Commission Meeting Minutes – Special Meeting 11/19/2024


NOVEMBER 19, 2024



9:00 – County Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Position


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in a special meeting to discuss the open position for County Facilities Maintenance Supervisor. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney, and Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk, were also present. Tron called the meeting to order.


Pat said something needs to be done in the hallway by the Memorial Hall and elevator as there is water coming in from the ground outside.  Amy said she had Tron come in and check on it around election time so someone can see it is not coming in from the doors.  Pat said he will call V&B Concrete to see what can be done.  The commissioners discussed the issue and feel like there should be some kind of footer about twelve inches (12”) running underground along the exterior wall with a riser of about six inches (6”) to see if that will help stop the water.  Also, have a door person check out the front doors of the courthouse to see what needs to be done to keep dirt and rain from coming in when the wind is out of the south.


Amy said Unifirst is agreeing to take almost half (1/2) off the bill for the courthouse to keep the county’s business.  The county has until September 2025 to come to a decision.


Bob Johnson came in to greet the commissioners.


The commissioners discussed the possible candidates from the various applications they have received for the county facilities maintenance supervisor position. Out of the five (5) applications received, the commissioners chose to offer Michael Mendoza the position.  The commissioners called Michael Mendoza for a phone conference to discuss the position.  After discussing the position and working on wages, Michael said he would reach Paul Kitzke tomorrow to let him know if he will be taking the job or not.




Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman