2003 Meeting Proceedings


JANUARY 7, 2003

The Board of County Commissioners met to organize for the New Year.  Present were

Commissioners Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and re-elected Commissioner Melvin Webb. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Gary moved to nominate Dave Bozone as Chairman.  Melvin seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to nominate Melvin Webb as Vice Chairman.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.

County Clerk, Pam Bensel asked the commissioners to choose a date for the four

County area commissioners meeting.  The commissioners decided on February 5, 2003 and the County Clerk was instructed to contact each county by letter.

Roger Lynch came in to update the commissioners on the Planning and Zoning in the county.  He talked about the regulations on the wind farms and what an asset this would be to the county.  He informed them of the feed bunks that Gary Baughman is putting in

and since the county turned over a three mile area outside the city limits to the city, he turned this situation over to the City Planning and Zoning Commission.

The County Clerk informed the Commissioners that Randy Littlefield was in and asked about taking the lawnmower, for the Lonestar cemetery, into Stevco to get it tuned up for

next season.  The lawnmower is county owned; therefore, the commissioners allowed him to take it to Stevco and the county will pay for the repairs.

Mike Schechter came in, by request of Dave Bozone, to talk about establishing 911 addresses for Stevens County.  Mike is checking into the situation and he visited with the telephone office at Ulysses.  The county needs larger road signs and better directions for addresses to help the emergency vehicles find the location in need.  He is getting the cost of equipment that is needed for the project and will report back to the commissioners.

Greg Morris came in to inform the commissioners that Legends, LLC is going to sell the land located at 9-33-37, if anyone is interested in buying it.

Kim Harper came in to bring the minutes of the airport board and the resignation of John Plank from the board.  Melvin moved to appoint Bobby Passmore to the airport board.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Kim talked about the land purchase from Jack and Kathryn Barber at a cost of $35,000.00 for the airport.  The airport board is checking into getting an engineering firm from Kansas City to do improvements at the airport at a cost of $228,000.00.  The federal government has monies for airports and the airport board is expecting to receive $204,000.00 for Stevens County/Hugoton airport, leaving the airports cost of $24,000.00 for improvements.

Robert Rich came in to check on the county taking over the Wellness Center.  The commissioners informed him the budget was already in with the hospitals for the year, 2003.  They will check more into the matter before the budgets are finalized for the year, 2004.  Robert was informed to check with the Hospital Board about getting the equipment back from the physical therapy department which was purchased for the wellness center.  He explained the Community Service program was going well and everything is working out great.

Gary moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes (11:10-11:40) for personnel.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision was made.

J C Cantrell came to update the commissioners on the projects the Road and Bridge are

working on.  The commissioners decided to go out to R & B on Friday, January 10, 2003 at 7:30 am to visit with the employees about the overtime issue.  J C is taking bids on asphalt material.

Gary moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes (1:15-1:30) for personnel.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision was made.

Paula Rowden explained the bio-terrorism plan.  Gary moved to approve the bio-terrorism plan for the county.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.

Paula presented a Resolution to the commissioners for approval.  Gary moved to adopt the Resolution No. 03-02 which allows the medical director to enforce insulation and quarantine on the residents of Stevens County in the event of an outbreak of an infectious or contagious disease.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.

Paula is checking into having the satellite(TV) system set up at the library.

Gary moved to reappoint the Citizens State Bank as the bank depository for the county and the Hugoton Hermes as the official paper.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.

Melvin moved to start the commissioners meetings at 8:30am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.  They will start appointments at 11:00am on the 1st Tuesday and 9:00am on the 3rd Tuesday.

Gary moved to allow the encumbered monies (2002) from each department as requested.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.

Clerk of the District Court  –  $14000.00

Sheriff  –  $60000.00

Emergency Services  –  $5625.00

4-H Bldg  –  $4000.00

Register of Deeds  –  $17871.34

County Clerk-Election  –  $4000.00

Solid Waste – $97,000.00

By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                    _________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JANUARY 10, 2003


A special meeting was called by Chairman Dave Bozone to meet with the Road and Bridge employees to explain the guaranteed overtime hours.  All commissioners were present – Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and Melvin Webb.  Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  There has been a five (5) hour guarantee for each employee to be paid each week.  The commissioners chose to not have the guaranteed overtime by cutting back over a two year period, 2 ½ hours a week each year for the next two years being 2003 and 2004.  Each commissioner explained their ideas on the reasoning of the cut and that they are not restricted to the 42 ½ hours a week.  It will be to the discretion of JC if there needs to be any overtime worked.


Each employee was allowed to ask questions and state their ideas about the hour cut.  Several of the employees explained how this would affect there financial needs.


By motion the Board was adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                          _____________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JANUARY 14, 2003


A special meeting was called by the Chairman, Dave Bozone at 7:00pm on January 14, 2003 to discuss raises.  All commissioners were present – Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and Melvin Webb.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Russ DeWitt has told the County Clerk’s office to put a 3% raise on the payroll for January 17, 2003.  The commissioners had not made a decision on raises at this time, so this was not allowed.  No decisions on raises were made.


Gary moved to accept the service agreement from Kansas Association of Counties for a workshop on “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Your Community Non-Profit Boards” to be held on February l, 2003 at 9:00-12:00 noon at the Senior Citizens Center.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _____________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JANUARY 21, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with members Dave Bozone and Gary Baker.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Barbara Banister came in to report on the Senior Citizens Center meals.  She gave a report on how well the meals for the center are going and how receptive the people in the community have been.  She explained the different programs they have for the Senior Citizens.  The Board for the Service for the Elderly is well pleased with the outcome of each program.


Gary moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel for 20 minutes (9:05-9:25).  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The meeting started again at 9:25am.


Ashley Fiss from Fiss Architecture and Sheryl Hayworth and Linda Stalcup members of the Task Force team came in to update the commissioners on the progress of the Assisted Living project.  They showed different ways they will be presenting the project to the community.  They are having a community contest to decide a name and logo for the facility.


Gary moved to adopt the estimate from Fiss Architecture for the bond issue on April l, 2003 in the amount of $3,525,000.00.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike Schechter updated the commissioners on the 911 addressing.  He met with the Pioneer Communication Board to see what else needs to be done.  The new enhanced computer system center for the 911 program that will be placed at the sheriff’s office

will cost $55,000. There will be a resolution drawn up by Bob Johnson for the 911 system.  Mike was presented a certificate by the commissioners for becoming a Kansas Certified & Emergency Manager.  Mike and Paula Rowden are checking into grants for the 911 system.


Mike informed the commissioners that most of the monies for the year 2002 have been

collected.  The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator group is still working on a plan for animal disease control.


Roger Lynch came in to let the commissioners know that he would be able to update them on the wind farms at the next meeting, February 4, 2003.


J C Cantrell opened bids for rock.  The bids were from:


Eastern Colorado Aggregates: 12000 US Tons of ¾” crushed rock $7.00 a ton

14000 US Tons of ½” crushed rock $7.50 a ton

14000 US Tons of crusher fines $3.00 a ton

No delivery rates quoted in this bid.


Smith Sand Co:  12000 US Tons of ¾” crushed rock $7.00 a ton plus $6.85 freight

14000 US Tons of ½” crushed rock $7.50 a ton plus $6.85 freight

14000 US Tons of crushed fines $4.00 a ton plus $6.85 freight


Klotz Sand Company:  12000 US Tons of ¾” crushed rock $10.00 a ton plus $4.34 freight

14000 US Tons of ½” crushed rock $10.00 a ton plus $4.34 freight

14000 US Tons of crushed fines $8.00 a ton plus $4.34 freight


Gary moved to accept the rock bid from Smith Sand Co.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


JC asked about renewing a contract with Cullison Brothers for $15,000.00 for the year 2003.  Dave moved to renew the contract with Cullison Brothers for 2003 stating the charges will be 75 cents per yd and guaranteed $1250.00 a month.  Bob is drawing up the contract.


JC informed the commissioners that on February 5, 2003, he will be making an equipment payment for 2003 to Citizens State Bank in the amount of $211,384.72 and to First National Bank in the amount of $60,628.64.


JC called Jack Rowden about the old farm equipment located west of town to check if the museum wanted it.  He said to just take it to the Kiwanis sale.


JC asked to have two Champion motor graders replaced.  They are being leased to buy but Van Keppel will buy them back if he chooses not to buy them at the end of the lease, February, 2004.  He will be getting bids to replace them before the end of the year.  He asked to purchase an electric air compressor for the asphalt plant at a price of $12,630.00 to replace the diesel one.  He would be able to use the diesel one at the shop.


Janice Porter updated the commissioners on the battery backup unit for the computers.  Three of the batteries were replaced and the others needed to be replaced also.  They will be checking every three months to make sure they are still working.


Alan Bultman wants to buy a lot in the Industrial Addition west of town, 9-33-37, from someone that already owns the lot, if the commissioners are in agreement.  It is for a manufacturing building.


Bob is checking on the open roads designation.


The commissioners talked about raises.  Gary made the motion to raise the Register of Deeds to $2500.00 a month and the Emergency Services Director to $3400.00 a month

being retroactive as of January 1, 2003.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


They talked about setting up a meeting for the weather modification.  No decision was made.


Guy Rowden was asked to get estimates of prices for the lighting of the flagpole.  Hancock sent in an estimate in the amount of $2,760.00 for this project.  No decision was made at this time.


By motion the Board was adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                             _____________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




FEBRUARY 4, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:


GENERAL                                                   $659,981.25

ROAD & BRIDGE                                        412,070.50

FAIR                                                                48,310.00

AIRPORT                                                        47,550.00

SERVICES FOR ELDERLY                          58,750.00

HOME FOR AGED                                      468,000.00

BUILDING                                                          762.18

NOXIOUS WEED                                            5,966.41

EMPLOYEES BENEFIT                               82,003.64

LIBRARY                                                       91,545.25

HOSPITAL MAINT                                     731,900.00

FIRE BEQUEST                                                  564.00

EMPLOYEE P/R MISC W/H                                  9.24


Betty Rosel brought in a bid from Stanfield Printing of Guymon for a new copy machine.  The commissioners informed her that anything bought over the amount of $10,000.00, has to have a notice published in the paper.  She will be publishing a notice in the paper and when the bids are received they will be presented to the commissioners.


Sue Gooch asked the commissioner if they would talk with Prestige Coffee about putting in a coffee pot for the Memorial Hall, the one in the hall doesn’t work all the time.  Gary moved to try the coffee pot for a year with the understanding that the county has to buy coffee from Prestige.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Melvin moved to raise the rent of the hall from $5.00 to $7.00 and supply the coffee from Prestige.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for 20 minutes for personnel (9:40-10:00).  The meeting reopened at 10:00.  No decisions were made.


Melvin moved to have the bonds for the Assisted Living Project be paid off in 10 years, if the election passes.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Roger Lynch presented information about the wind farms from the meeting he had attended in Cimarron.  He is having the planning and zoning board from Gray County come to a meeting with the commissioners on the next meeting date.


Matt Whitham, the spokes person for the Moscow Neighborhood Watch and a group of concerned citizens from Moscow came in to talk to the commissioners about what could be done about the crime in Moscow.  They were asking for a county wide curfew and what the legal aspects would be to enforce this.  They were asked to get copies of Hugoton and Moscow curfew laws and then the commissioners would work on checking into what needs to be done.  The citizens of Moscow invited the commissioners to come to their next meeting of the Neighborhood Watch on March 3, 2003 at 7:00 pm in the High School gym.


J C Cantrell received bids for an air compressor to put at the asphalt plant.  The bids were from:  Paramount Service and Supply of Hugoton in the amount of $10,763.44

RSC of Liberal in the amount of $12,630.00

Stevco Implement of Hugoton in the amount of $15,900.00

Dave moved to accept the bid for the air compressor from Paramount Service and Supply of Hugoton in the amount of $10,763.44.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Bethel Friends Church asked if the county would asphalt around their youth center.  JC is getting the price together to present to the Church.


They discussed the roads, in the county, that the Road & Bridge Dept will asphalt this year, 2003.


Bob is working on a Resolution in reference to the opening and closing of roads in the county.


Gary moved to have the Resolution for the bond election signed and sent back to Gilmore and Bell.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Robynn Rome was asked to come in to be considered for a hospital board member.  She expressed her views and concerns for the hospital.


Tim Nimechek from Pioneer Communications of Ulysses came to inform the commissioners about the county’s phone system and what options there are to fix the problem.  They could upgrade with a new control unit that will consist of replacing a few

of the existing phones at a price of $11,000.00.  The system that the county has now is obsolete.  They would be able to locate used processor cards to furnish the system with a one (1) year warranty at a price of $1000.00.  Dave moved to accept the option of $1000.00 and one (l) year warranty and keep the unit the county already has.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


The commissioners and JC left at 2:30 pm from the courthouse to tour the roads in the county that are to be recycled and asphalted for the year 2003.  They returned to the courthouse at 4:00 pm.


The commissioners discussed wages for the county.  Dave suggested that he work on a plan for merit raises and Gary could work on the form for evaluations.  They would discuss the situation again at the next meeting on February 18, 2003.


A letter from KCAMP about Terrorism Risk Insurance was presented to the commissioners and they decided not to consider it at this time.


JC and the commissioners decided not to recycle Road Y from the radio tower to the river bridge this year due to the lack of funds from the state.


The Hamlin road which is Rd 26 – Woods N, was discussed on how to be maintained.  A suggestion was made to put a counter on the road to check the amount of use on it.  Also, check with the citizens that live in the area.  Then, the type of road maintenance would be decided.  JC was instructed to send a letter to each person and put an article in the paper explaining the condition of the road.  Anyone interested should come to the commissioners meeting on February 18, 2003 at 1:30 pm to discuss the situation.


The auditing firm for 2003 was discussed.  Gary moved to change auditing firms for a three year period, starting 2003 to 2005, from Hay, Rice & Associates of Liberal to Lewis, Hooper and Dick of Garden City.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  The County Clerk, Pam Bensel was instructed to notify each firm by letter of the decision.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                          _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




FEBRUARY 18, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  There were additions to the agenda:  Ruling of the Supreme Court, Hospital Board appointments and Executive sessions.


Sheryl Hayworth came in with concerns on the bond issue election for the Assisted Living.  She was asking if there was a contingency backup plan or another way of

financing the project in case the issue does not pass.  She asked if there was a way that private individuals could pledge monies toward the project.  She asked what the procedure would be for people to sign up.  Bob is checking into this matter.


Janice Porter informed the commissioners of the need to upgrade the AS400 system and requested $30,000.00 be put into the 2004 General Fund/Data Processing budget.  IBM will work with the County on the maintenance until 5-2004 then alternate plans will need to be considered.  She requested one (1) PC and one (1) printer for each of the four (4) stations.  Gary moved to allow the purchase of four (4) Dell computers at $1000.00 each and four printers to be purchased at Wal-Mart.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes (9:33-10:03) to discuss personnel and land acquisition.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Melvin moved to continue executive session for another 10 minutes(10:06-10:16).  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No decisions made.


Wayne Tate updated the commissioners on the progress of the Stevens County Foundation, Inc.  He presented the Articles of Incorporation to be signed and returned to him for further processing.  The by-laws are being completed.


Melvin moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes (10:30-10:40) to discuss personnel.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision made.


The commissioners discussed the implementation of the county wide curfew.  Gary moved to adopt the curfew and Bob is writing a resolution.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Russ DeWitt, Connie Gold, Betty Rosel and Pam Bensel were called in to discuss the Supreme Court allowing elected officials to set the wages of their office staff, staying within their budget.  A line item budget will be required in the future.  The commissioners will be setting the salaries of all elected officials and all other county employees.  There will be bids taken for any purchases over $10,000.00 and it is required by State Law to be published in the paper.


The commissioners discussed their appointment options for the hospital board.  Gary moved to reappoint Robin Sullivan to the board for the 1-1-03 to 12-31-05 term.  Melvin seconded. Motion carried.


JC Cantrell came in and oil bids were opened.  The only bid received, from Vance Bros Inc of Kansas City, Missouri, is as follows:


AC-20 – 1,200 tons @ $184.00/Ton


RC-800 – 500 Ton (125,000 Gals.) @ 0.922/Gal.


MC-70 – 500 Ton (130,000 Gals.) @ 0.922/Gal.


The prices are quoted FOB delivered to asphalt plant 2 miles West of Hugoton.  The bid was accepted.


The five year projection plan was presented to commissioners so they could show what they have accomplished.


The Road and Bridge department was instructed to keep records of costs of project done at airport and not bill at this time.  The estimated cost of this project is $6,000.00 – $8,000.00 and may be billed at a later date.


The Hamlin road which is Rd 26 – Woods N, was discussed and it was decided to wait until a later date to do anything with it.


Bob presented a letter from Secretary of State stating opinions about being on multiple boards which may be incompatible.  The commissioners decided to let the school and city council make the decision on compatibility.  Bob is sending letters to the Superintendent,

Dr. David Self; Chairman of the school board; City Attorney, Erick Nordling; City Clerk, Tom Hicks informing them of the commissioners’ decision.


Roger Lynch, Steve Harper, Bryne Sullins, Tony Nix, Tom Hogan (Gray County Planning & Zoning Adm. and Public works administrator) came in to discuss wind generators.  Tom explained how the wind farm came to be in Gray County.  No action taken at this time.


Gene Leonard wants to sell an end dump trailer but was instructed to wait until JC had a chance to look at it.  If JC didn’t want it he was told to publish it in the paper for two (2) times before selling.


The commissioners discussed the janitorial position and the excessive overtime with Guy Rowden and asked if he needed additional help to get his work done.  Dave moved to instruct Guy to hire another person, part-time to help him for at least 20 hrs/wk and not more than 30 hrs/wk at the hourly wage of $8.80. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                          _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




FEBRUARY 28, 2003


The Board of Canvassers met to canvass the votes from the February 25, 2003, Primary Election.  Present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone, Susan Schulte and Pam Bensel.  There were not any provisional ballots, so there were no changes in the original canvass.  There was no other business conducted and the Canvass Board adjourned at 10:30 am.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                           ______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




MARCH 4, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with members Dave Bozone and Gary Baker present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………. 187,052.87

Building…………………………………        809.70

Noxious Weed…………………………..     5,955.69

Road Machinery………………………    236,620.00

Insurance Agency Damages…………….        558.95

Airport…………………………………..      2,550.00


There were additions to the agenda:  Weather Modification and sprinkler system issue at the airport.


Dave Bozone moved to accept the Resolution No 03-03 on the county wide curfew for minors under 18 years of age.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 20 minutes-9:00 to 9:20.

Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision made.


Gary brought up the fact that the appraisers’ office bought the printers through Dell instead of Wal-Mart which was stated in the last meeting minutes.


Dave moved to instruct the County Clerk to call the Lewis, Hooper and Dick office at

Garden City for some line item budget forms to bring to the next meeting.   Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Betty Rosel took bids for a copy machine.  The bids were from Stanfield Printing of Guymon, OK for $12,076.67 plus service agreement for $4,375.00, Southern Office Supply of Liberal, KS for $9460.00 and Xerox for $9,535.00.  Gary moved to accept the bid from Southern Office Supply for $9,460.00 for a Sharp Digital copier.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Dwain Towner came in as a possible candidate for the hospital board.  He expressed his views of the hospital, and then the commissioners asked if he had any ideas of improvement for the hospital.  No decision was made at this time.


The commissioners discussed the weather modification program for this year.  Dave moved to not join the program this year.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The County Clerk was asked to contact the Western Kansas Groundwater Management District out of Scott City of their decision.


JC informed the commissioners of the problems they were having with the bid that was accepted from Smith Sand Co.  They are not able to keep up with the delivery of the amount of rock that was bid, so JC suggested they use Klotz Sand to help supply the amount as needed.


JC informed the commissioners of an extra cost of $420.00 each for the exhaust turnouts on the tandem trucks that were bid on by Peterbilt of Garden City.  The commissioners agreed not to pay the extra cost for the exhaust turnouts.


JC informed the commissioners of an extra cost of $657.00 per truck for the tarp installation from Midwest Truck.  The commissioners agreed not to pay the additional cost of the installation.


JC discussed the pipeline crossing on the Richard Claggett land.  Bob was asked to add a section to the permit and inform the owners involved with the land and explain the contents of the permit. (SE 9&10-35-37) (Wilson Family Trust, Karen Howe and Richard Claggett)


The evaluation forms for the county employees were discussed.  Gary has a software program of evaluation forms he is going to give to Gina to check out.


Mike Hershey came in to interview as a possible candidate for the hospital board.  He expressed his views for the hospital but informed the commissioners because of his schedule he would not be able to serve on the board at this time.


Dave Cutter and Dale Sutton of the Pioneer Manor board came in to talk about the refinancing of the revenue bonds for the Pioneer Manor.  Bob Schaeffer from Gold Capital Management explained the procedure.  The amounts of the bonds to be refinanced are $1,375,000.00 at a savings of $43,333.75.  No decision was made at this time.


Gene Leonard came in to discuss the concrete crushing they are doing at the landfill.  Dave moved to continue to crush the concrete and if allowed by the auditors, transfer  $50,000.00 or the allowed amount from the County Equipment Fund, that has been reserved for landfill, to the General Fund and put into the Solid Waste account.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.
Gary moved to charge $5.00 a ton for concrete brought into the landfill.  Dave seconded.

Motion carried.  Gene will have the price change published in the paper.


Gene Leonard decided to keep the end dump trailer that was discussed in the previous meeting on February 18, 2003.


Chance Rudzik from Pioneer Communications came in to discuss the easements on the county right of way in the Industrial Addition, west of Hugoton.  He is to bring in a plat that will show the different lots that will be involved in this project.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ____________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




MARCH 18, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were the Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  There were additions to the agenda:  Hospital Board appointment, Ashley Fiss-Southwest Pioneer Foundation and Fair Housing Project for Great Plains.


Ashley Fiss asked the commissioners if they would donate $200.00 to be a co-sponsor for the Southwest Pioneer Foundation Fund.  She explained the different areas the Foundation deals with and that the Foundation is for the benefit of tax credits for the county.  She informed them that the money will be used within Stevens County at this time.  Gary moved to donate $200.00 to help co-sponsor the Southwest Pioneer Foundation for a speaker and advertising and the Stevens County Foundation will also be included in the seminar.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Ashley Fiss and members of the task force-Linda Stalcup, Jola Persinger, Sheryl Hayworth, and Celain Day came in to update the commissioners of the outcome of the   meetings on the Assisted Living Project and to let them know there is a waiting list.


Linda Stalcup gave the commissioners an update on the hospital.  They are working in different areas on how they would be able to cut cost.  She informed them of non-interest loan or grant they are trying to get to help with the construction of the Emergency Room.


Great Plains Development sent a copy of a Fair Housing Proclamation for the commissioners to sign as the Fair Housing Month Project for April.


Larry Meschke came in to talk about the tax abatement on the cotton gin.  They talked to Neal Gillespie on the speaker phone during the meeting so he could explain the information that he was able to gather for this abatement.  Larry finished explaining about the information and said he had sent the forms into State to check if they met the guideline approval.  They will be sending a Resolution and having a public hearing at a later date.


Bob informed the commissioners of the lot across from the courthouse being for sale.  Dave moved to buy Lot 5 & the North 10’ of the West 144’ Lot 6 Block 45 at the price of $23,000.00.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


JC Cantrell explained the 5 year projection plan and will be sending it in at this time.  Bill Pitts and JC checked out the bridge in Stevens County and decided that there is a maximum of 3 years before anything needs to be done.  JC will put the project in the 5 year plan as a priority for the year 2004.  There will be a partial payment back from state when the project is finished.  JC showed the commissioners the evaluation and self evaluation forms that he intends to use.


The different entities took the old furniture, office equipment, etc to the Kiwanis sale on March 29, 2003 to be sold.  The monies received will be put into the revenue account of each different entity.


The commissioners discussed the tarp installation on the trucks to Midwest for the Road and Bridge Dept.  Gary moved to allow $200.00 extra per truck for each tarp installed since it was a quote and not a bid.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Robert Rich and Linda Stalcup came in to discuss the Dynatron 50 machine that was bought for therapy use at the Wellness Center.  The hospital physical therapy group took the machine to their place of business and is now using it.  Linda is checking into having the hospital buy a different machine for Robert to use for therapy at the Wellness Center.

No decision was made.


Terry Maas came in to inform the commissioners on the progress of getting into the police academy.  He is going to Topeka on Thursday, March 20, 2003 to speak to the House of

Representatives.  He asked if the commissioners would be able to sign a letter stated they were in favor of him going into the police academy.  Gary moved to have Bob write a letter stating they were in favor of Terry Maas going into the police academy and then they would all three sign the letter for Terry to take with him to Topeka.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Jeff Sarchet came in to interview as a hospital board candidate.  He expressed his interest in the hospital and the commissioners asked if he had any opinions on how the hospital could improve.  Dave moved to appoint Jeff Sarchet as hospital board member to finish the unexpired term of David Cullison.  The term will start March l8, 2003 and it will go through December 31, 2003.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary will talk to Guy about the hiring of another person to help him with the janitorial work.


Dave moved to reappoint Ron McFarlane back to the hospital board.  The term started January 1, 2003, for a 3 year term, ending December 31, 2005.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The commissioners discussed the Pioneer Communications group putting the fiber optic cable through the Industrial Addition west of town.  Gary moved to allow Pioneer Communication to lay the fiber optic cable line on the county right of way in the Industrial Addition west of town.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                          _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 4, 2003


The Board of Canvassers met to canvass the votes from the April l, 2003, General Election.  Present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone, Melvin Webb, Susan Schulte and

Pam Bensel.  There were 9 Provisional Ballots and all but 2 were allowed.  There were not any changes in the original canvass except for the Provisional ballots.  These ballots did not change the out come of the election of the first canvass.  There was no other business conducted and the Canvass Board adjourned at 9:30 am.




APRIL 4, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Jonson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts



Road & Bridge…………………………. 203,044.87

Building…………………………………     1,143.33

Noxious Weed…………………………..   11,318.19

Road Machinery…………………………        600.00

Alcoholic Treatment……………………         950.00

Employee P/R Misc W/H……………….     1,134.13

Airport…………………………………..      2,550.00


Roger Lynch came in to update the commissioners on a letter received from the KS Dept of Transportation.  The letter was about the cleaning up of property owned by Karla Beth French and others north of Hugoton.  He also asked about attending a meeting in Emporia about wind farms on April 25, 2003.  David Yearout will be the instructor.  Gary moved

to allow Roger to attend the meeting on April 25, 2003.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session on personnel matters for 20 minutes starting at 9:25am-9:45am.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  The commissioners came out of executive session at 9:45am and Gary moved to go back into executive session for 15 minutes, 9:45am-10:00am.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision was made.


Gary moved to instruct the County Clerk to send a letter dated April 7, 2003 to each courthouse employee stating anyone failing to clock in or out during the day will not be paid for that block of time.  (Such as:  9:00-Lunch time, return from lunch-5:00 or any other times you need to leave, except on your 15 minute breaks in the morning and afternoon).  There should always be an in and out time on the time card.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Melvin moved to instruct the County Clerk to send a letter dated April 7, 2003 to each courthouse employee stating all courthouse employees are required to take a lunch hour

at their designated lunch time between 11:00-2:00.  You will need to clock out and back in for that hour.  There will not be any substituting the lunch hour to leave early for the day.


JC Cantrell informed the commissioners of a billing he had received from Anthony Sandoval indicating damage that he had to his fence from a county grader.  The county employee had reported the damages at the time of the incident and JC went to the sight to check the damages.  The damages were to one wooden post, one tee post and the wire.  The billing received from JC was in the amount of $484.99.  Dave moved to instructed JC to send a letter to Mr. Sandoval stating that the county is in agreement to pay for the damages.  The amount agreed upon was $16.99 to cover the one wooden post at $10.00 and 3-6 ½ feet tee posts @ $2.33 each.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


JC was instructed to work on the improving of the ½ mile of the Claggett road and put the rest of the road on hold till a later date.


JC showed an evaluation form that he will be using for his employees.


Robert Schaeffer with Gold Capital Management showed the information on the refinancing of the Pioneer Manor revenue bonds.  He had the commissioners sign Resolution 03-04 stating:















The Resolution was considered and discussed and on the Motion of Gary Baker, seconded by Melvin Webb, the Resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote:


Yes:  Gary Baker, Dave Bozone & Melvin Webb

No:  ___________________________________


He talked to the commissioners about the refinancing of the Hospital Revenue Bonds and will inform them more of this matter at a later date.


Gloria Fox came in to ask if the Pioneer Manor could trade in the 92 Mercury, that the Road and Bridge had given them to use of the Manor, for a 97 Mercury Grand Marquis LS from Don Trentham Ford.  Gary moved to allow the trade of the 92 Mercury for the 97 Mercury Grand Marquis LS from Don Trentham Ford.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Carolyn Harper, Connie Hittle and Sandra Passmore came in to talk about the county helping put in a walking track for the community.  The Recreation Commission is working on a grant for a plan to put in a soccer field on 3rd and Adams in Block 21 in Hugoton City.  They were asking if a walking track could be put around the field for the citizens.  The commissioners advised them to talk to the Recreation Commission and get back with them on their next meeting, April 15, 2003.


Gene Leonard came in to ask if it would be possible for Solid Waste to be a fund of its own.  He asked if they could use the revenues that were brought into the landfill of selling the crushed concrete or if there was a possibility that the Noxious Weed and Solid Waste departments could be combined.  They are to check with State on this issue and talk to the auditor to see what he had to say on the spending of the revenues.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 15, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Sherri Martin, Joe D Thompson and Joel McClure presented the budget request for Soil Conservation.  They were asking for the same amount as the year before being $27,020.00.  Melvin made a motion to accept the budget as presented for $27,020.00.

Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Janice Porter asked the commissioners for permission to allow the appraisers office to close for Brad Welch’s, the Stevens County Appraiser, funeral on Thursday, April 17, 2003 in Lakin.  Melvin moved to allow the appraisers office to close for Brad Welch’s funeral on Thursday, April 17, 2003 in Lakin.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The contract to buy Lot 5 Block 45 and the 10’ of the West 144’ of Lot 6 Block 45 from Oscar Hurtado in the City of Hugoton was signed by the commissioners.  A check will be issued to Stevens County Title in the amount of $500.00 to be put in escrow for a down payment on the lots with a possible closing date of May 10, 2003.  Dave moved to allow the Hurtado’s until June 3, 2003 to have all their personal property and belongings removed from the premises.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The commissioners discussed getting bids for the removal of the house on Lot 5 Block 45 after the closing date of the contract.


Gary moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 10 minutes-9:25 am-9:35am.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reopened at 9:35am.  No decisions were made.


Paula Rowden came in to discuss the grant for the Bio-terrorism plan.  The local regionalization contract has been signed and sent in.  A grant has been allowed in the amount of $44,500.00 to be put into a fund for the coalition group which is Stevens, Morton, Grant, Stanton and Seward Counties, with Stevens County being the host County.  The funds will be handled through the County Clerks office.  The group has hired, Vivian Button, from Grant County to write the policies and procedures for the coalition.


Mike Schechter came in to ask if he could purchase a vehicle for work purposes.  It will be purchased out of the fire equipment fund.  Melvin moved to allow Mike to publish a bid notice in the paper for two weeks and to get three bids for a 1/2 ton crew cab pu 4×4,

new or used with low mileage.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The bids will be opened, May 6, 2003, at the next commissioners meeting.


Mike Schechter talked about the Emergency Planning Committee.  Melvin is currently on this committee so Mike asked if he would serve on the Animal Emergency Planning Committee.  There will be a meeting at the Stevens County EMS/Fire Station Building

at 11:30 am on April 22, 2003 and invited the commissioners to come to the meeting.


The commissioners and Mike talked about the new emergency entrance for the ambulance at the hospital.  He is to talk to Linda Stalcup or Richard Farrar for the progress of this matter.


Richard James came in to ask permission to do a road bore for a water and gas line.  They informed him that he needs to talk to JC Cantrell about this matter.


J C Cantrell came in to update the commissioners on the Claggett road.  He has finished the ½ mile that was to be improved.


JC informed them that the letter to Anthony Sandoval had been sent, but there hasn’t been a reply at this time.


JC asked if he could sign a four week rental contract with Foley Equipment Co for a recycler in the amount of $18,000.00 to be picked up at Wichita on April 28, 2003.  Melvin moved to allow JC to sign the rental contract for a recycler in the amount of $18,000.00 to be picked up at Wichita on April 28, 2003.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


JC asked what his position would be with one of his employees, which is unable to drive any kind of heavy machinery due to medical problems.  Bob informed JC to send him to Dr Samer Al-Hasmi and the county will pay for the visit.  No decision was made at this time.


The paying of the Road & Bridge bills was discussed.  No decision was made at this time.


Gene Leonard came in to inform the commissioners the State law states the Noxious Weed Fund has to be separate from any other fund.  He asked to have the Solid Waste Fund taken out of General and Gary told him that the auditor suggested it be left in the General Fund for budget purposes.


Gene asked about the paying of the bills out of Noxious Weed and Solid Waste.  Pam Bensel requested to have them paid out of the clerk’s office which would allow Tina more time for the Noxious Weed and Solid Waste daily work at the office.


Neal Gillespie presented information about the tax abatement on the cotton gin for the Northwest Cotton Growers.  The next step will be the public hearing and then a resolution signed by the commissioners.  A time for the public hearing will be set up at a later date.


Dave informed the others that he talked to Alan Bultman about the lots he bought in the

Industrial Addition, west of town.  They need to implement a policy to put an incentive in place for buyers of the lots.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 24, 2003


A special meeting was called by the Chairman, Dave Bozone at 7:00 pm on January 14, with all members present.  Also present were Wayne Tate, representing the County Counselor, and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  They met with Kim Harper of the Airport Board.


Kim presented two letters to the commissioners from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) about improvements at the Hugoton airport.  The first letter stated that restrictive easements, rather than fee simple ownership would be acceptable for several tracts directly adjacent to the current facility.  The second letter stated that the easements would not be sufficient and the purchase of the land would be required.  Wayne was instructed to write a letter to Cheryl Dobson of the FAA Department explaining the situation, then Kim Harper and the commissioners would sign the letter.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




MAY 6, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….… 220,362.17

Airport……………………………….   43,550.00

Employee Benefit……………………        314.58

Noxious Weed………………………..     8,128.95

Library……………………………….   91,545.25

Alcoholic Treatment…………………        237.50


Due to a conflict in the commissioner’s schedule they decided to start the May 20th meeting at 11:00 am instead of 8.30 am.


Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 30 minutes (9:00-9:30).

Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision was made.  The meeting reconvened at 9:30.


Tom Fuhrmann and Ken Lawhon of Landmark Appraisal, Inc. and Ann Papay came in to present their contracts:  Tom Fuhrmann presented a contract stating that Landmark Appraisal, Inc. will furnish Stevens County with an appraiser to finish out the rest of the year, starting May 6, 2003 through December 31, 2003. The contract states the County will pay Landmark Appraisal, Inc. $3,200.00 at the rate of $400.00 per month through December 31, 2003 which the contract will then terminate.  Gary moved to appoint Tom Fuhrmann of Landmark Appraisal, Inc., as the County Appraisal for the unexpired 4 year term of Brad Welch.  The contract for the appointment is through June 30, 2005.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


The next contract was for the Appraisal of Gas and Oil Properties, which states Landmark Appraisal, Inc. will receive from Stevens County $16,785.00 at the rate of $4,197.00 for May, June and July then, a rate of $839.00 for August, September, October, November and December which the contract will then terminate.


Ann Papay presented a contract as a Consultant in the appraisal of oil & gas properties, real property, other personal property, local and legislative issues and provide training services to the County.  The contract states, starting May 6, 2003 the County will pay Ann Papay $6,000.00 to be billed seventy-five percent (75%) in June, 2003 and twenty-five percent (25%) in December, 2003 which the contract will then terminate.  Melvin made a motion to hire Tom Fuhrmann of Landmark Appraisal, Inc. with Ann Papay as the Consultant for the remaining of the year, 2003.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The County Employees came in to discuss with the commissioners about the time clock situation.  Betty Rosel, Thea Schnittker, Ginny Marquis, Juleine Lowry, Lori Rome, Guy Rowden, Janice Porter, Brenda Schechter, Susan Schulte and Connie Gold.  Dave opened the meeting by letting each employee express their concerns. The time clock will be changed from the County Clerks office to the County Commissioners, so everyone would have better access to it.  Dave suggested that Bob Johnson write a letter of rules and regulations and hand it out to each employee and if there were any other concerns, another meeting would be set up at a later date.


Melvin Webb was not able to attend the afternoon session of the meeting due to a doctor’s appointment.


J C Cantrell came in and explained about some of the bills that the commissioners had questions about.  He reported on some of the projects that the Road Department was working on.  The road North of Moscow was being worked on and should be finished in a few days.


Road 18 that runs in front of the Cotton Gin was discussed.  Dave moved to have the County Road Department black top the first one-half mile of Road 18 North of Highway 56.


JC talked about a stop sign that needed to be put up in a private drive, 1 mile west of Feterita on Highway 25 on the South side of the road.  JC checked and the State Department is responsible for putting up the sign.


Road 9 that goes South of Highway 56 to Jim Kramer’s Seed business was discussed.  JC needs to talk to the State on some details about the intersection before continuing with this project.


Mike Schechter came in to have bids opened for a Pickup to be used by the Fire Department.  The bids were from:


Don Trentham Ford

2002    4X4 Crew Cab  XLT    1/2T PU

list price    $32,975.00

bid price    $26,000.00


Riley Chevrolet

2003 Silverado Crew Cab  4X4  LS  1/2T PU

list price    $35,470.00

bid price    $26,630.00


Gary moved to accept the bid from Don Trentham Ford for the 2002 4X4 Crew Cab XLT 1/2T PU.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike Schechter informed the commissioners that the Moscow Fire Department wanted to buy a 1980 truck for $4,500.00 to replace a truck that was borrowed from the State Forestry Department.  The truck would be available for purchase after June 1, 2003.

Dave moved to allow the Moscow Fire Department to buy the truck in the amount of $4,500.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike informed the commissioners that he had visited with Richard Farrar about the ambulance entrance to the hospital but there were no funds available for this project.


Mike informed the commissioners of a meeting for the Animal Emergency Planning Committee on Thursday, May 8, 2003 at the Senior Center at 11:30 am.  Sam Graham will be the speaker.


The commissioners decided that Mike Schechter will no longer be paid mileage for his personal vehicle since he was allowed to purchase the 2002 Ford PU for the Fire Department.


Donnie Knier came in to discuss the assisted living project.  He presented some blueprints for a 20 unit complex to be built on a lot at 8th and Van Buren.  They expressed that they were not going to go forward with anything else at this time.


Terry Maas came in to talk about insurance coverage for the firework display this year.  He was asked to get some quotes and bring the prices in to the next meeting on May 20, 2003.


The salaries for the employees that had not been paid on April 30, 2003 were discussed.  Gary moved to pay all employees the time owed.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to instruct Guy Rowden to move the time clock into the Commissioners Room on the South wall.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 30 minutes. (3:05 pm to 3:35 pm)  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No decisions were made. The meeting reconvened at 3:35 pm.


Russ DeWitt and Ted Heaton came in to talk about getting a storage building.  There are flammable objects that have been brought in as evidence that need to be stored in a different building with an air vent.  They suggested that he talk to JC Cantrell and Robert Rich then get back with them.


The city/county law enforcement combination was discussed but no decisions were made.


Russ DeWitt talked to the commissioners about the 911 computer needing replaced.  He is checking with other counties on the set up for the system and getting prices to present to the commissioners at a later date.


Gary moved to set Guy Rowden up on a 40 hour week instead of a 35 hour week.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




MAY 20, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


The commissioners discussed when everyone should have a copy of their budget request in.  Melvin moved to request the budgets be in by June 3, 2003.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell informed the commissioners that Gene Graves with Anadarko asked if the County would build up Road X between 7 & 8 on the section line.  The commissioners were not in favor of this project.


The County pickup that Monte Hall drives was side swiped and will be getting repaired.


Anthony Sandoval came in to discuss the fence that had been broken by the County Road Department.  He explained how he had to repair the fence and expects the County to share the expense.  The bill was $484.99 that he sent to the County.  He had intended for the County pay at least $250.00.  Dave estimated the cost to be around $50.00 (30 miles @ $.37, 2 hrs labor @ $10.00 an hr, posts $16.99).  Anthony returned the check that was sent to him on May 6, 2003 in the amount of $16.99.  He also refused to accept the $50.00 that was offered to him.


The commissioners discussed having Retha Wagner reappointed to the Library Board.

Dave moved to reappoint Retha Wagner to the Library Board for another term starting May 1, 2003.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Commissioners suggested putting a want ad in the paper asking if anyone is interested in serving on the open Center Township position on the Hugoton City Cemetery Board.  They will need to contact the County Clerk’s Office.


Kim Harper came in to have a grant contract for the airport signed by the commissioners.


Theresa Dasenbrock of Lewis, Hooper & Dick came in to answer some budget questions and other concerns that the commissioners had.


Betty Rosel and Thea Schnittker from the Register of Deeds Office came in to discuss bids on software for the conversion program data with image to work with the RVI program that has been installed.  They sent letters to Infinitec and Nex Tech informing them what they needed in the bid and when to have them in the Clerk’s Office and put a notice in the paper.  Gary moved to allow the Register of Deeds to pursue bids on the software.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


They also discussed a Reprographic program that they will be able to scan plats on the image system.


Guy Rowden asked to buy a drain snake for the courthouse.  The commissioners said to go ahead and get one.


Gary Baker moved to rescind his May 6th motion to appoint Tom Fuhrmann of Landmark Appraisal, Inc., as the County Appraiser for the unexpired 4 year term of Brad Welch.  The contract for the appointment is through June 30, 2005.


Gary Baker moved to appoint Tom Fuhrmann of Landmark Appraisal, Inc., as the County Appraiser for the current year ending December 31, 2003.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JUNE 3, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….… 188,493.11

Airport Fund…………………………     2,550.00

County Building…………………….         856.15

Noxious Weed………………………..   11,360.60

Hospital Maintenance Fund…………..    15,500.00

Rural Fire Equipment Fund…………    26,000.00

Alcoholic Treatment…………………        237.50


Melvin moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 20 minutes (9:00-9:20).  Dave seconded. Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:20.


Terry Maas and Mike Schechter came in to discuss a license that the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) requires for all entities shooting off fireworks, except for government agencies.  The Fire Department is going to buy the fireworks for the Chamber of Commerce and then they will reimburse the County.  The money will be put back into the Fire Departments budget.


Gilmore and Bell asked that the commissioners to review and accept the offering for sale of General Obligation Hospital Refunding Bonds, Series 2003.  Gary moved to accept the offering for sale of the General Obligation Hospital Refunding Bonds, Series 2003.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  Resolution 03-06 states:







Courthouse employees:  Ginny Marquis, Lori Rome, Juleine Lowry, Thea Schnittker and Brenda Schechter came in to discuss how vacation was to be taken.


The commissioners discussed this matter and decided that vacation time is to be taken as the manual says. Gary moved to have the vacation time taken as the manual says.  A minimum of ½ day of the normal working hours per day.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The County Clerk was instructed to give a copy of the memo to each county employee.  The memo read:


Employees may use vacation leave in units of not less than one-half 1/2) day.  This means the employee must take one-half (1/2) of the normal working hours.


For example:


*If your normal work day is 8 hrs then ½ of your work day would

be 4 hrs.  These 4 hours must be taken from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

or 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.


*If your normal work day is 7 hrs then ½ of your work day would

be 3½  hrs.  These 3½ hours must be taken from 9:00 am to

12:30 pm or 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm.


*If your normal work day is 8½ hrs then ½ of your work day would

be 4½ hrs.  These 4½ hours must be taken from 7:30 am to 11:45 pm

or 12:15 pm to 4:30 pm.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the bills that had been paid and inform the commissioners of the projects he was working on.


Mark Hinde with Southwest Developmental Services, Inc, Sharon Hixson with Russell Childhood Development and Deb Martin, a board member with Russell Childhood Development came in to discuss the 2004 budget.  They explained the different services that they provide for the county and how the budget is distributed between the two entities.


The contract letter from Lewis, Hooper and Dick for the 2003 audit was discussed.

Gary moved to accept the audit contract for $18,400.00 for the year 2003 with a 3% increase in the years 2004 and 2005.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


The contract letter from Lewis, Hooper and Dick for the 2004 budget was discussed.  The commissioners instructed Bob to write a letter to Lewis, Hooper and Dick asking them to further clarify the contents of the contract.


Gary moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 10 minutes (2:35-2:45).  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision made. The meeting reconvened at 2:45 pm.


The commissioners were informed of the auditor’s decision on the encumbrances of monies from different entities.  There were four letters denied:  Noxious Weed and Landfill, 4-H Bldg (2001 and 2002) and Sheriff.  Dave moved to instruct the County Clerk to send a letter to each of these entities informing them of the auditor’s decision.

They will need to resubmit a letter with an itemized list or purchase order with the amount for each item.  The letter with detailed information needs to be resubmitted

before the June 17th Commissioners meeting.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JUNE 17, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Triplett, Woolf & Garretson, LLC asked that the commissioners review and except in the minutes the authorizing and providing for the issuance of County Health Care refunding revenue bonds.  Gary moved to accept the issuance of the revenue bonds.  Melvin Webb seconded.  Motion carried.   Resolution 03-07 states:

























The agreement letter contract from Lewis, Hooper and Dick, LLC for budget services was presented for approval.  Gary moved to accept the agreement letter contract from Lewis, Hooper and Dick, LLC for budget services to the County.  Melvin seconded.

Motion carried.


Jim Karlan with Southwest Guidance Center and Opal Hall, board member for Southwest Guidance Center came in to present the budget.


Kim Harper came in to present the Airport budget.  He also presented a resignation from Erick Nordling, who is currently on the Airport Board.  Gary moved to accept the resignation from Erick Nordling.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Linda Stalcup, Richard Farrar, Mike Schechter and Ashley Fiss came in to discuss the Emergency room and Ambulance entrance.  Ashley presented different ideas for the Ambulance entrance and explained the pros and cons of each one.  Richard explained that there is a no interest loan from Pioneer Electric for $200,000.00 available, but the Hospital is not financially able, at this time, to pay the $20,000.00 a year loan payment.  Melvin moved to proceed with the construction of an Ambulance entrance.  The County would use the no interest loan of $200,000 from Pioneer Electric and the remaining cost for the construction would be paid out of the County Building fund. The hospital agreed to pay the County $7,000.00 a year for the repaying of the no interest loan money.  The Hospital board will be taking bids for the project.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Linda Stalcup presented a letter from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services explaining there needs to be a person delegated for the signing of medicare forms.  She suggested to have:  Linda Stalcup for the Hospital

Paula Rowden for the Home Health

Lori Rodriguez for the Pioneer Manor


Melvin moved to delegate Linda Stalcup-Hospital, Paula Rowden-Home Health and Lori Rodriguez-Pioneer Manor for the signing of medicare forms for each of these entities.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Richard Farrar presented the Hospital budget and explained the financial difficulties of the hospital.


The commissioners discussed the possibility of taking the Wellness Center out of the Hospital’s budget and have it under the general’s budget.  No decision was made.


Gary moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 15 minutes(11:15-11:30)  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:30 am.


Floyd Gillespie came in to inquire on the amount of the total County debt.  The commissioners suggested he visit with Connie Gold, Stevens County Treasurer.


J C Cantrell informed the commissioners of the projects he was working on and the ones that have been finished.  The road from Hwy 56 to 1st street coming into town has been completed. The road North of Moscow will be completed with in the next 3 to 4 weeks.


The commissioners asked J C to check with Kim Harper and get a cost estimate for the repairing of the airport runway.  J C was asked to talk to Pat Staats about putting more gravel on the road running in front of the Riverbend Feedyard.


Pam Bensel presented the Resolution 03-08 for GAAP to be approved by the commissioners.  Gary moved to accept Resolution 03-08 for waiver of the requirement of GAAP prescribed financial statements for the year ending December 3l, 2003.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Eunice Schroeder and Retha Wagner presented the Library budget for 2004.


Ann Papay, Ken Lawhon and Terry Lawhon came in to present the 2003 valuations.  They informed the commissioners on the decline of valuation from last year, 2002.

The value will be around 14 ½% lower this year. The oil and gas value represents about 83% of the tax base for the county.  They presented the contract for Landmark Appraisal, Inc for the Appraisal Maintenance for the county.  The contract is from June 15, 2003 through June 15, 2004 in the amount of $83,300.00.  Gary moved to renew the contract from Landmark Appraisal, Inc for the Appraisal Maintenance for the county from June 15, 2003 through June 15, 2004 in the amount of $83,000.00.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Richard Barnes came in for the presentation of the Museum budget in the amount of $103,000.00.  The lots across from the Museum belonging to the Lutheran Church were bought by Don Concannon and he plans to give them to the Museum for further expansion.


Thea Schnittker of the Register of Deeds office came in with bids from Infinitec and Nex Tech for a computer program to work with the Register of Deeds program for the office.

The bids from Infinitec and Nex Tech were opened.  The Infinitec bid was $17,595.00 and Nex Tech was $7,420.00.  Thea was instructed to check with each company to make sure the bids had all the items necessary before making a decision.  A decision will be made at a later date.


The $815,000.00 left in the General Fund from 2002 carry over was discussed.  Gary moved to transfer $500,000.00 to the Building Fund and leave the remainder of $315,000.00 in the General Fund to be used at a later date.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Melvin moved to transfer $384,764.45 from the Road & Bridge Fund to the Road Machinery Fund.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to transfer $12,756.30 from the Noxious Weed Fund to the Noxious Weed Equipment Fund.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


The encumbrance letter for 2002 monies for the 4-H Building Fund from Gary Gold was resubmitted with an itemized list.  Dave moved to accept the letter of encumbrance for the 4-H Building for 2002.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Pam Bensel was instructed to check with Lewis, Hooper and Dick about having someone from the firm to meet with the Commissioners at the next meeting on July 1, 2003 to discuss the preparation of a personnel manual.


The commissioners discussed wages for Guy Rowden.  Gary moved to raise Guy’s hourly wage to $14.50 an hour, retroactive to June 1, 2003.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                    __________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JUNE 18, 2003


A special meeting was called by the Chairman, Dave Bozone at 8:00 pm on June 18, 2003 to discuss the carry over monies from the General Fund and personnel issues.

All commissioners were present-Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and Melvin Webb.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.


Gary moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 15 minutes (8:30 pm to 8:45 pm).  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  No decision was made.


Melvin moved to amend the 2003 General Budget of $815,000.00 to put $407,500.00 into the Building Fund with the remainder of $407,000.00 to stay in the General Fund for further use.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to put all employees except the Sheriff’s office on an hourly pay rate with the Department Head or Supervisor having the authority to authorize time off without pay for employees of their department.  The Supervisor or Department Head will arrange to keep the office hours opened as they currently exist. Starting date to be July 1, 2003. Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                               ____________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JUNE 24, 2003


A special meeting was called by the Chairman, Dave Bozone at 8:00 pm on June 24, 2003, at the city counsels request, to discuss having one united law enforcement center for both the city and county.  All commissioners were present-Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and Melvin Webb.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Susan Schulte, Deputy County Clerk.  City councilmen present were Gary Gold, Kim Harper, Bob Mason, Neil Gillespie, and Gary Baughman.  Also present was Tom Hicks, City Clerk.


The Commissioners and Councilmen discussed the two possible options available for combining the city and county law enforcement departments:  one being the sheriff-based department and the other being the board-based department.  Also discussed was the financial funding of the joint law enforcement center. No decision was made at this time.


Melvin moved to rescind his motion during the June 18, 2003, meeting and void all action taken concerning the $815,000, thus leaving the money in the General fund.  Gary seconded.  All agreed.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                               ____________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 1, 2003



The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



General……………………..….……$203,259.54                                                                Road & Bridge……………………….… 232,176.52

Airport Fund…………………………     2,550.00

County Building…………………….         933.62

Noxious Weed………………………..   31,535.42

Hospital Maintenance Fund…………..  512,100.00

Rural Fire Equipment Fund…………      4,500.00

Alcoholic Treatment…………………        237.50

Fair…………………………………..   48,310.00

Services for Elderly…………………    58,750.00

Home for Aged Maint………………  345,374.00

Library………………………………    91,545.25

Insurance Agency……………………   10,568.00

Fire Bequest………………………….     3,832.51

Employee P/R Misc W/H…………….       449.51



Sarah Steele of Gilmore & Bell from Wichita, KS came to present the papers for the refunding of the Hospital bonds Series 1998 in the amount of $2,390,000 with a closing date of July 29, 2003.  Gary moved to adopt Resolution 03-09 stating:














Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  (The net savings for the bonds will be $112,437)


Dave moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for litigation issues from 11:05am – 11:20am. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:20am.


Gary moved to approve the minutes for the June 17, June 18, & June 24 meetings. Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in to ask for a new Pickup Machine.  Dave moved to instruct JC to get bids for a Windrow Pickup Machine to be opened on July 8, 2003 at 8:30am. Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  JC is going to check with Richard Barnes about the price of putting in a walking track at the Museum.  They talked about spraying the intersections for weeds.  He asked about the lease on the ice machine that is now at the Road & Bridge building.  He got two estimates for new ice machines if they didn’t want to renew the lease on the other one.  The estimates were from:


Moss Heating at $3,893.00 for a Manitowoc Ice Machine

Half-Diced/Air Cooled ice bin.


Burgos Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration at $4,152.30 for a

Manitowoc Water Cooled Ice Machine Head, Bin, AUCS-Self

Cleaning, and Water Filter System


Gary moved to allow the Road & Bridge Department to purchase the Monitowac Ice Machine from Moss Heating at the price of $3,893.00.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


JC brought in a revised budget for the commissioners in the amount of $3,408,000.00.


Larry Meschke for the Northwest Cotton Growers came in for a Public Hearing on the tax abatement.  Dave declared to have the Public Hearing now in session at 1:30 pm.  No one showed up for the hearing.  The next step is for the preparation of the Resolution.  Dave moved to instruct Bob to prepare the Resolution for the Northwest Cotton Growers tax abatement.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint Danny Skinner from Center Township to the Hugoton Cemetery #l Board.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Thea Schnittker came in to explain the bids from Nex Tech and Infinitec for the conversion program to be used with the Cherry Lan document management program.  The bids were Nex Tech – $7,420.00 and Infinitec – $17,595.00.  Dave moved to accept the bid from Infinitec for the conversion program to use with the Cherry Lan at the price of $17,595.00.

The amount of $13,985.00 will be taken out of the Register of Deeds – Tech Fund and the remaining amount of $3,610.00 to come out of the Register of Deeds budget.  The maintenance of $1,999.00 each year will come out of the Register of Deeds budget starting 2005.


Gary moved to appoint Warren Willis to fulfill Bill Leonard’s unexpired term on the Planning and Zoning Board.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint Karen Reynolds to fulfill the unexpired term of Dave Cutter.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Dax Gaskill came in to inquire about a lot west of town in the Stevens Industrial Addition. The lot in question is the E/2 of Lot 4.  The size of the lot will be determined at a later time.  Dave moved to offer 2 ½ acres, being a ½ half lot with 2 approaches.  Each acre is priced at $1,000.00.  Bob was instructed to draw up a contract for Dax Gaskill and Gerald Hull for a half lot at the price of $2,500.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


City councilmen Kim Harper, Gary Baughman, and Gary Gold along with City Clerk Tom Hicks joined County Sheriff Russ DeWitt to discuss his plans for city coverage if law enforcement is combined.  Russ said he would need four full time men for city coverage and foresees no problem with combining law enforcement.  Commissioners discussed it being done with less than four full time additions, possibly fill two positions open now and add two more.  Finances and timetables were also discussed.  Commissioners are going to wait for feedback from article in paper.  No decisions were made.


Terry Maas came in to inform commissioners of approximately $400.00 fireworks insurance increase with Zimmerman’s.  Terry said he was checking on cheaper insurance with the fireworks company.  Dave agreed that was a good idea and said they’d agreed previously to pay insurance no matter the cost.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 8, 2003


Dave Bozone, Chairman called a special meeting to open bids for the Road & Bridge Department and go over the Budgets with Charles Claar and Theresa Dasenbrock with Lewis, Hooper & Dick.  The meeting was to start at 8:30am with all members present.

Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.


J C Cantrell brought bids in for a Pick Up Machine.  The bids were from:


Van Keppel Co of Garden City, KS – trade difference $81,000.00

with Warranty 1 year or 2000 hours for a Cedar Rapids MS2  Pick Up

Machine.  Delivery date one (1) week.


Foley Equipment Company of Dodge City, KS – trade difference

$103,927.00 with Warranty six (6) months for a 2003 BG650 Windrow

Elevator.  Delivery date five (5) weeks.


Gary moved to accept the low bid from Van Keppel Company of Garden City, KS at $81,000.00.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Charles Claar and Theresa Dasenbrock presented a budget workshop to help inform the commissioners.


Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 10 minutes (4:10pm-4:20pm).  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 4:20pm.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 15, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Gary Baker reported that Warren Willis declined the position on the Planning and Zoning Board.


Dave reported on the Cimarron Basin Community Correction Board meeting.  They discussed the budget cut from the State and how it would affect the Counties involved.


Roger Lynch came in to discuss increasing the year of mobile homes brought into the County and City for safety purposes.  The County and City are currently using the National Code year of 1976 and they want to raise the year to 1984 or 1986.  It was suggested that the Planning and Zoning Board determine what year would be satisfactory for safety codes.


Joel McClure’s term on the Planning and Zoning Board will be up this year and he asked not to be reappointed.  Roger suggested to the commissioners about cutting the Planning and Zoning Board from 9 members down to 3 members, being one (1) from each district.

This will consist of changing the By-Laws after the decision is determined.


Roger was asked to check with J C Cantrell about mowing the lots owned by the County, West of town in the Industrial Addition.  Then, contact the owners of the other lots to get them mowed and cleaned up.


Dave Lunsman with Lewis, Hooper & Dick of Garden City, came in to discuss the County’s policy manual.  He informed them that there were minor changes that need to be done.  They made suggestions on some areas that needed reworked.  He will work on these and then, send an updated copy for them to go over before the next meeting.


Dave moved to take the Wellness Center out of the Hospital Budget and put it in with the General Budget.  Then, the Hospital Budget would be reduced on an annual budget by what would be allocated to the Wellness Center.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Pam Bensel was instructed to notify Charles Claar with Lewis, Hooper & Dick of Garden City about the cut in the Hospital budget due to taking the Wellness Center out and the Wellness Center budget should be cut from $87,897.74 to $65,000.00.


J C Cantrell reported that Teranext received the bid, for a project, for KDHE to drill holes for soil samples where the undergrounds tanks have been at the Road & Bridge Department.  The expenses for this procedure will cost $99,112.06 which will be reimbursed by the State.  This project could take up to one year to complete.  The State is asking the County to tag a trailer that is being used for the project and to supply insurance while on the premises which the State will reimburse the County when the project is completed.  Bob is checking with Tom Job of KCAMP to find out if the County’s insurance will cover the trailer.


Gerald Hull and Dax Gaskill came in to talk about a lot West of town in the Stevens Industrial Addition.  They agreed upon purchasing the E/2 of Lot 4 with the option to buy the W/2 of Lot 5 within a set period of time (one year) by showing sufficient need for the addition property.  Gary moved to allow Gerald Hull and Dax Gaskill to purchase the E/2 of Lot 4 in the Industrial Addition with the option to buy the W/2 of Lot 5 at a later date if needed.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  Bob will draw up a contract.


Dave moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes (2:30pm-2:45pm) for personnel issues.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The meeting reconvened at 2:45pm.  No decisions were made.


Ann Papay explained how the change of values from the hearings with the gas companies

are determined.  She encouraged the commissioners to attend any of the hearings.


Gary moved to rescind the minutes on May 20, 2003 that stated to appoint Tom Fuhrmann of Landmark Appraisal, Inc., as the County Appraiser for the current year ending December 31, 2003.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint Tom Fuhrmann of Landmark Appraisal, Inc., as the County Appraiser to fulfill the unexpired 4 year term of Brad Welch.  The contract for the appointment is through June 30, 2005.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 25, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in special session to discuss final budget preparations with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.


Charles Claar and Theresa from Lewis, Hooper and Dick came in to present the final draft of the budgets.


Gary moved to lower the Sheriff’s budget from $1,017,000.00 to $917,000.00.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to approve the budget for publication and the mills to be 36.746.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  (The publication will be in the July 31, 2003 addition of the Hugoton Hermes and the budget hearing is to be set for August 12, 2003 at 9:00am)


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




AUGUST 5, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….331,862.59


Employees Benefit………………………1,382.98

Noxious Weed…………………………56,930.88

Road Machinery………………………81,000.00

Alcoholic Treatment……………………..237.50

Reg of Deeds Tech Fund………………17,595.00



Robert Rich came in to update the commissioners on the Wellness Center.  He informed them of money received from the Roy & Myrtle Parsons Trust.  The plans are to purchase a new treadmill for the center.  Robert also inquired about doing yard work and snow removal for several entities in the County (Fair, Wellness Center, Home Health and Museum).


Dave moved to go into executive session for 20 minutes for personnel issues. 9:30 am to 9:50 am.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No decisions were made.


Dave Lunsman from Lewis, Hooper and Dick of Garden City came in to meet with the Commissioners and Department Heads regarding the County Policy Manual.  He will be finalizing the manual and sending a copy to the County Clerk’s Office.


Gene Leonard was asked about the mowing of the Fair grounds.  The commissioners informed him of Robert Rich inquiring about taking care of the grounds.  No decision was made.


Pioneer Electric asked if the County has the right of way on Section 7-33-36 & 12-33-36.  They were inquiring about getting an easement to lay an electrical line because the land owners would not give their consent.


J C Cantrell informed the Commissioners of the progress of the county road-Second Street.


He reported that Richard Claggett is concerned that Mike Willis is letting the sprinkler wash out the road on 9-35-37.  After viewing the road, they felt the sprinkler was not the cause of the wash out.


Dave informed JC that Road 4-North of Highway 56 is too narrow and should be widened to meet regulations.


Ann Papay and Tom Fuhrmann came in to explain questions on how the results of the hearings on the gas companies are determined.  They explained how they locate new wells in the county and make sure the wells have been appraised.


Dave moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes for personnel issues from 2:00pm-2:30pm.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 2:30pm.


Jeff Hull came in to inquire about buying a lot west of town in the Industrial Addition.

Gary moved to allow Jeff Hull to buy the E/2 Lot 5 Block 4.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to publish the removal of the house on Lot 5 & N10’ of W144’ Lot 6 Block 45.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Roger Lynch checked with the commissioners on the zoning requirements for the possibility of a wind farm coming into Stevens County.  They suggested the Planning and Zoning Board get the requirements together and prepare the regulations for a wind farm.


Melvin moved to appoint Juleine Lowry, Deputy Appraiser, as head of the Appraiser’s office to settle any time clock disputes and to relieve Connie Gold of this duty.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




AUGUST 12, 2003


A special meeting was called by the Chairman, Dave Bozone at 9:00 am on Aug 12, 2003 for a budget hearing.   Commissioner Dave Bozone and Gary Baker were present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.


Dave declares the budget hearing open at 9:00 am.  No one showed up for the hearing, so

Dave declared the hearing to be closed at 9:30 am.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




AUGUST 19, 2003



The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Phillip Willis came in to explain the operation of the work week for Noxious Weed and Landfill.  Gene Leonard will be coming in the next meeting, September 2, 2003, to discuss this matter.


Jim Mothes came in to discuss several questions about different issues within the county.


James Williams of Anadarko came in with Tom Fuhrmann of Landmark Appraisal, Inc to meet the commissioners and visit about production issues.  Tom discussed the Board of Tax Appeals decision on abating Southwestern Public Service’s state assess values for 2002.  This amount of refund is $108,526.99.


Tom explained that there needs to be an upgrade in the County’s computer system.  The State requirements for the Counties are increasing, so our system is requiring more computer memory storage space to accommodate CAMA, VIPs, Internet, etc.


Tom updated the commissioners of the schoolings he was going to attend for appraisal.


Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 10 minutes (10:20am-10:30am).  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  The meeting reconvened at 10:30am.


J C Cantrell informed the commissioners that he was going to buy the crushed concrete at the landfill to mix with the sand to help compact the dirt roads.  Pioneer Electric asked if the County had the right-of-way on the N/2 7-33-36 and N/2 12-33-37.  Bob checked in the Register of Deeds office and nothing shows the County having the right-of-way for these sections.  There are other options available for Pioneer Electric.


Mike Schechter updated the commissioners on the Foreign Animal Disease Plan.  The State is asking each County to have some method of knowing where the animals are located at all times within the county.  The commissioners suggested, Mike talk to Russ about a branding book and check with other counties about the way they are handling the situation. Mike informed them about the 911 system.  He is still working on getting this together.


Bob explained what he found out about the redistricting of the county.  He is still working on it.


Bob discussed a situation that he is working on with Gene Leonard about a show animal at the Fair.  He is still working with Gene on this matter.


Bob informed the Commissioners that the situation with the FAA on the airport has been finalized.  The land has been bought so can be secured.


Gary moved to give the Appraisers office a 3% raise, retroactive to January 1, 2003.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman






The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  County vouchers were reviewed and approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………. 429762.38                                                                                                                 Building…………………………………2,231.20

Noxious Weed……………………….. 30,728.98

Alcoholic Treatment…………………….. 237.50

Airport………………………………    2, 550.00


Terry Maas came in to ask about getting the front door on the house on 517 S Monroe.

The commissioners informed him that they were taking bids on tear down and removal of the house.  He would need to check with whoever received the bid.


Robert Rich updated the commissioners on the Fitness Center.  They received a donation from the Roy and Myrtle Parsons Trust and purchased a treadmill and the shed that was purchased has been put up.  He informed them they still needed blades for the mower.  Dave suggested he check with Gene Leonard about the use of the Fair ground equipment.


Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel for 15 minutes (9:50am – 10:05am).  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  The meeting reconvened at 10:05 am.


Gene Leonard came in to talk about wages for the Noxious Weed and Solid Waste employees.  He explained how the hours are and how the Saturday operation at the landfills works.


Gary moved to set the sick, vacation, holiday and personnel times from 9 hours to 8 hours a day for Noxious Weed and Solid Waste employees as of September 2, 2003.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in and reported on the Cotton Gin project.  The owners asked to have the

Road and Bridge Dept asphalt the parking lot at the Cotton Gin.  Melvin moved to asphalt the parking lot at the Cotton Gin.  The Cotton Gin Board will decide whether they are going to have JC asphalt 50’ or 100’.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Don Trentham asked J C if the Road and Bridge Dept could do some dozer and blade work at the golf course for drainage purposes.  J C is checking with the Tom Hicks of the City and will get back with the commissioners at the next meeting, September 16, 2003.


J C is checking into drainage for the lots at the Stevens Industrial lots, west of town.


John Wire from Great Plains Development updated on the Micro-loan grant project for 2002.  The money needs to be used before March, 2004 or it will go back to the State.  He is out trying to promote the loans.  He explained the requirements for the loans and how beneficial these loans would be for the county.  Gary moved to join Great Plains Development, Inc at an amount of $1,092.60.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Gerald Crane brought in a bid to tear down the house on 517 S Monroe.  The bids were opened.  His bid was $2,500.00.  Dave moved to have the Road and Bridge Dept tear down the house at 517 S Monroe.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The commissioners decided to move the October 7th meeting to October 9th and the October 21st meeting to October 20th.


Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel for 10 minutes (2:30pm-2:40pm) and for litigation for 5 minutes (2:40pm-2:45pm).  The meeting reconvened at 2:45pm.


Linda Myers, daughter of Harold James, came in to discuss the delinquent taxes on her parent’s property.  She presented a letter on behalf of her parents asking to lower the interest rates because her father did not know that these taxes were delinquent.  The delinquent taxes owed are personal property and real estate, dating back to 1983.   The commissioners suggested they look over the papers presented to them and discuss the matter again at the next meeting, September 16, 2003.


The County Clerk was instructed to give a copy of E-2, page 12 in the personnel manual to each courthouse employee.

E-2  Each employee is to start clocking out for each rest break if they leave the

courthouse premises and clocking in when they return.


Quotes from Nex Tech and Infinitec were presented to the commissioners on a firewall system for the County.  The commissioners asked to have Curt Cuthbertson and Travis Riggins come in the next meeting to explain the system.


Dave talked about the Cimarron Community Corrections budget and explained the State is cutting the funds.  They need the different Counties involved to help fund the program.  He

suggested waiting on the letter that will be sent out before making a decision.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                ___________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




SEPTEMBER 16, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


The Department heads, J C Cantrell, Connie Gold, Tom Fuhrmann, Gene Leonard and Pam Bensel met with the commissioners to discuss the final draft of the county policy manual.  Dave moved to adopt the policy manual by resolution.  Melvin seconded.

Gene Leonard discussed with the commissioners about a letter received from the Department of Agriculture.  The complaint was about the spraying of the road sides from the County Weed Department.  They feel the department is not taking the precautions needed in spraying the weeds because it is damaging the cotton crop.


Gene presented a possible plan that would take care of the amount of hours the landfill could be opened that would work out with the employee’s hours and accommodate the entire county.  The plan consists of the landfill being opened 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on week- days and 8:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturdays.  One person works on Saturday, rotating each Saturday.  The hours being 42.5 hours a week until January 1, 2004, then changing to 40 hours a week.  Dave moved to accept the plan starting October 1, 2003.  Gary seconded.

Motion carried.


Travis Riggins and Gary Musson with Infinitec presented a proposal for a firewall system.  The proposal was for a Watch guard 500 Firewall in the amount of $2,449.00 with the first year of support free then, each year after, there will be a fee of $276.00.


Curt Cuthbertson presented a proposal for a firewall system.  The proposal was for a Sonic Wall firewall with Antivirus in the amount of $2,484.87 plus annual fee.


Gary moved to accept the proposal from Infinitec for the firewall system in the amount of $2,449.00 with the first year of support free then, each year, there will be a fee of $276.00.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to instruct Bob to write a letter to the tax payers stating the laws on personal property taxes on which part of the interest will need to be paid and which part can be abated off the statement.  Connie Gold will get a list of the ones not able to re-file and

give the list to Bob.


J C Cantrell asked if he could exchange concrete for asphalt with Gene Leonard.  The commissioners decided it was not necessary to asphalt the road south of the landfill.  Don Trentham informed J C that the City will pay ½ of the fuel and labor bill for the work being done at the Hugoton Golf Course.  J C informed the commissioners that the fire department will be burning the house at 517  S Monroe on September 24, 2003 and the Road  Department will finish the clean up.  J C talked to Dennis Miller from the State Department about moving of the roads at the Stevens Industrial Park area west of town.  J C will  estimate the cost to move the roads and put the fence back up.  The State will furnish the funding of removing and putting the fence back up on the lot owned by Hammer Construction.


Dave moved to appoint Gary as the commissioner member of the Great Plains Development Board.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Dawn Maas was appointed the new Director of Nursing by the Hospital Board.


Dave explained to the Board of Commissioners that he was sustaining himself on voting whether Stevens County would supply money for the Cimarron Community Corrections budget for 2004 since he is a member of the CCC board.  Gary moved for Stevens County

will not help fund the budget for Cimarron Community Corrections due to State Funding cuts.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Individuals are to contact Roger Lynch for the fee amount and size of lots that need sewer systems.


Debbie Nordling came in to discuss the comparison of County Attorney wages around the State.  Bob explained the history of the differences in the amounts paid out for the County Attorneys and Counselors.


Neal Gillespie came in to talk about the depletion tax program for future times.  He asked about health insurance for the Economic Development secretary.  Pat LeClerc is checking with the underwriter of BC-BS.  She will get back to the Clerk’s office with an answer.


Roger Lynch was asked about splitting the lots at the Stevens Industrial Park.  He informed them that the regulations for the septic sewer system would be 1000 gallon tank for a 2 ½ acre lot.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




OCTOBER 9, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.



Road & Bridge………………………..213,504.81 Building………………………………….1,194.69

Noxious Weed…………………………..6,222.39

Employees P/R Misc W/H…………………101.55


Alcoholic Treatment……………………… 237.50

Airport…………………………………..2, 550.00


Dave moved to appoint Gary as KAC delegate with Melvin as 1st alternate and Dave as 2nd alternate.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint Melvin as KWORCC delegate with Dave as alternate.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Melvin moved to appoint Dave as KCAMP delegate with Gary as alternate.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Susan Schulte asked to have a set price for meals so the employees won’t need to bring in receipts and keep track of the sales tax.  Koleen Nosekabel brought in a chart of the State’s

reimbursements.  Dave moved to adopt the State meal allowance using the quarter day determination and mileage plan starting November l, 2003.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to go into executive session to discuss litigation for 30 minutes (10:30 am – 11:00 am).  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The meeting reconvened at 11:00 am.


Dave moved to go into executive session with Gene Leonard on personnel issues for 30 minutes (11:00 am to 11:30 am).  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary Gold came in to discuss the wiring at the 4-H Bldg that needed to be replaced on the west end of the building. He is getting bids for the replacing of electrical lines and light fixtures for the west end of the building.


J C Cantrell discussed the shooting of signs in the County.  There have been several signs destroyed at the Lake Russell area.


J C sent an estimate of cost to Dennis Miller with Kansas Department of Transportation stating the prices for relocating the frontage road at the Industrial Park area, west of town, after the widening of Highway 56.  J C has not received a reply from Mr. Miller at this time.  Gary suggested Bob check with Elvas Clark about the County purchasing the ROW on Lot 4 and Lot 5 Block 3 to extend the frontage road along each lot.


Greg Loibl, Troy Park, Bill Holt and Kim Schroeder came in to discuss the roads in the Industrial Development area.  Dave is checking with J C and the City for a possible solution.


The City Council met with the Commissioners to talk about the possible joining of the two law enforcements-city/county.  There was much discussion but no decision was made.


Gary moved to go into executive session with the City Council for 15 minutes (2:50 pm – 3:05 pm) for the discussion of real estate.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 3:05 pm.


Melvin moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes (3:10 pm – 3:20 pm) for the discussion of purchasing real estate.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 3:20 pm.


Dave moved to pay Juvenile Justice Authority the money owed from their budgeted amount quarterly – $2,399.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Resolution No. 03-11 for Establishing New Personnel Rules and Regulations Handbook was passed, approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Stevens County on October 9, 2003.  A copy of the handbook is attached to the Resolution.


Dave moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes (3:15 pm – 3:45 pm) for personnel

issues.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 3:45 pm.


Gary moved to approve a raise for the Noxious Weed and Landfill employees:

Jim Mothes – 30 cents an hour

Phillip Willis – 48 cents an hour

Tony Baker – 1.15 an hour

Tina Payne – 48 cents an hour

Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Effective the next pay period, October 27, 2003.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                               ____________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




OCTOBER 20, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Wayne Tate, representing County Counselor-Bob Johnson and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Kim Harper came in for the Airport Board to recommend a replacement for Erick Nordling.  The names given for the unexpired term of Erick Nordling were Rob Heger and Shannon Crawford.  Melvin moved to appoint Rob Heger to fill the unexpired term of Erick Nordling till 7-06.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for real estate & personnel issues for 20 minutes

(9:10 am – 9:30 am).  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30 am.


Ralph Stoddard came in with the concern of the road closing on the ½ section line of

15-33-37. The commissioners explained that the road was not being closed but due to the signs being stolen, torn down and shot up; the County needed to do something before an accident occurred.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss Road & Bridge issues.  There was discussion about possibly opening the section line Road 14 between N & P, east of town, for truck traffic.


J C is checking the feasibility and cost of putting culverts in the dip on the ½ section line road of 15-33-37.  He will come in next meeting with recommendations.  Bob is checking on the ownership of the right-of-way.  J C informed the commissioners that the mowing at the AA Building had been finished.


J C and Dave will be checking with the City of Hugoton about the right-of-way ownership and the cost of putting in roads and ditches for drainage for the Hugoton Industrial lots,   east of town.


Janice Porter came in to explain the Appraisal Plan for the State.  Gary moved to approve the Appraisal Plan based on the recommendation of Tom Fuhrmann, Stevens County Appraiser.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


The commissioners adjourned at 11:30 am to go to the city office.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         _______________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




NOVEMBER 4, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.



Road & Bridge……………………….. 155,288.33                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Building…………………………………… 140.00

Noxious Weed………………………….. 5,578.76

Employees Benefit……………………… 1,649.12

Insurance Agency Damages……………. 2,160.00

Ambulance Bequest…………………….. 8,064.00

Alcoholic Treatment……………………… 237.50

Airport…………………………………..2, 550.00


Jan and Dettra Crawford came in to inquire about buying a lot in the Industrial Addition, west of town.  Dave moved to approve the sale of the N/2 of Lot 1 Blk 2 in the Industrial

Addition to Jan and Dettra Crawford.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


The commissioners discussed the Cimarron Basin Community Corrections budget.  No decision was made.


Dave informed the commissioners that Louise Quintana resigned from the Stevens County Foundation Board.


Dave moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes (10:30am – 10:45am) to discuss real estate.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No decisions made.  Meeting reconvened at



Dave moved to go into executive session for 20 minutes (11:10am – 11:30am) to discuss real estate with Neal Gillespie and Kim Harper.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No decisions made.  Meeting reconvened at 11:30am.


Dave checked on the roads and drainage problem in the Hugoton Industrial Subdivision.  No decisions have been made.


Patty Lahey came in for an interview for the vacancy on the Stevens County Foundation Board from the Moscow area.  Dave moved to appoint Patty Lahey to serve the unexpired term of Louise Quintana, ending March 1, 2005.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell sent a letter to Don Swinney, Morton County Engineer, stating prices for asphalt tonnage and freight. Don needs to purchase some asphalt from Stevens County.


Mike Schechter asked for a back up generator for the Fire/EMS building.  He had an estimate from Lin Goode for $13,000.00.  Dave suggested he get at least 3 bids and publish

it in the paper.  Gary moved to allow Mike to take bids and have specifications put together for a stand by generator with bids to be opened at 10:00am on December 16, 2003.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike mentioned the 911 addresses are in progress.  The system needed to work with this change will cost approximately $50,000.00 to $60,000.00, just for the rural population.  It will cost approximately $70,000.00 to $75,000.00 to have the urban population combined with the rural and put on the correct data base.  He is still checking for grants.


Dave moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes (2:05pm – 2:20pm) to discuss real estate.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 2:20pm.


Gary moved to put Neal Gillespie and Rae Kirby on the county’s payroll starting January 1, 2004 because of BC-BS insurance purposes.  The salary will be paid out of the Economic Development budget through the County Clerk’s office.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The County Clerk was asked to inform Neal and Rae of this decision.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                ___________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




NOVEMBER 7, 2003


The Board of Canvassers met to canvass the votes from the November 4, 2003, Non-Binding Advisory Election.  Canvassing started at 7:00pm and members present were Gary Baker, Dave Bozone, Melvin Webb and Pam Bensel.  There was 1 Provisional Ballot and it was not allowed.  There were not any changes in the original canvass.  The ballot, therefore, did not change the out come of the election of the first canvass.  There was no other business conducted and the Canvass Board adjourned at 7:30pm.




NOVEMBER 18, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Commissioners called Sherry Goering in to discuss their concerns about the article she had written and published in the Hugoton Hermes.  The article was about the County Attorney salary.  They felt the people were being misinformed.


Gary moved to go into executive session for 20 minutes (9:55am – 10:15am) for personnel issues.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  The meeting reconvened at 10:15am.


Dave moved to go into executive session for 5 minutes (10:25am – 10:30am) for personnel issues.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:30am.


Larry Martin came in with concerns of the landfill being closed early on Saturdays.  No decision was made at this time.


Gene Leonard presented a letter written to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment showing the names of the Solid Waste Management Plan Committee.

Gene stated the committee would be updated every 5 years.  Melvin moved to accept the list of names presented for the Solid Waste Management Plan Committee.  Dave seconded. Motion carried.


Members of the Economic Development Board came in to discuss how the process of paying Neal Gillespie and Rae Kirby through the County Clerk’s office would work.  Starting January 1, 2004, they will be paid through the County Clerk’s office using funds from the Economic Development budget.  The Economic Development Board stated they had adopted the County’s policy manual to be used by Neal and Rae.


Tom Furhmann, Ann Papay and Terry Lawhon came in to present the 2004 contracts for Landmark Appraisal, Inc (appraisal for the county) for $32,000.00, Tom Fuhrmann (Stevens Co Appraiser) for $400.00 a month and Ann Papay (Stevens County Consultant for appraisal purposes) for $5,000.00.  Melvin moved to accept the contracts for Landmark

Appraisal, Inc, Tom Fuhrmann and Ann Papay as presented.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom Furhmann presented options from Nextech on tape drives for the AS400 computer system.  There needs to be an update on the system by May, 2004.  The cost could be up to $57,000.00.


Pat LeClerc presented the increase in BC-BS premiums and claims for 2004.  The Commissioners asked to have the cost of the premiums and claims for fully insured.  Pat will be faxing the price quotes before the next meeting.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                ___________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




DECEMBER 2, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.



Road & Bridge…………………………125,010.89 Building…………………………………1,035.68

Noxious Weed…………………………..6,132.99

Fire Bequest……………………………….791.66

Alcoholic Treatment……………………… 237.50

Airport…………………………………..2, 550.00


Connie Gold received a letter from Linda James Myers with a check enclosed in the amount of $6927.67 for payment of her mother, Fay James, property tax.  Bob will be writing a letter to Linda stating the check received will be sufficient payment for the personal property taxes, interest and penalties owed.  The real estate property taxes will need to be paid separately.  Bob is writing a letter explaining the check will be payment for Personal Property, but the Real Estate taxes will still be owed.


Roger Lynch brought in an email from KDHE about checking the possibility of pollution of Danny Harvey’s drinking water.   Roger is trying to contact the Harvey’s and get a sample of tab water.  The culvert in the driveway was replaced with pipe so the water would not back up into the water system.


Roger expressed some concern of the state codes and statues being followed by Dwayne Hull on the lot purchased in the Industrial Addition.  He is checking to see if this property was turned over to the city or if it would still be a county situation.


Roger updated the commissioners on the new junk yard 3 miles north and ½ mile west of town.


Roger asked to change the year for setting up trailer houses in the county to 1980.  Dave moved to have Roger contact other counties about mobile home regulations with a graduation of 1 year on January 1st of each year.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Bids were opened for the electrical and light work at the 4-H bldg.  Bids were:

Frankie Thomas – $1742.00

Lin Goode – $2300.00

Gary moved to accept the bid from Frankie Thomas at $1742.00.  The expenses will be paid out of the building fund.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Larry Meschke and Neal Gillespie came in to review the tax abatement papers for the Northwest Cotton Growers.  A resolution needs to be published to finalize the tax abatement process.


Dave moved to go into executive session for real estate purposes for 15 minutes (11:45am – 12:00pm) with Neal Gillespie.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell inquired about paying off some of the Road & Bridge equipment payments with the money left in the Road & Bridge 2003 budget.


Curt Cuthbertson from Nextech came in to explain the quote they sent on a new AS400 system.  The county needs to update or buy a new computer system to replace the old system.  Gary moved to take bids for a new AS400 system and open them at 2:00pm on the December 30th Commissioners meeting.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


The Commissioners had the heads of each department (Betty Rosel, Connie Gold, Juleine Lowry and Pam Bensel) in the courthouse come in to inform them that the AS400 system needed to be replaced.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                ___________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




DECEMBER 16, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Dave moved to go into executive session for personnel issues for 15 minutes (9:15am –

9:30am). Gary seconded.  Motion carried


Karen Coulter from Russell Childhood Development of Garden City came in to present cookies from the residents for the commissioners.


Mike Schechter came in to open bids for a generator.  The bids are from:


Engines 4 Less – $19,862.00                       Meis Electric LLC – $19,950.00

Lin Goode – $16,000.00                              Advanced Power Distributors – $16,500.00

Stevco Implement – $14,400.00 with 2 yr warranty or $15,050.00 with 5 year warranty


Gary moved to accept the low bid from Stevco Implement for a John Deere Powered 40KW generator for $14,400.00 with the optional 5 year/1500 hr extended warranty for $650.00 for a total bid of $15,050.00.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to allow Mike Schechter to increase the base pay for an ambulance transport

by $100.00 ($250.00 to $350.00).  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


The commissioners had a conference call with Christian Knipp from Trane Company.  He explained the quote for $19,644.00 to replace the existing air conditioning unit for the second

floor of the courthouse.


Guy Rowden came in and the commissioners asked if he could have specifications available for the replacing of the existing air conditioning unit for the second floor of the courthouse.

Bids will be taken at a later date.


Gary moved to have Leo Lopez from Garden City to identify all specifications for others bidding on the new unit.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell presented the evaluations for the Road & Bridge employees.  Dave moved to go

into executive session for personnel issues for 30 minutes (1:30pm – 2:00pm) with J C.

Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  The meeting reconvened at 2:00pm.  Dave moved to go

back into executive session for personnel issues for 30 minutes (2:10pm – 2:40pm).  The

meeting reconvened at 2:40pm.  Melvin moved to accept the recommended raises for the

Road & Bridge Department as presented by J C, to start as of January 1, 2004.  Dave

seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to give J C a raise comparable to the average raise of the employees.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C presented an amount of $309,286.59 to be used to pay off some of the Road & Bridge  leased equipment at the end of the year.  This amount will be paid out of the remaining monies from the 2003 Road & Bridge budget.


Dave moved to send Faulkner Real Estate $200.00 for the market analysis for the probable land purchase.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                ___________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





DECEMBER 30, 2003


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also, present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.



Road & Bridge…………………………447,690.53 Building…………………………………1,094.99

Noxious Weed…………………………..8,563.38

Insurance Agency………………………26,922.12

Emp P/R Misc W/H…………………………40.39

Airport…………………………………..2, 550.00


Bob presented Resolution No. 03-12 representing the Northwest Cotton Gin for the exempting of certain property in the county of Stevens, Kansas from ad valorem taxation for Economic Development purposes.  Gary moved to adopt Resolution No. 03-12 for the Northwest Cotton Gin tax abatement.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Roger Lynch presented the test results from December 17, 2003 on the drinking water from the residence of Danny Harvey.  The test results from Servi-Tech Laboratories in Dodge City   were normal.


Roger Lynch sent a letter to the City of Hugoton for clarification on the zoning regulations implemented within the three mile radius surrounding the city limits.  A letter received from John W Riggs states that the County zoning regulations will still apply to this area.


Robert Rich came in to discuss the monies collected during December, 2003 for the 2004 accounts.  Linda Stalcup needs the December deposit for the Hospital.  He was advised to turn in the amount owed the Hospital and bring the remaining amount to the Treasurers Office in January, 2004 for the funding of the Wellness Center.  He presented a 20% membership discount at Wellness Center for all County employees.


The auditors did a preliminary audit for 2003.  They found the Employee Benefits fund had gone over the budget amount.  Dave moved to allow the auditors, Theresa Dasenbrock and Charles Claar of Lewis, Hooper and Dick to reclassify some of the entries in the Employee Benefits Fund to the General Fund.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary Gold inquired about a lot in the Stevens Industrial Addition west of town.  Dave moved at proceed with the sale of  the E/2 Lot 4 Blk 4 in the Stevens Industrial Addition west of town to Gary and Connie Gold.


J C Cantrell discussed the cost of putting up signs in county.  He is checking into turning back the Champion graders and then replacing them.


Bids were opened for a new AS400 system for the county.  The bids were from Nex Tech of Hays, KS and Inifinitec of  Wichita, KS.


Nex Tech – iSeries 800 Proposal in the amount of $53,790.00

Infinitec – iSeries 800 Proposal in the amount of $48,656.00


Gary moved to accept low bid from Infinitec for the iSeries 800 with the 2g memory.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 15 minutes (2:02pm – 2:17pm).  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 2:17pm.


Gary moved to raise each elected officials salary 3.5% starting January 1, 2004.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to raise the Heads of the departments, Gene Leonard & Robert Rich, and then readjust J C Cantrell from 3.04% to 3.5%.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to allow the encumbrance letters from 2003 monies.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Pam Bensel – County Clerk – $1500.00

Pam Bensel – Election – $1700.00

Gary Gold – 4-H – $1500.00

Koleen Nosekabel – District Court – $25,000.00

Connie Gold – Treasurer – $1500.00

Thomas Fuhrmann – Appraiser – $3500.00

Gene Leonard – Landfill – $50,000.00

Gene Leonard – Landfill – $77,000.00 (landfill receipts)

Gene Leonard – Noxious Weed – $60,000.00

Mike Schechter – Emergency Services – $15,450.00 (for services ordered in

2003 but not completed)

Roger Lynch – Planning and Zoning – $6000.00


Gary moved to keep the same 2003 officers for 2004, Dave Bozone as Chairman and Melvin Webb as Vice Chairman.  Melvin seconded.  Motion carried.



By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                                ___________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman