Commission Meeting Minutes 3/9/2020

MARCH 9, 2020


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

9:00 – Vanessa Willis & Jayme Muncy

9:30 – Tony Martin – Road & Bridge

10:00 – Larry Sharp – KCAMP


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk. Tron called the meeting to order.  Joe moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Pat seconded.  Motion carried.  Pat moved to approve the county vouchers.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  The Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $           58,096.19
Road & Bridge  $           51,001.23
Airport  $             1,707.71
County Building  $             7,537.50
Noxious Weed  $             3,720.39
EMS  $             5,488.43
Fire  $             2,253.23
Highway Improvement  $             5,568.90
Diversion  $             5,188.30
Ambulance Bequest  $                  44.00
Community Health  $           13,889.74
Special Law Enforcement  $             2,187.20
Sheriff  $           46,286.32
Non Specific Equip Fund  $             5,099.00
Emp P/R Misc W/H  $                  70.32
Reg Deeds Tech Fund  $                  97.19
TOTAL:  $         208,235.65

Toby McClure, a senior with the Hugoton High School, was in attendance to take notes on commissioner proceedings for her government class.


Rodney Kelling came in and told the commissioners he sent a truck and some people to Beaver, Oklahoma to assist with the fire Saturday and they returned early Sunday morning.  Rodney is looking into a lease-to-buy option on three (3) of the county fire trucks that are in Moscow because the cost for repairs is high and one (1) of the vehicles is forty (40) years old.  He said there is a lease-to-buy option for ten (10), twelve (12) and fifteen (15) years.


Pat said he thinks the county could fund the fire trucks out of the depletion trust fund instead of paying interest on a purchase.  The commissioners told Rodney they would rather look into purchasing the fire trucks one (1) every year or every other year to stagger the purchases instead of all three (3) in the same year.  Discussion was tabled until later.


Rodney said the ambulance is back from Iowa and hopes it will last quite some time.


Phillip Willis with the landfill came in and stated he is looking at information on a waste handler and gave the commissioners some information to review.  Joe said a wheel loader probably doesn’t move the dirt as well as one with a track.  Discussion was tabled until a further time.  Phillip said he is sending an employee to noxious weed school to get his certificate.


Vanessa Willis, County Treasurer and Jayme Muncy, Deputy County Treasurer, came in.  Vanessa requested a non-elected personnel executive session over disciplinary actions for fifteen (15) minutes.


Pat made a motion to go into executive session with Vanessa Willis and Jayme Muncy over non-elected personnel disciplinary actions for fifteen (15) minutes.  Joe seconded.  Executive session began at 8:59 AM and concluded at 9:14 AM.  No action taken.


Tony Martin with Road and Bridge came in and told the commissioners there are three (3) pipelines in Stevens County getting crossing permits:  Freedom Pipeline, Black Hills and Voorhees.


Tony told the commissioners he will be attending the Kansas County Highway Association in Topeka around the middle of May.  He said the department is in the process of getting things ready to switch over to summer hours.


Joe asked if he had heard anything about Highway 51.  Tony said he heard the state was going to grind about two (2) inches off and re-lay it, but it will be overlaid.  Tony said the state will be resurfacing Highway 56 from Moscow to Satanta but isn’t sure when it will get started.


Sheriff Ted Heaton and Chritian Heger came in.  Ted informed the commissioners his computer system is old and needs updated.  He said the state has new equipment to run driver’s license and tags.  He said he has spoken to some companies about the updates. Two (2) are from Kansas. Ted told the commissioners the 911 fund would take care of most of the cost and the sheriff department would have to cover around $11,000.00.


Larry Sharp with KCAMP came in and passed around an informational page describing the Risk Management Services that are available for Stevens County departments to take advantage of.


Added and Abatement Orders for tax year 2019, number 197-202, was reviewed and approved by commissioners and given to the County Treasurer; total valuation abated -10,059 and tax assessed (1,050.93).  Total valuation added 118,646 and total tax added $17,882.44.


By motion, the Board adjourned.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman