Commission Meeting Minutes 10/11/2022


OCTOBER 11, 2022


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

8:45 – Cammie Heaton – Community Health

9:00 – Dissolve of county property – Ghumm’s

9:30 – Tony Martin – Open Bids Landfill Shack


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session. Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk was also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Joe seconded. Motion carried. Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Tron seconded. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $             78,211.96
Judicial District  $               2,748.36
Road & Bridge  $             95,689.29
Airport  $               3,257.75
ARPA  $               2,520.00
County Building Fund  $                (161.69)
Noxious Weed  $               6,964.99
EMS  $             17,630.06
Fire  $             18,638.28
Community Health  $             25,570.37
Library  $             58,997.50
Sheriff  $             42,861.91
Insurance Agency Damages  $               3,414.78
Wellness Center Bequest  $             20,663.19
Fire Bequest  $                 530.00
Emp Misc W/H  $                   35.16
TOTAL:  $           377,571.91



Rodney Kelling came in and said the Moscow Fire Department needs the bay doors insulated and openers installed.  Rodney also stated only two (2) of the seven (7) doors are insulated and by insulating them, it should help to cut costs on utilities.  There are several areas on the fire and EMS Building in Moscow which are not insulated to allow light in but Rodney would like to have those panels insulated as well, but two (2) of the doors need openers.


Rodney was instructed to put a bid request in the Hugoton Hermes for insulation on five (5) doors and openers on eight (8) doors.  The bids will be opened on November 14th, 2022, at 10:00 A.M.


Cammie Heaton came in and expressed her interest in the administrator position for the Community Health Department upon Paula Rowden’s resignation on December 31, 2022.  Cammie gave the commissioners an application and letter stating her interest.  Cammie stated her interest in good communication between the departments and she had been working with Toni Irwin on grant proposal learning.  Tron stated his main concern with the Community Health Department are grants.  Cammie agreed with Tron and stated she has ideas on how to utilize the extra space in the department such as uninsured dental screenings and family planning.  Cammie stated she has a contact with the KDHE to discuss how to get these started which will add revenue.


Amy Jo asked Pat if there was a room or place at the Wellness Center to install a washing machine and dryer to wash the cleaning rags, Pat stated there is a room which has places to put the washer and dryer without having to do too much plumbing and electrical.


Amy Jo asked the commissioners if the ARPA committee approved the funds for a dishwasher in Memorial Hall if the commissioners would approve.  The commissioners said if the ARPA funds would purchase one and install, it would be appreciated if there is no on-going maintenance lease.  Amy Jo assured them the dishwasher would be purchased and not leased.


Amy Jo asked the commissioners about the Christmas hams they purchase for the employees, if they wanted to purchase from another source or wanted to try something different.  The Commissioners asked Amy Jo to look into gift cards and if that would cause problems for the county for auditing.  Joe suggested maybe purchasing hams from the Moscow High School Senior class, and he stated he would look into it.


Amy Jo asked the Commissioners if they had a chance to look over the repair items on the KCamp repair list, she stated the simple items, such as space heaters and microwaves being plugged into extension cords have been fixed.  Amy Jo said she received a letter from Nancy Honig at the Extension office and stated the leaks have already been fixed and everything else is good, except for the areas around the HVAC systems, which KCamp recommended placing a fence around them.  Amy Jo then told the commissioners some of the major issues have not been fixed and asked the commissioners if they want to have the departments get estimated costs for the issues or leave it alone.  Pat stated the HVAC units are fine as there are large poles around them and as far as he knew, there were no more leaks in the county buildings, except for the Wellness Center, which are going to be repaired.  Joe told Amy Jo to have Ross get the commissioners a list of all the rooms in the courthouse which have bad carpet so they can make a decision on what they want to do.


Tron approved the sale of county property located at the Pioneer Addition, Lot 17, Block 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to be sold to Ghumm’s Rental Property, LLC at $10.00 per lot, totaling $60.00.  No one objected.  The property is now sold to Ghumm’s Rental Property, LLC.


Amy Jo stated canvas for the General Election will need to be held after 5:00 P.M. on Monday, November 14th, 2022, as election offices have to allow postmarked ballots to be received that Monday by 5:00 PM due to the offices being closed for Veteran’s Day on November 11th.  The commissioners stated they would canvas on Tuesday, November 15th, 2022, at 9:00 A.M. in the commissioners meeting room.


Tony Martin was present.  Tron began the open bid process for the new roof on the shack at the landfill.  Two (2) bids were received:

  1. AK Roofing – $2,820.00
  2. AquaShield – $750.00


Pat made a motion to accept the bid by AquaShield for $750.00 for the landfill shack roof.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.


Tony stated the railroad is responsible for anything four feet (4’) from the track, anything else is the county responsibility.  There is a track running across one of the county roads and Tony is concerned about the railroad project if it tears up more than four feet (4’) from the track who will be responsible, since the railroad would be the ones to damage the road.


Tony said the landfill scraper needs new tires, but they run around $4,000.00 each.  Pat suggested maybe ARPA funds could cover the tires.


Tony said, the Road and Bridge Department hauls around sixteen (16) yards of sand at $2.00 per yard.  Road and Bridge has paid approximately $40,000.00 in 2021 and if the cost doubles the amount would be around $80,000.00.  Tony also stated to keep the Noxious Weed license some employees will need class hours.


Discussion about the windmills to see if the appraised value changes if the land has a windmill.  According to the appraiser, the property value will not change if a windmill is placed on it.


Joe asked if Tony was going to have the courthouse parking lines sprayed.  Amy Jo said she hasn’t heard anything since the last meeting to know if it is going to be taken care of.


Ted Heaton checked in with nothing new to report.  Ted stated back between 2009-2011 David Bozone gave him a letter stating the City of Hugoton would cover a new/repair the roof for the Sheriff’s Department and he is looking to find the letter to give to the commissioners.  Ted stated everything on the KCamp list has been repaired other than the roof does have some leaks.


Amy Jo asked the commissioners if they had a chance to review the written purchase and grant policy.  They stated they have, and everything looks in order.


Pat made a motion to accept the written Purchase and Grant Policy written on March 14, 2022, with the written Grant Policy added by October 11, 2022.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.


Randy Dick and Hailey Marple with Kaw Valley Insurance, a Bukaty Companies Partner, came in to discuss insurance and benefits.  The commissioners gave Amy Jo permission to give them what they need in order to provide options and discuss ratings for county insurance and benefits.  Amy Jo stated Karen, with HUB, will be in at the next commissioner meeting and the commissioners stated they would like to hear from PIC, Freedom, Bakaty and HUB to see what options they have for group health insurance.

By motion, the Board adjourned.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman