JANUARY 2, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. Gary seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Melvin. Dave seconded. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….…..……….260.11
Home for Aged Maint……………….. 673,333.33
Noxious Weed……………………………..133.89
SV Co Comm Health………….……………1,571.79
Dave moved to have Citizens State Bank as the bank depository for Stevens County. Melvin seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to have First National Bank as a secondary depository for Stevens County. Melvin seconded. Motion carried.
Melvin moved to appoint Gary Baker as Chairman. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to appoint Dave as Vice Chairman. Melvin seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to appoint the Hugoton Hermes as the official newspaper for Stevens County. Melvin seconded. Motion carried.
Melvin moved to continue the meeting days and time the same. The days are 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8:30am. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Pam Bensel, County Clerk presented the GAAP waiver Resolution 07-01 to be approved and signed. Dave moved to adopt the GAAP Resolution 07-01. Melvin seconded. Motion carried.
Robert Rich brought in the 2006 encumbrance letter for the Wellness Center. Dave moved to allow Robert to encumber monies for Community Service in the amount of $4000.00 and Wellness Center in the amount of $2250.00.
There was some discussion on how the plans work for declaring a county disaster. Bob is contacting the Governor’s office to see what it entails and what funds are available.
Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners about what the Sheriffs Department has been doing during the storm disaster.
O D Littrell was informed that the Commissioners receive $60.00 a month through payroll for using their personal cell phone for county business.
Dave moved to purchase SE 15-33-37 less 5A tract from Greg and Sheryl Morris for a price of $151,026.50. Melvin seconded. Motion carried. Greg and Sheryl signed the closing statement.
The check is to be made out to Stevens County Title and sent to Greg Bond.
Gene Leonard brought in the 2006 encumbrance letter for the Noxious Weed and Solid Waste. He asked to encumber $50,000.00 for the landfill to use for processing concrete. Melvin moved to allow Gene to encumber monies for the landfill in the amount of $50,000.00. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
The Noxious Weed monies ($12,000.00) will transfer into the Noxious Weed Equipment fund.
Bob Johnson asked to encumber the remaining County Counselor monies $1,323.00 for the remaining court appeals. Dave moved to allow Bob to encumber monies for the County Counselor in the amount of $1,323.00. Melvin seconded. Motion carried.
Due to the IRS audit there will be a $3.00 a day charge through payroll for employees in the Road and Bridge Department, Emergency Services Department and Noxious Weed and Landfill Department to take home any county vehicles. The Commissioners decided to offset the wages of the Emergency Services Department to be able to take the vehicle home.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
JANUARY 16, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by O D. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….…..…….31,861.10
Services for Elderly……………………..76,850.00
Employees Benefit…………………….167,302.00
Noxious Weed………………………………61.97
Hospital Maint…………………………550,000.00
Insurance Agency………………………142,236.00
Alcoholic Treatment………………………..237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….…………….4,679.15
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund…………………4,555.50
Dave moved to go into executive session to discuss possible litigation for 15 minutes from 8:55am – 9:10am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:10am.
Paula Rowden came in to give an update on the different projects within Community Health.
Paula brought in the Public Transportation grant application to have the Chairman of the Commissioners sign.
Paula asked about the overhead door at the transfer station building. She talked to the company about repairing the door and they said the door was not the type that was to be opened every day.
She asked about replacing the door and putting a smaller overhead door in. The Commissioners felt it would be too hard to replace the door. They suggested putting a carport, for the transportation bus, beside the Community Health building and possibly inclosing it if necessary. O D will check into the cost of a carport after Paula gives him the necessary dimensions. Paula will check with McBride Construction for a cost of the concrete.
Paula presented an overall account of the 2006 year for the Community Health Department.
Paula reported that she received the prescription cards from NACO. Paula will be the contact person for Stevens County. Paula informed them that she will run an advertisement for the card.
Roger Lynch came in to have the Commissioners sign the contract from KDOT for the clean up of Shawnah Dorsey’s property in Moscow.
Robert Rich came in to discuss the “Get Fit” program. He felt it would be better to hold off a year before starting the program again.
Janice Hollis came in to ask about fold up portable stage extensions. She had a quote from Dallas Midwest for 3 stage extensions, skirting and hangers. Dave moved to accept the bid from Dallas Midwest LLC for the 3 stage extensions, skirting and hangers to be paid out of the building fund. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Koleen came in to present the Clerk of District Court 2006 encumbrance letter. She is asking for $8,000.00 to be carried over from the 2006 budget. Dave moved to allow Koleen to encumber $8,000.00 of the Clerk of District Court 2006 budget. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Debbie Nordling came in to voice concerns about the October 3, 2006 minutes. She brought concerns about the Economic Development Board and Assisted Living.
- Economic Development Board
- Board is made up of all white males. Our board does not reflect the growth of our businesses.
- We need diversity. We have a number of new Hispanic owned and operated businesses as well as female owned and operated businesses. Consider getting some new people involved, at least ask and interview new candidates.
- We have two (2) Board members that employed by the same bank. We could have a possible conflict with a project.
- Assisted Living
- I requested that we revisit a project. We have too many people leaving our
community to relocate to Liberal, Ulysses and Elkhart for assisted living.
- I suggested we look at Ulysses’ assisted living project.
She had concerns about the November 14, 2006 minutes:
(Paula informed them that they had run out of car seats. They need $8000.00 for start up cost on the Family Planning program and she will be sending a letter to the Myrtle Parsons Trust asking for a donation. State Farm is willing to match funds.) She stated that she would have to contact State Farm before she could make a statement like that. She stated she would talk to Paula about this statement.
Mike Schechter came in to check if anyone had complaints or concerns about the ice storm. Mike informed the community on what FEMA, a state entity, would be helping with on reimbursements.
Mike said Moscow City was asking for funds to help purchase a generator for the water well at Moscow when the electricity goes out.
J C Cantrell came in to talk about a section line road south of town-Rd H between 8 & 9 that needed repaired. The EOG oil company asked if the county would rock the road and they offered to pay the cost of the rock.
Dave mentioned that he and JC went to Morton County to look at the Road & Bridge building. They got a copy of their blue prints to look over.
J C asked about driving the County’s vehicle home. He felt that was part of his benefits at the time they allowed this. No decision was made.
Neal Gillespie came in and Dave moved to go into executive session to discuss trade secrets for 15 minutes from 1:00pm – 1:15pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. No decisions made. Meeting reconvened at 1:15pm.
Dave moved to construct Gary Baker as Chairman of the Commissioners to send a letter to the Recreation Board on what was decided about the rebuilding of the swimming pool. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Bob informed them that he already had a letter for Gary to sign and send.
Pam Bensel presented the encumbrance letter for Mike Schechter asking to transfer $30,000.00 from the 2006 Emergency Services fund to the County Equipment fund to be designated for Emergency Services. Melvin moved to allow Mike to encumber monies for the County Equipment fund to be designated for Emergency Services. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to have Stevens County join the 4 county group called WEKANDO (Western KS Development Organization) to secure legislature and hire Pineger & Smith and John Frieden and have Stevens County share in the cost. O D seconded. Motion carried.
There will be 4 voting delegates and 4 alternates, 1 from each county (Stevens, Stanton, Grant and Morton).
O D moved to have Dave as the voting delegate from Stevens County for WEKANDO. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary moved to have O D be the alternate from Stevens County for WEKANDO. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave mentioned he felt that WEKANDO was a good group since a County can choose to opt out of being a part of any certain project.
Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel issues for 10 minutes from 1:40pm – 1:50pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to go back into executive session for 10 minutes from 1:55pm – 2:05pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 2:05pm.
Dave moved to go into executive session to discuss possible litigation for 15 minutes from 8:55am – 9:10am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:10am.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
JANUARY 25, 2007
A special meeting was called by Gary Baker, the Chairman of County Commissioners. Present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone and O D Littrell. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.
The meeting started at 11:00am with Connie Gold, Treasurer asking them to sign Resolution 07-02 urging the federal and state governments to retain drivers’ license renewals at the local level. No other business was conducted.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
FEBRUARY 6, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….…..…..311,399.35
Noxious Weed……………………………5,999.97
Insurance Agency…………………………8,892.00
Alcoholic Treatment………………………..237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….………….25,613.40
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund…………..………227.90
Ted Heaton presented a policy for fitness for the sheriff officers.
Ted informed the Commissioners of the expenses to be recovered for the Sheriff’s department from FEMA.
Ted informed the Commissioners that he tries to attend the Moscow City Council meetings.
Bob Johnson discussed the four county Interlocal Corporation Ageement and proposed by laws with the Commissioners.
Dave moved to adopt Resolution 07-03 approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Stanton County, Morton County and Stevens County.
Retha Wagner with the Library Board presented a list of names for her replacement on the board. She goes off the board March, 2007. The names are: Milton Gillespie, Charlotte Veatch, Heather Augustine and Lisa Whitham. O D moved to have each person come in and visit with them. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Mike Schechter came in to report on the damage to the radio tower. The top 60 feet was broken off in the ice storm. FEMA will replace the tower since the county did not have the tower on insurance yet. Mike has a contractor that will give an estimate and then ask FEMA if they will repair or replace it.
Mike asked if he could get a diesel generator for the radio tower and he informed them that there are funds left in the Communication grant.
Mike informed the Commissioners the he needed to purchase a new breathing air compressor to replace the one that was purchased in 1983. He can purchase one for approximately $8250.00. Dave moved to allow Mike to purchase a new breathing air compressor. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Rodrick Heger came in to discuss personnel issues. Gary moved to go into executive session
for personnel issues for 35 minutes from 9:55am – 10:30am. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go back into executive session for 5 minutes from 10:35am – 10:40am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:40am.
J C Cantrell reported that the road from Woods to Prairieola – Rd 26 J-M would cost approximately $128,128.50 to make it an all weather road. (4 miles @ 2” thick with ½” rock)
J C brought in two different costs to make an all weather road for Rd H 8-9. EOG Oil Company had offered to pay for the cost of the gravel. The cost for 3” would be $48,048.19 and for 2” would be $40,040.25. Dave said he would call them and let them choose which option they preferred.
J C brought in a quote in the amount of $26,732.50 from Harvey Williams, Project Manager with Dultmeier Sales for a salt solution to put on roads during ice storms.
J C checked with McBride Construction, Inc to get an estimate for a cement floor for a new Road & Bridge shop building. His estimate was $200,000.00.
J C asked for a quote from BCI Manufacturing for a new Road & Bridge shop building.
John Grace with ARI came in to give a final report on the remodeling or rebuilding of the Pioneer Manor. A Strategic Plan was presented to the Commissioners, the Pioneer Manor Board – Karen Reynolds, Dale Sutton, Larry Bradford, Greg Kubin and Walter McClure and Lori Rodriguez, the Administrator, were also present along with Vincent Mancini and Ashley Fiss, the architects and Sherry Goering, publisher of the Hugoton Hermes.
Vincent Mancini and Ashley Fiss presented plans and different ideas on how remodeling could be done a little at a time.
The meeting reconvened at 1:00pm for more general discussion of the Pioneer Manor problems.
John talked about possibly closing the alley if necessary.
Dave moved to have the architectural team stop working on the remodeling mode and start the rebuilding mode on the older part of the building. O D seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners decided to get the plans and remodeling estimate started and then have John Grace with ARI to draw up a contract to help with the financial planning of the project.
Dave moved to go into executive session with John Grace with ARI for personnel issues for 15 minutes from 1:35pm – 1:50pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to go back into executive session for 10 minutes from 1:55pm – 2:05pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 2:05pm.
Dave moved to pay the Hugoton Municipal Golf Course $25,000.00 out of the Economic Development Incentive account in the General Fund. O D seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to pay the cost for taking County vehicles home, through payroll, according to the calculations from Stevens County auditor – Theresa Dasenbrock for J C Littrell, Gene Leonard and Mike Schechter. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
FEBRUARY 20, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General………………………………. .58,617.23
Road & Bridge….…………….…..……20,216.93
Noxious Weed…………………………….145.83
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..4,670.13
Sheriff Bequest……………………….……442.00
Mike Schechter, Jim O’Loughlin and Susan Schulte came in to discuss the grant for E911. Jim presented a sample of the mapping program that will be used by the GIS department. The amount of the grant will be $165,194.00. He also presented contracts with Nine One One, Inc in the amount of $14,500.00 and Sanborn, Inc in the amount of $68,434.00. The contract from Allied Information Solutions, Inc for the parcel mapping has three options to choose from and the parcel mapping will not be covered by the grant.
Dave moved to accept option #3 and approve the contract with Allied Information Solutions, Inc in the amount of $42,500.00 and also approve the contracts with Nine One One, Inc in the amount of $14,500.00 and Sanborn, Inc in the amount of $68,434.00. O D seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners asked Mike to stay and asked if the Moscow Fire Department had enough men to make the runs. He explained that most of the guys work out of town so during the day the Hugoton Fire Department was standing by for them if they needed the help.
Charlotte Veatch came in to interview as a prospective board member for the Library board.
Paula Rowden came in to explain about the different grants and what amounts they will be receiving. She had grant agreements that needed to be signed by the Chairman of Commissioners.
Paula discussed an issue with a customer and the transportation bus driver. Everything has been taken care of at this time.
They discussed the carport and O D said he had gone to the Hospital to talk to Linda Stalcup to find out if there would be a problem where they were putting it. She said that was fine with them.
Dave moved to continue with putting the carport on the parking lot between the hospital and Community Health building. Gary seconded. Motion carried. O D abstained from the vote.
Paula asked O D if he could meet with Richard Everett about the Bioterrorism meeting he had gone to. Richard will get with him when he comes to town.
Paula explained that they had received donations for the equipment needed to start the Family Planning Clinic from the Myrtle Parsons Fund. They are planning on using a local person if possible. Jana Loibl, Nurse Practioner, of the Stevens County Clinic has agreed to help if the Hospital Board agrees. The individuals will bill their own insurance. The cost will be $30.00 per client.
Milton Gillespie came in to interview as a prospective board member for the Library board.
Dave moved to expand the Pioneer Manor board from a 5 member board to a 7 member board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave suggested each Commissioner ask 2 individuals to come in for the next meeting to interview as a prospective board member for the Pioneer Manor board.
Dave moved to start scheduling appointments for prospective board members for the Pioneer Manor board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners discussed the contract with ARI, Inc. Dave moved to table the contract with ARI, Inc until next meeting. O D seconded. Motion carried.
J C Cantrell reported that someone contacted him to find out if they could haul in cleatchy to put on Rd H between 8 & 9, the road EOG Oil Company wanted to have graveled.
Heather Augustine came in to interview as a prospective board member for the Library board.
O D moved to appoint Heather Augustine to replace Retha Wagner on the Library Board starting March, 2007. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Neal Gillespie and Kim Harper came in to discuss the swimming pool. They had figures for the renovating ($85,000.00) or rebuilding ($146,000.00) of the bathhouse.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
MARCH 2, 2007
The Board of Canvassers met at 9:00am to canvass the votes from the February 27, 2007, Primay Election. Present were Gary Baker, O D Littrell and Pam Bensel. There were 0 Provisionsal Ballots. The outcome of the election will stay the same. There was no other business conducted and the Canvass Board adjourned at 9:55am.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
MARCH 6, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….………126,537.95
Noxious Weed……………………………7,826.76
Alcoholic Treatment……………………….237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….…………28,047.57
Capital Projects (LEC)…………….….242,408.00
Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners about the money the Sheriff’s department will be receiving from FEMA that goes back into his budget.
Ted informed the Commissioners that he appointed Rex Evans as undersheriff.
Roger Lynch came in to inform the Commissioners about the wind farms. He has been talking to Jeff Schlichting and there has been 2000 acres of land added to the wind farm project. This land needs to be changed to conditional use. Roger suggested republishing the list of names and land descriptions. They want to break ground within 6 months if possible. O D moved to move forward on the republishing of the Conestoga wind project. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Gary has relatives on the list of names so he abstains from the vote. Neal Gillespie and Jeff Crawford were also at the meeting.
Roger informed them he had rephotographed Shawnah Dorsey’s land at Moscow and sent the ownership changes to the State.
Roger brought up some concerns about individuals parking their vehicles on the county right of way. Bob Johnson says there is a liability if something should happen. The Commissioners suggested that Roger talk to the individuals and explain the circumstances.
Will Martin came in to talk about the county’s spending on trucking equipment. He suggested hiring out some of the out of town hauling. This would save a substantial amount of money for the county. J C says he needs trucks to haul the gravel from the pit to the road they are working on and also haul the asphalt from the plant to the roads being worked on. J C Cantrell attended the meeting also.
Mike Eshbaugh and Neal Gillespie brought in a bid on the swimming pool bathhouse. The Commissioners suggested publishing for bids. There needs to be at least two or more bids.
They also had proposals from McBride Construction, Lin Goode and Custom Renovations for the remodeling cost of the swimming pool.
The Commissioners suggested a cost share program between the County, Hugoton City and Hugoton Recreation. Mike and Neal will get bids for renovating and for rebuilding of the pool.
Mike and Neal need to get in contact with Pete Earles Engineering to get cores samples from the floor of the swimming pool.
O D Littrell moved to continue with Pete Earles Engineering for the testing of core samples on the floor of the swimming pool.
J C Cantrell came in to talk about what roads and different projects the Road and Bridge Department are working on.
Craig Bell and Billy Bell from Moscow came in to discuss the water situation in Moscow. They asked if the County could donate some money to help the city buy a generator for the water well. Cornerstone Sales loaned them a generator during the ice storm in December and January. They have already received donations from Pioneer Natural Resources, Cargill and the Myrtle Parsons Trust. Gary suggested they switch the water rights on the two well and he is willing to get the paperwork together for them and to designate the smaller well as a spare. The Commissioners agreed to have them to continue getting donations and then let them know what monies is needed.
Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 15 minutes from 11:05am – 11:20am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:20am.
There was discussion on the gas field. Tom Fuhrmann is having a meeting in Ulysses for the surrounding Commissioners to discuss the matter. The gas companies are talking about drilling several well at a time to deplete the gas out of the Panoma and Hugoton Chase areas quicker and pay fewer taxes. Tom wants the Commissioners to send a letter to the KCC to express their concerns about this matter.
Dave moved to have Bob negotiate a contract with John Grace with ARI, Inc as a consultant for the Pioneer Manor. O D seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to reappoint David Self to the Southwest Juvenile Detention Board. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Michael Perry came in looking to purchase land east of town for his roofing business. The Commissioners said they needed to have the land plotted.
Ron McFarland came in as a prospective board member for the Pioneer Manor. He expressed his opinion on the matter. At this time he is not willing to serve on the board.
There were two other prospective board members that were not able to come in at this time. They are Paula Rowden and Warren Willis.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
MARCH 20, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General……………………………….. 34,133.46
Road & Bridge….…………….……… 187,614.71
Building………………………….……… 1,405.67
Noxious Weed…………………………… 1,520.68
SV Co Comm Health………….……….. 4,491.71
Sheriff Bequest………………………… 680.74
911 E Wireless……………………… 10,000.00
Mike Schechter came in to bring in an update on the radio tower. FEMA has approved buying a new tower the estimate being $61,800.00. FEMA will pay 75%, State will pay 10% and the County will pay 15% of the cost. Mike will be getting bids for the tower to open on April 17, 2007 at 10:30 am.
Mike also agreed to pay $5000.00 out of the Civil Defense account for the Moscow City generator which will be used for the fire department as well.
Ted Heaton came in to report that the Sheriff’s office has received the money from FEMA for the ice storm.
Jack Rowden came in to talk to the Commissioner. Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 9:18am – 9:33am. O D seconded. Motion carried. No action taken. Meeting reconvened at 9:33am.
Paula Rowden came in to give an update on the outcome of the grants for the Community Health Department.
She said they would be trading the transportation bus within a year. She would also like to trade the other van in for a more economical van.
She suggested that the Doctors, at the clinic, hand out the prescription cards to the patients that are seen at the clinic also.
Paula presented a job description for herself, the Administrator of the Community Health Department.
Paula says that Judy Moler from KAC needs the Commissioners to appoint a local health officer.
Lisa LeNeve came in to give a presentation on Identity theft. The Commissioners moved to not offer it as an employees benefit but the individuals could take it out if desired.
J C Cantrell came in to present a final cost of Road H between 8 & 9 that the EOG agreed to pay for the cost of the gravel.
Dave moved to go into executive session with J C for personnel issues for 15 minutes from 11:15am – 11:30am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:30am.
Mary Ann Willoughby came in to discuss putting double lines on the hill in front of her house.
O D moved to stripe the hill 3 miles south of town on both sides and put no passing signs coming from both the north and south. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Bob presented the ARI contract to the Commissioners. John Grace agreed to accept $3500.00 a month. Dave moved to accept the latest contract, for one year, with ARI at $3500.00 a month starting April 1, 2007. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Mike Eshbaugh and Yvonne Price from the Hugoton Recreation board came in to discuss the swimming pool issue. The county agreed to help if all the entities wanted to share the cost of the project. Mike would check with the Recreation Board and the city, then get back with them.
Theresa Dasenbrock the county auditor with Lewis, Hooper and Dick came in to discuss the transfers for 2006 and 2007. The transfers were presented and given to the Clerks office.
Theresa presented a letter to the Commissioners to make them aware of recent developments in the auditing profession that may affect them. The auditors cannot be part of the counties internal controls that will be their responsibilities.
Dave moved to approve the 2006 transfers as per audit. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to establish a WEKANDO fund and transfer $400,000.00 from the 2007 general fund to the WEKANDO fund. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Juleine Lowry came in to discuss the locked doors on the room with the time clock. O D suggested giving the appraisers office three keys to the room instead of one so they don’t have to go up and down the stairs if the door is locked.
O D moved to terminate the Pioneer Manor Board and place the present Hospital Board to be in charge of both the Hospital and Pioneer Manor. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to expand the Hospital Board from a 5 member board to a 7 member board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to appoint Warren Willis to the Hospital Board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Ginny Marquis came in to discuss the locked room with the time clock. They would appreciate each having a key.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
MARCH 22, 2007
A special meeting was called by Gary Baker, the Chairman of County Commissioners. Present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone and O D Littrell. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.
The meeting started at 11:00am to discuss the remodeling issues at the Pioneer Manor.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
APRIL 2, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….………238,097.71
Noxious Weed……………………………7,068.99
Alcoholic Treatment………………….…….237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….…………20,928.72
Sheriff Bequest…………………………….810.00
Capital Projects (LEC)…………….….136,699.00
Emp P/R Misc W/H……………………..2,160.00
O D moved to appoint Phillip Willis to the Hugoton Cemetery Board for the position of Center Township. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 9:03am – 9:18am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:18am.
Ted Heaton brought Rex Evans in to meet the Commissioners and inform them of which officer is now serving as undersheriff.
Ted informed them that he checking into a software program with Nex Tech for the logging of calls. It would consist of one new computer set up along with the program.
Dave moved to go into executive session with Ted Heaton for personnel issues for 5 minutes from 9:25am – 9:30am. O D seconded. Motion carried. No action taken. Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.
Frankie Thomas came in to discuss donations for the adding of names to the Veterans Memorial. He asked if they would be able to put a sign and box in the courthouse for people to donate. The Commissioners felt it would be better accepted if they would put the request at the local bank.
He also asked if the Commissioners would be interested in donating to the Memorial. They will be discussing the matter and giving an answer at a later date.
Linda Stalcup came in to have a letter signed by the Commissioners for CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services).
She discussed the Pioneer Manor and some of the issues concerning whether it will be a long term care facility through the hospital or a free standing nursing home.
Dave moved to appoint Karen Reynolds to the Hospital Board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave gave an update on the Law Enforcement Center.
Gene Leonard came in with bids for crushing concrete. The bids were from: JAG Construction Company out of Dodge City, KS and Lee Construction Inc out of Garden City.
JAG Construction $2500.00 mobilization 11.50 per ton for crushed concrete
Lee Construction Inc $1500.00 mobilization 8.75 per ton for crushed concrete (equals $9.13 a ton)
O D moved to accept the bid from Lee Construction Inc out of Garden City for crushing concrete at $9.13 a ton. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to change the price of selling crushed concrete at the Landfill from $8.60 to $10.50. O D seconded. Motion carried.
J C informed the Commissioners that Mike & Kathy Willis reported damage to their vehicle from a large piece of concrete on the road. They were asking the Commissioners to help pay for the damages. No action was taken.
Dave Eckert with the Masonic Lodge approached the Commissioners about putting a cornerstone on the new Law Enforcement Center. He asked if they knew an approximate date of completion so the Masonic Lodge could perform a dedication of the cornerstone.
Dave moved to approve the assisted living contract with Fiss Architect. O D seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners discussed the swimming pool issue. Dave volunteered to talk to some of the school board members to find out what their decision is on this matter.
A list of LEPC board members were presented to the Commissioners for approval. (Mike Schechter, Paula Rowden, Rodney Kelling, Harry Bartel, J C Cantrell, O D Littrell-replacing Melvin Webb, Ron Keller, Joy Lewis, Kenneth Burrows, Steve Lewis, Ted Heaton, Billy Bell, Gene Graves, Richard Everett, Richard Barnes, Don Goering, Rex Evans, Perry Crane and Vern Anderson) Dave moved to appoint the names on the list to the Local Emergency Preparedness Commission (LEPC) board. O D seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
APRIL 9, 2007
The Board of Canvassers met at 9:00am to canvass the votes from the April 3, 2007, General Election. Present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone, O D Littrell and Pam Bensel. There were 12 Provisional Ballots, 10 counted and 2 didn’t count. The outcome of the election will stay the same. There was no other business conducted and the Canvass Board adjourned at 10:30am.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
APRIL 17, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by O D. Dave seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General……………………………….. 60,685.43
Road & Bridge….…………….……… 138,867.25
Building………………………….……… 4580.95
Noxious Weed…………………………. 10,213.20
SV Co Comm Health………….……….. 3,252.03
Emp P/R Misc W/H…………………… 2,268.01
O D informed the Commissioners of a conversation with Jon Rowden about the road to his house needing graded.
Duane Topliss came in to have a paper for a safety grant signed.
Pam Bensel informed the Commissioners that the auditors felt the county could save money if we published the minutes quarterly instead of monthly. The Commissioners agreed to allow the proceedings to be published quarterly.
The Commissioners discussed the Veterans Memorial. Dave moved to donate up to $1,000.00 each year, if needed, to the company providing the lettering for the names on the memorial. The bill from the company is to be brought in before payment will be disbursed. O D seconded. Motion carried. (Frankie Thomas was contacted)
Neal Gillespie, Jeff Crawford and Jeff Schlichting with Conestoga Winds came in to give an update on the wind farm project. It will be 4 miles NE of town and there will be a hearing at 1:00pm today for the expansion of the conditional use property.
Paula Rowden came in to update the Commissioners on the Community Health Department. She presented an agreement between the Community Health Department and Jana Loibl, ARNP for approval by the County Attorney. Bob will get back with Paula.
Paula reported on her visit with the auditors about the budget, federal dollars and grant activity.
Paula asked if her department would be able to add another program along with Family Planning being -Fluoride Varnish Treatment. She had visited with Dr John Ward, DDS and Dr Effie Gaskill, DDS about her department providing this program and they were very receptive and supportive of the idea. The Commissioners were in agreement, also.
Paula discussed employee hours worked. She asked if her employees could get paid for what hours are worked, if less than 40 hours, without taking sick, vacation or personal time to compensate for the remaining of the 40 works required. The Commissioners agreed they would need to comply with the policy which requires them to work 40 hours or take hours to compensate for the remaining time.
Paula discussed the repairs and maintenance needed on the exterior of the Community Health building. She had visited with the company that worked on it before. They told her what needed to be done. She felt that the maintenance man would be able to do the repairs. The Commissioners agreed to let her get someone to do the work.
Paula asked if the parking lot spaces could be painted. They suggested getting the Road & Bridge Department or maintenance man to do this.
Paula asked about the security of the storage building they are using for the storing of Bioterrorism materials. The building is not being kept locked when employees are going in and out. Gary will talk to Gene Leonard about the situation.
Paula also visited about the website for the Community Health Department.
Paula asked if she could ask the Moscow Schools to increase the amount of funding for the School Nurse program from $12,000.00 to $16,000.00. Commissioners were in agreement for the increase.
Paula said she wants to continue adding services for the community.
Sherry Martin and Loren Seaman with Soil Conservation came in to present their 2008 budget for $32,020.00.
Mike Schechter came in to open bids for a radio tower.
Bell Tower Corp from Chelsea, OK $48,500.00
Sabre Comm Corp from Sioux City, IA $64,570.00
Valcom Wireless Construction – Malcolm, NE $53,343.00
Rocky Mountain Erection Co – Yukon, OK $56,800.00
Radian Communication Services – Peoria, IL $48,240.00
Dave moved to accept the bid from Bell Tower Corp from Chelsea, OK for $48,500.00. O D Littrell seconded. Motion carried.
Mike Schechter and Jim O’Loughlin from O’Fallon, MO came in to discuss the Project Plan for Wireless 911. He gave his recommendations on the system of addressing for the county. He also presented a sample of a resolution for the Commissioners and Bob to approve.
J C Cantrell came in with the 2006 KDOT annual report. This is the 5 year projection plan and it tells the estimated monies the county will be getting for road projects.
J C asked to get bids on 2 mowers. Commissioners agreed to open bids at the next meeting.
Roger Lynch and J C discussed the signs that need to be put up on Shawnah Dorsey’s property at Moscow.
Nancy Honig and Ben McClure came in to present the 2008 Extension budget, $140,000.00.
Nancy discussed the preliminary remodeling cost for the 4 H bldg. Ashley Fiss is on the board and they asked her if she would do specifications for the remodeling of the building. The commissioners suggested getting bids then publishing at time to open them.
Roger Lynch, Jeff Schlichting, Jeff Crawford and Neal Gillespie came in at 1:00pm for the hearing on the rezoning of the conditional use permit for the additional land being used for the wind farm project. Bob Johnson will draw up a resolution for the additional land bases. Dave moved to allow the rezoning of the conditional use permit for the land being used for the wind farm project. O D seconded. Motion carried. Gary Baker abstained from voting due to conflict of interest.
Jeff Schlichting explained how the project can expand if the County decides to make a change. The project is waiting on a power buyer and there are some transmission line issues. Jeff Crawford asked for the Commissioners to grant a waiver to extend the time line period for the ground breaking. The land option leases are for 3 more years being January, 2010. O D moved to extend the grant the waiver to extend the time line period to 36 months to proceed with the wind farm project. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Gary Baker abstained from voting due to conflict of interest.
Dave moved to have Gary inform the Recreation Commission that the County does not have the funds in 2007 to put into the swimming pool but could look at possibly budgeting for this project in 2008. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Ashley Fiss, Vincent Mancini and John Grace came in to discuss and present the concept of a new facility. Also present at the meeting were Sherry Goering, Linda Stalcup, Robin Sullivan, Karen Reynolds, Ron McFarlane, Matt Johnson, Lori Rodriguez and Eric Huebert.
Vincent presented the plans and the three different phase concepts for the facility. John Grace talked about the household concept and how it works within the plan.
Lori Rodriguez, the Pioneer Manor Administrator, reported that the State Fire Marshall put in another 60 day extension for the updates of the deficiencies in the present facility.
Brenda Schechter came in to discuss taking out the money she has in her Aetna account. It is required that the Commissioners have the final decision saying if there is a hardship that allows an employee to take the money out of the account. The Commissioners felt she should be allowed to get the money that is needed.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
MAY 1, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by O D. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General……………………………….. 182,441.20
Road & Bridge….…………….……… 194,302.03
Building………………………….……… 14,550.00
Noxious Weed…………………………. 12,233.59
Alcoholic Treatment…………………… 237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….……….. 21,711.73
Airport………………………………….. 2,728.43
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 30 minutes from 9:15am – 9:45am. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to go back into executive session for 10 minutes from 9:48am to 9:58am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. No action taken. Meeting reconvened at 9:58am.
J C Cantrell came in to open bids for two mowers for the Road and Bridge Department. The bids were from Cornerstone Sales, Hugoton, KS.
(2) John Deere CX15 Flex-Wing Rotary Cutter- $17,203.00 each
1000 RPM Stump Jumpers-Single Suction Blade discount 4,644.81 each
JD 1518 15’ Rotary Cutter trade in 3,600.00
JD 1518 15’ Rotary Cutter trade in 3,800.00
TOTAL $17,716.38
Sellers Tractor, Garden City, KS
(2) Schulte XL1500 series with discount $18,173.00 each
JD 1518 15’ Rotary Cutter trade in 5,000.00 each
TOTAL $13,173.00 each
Dave moved to table the decision for the bids on the mowers at this time. O D seconded. Motion carried.
J C discussed the price of asphalt and fuel for the projects to be done this year.
After further discussion Dave removed the motion of tabling the decision for the bids on the mowers. O D seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to accept the bid from Cornerstone Sales to buy 2 John Deere mowers at $17,716.38
with this being the low bid. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
J C informed the Commissioners that he hired two more guys to work at the Road and Bridge Department.
Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners of the computer program from Next Tech for $8827.00 he had purchased for logging calls.
Ted informed the Commissioners he had hired another person for dispatch/jailer.
Ashley Fiss came in with a fee proposal on the 4-H building.
O D moved to accept the contract from Fiss Architect to prepare the specifications, not to exceed $2,000.00, for contractors to bid on the 4-H building. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dick Construction, Inc needs a copy of the builders risk policy on the Law Enforcement Center. Bob said he would check with Tom Job.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 11:25am to 11:40am. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go back into executive session for another 10 minutes from 11:45am to 11:55am.
O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at ll:55am.
Neal Gillespie came in to discuss Economic Development. There was discussion on the ethanol plant. They discussed different ideas of how to entice businesses to come to this area.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
MAY 15, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General……………………………….. $30,571.23
Road & Bridge….…………….…………. 7,585.31
Building………………………….……… 13,153.04
Employees Benefit……………………… 7,756.00
Noxious Weed…………………………. 12,478.55
Insurance Agency-Damages……………. 2,443.25
SV Co Comm Health………….…………… 7,654.57
911 Land Line…………………………. 14,500.00
Capital Projects (LEC)……………….. 109,726.18
Linda Stalcup came in to discuss a letter to Charles E Moore of KDHE. The letter states that the Commissioners have approved the authorized plan so the two facilities (Stevens County Hospital and Pioneer Manor) are now operating under the same Commissioner appointed Board of Directors. The Commissioners and Board of Directors desire to convert the Pioneer Manor into a long term care unit of the Stevens County Hospital and it will operate under the hospital’s Medical Care Facility License. The letter was approved and signed by the Commissioners.
This will make the Pioneer Manor an entity with in the Hospital. It will help it to be more efficient and cost saving.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss the road projects that the Road and Bridge has for 2007. With the increase cost of fuel and other materials, he feels his budget will not be able to handle the cost it will take to complete all the projects for 2007.
O D moved to go into executive session for trade secrets for 20 minutes from 9:45am to10:05am. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to go back into executive session for another 5 minutes from 10:10am to 10:15am.
Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at l0:15am.
Ted Heaton came in to check if the Commissioners had any questions or needed anything.
O D moved to go into executive session for personnel for 15 minutes from 10:45am to 11:00am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:00am.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
JUNE 5, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General………………………………. $199,583.36
Road & Bridge….…………….………. 259,680.87
Building………………………….……….. 1,772.50
Noxious Weed…………………………. 16,762.61
Alcoholic Treatment………………………..237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..30,118.01
Capital Projects (LEC)………………… 121,307.87
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund…………………….56.96
The Commissioners received a letter from the Stevens County Housing Authority stating that Everett Rowden went off the Sunflower Plaza Board as of March 29, 2007. They appointed Ron Rich to replace him. Betty Roepe resigned as apartment manager and Selia Crawford was appointed to replace her as the new manager as of May 1, 2007. The Stevens County Housing Authority asks if this would be acceptable.
O D moved to accept the appointments of Ron Rich and Selia Crawford by the Stevens County Housing Authority board. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Connie Gold asked if she could close the Treasurers Office on June 13, 2007 for a drivers licenses training at Garden City. O D moved to approve the closing of the Treasurers Office for the training. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave mentioned that Brad Musgrove would like to have the opportunity to bid on county insurances. Dave moved to have the county insurance bid out for the year 2008. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session for trade secrets for 15 minutes from 9:21am to 9:36am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:36am.
