Commission Meeting Minutes 11/12/2024


NOVEMBER 12, 2024


Agenda:          8:30 – GN2024 Canvass

8:45 –

9:00 –

9:15 –

9:30 –

9:45 –

10:00 – Tony Martin

10:30 – Pioneer Communications – BEAD Grant


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in a regular session. Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk, was also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $           116,455.50
Co. Building  $               1,923.10
Judicial District  $               1,649.75
Road & Bridge  $             85,828.03
Airport  $               3,364.31
Non-Specific Equip Fund  $             13,385.05
Treas Tech Fund  $                 157.99
Fire Bequest  $                 822.98
Noxious Weed  $               7,265.32
EMS  $               8,033.03
Fire  $               3,720.31
Community Health  $             15,567.83
Reg of Deeds Tech Fund  $               8,808.57
Sheriff  $             43,809.93
TOTAL:  $           310,791.70

Amy informed the commissioners the State of Kansas has not approved of the canvass so it will have to be held at another time.  She said she contacted people on the agenda and told them to come in whenever it is convenient as there will be no canvassing this morning.


Richard Vertrees came in and said he had a discussion with Tony Martin about giving a bid for doors and latches on one of the fairground buildings.  He said he made an appointment with Tony for this past Friday and realized he had a prior engagement.  Richard said he contacted Tony to choose a different day or time and had not heard back from him.  Richard said he called Tony and there was a disagreement between the two (2) and he brought the commissioners a printout of the texts sent back and forth.  Richard said he just wanted to make sure he is still in good standing with the commission for future bids on projects.  The commissioners assured him there will be no issues moving forward with bids.  Joe told Richard the Moscow Senior Center building was leaking after this most recent rain.  Richard said he would look at it. Joe also told Richard the rain is coming in from the sides as well.


Amy said some of the department heads are requesting either the full day off or half a day on December 24th due to Christmas Day being on a Wednesday.  Pat agreed to allow departments to be closed on December 24th for a half-day.


Kasey Krueger with Pioneer Communications came in and presented the commissioners with information on the BEAD Program.  Kasey said they are asking for support from the county but not funding.  There will be three (3) project areas in Stevens County running fiber throughout.  Pioneer Communications goal is to build lines to support 10,000 by 10,000 megawatts for the future.  Kasey said he is requesting a letter of support to be signed on the county’s letterhead showing support for the grant.


Amy told the commissioners she has some funds left in the clerk tech fund and would like to purchase a new fax machine for the treasurer’s and clerk’s office as the one (1) currently used is antiquated and cannot keep up with modern fax machines.  She also plans to use some of the funds to purchase new desktop scanners as theirs have been having issues.


Rodney came in and requested a ten (10) minute executive session over non-elected personnel pay.  Pat made a motion to go into an executive session for ten (10) minutes over non-elected personnel pay.  Joe seconded.  Executive session began at 9:19 AM and concluded at 9:21 AM.  Commissioners cancelled the executive session until the county attorney can be present.


Tony Martin came in and introduced Tony Mellini with Terracon. Tony Mellini showed the commissioners some maps giving diagrams of where the new pits will be in conjunction with the gas lines.  Tony Martin said they will be moving the concrete and trees to a different area of the landfill to get ready for the new pits.  Tony Mellini said the KDHE waived three (3) cells from having clay liners as the cost would be around two million dollars. They are currently waiting for Scout to see what is proposed for safely driving heavy trucks over the gas pipelines that run underneath.  Tony Mellini said he is working with Kirkham Michael about building concrete slabs over the pipelines as an extra safety measure which will be costly but should last the lifetime of the landfill.  The commissioners said they would reach out to Jimmy Kraisinger and let him know the county will be using some of the land he is currently leasing for the expansion.

Tony Mellini said the bids for digging the new landfill are due to the road and bridge department by November 27th and the opening of the bids will be held on December 9th at 10:00 AM in the commissioner’s meeting room.


Tony Martin said the road and bridge department is working on winterizing the asphalt plant today.  He also said he plans to attend the landfill meeting tomorrow in Liberal and the KAC in December.  Tony said thirty-one (31) miles of roads have been restriped.


Tony reminded the commissioners the planning and zoning committee will hold a public hearing on November 20th over Travertine Solar.  He said the pilot agreements aren’t quite done but will be before the commissioners review the turnout of the public hearing.


Joe said Blane Marshall has roll-off from the Pheasant Heaven charity event and wanted to know Tony’s thoughts on waving the tipping fee.  Tony said he would hate to waive the fee even though it is a non-profit organization, because it would have the potential to open up issues with other organizations.

The commissioners asked Joe about the mobile home in the country and if the owners have picked up any permits for the new home.  Tony stated no one has come in to pick up any permits.


Angela Eichman came in and told the commissioners she is still waiting on the outcome from the Arkalon hearing to decide about going forward with valuating Seaboard Energy.  Angela stated the National Helium had stipulations which caused no need for a hearing.


Tron told Rodney that Paul will not be in the meeting today and stated he feels the salary is good where it is.  Rodney asked if there were any other opinions and Joe said he was thinking about revisiting it at the beginning of the year.  Joe said he is in favor of tabling the salary decision again until the end of the year.


Angela came back in and requested executive session over non-elected personnel to replace a position in the appraiser’s department.  Pat made a motion to go into executive session for ten (10) minutes.  Joe seconded.  Executive session began at 10:35 AM and ended at 10:37 AM.  The commissioners told Angela the position needs to be published in the newspaper.


Ross Sullivan was in attendance.


The commissioners told Amy to order hams from Gene’s Heartland for employees for Christmas.


Susan Schulte with GIS came in and told the commissioners she has prices for her laptop, desktop, and plotter printer head.  She said she has enough funds in her GIS Equipment Fund account and is requesting approval for the purchases.  The commissioners said they approve the purchase of equipment needed.


Amy said she still has not received approval from the state for the canvass and will contact them when she hears back to set a date and time.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman