Commission Meeting Minutes 07/22/2024


JULY 22, 2024


Agenda:          8:30 – Bills

8:45 – Lynne Webb – Printer

9:00 –

9:15 – Jayme Rich – Treasurer

9:30 – Tony Martin – Public Works

9:45 –

10:00 –


The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in a regular session.  Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Tharp, County Clerk; and RoGlenda Coulter with The Hugoton Hermes were also present. Tron called the meeting to order. Pat moved to approve minutes from the last meeting.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  Pat moved to approve the county vouchers. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:

General  $             65,467.99
Judicial District  $               2,418.75
Road & Bridge  $           228,226.25
Airport  $             13,939.40
Airport Grants  $                        –
County Building  $               2,732.21
Noxious Weed  $               4,401.74
EMS  $               7,447.11
Fire  $               2,752.61
Community Health  $               9,907.19
911 Wireless  $                 116.69
Sheriff  $             44,990.94
Emp Misc W/H  $                 400.00
Reg of Deed Tech  $                 141.00
TOTAL:  $           382,941.88


Walt Beesley and Bob Brunson were in attendance.


Rodney Kelling came in and told the commissioners the roof on the fire and EMS building is still leaking in spots.  There should still be a warranty for repairs available. He has reached out to AK Roofing and is just waiting to see when the roof can be looked at.  Rodney also told the commissioners he met with the Stevens County Foundation Board and has been approved for a grant total of $95,758.07 to apply towards the compressor and SCBA’s which is vital for the fire department.  The estimated cost is around $330,800.00, which Pat said the county could assist with. This will leave the Emergency Management budget to come up with roughly $70,000.00.  Rodney said they can do a lease to purchase agreement for five (5) years if the commissioners still want to investigate that possibility.  Joe asked if there were other funds that could be used for the remainder and Rodney said there is some money in the equipment and bequest funds, but he doesn’t want to drain them so low.  Joe asked if there were any other companies that do SCBA’s to where the county can bid out for them, and Rodney said there were a few but not as reliable as the one he has been talking to.  Joe suggested waiting until the end of the year to let out for bids as there might be some more funds the county can use to help purchase the SCBA equipment.  Rodney asked the commissioners if they wanted to bid out the old generator (SDMO 10KW, diesel) or just put it on  The commissioners suggested putting it in the newspaper for bid and Paul suggested to have a reserve amount on the bids.  Bid opening for the Emergency Management used generator will be opened on August 12th, 2024, at 9:00 AM with a reserve amount of $500.00.


Lynne Webb came in and told the commissioners her printer was going out and a new one would cost roughly $2,495.00 for black and white.  Lynne said Jayme, the county treasurer, offered to pay $1,495.00 or the remaining balance out of the treasurer tech fund to help the appraisers with a new printer.  The commissioners agreed the appraisers can get a new printer.


The commissioners asked what can be done with the old commissioner chairs and Amy suggested the Kiwana’s sale.  They agreed to put the chairs in the Kiwana’s sale next year.


Amy relayed to the commissioners Robert Davis should be coming to the next commissioner meeting to discuss the airport manager’s job description.  Amy also told the commissioners due to the elections this year the county should wait to dissolve townships until the beginning of next year.  Amy also asked the commissioners if a resolution needs to be drawn up instructing all department heads to report their department income on a minimum of a monthly basis for accounting purposes.  Joe asked if there was a policy for this issue and what the consequences were.  Amy said there is a policy but to her knowledge, no consequences as it is up to the commissioners on non-elected personnel departments.  Tron stated there were issues within one department due to personal issues, but it should be fixed by now.  Joe asked if they needed help and Tron said it had been taken care of.  Amy stated there is some due diligence for department heads even if they are having issues but if a person is on the clock, they should still get work done or at least communicate with other departments who are waiting for work information from them.  Amy also informed the commissioners she sent out information to all department heads letting them know there is a program through the treasurer’s office which allows credit cards, debit cards and on-line checks which citizens can use to pay bills or fees which does not cost the county a monthly subscription plan.


Jayme Rich came in and Amy asked her to explain the pay system for credit, debit, and checks.  Jayme said the State has provided government entities with this system which charges the person paying by debit or with credit card a two and a half percent (2.5%) fee and those paying by check are charged $1.50.  She stated the Emergency Management department is set up on the system but not any of the other departments.

Jayme informed the commissioners she has an insufficient check from a citizen on a vehicle tag from 2019.  She had followed all protocols, including sending the Sheriff out to retrieve the tag in which she was told the people moved out of state.  She then contacted the county attorney, Paul, to try to collect from him but the letters were returned.  Finally, she contacted the state for the off-set program, but nothing has worked, and this check remains negative in the account.  Jayme said she is requesting the commissioner’s write-off the $304.27 insufficient check and use miscellaneous general funds to clear the check.


Pat made a motion to write-off the 2019, $304.27 insufficient motor vehicle check by using miscellaneous general funds.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.


Jayme said there are enough funds in the 2024 budget for her salary to receive an increase.  She told the commissioners she would like to request a raise to the amount of her budgeted approval for the rest of 2024.  The commissioners approved Jayme’s request.


Jayme discussed the upcoming tax sale and Pat asked if KDI will be on there.  Paul said he spoke with Michelle Brenwald and Sarah Steele and those are the two (2) people who would be able to answer those questions.  Jayme said KDI is not in this tax sale but will more likely be in the next one.  Jayme said she is currently looking for another title company to go through as the last one had problems getting information to the tax sale company in a timely manner.  The question about KDI being on the tax sale is due to the IRB and no one is clear on if they can be on a tax sale or not.  Jayme also stated BOTA usually has the owner pay the amount in full and receive a refund if they are approved but usually does not exempt any portion of taxes if the bills are not paid in full.


Tony Martin came in and said there had been eleven (11) miles of chip-seal completed before they had some equipment break down and only have eight (8) miles left.  They are currently blading dirt roads.  There is only one (1) weed spraying rig running at this time and last week.  Pat asked if the Johnson Grass is getting sprayed and Tony said it was.  Tony mentioned a solid waste training workshop in Garden City this Wednesday and Thursday where he, Jeff, and one of the landfill employees will be attending.  Tony said the landfill pit is getting closer to being dug and currently the engineers are requesting a one percent (1%) slope in the pit for water from KDHE.


Tron asked Tony about the new water bay and how the asphalt would be run since most of the traffic would be heavy.  Tony said he is hoping to have six inch (6”) thick asphalt laid but noticed there needs to be dirt work done first.  Pat stated he had gone out and sterilized the ground around the water bay.


Tony reached out to Glenn Kerbs and stated there will be a planning and zoning committee meeting around August 20th to get the distance on the windmills changed and start getting the process completed for the commissioners to make a motion.


Tony said Steve Morris is done farming the land out east and does not know what the commissioners have in mind for it.  Joe suggested planting grass on the land.


Ross came in and Joe asked about the Moscow Senior Citizens Building.  Ross said he spoke with AK Roofing and is waiting to make sure there are no more leaks before he puts new sheetrock up.  Joe asked about the lighting and said the light fixtures need repaired and should possibly be moved to LED lights.  Amy said there are still some funds from insurance which will help with the cost of the lights and sheetrock.


Amy told the commissioners about the server and the department heads with the courthouse and community health have been searching for a different IT.  She stated they have it narrowed down to two (2) different companies and will hopefully decide this week.  Joe asked if it would be better to hire in-house IT personnel, but Pat said it would be more costly.  The commissioners stated Haskell County is now going with Adams-Brown and to check into them.  Amy asked permission to go ahead with a server if it can be done before the August Primary Election.


Joe made a motion to bypass the bid process on a server for the courthouse if it can be installed and running prior to August 6th, 2024.  Pat seconded.  Motion carried.


Amy told the commissioners she reviewed the changes made to the 2025 budget and noticed there were not enough funds budgeted for the treasurer’s contractual portion.  She asked them to review the amounts before the budget hearing on August 12th.  The commissioners reviewed the treasurer’s contractual portion and suggested moving $8,000.00 from one of the contingency areas into the treasurer’s contraction portion.


Joe told Amy he would like to see if she can locate the museum’s audit as he would like to review it.


Amy asked the commissioners to appoint two (2) electors to destroy ballots, envelopes and associated records that have been sealed from the 2022 Primary Election as stated in K.S.A. 25-2708.


Joe made a motion to allow the county election official to appoint two (2) electors to destroy the ballots, envelopes and sealed records from the 2022 Primary Election.  Pat seconded.  Motion carried.


Jayme Rich came back and informed the commissioners she had not received any deposits from the wellness center until recently and it was only for the month of April.  Tron said he spoke with the department head and the issues will get resolved.  Amy said communication would be appreciated due to other departments needing to get their duties done in a timely manner.





Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk


Tron Stegman, Chairman