J C Cantrell came in to present his 2008 Road & Bridge budget in the amount of $4,500,500.00.
J C informed the Commissioners that they have started on the River Road – Road Y.
O D moved to go into executive session with J C for personnel issues for 5 minutes from 9:55am to10:00am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:00am.
Mark Hinde and Deanna Berry with Southwest Developmental Services, Inc and Russell Childhood Development came in to present their 2008 budget in the amount of $69,600.00. Southwest Developmental Services in the amount of $60,000.00 and Russell Childhood Development in the amount of $9,600.00.
Linda Stalcup and Dave Piper came in to present the 2008 Hospital budget (includes Pioneer Manor) in the amount of $2,050,269.00.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 10:55am to 11:10am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:10am.
Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 10 minutes from 11:20am to11:30am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:30am.
Eunice Schroeder, Annette Sosa and Stacey Strickland came in to present the 2008 Library budget in the amount of $431,192.24.
Susan Schulte came in to present the 2008 GIS budget in the amount of $56,000.00.
Susan had two bids for a colored copier/scanner from Southern Office Supply of Liberal, KS in the amount of $11,060.00 and Stanfield Printing Company of Guymon, Ok in the amount of $11,906.01.
Dave moved to accept the bid from Southern Office Supply of Liberal, KS in the amount of $11,060.00. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Charles Claar and Theresa Dasenbrock, county auditors, with Lewis, Hooper & Dick came in to discuss the county’s financial situation for the Pioneer Manor. They presented different ways of financing for the Pioneer Manor and the projected Assisted Living plans.
Dave moved to instruct Bob Johnson to send a letter to Ed Shine to offer $5,000.00 an acre for 17 acres of land to purchase for the Pioneer Manor and Assisted Living project. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Ron Masson with Pioneer Communications came in to ask about advertising on television the different entities in the County. Dave moved to advertise Stevens County with Pioneer Communications for September 1 thru September 29, 2007. This will include 150 ads for 30 seconds each at a total cost of $260.00.
Sherri Martin came in to present a change in the matching funds portion of the budget from $10,000.00 to $25,000.00 for Soil Conservation.
Sherri discussed the RC & D area planning meeting.
Sherri asked about the swimming pool project for 2007.
Roger Lynch came in to discuss someone wanting to put a cellular tower up on the corner of East 1st and Washington Street. He had discussed this with Harry Bartel at the airport for FFA approval. After further discussion, it was decided that the City of Hugoton owns the land.
Roger discussed the cleanup on the Shawnah Dorsey property at Moscow.
Roger presented the 2008 Planning & Zoning budget in the amount of $20,250.00.
Roger informed the Commissioners that Jeff Schlichting needs a copy of Resolution #07-04 approved by the Commissioners on April 17, 2007 stating the approval of a conditional use permit for “Conestoga” Wind Generation Farm on added land parcels. He also needs a letter of support from the Commissioners.
Connie Gold came in to present the 2008 County Treasurer budget in the amount of $153,470.00.
Tom Fuhrmann came in to present the 2008 County Appraiser budget in the amount of $264,330.
Betty Rosel came in to present the 2008 Register of Deeds budget in the amount of $77,300.00.
Ashley Fiss was asked to come in to discuss the cost of combining an assisted living and nursing home compared to renovating the Pioneer Manor. The Commissioners will be deciding which way would be feasible for the County.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
JUNE 19, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General………………………………. $78,547.42
Road & Bridge….…………….………. 75,100.75
Noxious Weed………………………….10,022.22
Rd Machinery…………………………..17,695.92
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..1,852.75
A letter from the Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging was received asking for the County to appoint two members to the board. Alta Pettis and Norman Weaver are up for reappointment. O D moved to reappoint Alta Pettis and Norman Weaver to the SW KS Area Agency on Aging board. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Pam Bensel presented the 2008 County Clerk budget in the amount of $98,700.00.
Pam Bensel presented the 2008 Election budget in the amount of $27,000.00
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 9:10am to 9:25am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:25am.
Barbara Beeks from the Senior Citizens came in to inform the Commissioners that the Senior Citizens would like to stay at the location they are at the present. She had heard rumors if the Pioneer Manor is rebuilt then the Senior Citizens might move in the present building. They are requesting to be able to stay at 7th and Main.
J C Cantrell came in to inform the Commissioners that the auditors say if there are any sales to non exempt individuals the county has to charge sales tax. The Road & Bridge Department has to get a sales tax number and report annually to the state.
Dave moved to go into executive session with J C for personnel issues for 5 minutes from 10:15am to 10:20am. O D seconded. Motion carried. No decisions made. Meeting reconvened at 10:20am.
Ted Heaton presented the 2008 Sheriff budget in the amount of $1,332,884.00.
Jim Karlan with Southwest Guidance Center came in to present the 2008 budget in the amount of $42,882.00. He also discussed Medicaid and explained what it will do to the Counties.
Robert Rich came in to present the 2008 Wellness Center budget in the amount of $104,408.59.
Robert Rich came in to present the 2008 Community Service budget in the amount of $18,100.00.
Dave asked Loren Zabel to come in to discuss the process of condemning a piece of property.
Kim Harper came in to present the 2008 Airport budget in the amount of $329,600.00.
O D moved to reappoint Kim Harper (05-2007) and Robb Heger (07-2007) to the Airport Board for a 4 year term. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Gene Leonard came in to present the 2008 Noxious Weed budget in the amount of $282,884.00.
Gene Leonard came in to present the 2008 Solid Waste budget in the amount of $278,218.00.
Neal Gillespie came in to present the 2008 Economic Development budget in the amount of $93,500.00.
Neal was informing the Commissioners that Ron Masson with Pioneer Communications worked up a 30 second ad with several different entities included for the county.
Koleen Nosekabel came in to present the 2008 Clerk of District Court budget in the amount of $72,700.00.
Paula Rowden came in to present the 2008 Community Health budget in the amount of $322,855.12.
Paula discussed the different programs in her entity and gave update information on the cost, utilization and benefits that they have for the county.
Mike Schechter came in to present the 2008 Emergency Services budgets: Fire in the amount of $170,000.00. EMS in the amount of $177,000.00. Civil Defense (Emergency Preparedness) in the amount of $9,000.00.
Mike asked if the Commissioners would pay for his diesel fuel bill for his motor home while he was in Greensburg helping out with the disaster for ten days starting 5-31-07.
Dave moved to pay Mike’s diesel fuel bill for his motor home for helping at Greensburg starting 5-31-07 for 10 days. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Mike informed the Commissioners that he had received some new radios from grant monies. He asked if he could donate some of the old radios to the Radio Club for help at Greensburg. The Commissioners agreed to allow Mike to donate some of the radios.
Ashley Fiss and Vincent Mancini came in to present a cost proposal for a new site on an Assisted living/Nursing home project. Present at the meeting besides the three Commissioners, County Clerk and County Attorney were: Hospital Board members-Shirley Kramer, Warren Willis, Robin Sullivan and Ron McFarlane. Hospital Administrator-Linda Stalcup. Assisted Living board members-Catherine Ellsaesser, Jack Rowden, Lewis Wheeler, Celain Baker, Marion Wolf and Paula Rowden. Hugoton Hermes newspaper-RoGlenda Coulter. Others were John Grace, Jim Kramer, Grace Wheeler and Kim Harper.
After an hour of discussion, it was the consensus of the different parties involved that the Commissioners should vote to continue with the preparations of the building of an Assisted Living/Nursing Home facility on the South end of Main Street.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
JULY 3, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. O D seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General………………………………. $612,146.61
Road & Bridge….…………….………. 318,616.51
Services for Elderly……………………..76,850.00
Home for Aged Maint…………………336,666.67
Noxious Weed………………………….26,918.57
Hospital Maint…………………………550,000.00
Alcoholic Treatment……………………….237.50
Insurance Agency Damages……………..1,975.00
SV Co Comm Health………….…………34,153.36
Fire Bequest…………………………………78.75
Capital Projects (LEC)………………..166,549.50
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund………………….223.68
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………….259.74
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 25 minutes from 9:05am to 9:30am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Commissioners came out of session and Dave moved to go back into executive session for 15 minutes from 9:30am to 9:45am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:45am.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss the 2007 projects that have been started.
Roger Lynch came in to discuss the day care center that the Community Health Department is
working on. Roger is working on the septic system for this project.
Roger stated that the grant was accepted for the Local Environmental Protection Program.
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 30 minutes from 10:45am to 11:15am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:15am.
Due to the state increase in mileage rate reimbursement, the County changed from 43 cents to 47 cents and meal reimbursements changed from $8.00 to $8.50.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
JULY 10, 2007
A special meeting was called with the auditors at 9:00am on July 10, 2007 for an audit and budget workshop. Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and O D Littrell were present. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.
Theresa Dasenbrock and Charles Claar with Lewis, Hooper and Dick of Garden City, KS explained the 2006 County audit and reviewed the County budgets with the Commissioners.
Ted Heaton and J C Cantrell came in to listen in on the discussion of the Sheriff and Road and Bridge budgets.
Theresa discussed a Charter Ordinance for a petty cash fund for Paula Rowden. She will need to talk to Bob about this matter.
Gary Baker informed the rest of the Commissioners that Karen Reynolds has resigned from the Hospital Board due to personal conflicts.
The Commissioners will decide on a new member at a later date.
The Commissioners discussed about letting someone put a radio tower on County property by the landfill. There will be more discussion at a later date.
There was discussion on the water rights west of town. Bob Johnson will need to check the deeds on the reserving of water right that have been filed on this property.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
JULY 17, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by O D. Dave seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by OD. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General………………………………. $33,203.37
Road & Bridge….…………….………118,263.90
Noxious Weed……………………………6,382.38
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..2,930.35
Fire Bequest……………………………..1,000.00
The auditors talked to Bob about needing to prepare a Charter Ordinance for setting up a petty cash fund for Paula Rowden’s office.
There was more discussion on selling beer during events at the Dirtona Race Track and Hugoton Golf Course. No decision has been agreed on at this time.
There will need to be a resolution if the Commissioners agreed to allow the selling of beer. Bob is checking with the State and other counties to find out what the proper procedure is.
O D moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 37 minutes from 8:53am to 9:30am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss 2007 Road & Bridge projects.
Commissioners asked J C if he could have one of his employees mow at the fairgrounds and at the radio tower sight northeast of town.
J C asked about his 2008 budget. The Commissioners informed him that they cut the budget $1,000.000.00 to help with other projects for 2008. He will need to do some of the 2008 projects in 2009.
The carpet in the courthouse was steam cleaned and then the Commissioners were informed of problems with the carpet in the two courtrooms and Judge Paula Sosa’s room. They took time out of the meeting to take a look at the carpet.
Carolyn Garza asked if the carpet in the elevator could be replaced at the same time.
Dave moved to have Judge Smith get bids to replace the carpet in the two courtrooms, Judge Sosa’s office and the elevator. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Gloria Fox and Lori Rodriguez came in to discuss a personal situation with the Commissioners.
Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 30 minutes from 10:30am to 11:00am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:00am.
Roger Lynch informed the Commissioners that there are 3 day care businesses in the county that in operation now.
Roger informed the Commissioners that Bud Harlow wants to lease an area of 100 ft X 100 ft plus easements for the guyed wires for a 350 ft tower. He asked for a 5 year lease plus a 4 to 5 year renewal at $450.00 a month ($5,400.00) with a 3% increase each year. There are several questions that need to be answered so the Commissioners asked Roger to contact Bud and have him come in the next meeting.
Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners that the radio system was burning out because of rain leaking into the room. Ted decided to move all his radios into the evidence room to keep them dry.
O D moved to appoint Milton Gillespie to the Hospital Board to replace Karen Reynolds 3 year term ending April, 2010. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Commissioners received a letter stating Lance Leslie of the Library Board will be moving and needs to be replaced. O D moved to appoint Charlotte Veatch to the Library Board to replace Lance Leslie 3 year term ending 2009. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 20 minutes from 11:40am to 12:00pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 12:00pm.
Pat LeClerc and Mark Isley with Group Benefit Specialists came in to offer a benefit package that could be of help to the County. No decision has been made to hire the group at this time.
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 10 minutes from 1:53pm to 2:03pm. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 2:03pm.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
AUGUST 7, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Dave. OD seconded. Motion carried. County vouchers were reviewed and approved by Dave. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
General………………………………. ..244,292.89
Road & Bridge….…………….………..403,921.32
Noxious Weed…………………………..35,101.41
Alcoholic Treatment………………….…….237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..29,393.51
Fire Bequest………………………….……1,097.50
Capital Projects (LEC)………………….165,497.99
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund……………….……476.24
Insurance Agency Damages………….….10,250.42
The Commissioners and Bob Johnson discussed the purposed sight south of town for the Pioneer Manor and Assisted Living. Bob will be contacting the owner to negotiate a price for the land.
Gary called the County’s budget hearing opened at 9:30am. No one from the public showed up for the hearing. Gary closed the hearing at 9:45am. Dave moved to adopt the purposed 2008 County budget. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Tom Fuhrmann came in and presented a study on assessed values for oil and gas production by class for the different counties in the area.
Mike Schechter, Jim O’Loughlin, Tom Fuhrmann and Susan Schulte came in to discuss the 911 system. Jim presented an overview of how the 911 Implementation project works and what has been completed to date. He also presented the different options that can be used from the mapping system. Also, present was Ginny Marquis.
J C Cantrell came in and presented the cost of $25,819.92 for asphalt on a street at the Hugoton Cemetery that the City of Hugoton asked if the County would pave. The Cemetery Board will pay for the asphalt.
The Commissioners asked J C if he has paved the alley east of town in the Industrial Addition. They asked him to get this project finished for this year.
J C informed the Commissioners that Virgil Anderson wants the County to fix a mile stretch on Rd CC between Rd 14 and 15 so he will be able to get to his land. No decision made at this time.
Roger Lynch came in to update the Commissioners on the radio tower that Bud Harlow wanted to put on County property. The city contacted Roger to inform him that Mr. Harlow chose land own by Walter Beesley to put the radio tower on.
Dave moved to go into executive session for legal issues for 20 minutes from 11:40am to 12:00pm. OD seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 12:00pm.
Gary Dick, contractor for the LEC project, came in to discuss the progress of the Law Enforcement Center project. He stated that the project is 4 months behind due to the complexity of the scheduling of the pre-cast contractor. He feels the project will still be completed by the scheduled time.
Debbie Nordling presented two menus for lunch time at the Memorial Hall on August 23 for the ethanol plant project.
Neal Gillespie came in to have Bob draw up a resolution for Bultman Company, Inc exempting certain property in the County of Stevens, Kansas from ad valorem taxation for Economic Development purposes. Dave moved to instruct Bob to draw up Resolution 07-05 for Bultman Company, Inc. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Neal asked Mark Crawford, Superintendent of USD 210, to come in for an interview for the Economic Development Board to replace David Self. The Commissioners asked him for his view and ideas for Stevens County. O D moved to appoint Mark Crawford to the Economic Development Board. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Judge Smith came in with carpet bids for two courtrooms, jury room, Judge Sosa’s office, elevator, Sue Hagman’s office and law library.
Buhrmann Cleaning Service $8,141.03
Scantlin’s Furniture & Carpet $9,460.00
Finishing Touches $9,400.00
Dave moved to accept the bid from Buhrmann Cleaning Service for $8,141.03. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Gary informed the other two Commissioners that on August 23, 2007 in the Memorial Hall there will be a press conference for the ethanol plant starting at 10:00am, followed by a luncheon at 12:00pm and a dinner at 7:00pm. The National News media will be here along with several local news casters.
Pam Bensel asked to have the September 18th meeting changed to September 17th due to a conflict with a County Clerk meeting. The Commissioners agreed to change the meeting date.
Dave moved to go into executive session for legal issues for 30 minutes from 2:45pm to 3:15pm. OD seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 3:15pm.
Warren Spikes and Kirk Spikes came in to discuss the location of the Assisted Living facility.
The Commissioners discussed if they were interested in hiring Group Benefit Services- Mark Isley and Pat LeClerc. Dave asked Pam Bensel to check with Linda Stalcup, Hospital Administrator, if she would be interested in participating with the program at the cost quoted by the group. No decision was made at this time.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
AUGUST 21, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. OD seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….………..10,457.97
Noxious Weed…………………………..2,472.35
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..1,781.62
Dave reported he had visited with Gary Dick, contractor for the LEC project, and the walls for the project will be coming in on September 4, 2007. There will be major construction starting at that time.
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 10 minutes from 9:20am to 9:30am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.
J C Cantrell came in to inform the Commissioners that he had started paving the road at the Hugoton Cemetery.
O D moved to go into executive session with J C Cantrell for personnel issues for 10 minutes from 9:45am to 9:55am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:55am.
Ted Heaton came in to ask if the Commissioners would waive the county’s BC-BS 30 day waiting period for the new officer, Tom Mirabal, hired at the Sheriff’s office. His insurance would then continue without interruption. Dave moved to waive the county’s BC-BS 30 day waiting period for Tom Mirabal. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Ted discussed the policy for sick time. The Commissioners agreed to continue with what is in the policy.
Ted reported that the radio tower antenna at the Sheriff’s office had been hit by lightning.
Dave moved to go into executive session with Ted Heaton for personnel issues for 15 minutes from 10:05am to 10:20am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:20am.
Keith Rome, School Board Member and Mark Crawford, School Superintendent came in to find out if USD 210 would be able to purchase Lots 1-8 Block 44 east of the courthouse. Keith mentioned with the different purposed businesses coming into the community there might be a need for expansion. No decision was made at this time.
Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 30 minutes from 11:00am to 11:30am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 11:30am.
There was discussion about holding a bond election on November 1, 2007 for an assisted living and long term care unit (Pioneer Manor) on the same campus.
Dave moved to hold a bond election on November 1, 2007 for an assisted living facility and long term care unit facility on the same campus. O D seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 30 minutes from 1:25pm to 1:55pm. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 1:55pm.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
SEPTEMBER 24, 2007
A special meeting was called by Gary Baker, Chairman of the County Commissioners at 7:00pm on September 24, 2007 to discuss the bond election for the assisted living/long term care unit with Jack Rowden and Robin Young. Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and O D Littrell were present. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.
There was discussion of the property for the proposed sight of the Assisted Living/Long Term Care Unit. They discussed the bond Election being held on November 1, 2007 for the project.
There was a conference call with Bob Johnson on the different matters of this project. No decisions were made.
O D moved to appoint Debbie Eshbaugh to the Southwest Guidance Center Board starting November 1, 2007. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
SEPTEMBER 27, 2007
A special meeting was called by Gary Baker, Chairman of the County Commissioners at 4:00pm on September 27, 2007 to discuss the bond election for the assisted living/long term care unit. Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and O D Littrell were present. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.
Dave shared different options for the financing of the Long Term Care unit/Assisted
Living project.
There was a conference called with Charles Claar, auditor with Lewis, Hooper and Dick. The financial situation for the bond election of the project was discussed.
The Commissioners called Sarah Steele to inform her of the decision to pay off the $14,000,000.00 bonds in 15 years.
Dave moved to accept Resolution 07-05A Authorizing and providing for the calling of a bond election in Stevens County, Kansas for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the County the question of issuing acquisition, construction and equipping of a long-term care facility and assisted living center; and providing for the giving of notice of said bond election. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session for trade secrets for 15 minutes from 4:45pm to 5:00pm. O D seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
OCTOBER 2, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Dave moved to approve the minutes of September 17th, 24th and 27th. OD seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….………..104,613.97
Noxious Weed……………………….……5,779.94
Alcoholic Treatment…………………………237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..26,853.18
Capital Projects (LEC)…………………248,629.76
Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………….248.80
There were concerned citizens that came in to discuss keeping Dr Roderick Heger on staff. The citizens were Evelyn McBride, Joann Mast, Roger Lynch and Mahlon Cochrane. RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes was also present.
Evelyn McBride asked why they were not able to have the petition to keep Dr Heger at the football game or at the Wellness Center. Bob informed her that she probably needed to get approval from the school superintendent or school board ahead of time. As for the Wellness Center, since it is a county entity, the Commissioners feel it better not to have petitions at county locations.
Jerald Clark from Moscow, came in to discuss the water drainage at his house. He asked if the
County could fix some type of drainage for the water to run off.
Dave Bozone gave an update on the Law Enforcement Center.
Kim Harper came in to discuss the fuel tanks and switching fuel supplier for the airport. They took bids on the fuel tanks and installation. The Airport Board chose a bid from P B Hoidale.
Kim asked if the Commissioners would be able to help fund this project. Dave moved to allow the airport to use the $50,000.00 out of the building fund, if allowed by the auditors, which has been marked for the Airport to help buy fuel tanks. O D seconded. Motion carried.
J C Cantrell came in to discuss getting bids for 2 new motor graders with a trade in of 2 used motor graders. The current used motor graders have over 16,000 hrs on each one. Commissioners agreed allow J C getting the bids.
J C was asked if he would be able to help Jerald Clark, from Moscow, with the drainage problem at Moscow. He agreed to help but they would have to wait until spring, 2008.
Roderick Heger came in to talk about the Doctor/Hospital situation. Dave moved to go into executive session with Roderick Heger for personnel issues for 15 minutes from 10:00am to 10:15am. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go back into executive session for 5 minutes until 10:20am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:20am.
Darin Heger came in to give his support for Dr Roderick Heger.
Mahlon Cochrane and Roger Lynch were there to give their support also.
Michael Graham with Platinum Services Insurance came to give a presentation of their insurance program. He asked if he could do a presentation for the employees of Stevens County.
Mike Schechter came in to ask about using part of the Pioneer Manor for the EMS/Fire Department.
Mike informed the Commissioners that the new communication tower has been completed.
Mike asked to have Resolution 07-06 for the adoption of the National Incident Management System approved. O D moved to adopt Resolution 07-06 for National Incident Management System. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Mike informed the Commissioners that they needed to appoint a principal coordinator for the overall NIMS implementation.
O D moved to appoint Mike Schechter as the Principal Coordinator for the overall NIMS implementation. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
O D moved to give Chamber of Commerce $2,500.00 as a one time payment to help with the funding of the 2007 Economic Development Incentive projects. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Dale Sutton came in to respond to his letter in the paper about Dr Heger. The Commissioners explained that the Hospital Board voted to re-negotiate the contract with Dr Roderick Heger in November.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
OCTOBER 16, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. OD seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….……….. 54,911.61
Noxious Weed……………………….……….50.00
SV Co Comm Health………….…………….3,287.12
Fire Bequest…………………………………227.40
Misc P/R W/H…………………………….8,699.10
O D moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes from 9:08am to 9:23am. Dave seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:23am.
J C Cantrell came in to have the Base Gas Sales Agreement approved. The agreement is for 5 years if a meter is put in and the County uses it.
J C informed the Commissioners that Brown and Brown Construction will be coming within the next few days and grind the asphalt strip by the airport and Russell Lake.
The company painting lines on the blacktop roads will be here a few days, also.
Lisa LeNeve came in to discuss personal issues at the Pioneer Manor.
Paula Rowden came in to inform the Commissioners that she feels concerned about not being able to stay within the 2007 Community Health budget.
Kevin Cuccinelli came in to discuss land acquisition with the Commissioners.
Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 30 minutes from 11:07am to 11:37am. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go back into executive session for another 20 minutes from 11:30am to 11:50am.
O D seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
OCTOBER 25, 2007
A special meeting was called by Gary Baker, Chairman of the County Commissioners at 7:00pm on October 25, 2007 to discuss the election for the assisted living/long term care unit. Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and O D Littrell were present. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Jack Rowden and Robin Sullivan were called in for the discussion.
O D moved to approve Resolution 07-07 for the amendment of the Interlocal Agreement of the Western Kansas Development Organization by and between The Board of County Commissioners of Stevens County, Stanton County, Grant County and Morton County in Accordance with the enabling Provisions of Senate Bill No 378, which was enacted into Law during the 2007 Session of the Kansas Legislature and Becomes effective on July 1, 2007. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
NOVEMBER 2, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. OD seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. OD seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….……….. 107,036.76
Noxious Weed……………………….……7,801.33
Alcoholic Treatment…………………….…..237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….……………29,806.81
Capital Projects (LEC)………………….264,087.00
Ron McFarlane came in to discuss the election results. He asked what the next step was for the Pioneer Manor.
J C Cantrell came in with bids for two 2008 motor graders. The bids were from:
Foley Equipment 2- 2008 Caterpillars 140M motor graders with warranty of 5 years or
7,500 hours with trade ins:1999 160H Caterpillar motor grader
1995 140H Caterpillar motor grader
Trade difference for the 2 motor graders $238,824.00
Guaranteed buyback at 5 years or 7,500 hours for $260,000.00
Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co 2- 2008 Deere 770D motor graders with warranty of 5 years or 7,500 hours with trade ins: 1999 160H Caterpillar motor grader
1995 140H Caterpillar motor grader
Trade difference for the 2 motor graders $206,538.00
Guaranteed buyback at 5 years or 7,500 hours for $270,000.00
O D moved to accept the bid from Murphy Tractor for $206,538.00 for 2-2008 motor graders.
Dave seconded. Motion carried.
The Commissioners discussed the agreement for survey and platting from Earles Engineering
Inspection, Inc. They decided to have Pete Earles come to the next meeting on November 13,
2007 to discuss the agreement.
Mike Schechter, Gene Leonard, Ted Heaton and J C Cantrell came in to discuss the proposals
from Snyder Radio Service for moving the radio repeaters to the new tower.
Road & Bridge and Noxious Weed $5,715.00
Sheriff $6,895.00
EMS $5,675.00
Dave moved to accept the three proposals from Snyder Radio Services for the moving of the
radio repeaters to the new tower. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Mike Schechter gave the Commissioners a letter from the Adjutant General’s Department to
have Mike reappointed to the Southwest Kansas Regional Emergency Planning Council.
Dave moved to reappoint Mike Schechter to the Southwest Kansas Regional Emergency
Planning Council. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave gave updates on the new LEC building.
Greg Morris came in to give the Commissioners a word of encouragement. He says keep up the
good work.
Dave Eckert came in to discuss the continuation plans for the Pioneer Manor.
Dave also asked if the Mason’s would still be able to do the dedication for the Law Enforcement
Center. He asked if they had a projection of completion date. They felt that it could be around
June or July, 2008.
Celain Baker came in to present a proposal for new chairs for the Memorial Hall. Gary said the
policy is to have at least 2 or 3 bids when the amount is over $10,000.00. She will get two more
bids and present them at another meeting.
Commissioners discussed the email from Jim Verner about assessing and collecting ad valorem
taxes on amounts under $5.00. The Commissioners decided to have Tom Fuhrmann come in the
next meeting to discuss this issue
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
NOVEMBER 6, 2007
The Board of Canvassers met at 7:00pm to canvass the votes from the November 1, 2007, Special Bond Election. Present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone, O D Littrell and Pam Bensel. There were 12 Provisional Ballots and all 12 counted. The outcome of the election will stay the same. There was no other business conducted and the Canvass Board adjourned at 7:30pm.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
NOVEMBER 6, 2007
A special meeting was called by Gary Baker, the Chairman of County Commissioners. Present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone and O D Littrell. Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.
The meeting started at 7:30pm to discuss the Pioneer Manor issues at this time. They discussed different ideas for land sights.
Dave discussed the WEKANDO monies, whether to put them in the WEKANDO account or leave them in the county funds. The auditors are checking into this issue and will report at the next meeting on November 13, 2007.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
NOVEMBER 13, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded. Motion carried. O D moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….……….. 26,347.64
Noxious Weed……………………….……..191.91
SV Co Comm Health………….………………364.35
Capital Projects (LEC)………………..….3,770.70
Phillip Willis, Barry Harper and Jim Miller came in to discuss the Cemetery board taking over the maintenance for the Lonestar Friends Church cemetery.
Dave moved to go into executive session to discuss trade secrets for 10 minutes from 9:49am to 9:59am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:59am.
Duane Topliss from the Sheriff’s office brought in two bids for a 2008 4×4 Crew Cab Pickup.
The bids were from Don Trentham Ford and Riley Chevrolet.
Don Trentham Ford 2008 Ford F150 Crew Cab 4×4 Pickup XLT 139” $34,940.00
2004 Ford F150 allowed 21,990.00
trade difference $12,950.00
Riley Chevrolet 2008 Chev Siverado 1500 4×4 Crew Cab $33,955.00
2004 Ford F150 allowed 16,670.00
trade difference $17,285.00
O D moved to accept the bid from Don Trentham Ford for $12,950.00. Dave seconded. Motion
Bob discussed different options for raising money to build a nursing home.
J C Cantrell came to inform the Commissioners of an accident involving one of the trucks from
the Stevens County Highway Dept.
Dave moved to go back into executive session with Tom Fuhrmann for personnel for 10 minutes from 10:14am to 10:29am. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 10:29am.
Charles Claar, accountant with Lewis, Hooper and Dick, came in to explain the possible use of monies left in the building fund for the Pioneer Manor project.
Pete Earles with Earles Engineering came in to discuss the surveying and platting of the land east of town.
Dave moved to allow Earles Engineering to continue with the surveying and platting of the
SE 15-33-37 with approximately 155 acres. O D seconded. Motion carried.
A proposal with Earles Engineering was signed by Gary Baker, Chairman.
Dave Cooper with Amarillo Natural Gas came in with David Gustafson to discuss laying a gas line. It will be an extension from the previously laid line east of Block 1 in the Stevens County Industrial Addition. They are asking to lay a 4” poly line north and east of Block 2 then north of the east half of Lot 5 and Lot 6. No decision was made at this time.
Dave moved to go back into executive session for land acquisition and attorney/client for 40 minutes from 1:50pm to 2:30pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 2:30pm.
Mike Eshbaugh came in with a proposal for $35,478.00 from Custom Renovation for the remodeling of the swimming pool not including the plumbing.
Dave moved to allow Bob Johnson to proceed with an eight million dollar lease purchase on the Pioneer Manor project. O D seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
DECEMBER 4, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. O D seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….……….. 144,176.09
Noxious Weed……………………….…..10,759.09
Alcoholic Treatment…………………………237.50
SV Co Comm Health………….……………36,220.66
Capital Projects (LEC)………………..….75,286.46
Reg of Deeds Tech fund………………………11.92
O D moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel for 30 minutes from 8:15am to 8:45am with the County Clerk and Legal Council present. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go back into executive session for 10 minutes. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Meeting reconvened at 8:55am.
Commissioners agreed to allow any employee to donate up to 25% of his or her unused sick time to another employee according to the policy manual on page 15, E-6 #1.
Ashley Fiss, Vincent Mancini, Mike King and Mark Hutton with Hutton Construction Co came in to discuss lease purchase agreements.
Tim Nemechek with Pioneer Communications came in to discuss a new conference call system in the Commissioners room. He presented some options and will bring one to try that will work with the present phone system.
Roger Lynch came in to discuss the wind farm Resolution 07-04. There was a part of the resolution that had been omitted. Bob Johnson will make the changes.
Ashley Fiss and Vincent Mancini came back in to inform the Commissioners on the progress of the LEC project.
J C Cantrell and Gina Payne came in to discuss the time clock issue. The time clock had been changed to regular time instead of military time on February 5, 2006 until March 3, 2007. There were differences in the employees being overpaid and underpaid.
J C informed the Commissioners about the milling of asphalt at the airport strip and the strip by Lake Russell.
There were bid openings for the County’s general liability, auto and workmen’s compensation insurance. Carl Eyman with KWORCC presented a bid of $134,451.00 for the workmen’s compensation. Tom Job with KCAMP presented a bid of $117,171.00 for the general liability and auto insurances.
Dave moved to accept the bids presented from KWORCC and KCAMP. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Dave moved to go into executive session with Legal Council present for attorney/client privileges for 23 minutes from 1:37pm to 2:00pm. O D seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 2:00pm.
Dave moved to pay all Road & Bridge employees the amount owed and table the situation of the overpaying of some employees until a later date. O D seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
DECEMBER 18, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with two members present, Gary Baker and Dave Bozone. Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….………… 68,587.42
Noxious Weed………………….……….…..228.57
Insurance Agency-Damages………………4,304.21
SV Co Comm Health………….……………..2,132.31
911 Land Line……………………………44,483.00
Sheriff –Concealed Carry……………………686.95
Bob Johnson asked to have a check written in the amount of $25,500.00 to ARI, Inc (John Grace) as a settlement payment for the consulting fees agreement on the Pioneer Manor.
Bob Johnson brought in a revised resolution being Resolution 07-08 to replace Resolution 07-04 approving a conditional use permit for “Conestoga” Wind generator farm. There was an addition to the previous resolution stating said permit is extended for 36 months to fully comply with the same.
Kelly Bliemeister with Blue Cross-Blue Shield came in to explain the insurance policy update and increase for 2008.
Dave moved to continue with Blue Cross-Blue Shield 2008 policy as presented. Gary seconded. Motion carried.
Gary Baker, Chairman, opens the budget hearing at 10:00am for the amending of the General Budget pertaining to the Community Health budget. Gary declared the hearing closed at 10:05am.
Paula Rowden came in to present the performance evaluations for the Community Health department.
Paula expressed concerns of different programs within the Community Health department.
Bill Turman and Steve Riat with Nex Tech presented some new programs the Company is working on. They feel it is of vital importance to back up the system weekly incase of any disasters.
They talked about the technology of service which covers all maintenance, monthly service and several other services on some or all machines. The Commissioners asked to have a cost estimate on all of the machines in the courthouse.
They discussed the County Works website. They create websites within their website for different counties.
Dave moved to go into executive session with Legal Council and Gene Leonard present for personnel for 15 minutes from 1:30pm to 1:45pm. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 1:45pm.
Dave moved to go into executive session with Legal Council and J C Cantrell present for personnel for 15 minutes from 2:10pm to 2:25pm. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 2:25pm.
Mike Schechter came in to discuss transporting of patients when road conditions are bad.
Tom Fuhrmann came in to discuss minerals.
Bob Johnson talked to Linda with Aflac and the County Auditors about employees wanting to drop the pre tax part of Aflac coming out of their pay checks each month. Commissioners agreed to allow Bob to write a letter to Aflac allowing the employees to drop the pre tax part of Aflac.
Dave moved to give a 4% Cola raise to all county employees with the exception of:
Lynette Maytum-increase to $11.00 with no 4% Cola raise
Vicki Mills-increase to $10.00 with no 4% Cola raise
Terry Lamberson-6% instead of 4%
Mark Hull-6% instead of 4%
Jimmie Cerecero-6% instead of 4%
Gary seconded. Motion carried.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk _____________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman
DECEMBER 28, 2007
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also,
present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. O D seconded. Motion carried. Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. O D seconded. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:
Road & Bridge….…………….……….. 303,767.46
Noxious Weed……………………………..6,851.00
Road Machinery……………………….. 39,264.32
Insurance Agency………………………..51,255.48
SV Co Comm Health………….…………..23,471.07
Bob explained Resolution 07-09 from Sarah Steele with Gilmore and Bell, stating the Board of County Commissioners of Stevens County, Kansas determining the advisability of financing the acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping of a nursing home facility by the execution and delivery of a lease purchase agreement.
Dave moved to adopt Resolution 07-09 lease purchase agreement for financing the acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping of a nursing home facility. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Pam Bensel was instructed to publish Resolution 07-09 in the January 3 and January 10, 2008 Hugoton Hermes.
The Commissioners agreed to allow Amarillo Natural Gas to do a pipeline right of way in the Stevens County Industrial Addition.
Dave moved to approve all 2007 encumbrance letters that were brought in by the different departments. O D seconded. Motion carried.
Pam Bensel – County Clerk/Election $5000.00
Mike Schechter – EMS $5675.00
Susan Schulte – GIS $4830.00
Tom Fuhrmann – Appraisal $2787.00
Ted Heaton – Sheriff $6598.05
Robert Rich – Community Service $2940.00
Robert Rich – Wellness Center $4400.00
Guy Rowden came in to discuss a raise for Carolyn Garza. Dave moved to raise Carolyn to $11.50 instead of the 4% COLA raise.
County Commissioners changed the January meeting dates from the 1st and 15th to the 8th and 22nd.
By motion the Board adjourned.
Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk ________________________________
Gary Baker, Chairman