secure right of ways from the private land owners before granting the use of the County’s right of way.
Bob Johnson will send a letter to Amarillo Natural Gas advising of the County’s policy.
Jim Karlan called to have the Commissioners appoint two people from Stevens County to be on the Southwest Guidance Center Board.
Dave moved to appoint Nylene Johnson and Jim Bell to the Southwest Guidance Center Board as of January 1, 2011. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Jim will be in contact with the two appointees.
Paula Rowden came in to talk about the bus grant for Community Health. She needs the Articles of Incorporation by January 22, 2011.
Gary Baker asked about using the bus to transport Pioneer Manor patients to their destinations. Paula felt it might delay some of the community individuals that need transportation. Paula will to meet with Linda Stalcup, Hospital Administrator to help apply for a grant for use at the Pioneer Manor.
Gary moved to have Dave work with Tony McBride on the Pioneer Manor project, then report to the other Commissioners. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Gary reported that he had received an email concerning the wind farm project. The project is going to be bid on soon and the conditional use permit needs to be extended.
The Commissioners talked about having all Commissioner districts voted on at large and will look into the matter along with redistricting.
Dave moved to go into executive session regarding possible litigation for 5 minutes from 9:25am to 9:30am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.
Pam Bensel presented an encumbrance letter from Mike Schechter requesting $20,000.00 from the 2010 EMS budget to purchase a new repeater and mobile radios.
Dave moved to allow Mike Schechter to encumber $20,000.00 from the 2010 EMS budget for the purchase of the repeater and mobile radios.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________ O D Littrell, Chairman