Commission Meeting Minutes 09/23/2024


SEPTEMBER 23, 2024


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

8:45 –

9:00 –

9:15 –

9:30 – Tony Martin

9:45 –

10:00 –

10:30 –


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in a regular session. Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk, were also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve minutes from the last meeting.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  Joe moved to approve the county vouchers. Pat seconded. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $             54,775.71
Co. Building  $                   61.10
Judicial District  $                 416.37
Road & Bridge  $           182,055.97
Airport  $             16,877.08
Airport Grant  $             24,965.00
Alcohol Treatment Fund  $                        –
911 Wireless  $                 113.29
Noxious Weed  $                        –
EMS  $             12,676.34
Fire  $               2,441.50
Community Health  $             24,594.11
Comm Hlth Grants  $                        –
Sheriff  $             40,659.85
Reg of Deed Tech  $                 115.20
TOTAL:  $           359,751.52

Rodney Kelling came in and said Seaboard discussed swapping trailers with their corporate attorney and said Seaboard will purchase the decontamination trailer for $7,000.00 and the county can do what they want with the money instead of swapping.  Rodney asked if the commissioners could forgo a sealed bid and accept the purchase of the decontamination trailer by Seaboard, or if they want to go with a sealed bid or put it up for sale.  The commissioners stated they will discuss this with Paul when he gets in.  Joe asked Rodney if the fire department needs a new saw because he had heard the saw did not work at the recent house fire.  Rodney said the saw they have is about six (6) years old but has always had issues starting up.  He stated it is NFPA rated, but you need to heat the spark plug to get it to start, and they do not always have time to do that.  The commissioners suggested Rodney investigate battery operated chain saws, so the fuel does not gum up and will hopefully be more reliable.  Rodney told the commissioners he had to purchase a new transfer switch for the generator at the radio tower, which will cost about $3,200.00, stating it should be the last item needed for the new generator.


Ross Sullivan came in and said the roof at the Moscow Senior Center had been completed but the contractors left the old roof transition piece on and did not replace it.  He said he told them to tear off the old and put a new one down as well as new flashing.  Ross said they foamed over the roof and the flashing and nothing was replaced, so he spoke to the contractors, and they replied that the new bid did not state anything about replacing the flashing.  Joe said the wall is still seeping and leaking in the lean-to but not the building.  Ross said he will replace the sheetrock in the one room since it is no longer leaking.  He said he spoke with the recreation commission, and they will allow him to borrow the sprayer to spray the county grounds, but the county will need to purchase the chemicals.  Ross told the commissioners the road and bridge department roof has several leaks around the vents and some other areas.  Ross suggested getting an estimate on spraying the roof and getting new vent sleeves, adding that there are some extra funds in the insurance damages account the county could possibly utilize for these repairs.  The commissioners asked Ross when he plans on working on the lights at the Moscow Senior Center and the EMS building.  Ross replied he will contact an electrician to make sure the wiring is all good in those buildings and begin working on the light fixtures.


The commissioners discussed the decontamination trailer with Paul.  Paul responded for the county to stay transparent they need to do a sealed bid or a sale with a reserve price of $7,000.00.  The commissioners said they will talk with Rodney about getting a sealed bid set up with a minimum bid price.


Amy asked Paul about the museum and questioned whether any of their properties titled Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum, Inc. is Stevens County property.  She also asked if they were eligible to be insured under KCAMP and if the county appoints any of their board members.  Paul said to call KCAMP and find out if they will insure the buildings.  The commissioners said they have not appointed any of the board members that they are aware of.  Paul suggested Amy contact other counties and see how they are with their museums and if they are incorporated or owned by the county as well as looking into statutes for museums.


Cammie Heaton with the community health department, was in to inform that Casey Settlemyer gave her an estimate of $525.00 to trim out the trees on the grounds.  The commissioners agreed to have Casey clean up the trees at the community health department.  Cammie said she purchased seventy (70) doses of flu/COVID vaccines, and it cost around $8,000.00.  She stated the vaccines are only good until May of 2025.


Tony Martin was next on the agenda with updates on his department. Tony said the planning and zoning committee have been reviewing the road maintenance plan with the windmills to see what needs to be changed.  Tony said he is working on specs and bid sheets for the new pit at the landfill and hopes to begin work on it soon.  He said the asphalt plant is still up and running because there are holes to patch and Morton County plans on picking up some asphalt this week.  Tony reported that KDHE wants the asphalt plant shut down by the end of September and the pit completed by April. Amy said the cemetery in Hugoton is expanding and was asked if the county would do the roads.  Tony said it would not be a good idea as the equipment the county has is too large for the cemetery roads and last time they helped in the cemetery the equipment did some damage to some headstones.  Tony handed a letter to the commissioners from Marcus with the Hugoton Golf Course Board, asking if the county would be able to help them with dirt work at the golf course.  The commissioners said the county can provide the dirt and advice but will not do the work.


Sheriff Ted Heaton and Undersheriff TJ Steers were in attendance.  Ted told the commissioners one (1) of the flag poles at the sheriff’s office was knocked down by a vehicle and the person’s insurance is willing to pay $7,000.00.  Ted said he spoke with AK Roofing, and they quoted $13,000.00 for replacement.  Ted asked if Paul would write a letter to the person’s insurance company to get a complete replacement on the flagpole or take action against the individual.  Discussion about how to resolve the issue resulted in Paul talking with the individual’s insurance company and if nothing else, the county will contact KCAMP and let them do their litigation on this issue.  Ted said there is new equipment that takes panoramic photos of accident scenes which will be better than multiple photos.  The main issue with this new piece of equipment is the cost of around $16,000.00 which Ted stated he has funds in his special law enforcement to pay for the equipment.  Pat asked if there are any recurring fees for this equipment and Ted answered there is, but the first initial is for the equipment and training.  The commissioners asked if Ted has any officers for the SRD (School Resource Deputy) at the schools.  Ted replied there is not a set officer, the school calls if they need someone to appear, and at least one (1) time a day a deputy shows up at the schools to check in.



Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman

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