2011 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings


JANUARY 3, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  O D Littrell called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….……24,257.06


Noxious Weed………………………….……..352.06

Community Health……………….…………..1,592.01

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………..…..50.03


O D moved to appoint Dave Bozone as Chairman.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to appoint Gary Baker as Vice Chairman. O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint the Hugoton Hermes as the official newspaper for Stevens County. Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to have Citizens State Bank as the bank depository for Stevens County.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to have First National Bank as secondary depository for Stevens County.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to continue the meeting days and time on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 8:30am unless Monday is a county holiday then the meeting will be on Tuesday.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Pam Bensel, County Clerk presented the GAAP waiver Resolution11-01 to be approved and signed.  O D moved to adopt the GAAP Resolution 11-01.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to appoint Gary as delegate to the WEKANDO Board.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to appoint Dave as delegate to the Port Authority Board.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Robert Rich presented an encumbrance letter for the Wellness Center in the amount of $10,500.00 and Community Service in the amount of $661.22 to purchase equipment and repair the old mower.


Gary moved to allow Robert Rich to encumber $10,500.00 from the 2010 Wellness Center budget and $661.22 from the 2010 Community Service budget.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to pay off the lease agreement for the Register of Deeds Sharp MX3501N copier from Southern Office Supply in the amount of $5,066.41 with the monies received for mortgage registration fees.


J C Cantrell informed the Commissioners the asphalt plant is being replenished with materials.


Richard Claggett came in to discuss the entrance approach into his property north of town in the NW corner of NW 27-32-37.  After discussion, the Commissioners agreed to allow J C with the Road and Bridge Department put in the entrance approach approved by KDOT.  Richard does want the County to maintain the access road when needed.


Gary moved to cooperate with Richard for the County to build the access road if needed and secure right of ways and Richard has agreed to pay for the expense of the culverts and help with other expenses if necessary.


Roger Lynch came in to talk about the wind farm project.


Gary moved to extend the conditional use permit of the wind farm 2 years.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Ted Heaton and Rex Evans came in to talk to the Commissioners.  Ted presented the 2010 encumbrance letter for the Sheriff’s office in the amount of $6,482.00 to purchase computers and light bars.


Gary moved to approve the 2010 encumbrance letter from Ted Heaton for the Sheriff’s office in the amount of $6,482.00.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                       ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




JANUARY 5, 2011


Dave Bozone called a special meeting on January 5, 2011 at the Memorial Hall.   All members were present.  Also present were Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Ashley Fiss with Fiss Architect.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.


After removing everything in the Memorial Hall to work on the floor, Ashley showed the Commissioners that the acoustic carpet on the wall was not in good shape.  It needs replaced along with the brown outlet plates at a cost of $7,897.00.


Gary moved to have the acoustic carpet on the Memorial Hall wall replaced along with all brown outlets plates changed to stainless steel.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman





JANUARY 17, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Marie Austin, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers. Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………147,674.23



Noxious Weed……………………….……..1,465.88

Alcoholic Treatment………………………….237.50

Community Health……………….…………..1,030.14

Airport Grants…………………….………31,736.16

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………..…..69.92


Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 18 minutes from 9:12am to 9:30am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.


Dave moved to approve the contract for water rights with the City of Hugoton on the S/2 21-33-37.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to accept Resolution 11-02 entitled “Amended and Restated, effective November 15, 2010 BYLAWS AND INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE KANSAS WORKERS RISK COOPERATIVE FOR COUNTIES”.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


J C came in to discuss Road and Bridge business.


Gary moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 9:42am to 9:52am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson and J C Cantrell present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:52am.


Jim moved to allow J C or any other employee to donate times to an employee, for a period of time and after all his time has been exhausted, according to E-6 #7 in the Stevens County personnel handbook.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gene Leonard came in to update the Commissioners on the special waste issue.


Gene reported that Morton County doesn’t take any special waste into the landfill.


Gene informed the Commissioners what the landfill does with the Community Health and Effie Gaskill’s special waste as it is taken into the landfill.


The Commissioners and Gene discussed the contaminated dirt that is taken into the landfill.


Jim moved to allow Gene to use the contaminated dirt as needed for the landfill.


Dave moved to charge $10.00 a ton tipping fee on all contaminated dirt coming into the landfill.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Gene asked if he could get bids for spraying equipment for the weed spraying trucks.  Commissioners agreed to allow this.


Neal Gillespie talked to the Kansas Transportation Department about the turning land onto the bypass road.  Neal informed the Commissioners there are Economic Development grants for this type of project.  There are matching grants that would apply to labor and equipment.  There are engineering firms that would be able to fill out the paper work for the grants.


Neal also talked about Neighborhood Revitalization.


Gary informed the other Commissioners about the cost of moving the individual residents from the old Pioneer Manor to the new Pioneer Manor facility and the Community Health to the old Pioneer Manor.


The cost of the landscaping for the new Pioneer Manor facility was discussed also.


Dave talked to Ashley Fiss to get with Paula to check on what needs to be torn out and what could be salvaged.


Ted Heaton came in to ask the Commissioners if they would look over his wages for 2011.


Ted informed the Commissioners about the Sheriffs facility and updated them on the new 911 system.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman





FEBRUARY 7, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers. Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



911 E Wireless……………….……………..47,543.59 (12/07/2010)

Road & Bridge………………………..……435,631.84


Services for Elderly………………..………94,411.50



Noxious Weed……………………………..12,585.27


Hospital Maint……………………………950,000.00

Alcoholic Treatment…………………….…….237.50


Community Health…………….….…………40,931.27

Airport Grants…………………….…….…20,146.61


Special Law Enforcement……………………..497.84

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………..…..106.38


Gary moved to reappoint Ted Heaton to the Advisory Board of the SW Regional Juvenile Detention Center.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 12 minutes from 8:48am to 9:00am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.


Gary informed the other Commissioners that KDHE, Groundwater Dist and KCC requested the County to not put contaminated dirt at the landfill.


Jim moved to rescind the previous motion on January 17, 2011 allowing Gene to use the contaminated dirt at the landfill, due to more findings from the State.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to rescind the previous motion on January 17, 2011 to charge $10.00 a ton tipping fee on all contaminated dirt coming into the landfill.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Bob updated the Commissioners about the possibility of voting on Commissioners at large instead of Commissioners in each district at a General Election so everyone would be allowed to vote pursuant to state law.  The other option is to modify the districts to have a more even distribution of voters in each district.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss Road & Bridge issues.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 13 minutes from 9:32am to 9:45am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson and J C Cantrell present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:45am.


Ted Heaton came in to get the Commissioners signatures on the agreement for the live fingerprint scan equipment.


Susan Schulte came in to get the Commissioners signatures on the transfer of property agreement for the mobile mapper, camera and ARC pad 8 in the GIS department.


Ashley Fiss sent over a bid for $1,500.00 from ISI for removal of asbestos at the Pioneer Manor.


Dave moved to accept the bid for $1,500.00 from ISI for removal of asbestos at the Pioneer Manor.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Gene Leonard brought in two bids for spray equipment for the Noxious Weed trucks.

(2) Vegetation Management Supply, Inc

Raven 440 Console (3 boom switches) and accessories        $5,956.00


(2) Wylie Sprayers

440 Console w/GPS port and accessories      $4,957.82


Gary moved to accept the low bid from Wylie Sprayers for $4,957.82.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to put Mario Hernandez on full time for Memorial Hall/4H Bldg/Extension custodian as of January 22, 2011.  He is required to not exceed 40 hours a week.  The pay will come out of the general fund.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Ted Heaton asked if the Commissioners made a decision about the pay scale.  Not at this time.


Tony Martin and Tom Hicks came in to discuss the new plat for the Pioneer Manor.


Gary moved to go into executive session for litigation and non elected personnel for 30 minutes from 10:50am to 11:20am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:20am.


Paula Rowden came in to ask if the public transportation bus could be used to bring her mother from Wichita to the Pioneer Manor.  Paula’s mother will be a resident at the Pioneer Manor.  Paula is willing to pay for the trip to Wichita.  John Peterson will be driving the public transportation bus because of training regulations.


Gary moved to allow Paula Rowden to utilize the public transportation bus to go to Wichita to transport her mother back to the Pioneer Manor.  The fair for round trip to Wichita will be set at $100.00.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to approve the use of the public transportation bus to transport individuals anywhere in Kansas to the Manor with the fee to be determined by the mileage.


The Commissioners, Bob Johnson, Ashley Fiss, Paula Rowden and RoGlenda Coulter went to the Pioneer Manor to check on what could be salvaged for future use.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




FEBRUARY 22, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers. Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………….26,440.69


Employees Benefit………………….….….232,194.00

Noxious Weed…………………………..……..640.50

Noxious Weed Equipment…………….……..4,102.37

Ambulance Bequest…………………………..….40.00

Community Health…………….….…………..1,373.22

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………..789.92


Gary moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 10 minutes from 8:50am to 9:00am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.


Gene Leonard came in to ask if he could donate sick leave time to an employee if necessary.


The Commissioners moved to allow Gene to donate time to an employee after all his time has been exhausted, according to E-6 #7 in the Stevens County personnel handbook.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Moscow Recreation Board asked the Commissioners to discuss the Moscow Recreation Pool Building Project.  The Commissioners decided the board needs to come in so everything could be discussed between the Moscow Recreation Board and Commissioners.


Paula Rowden came in to discuss the money for the Transportation grant.  She informed the Commissioners the County would lose the money if it was not used properly.  Paula called the State and they explained what the money could be used for.  Paula used it for uniform clothing for the Transportation driver, John Peterson.


J C Cantrell came in to ask if $103,723.17 could be moved from Fund 201-Road and Bridge to Fund 220-Road Machinery.


Dave moved to approve the money exchange from Fund 201-Road and Bridge to Fund 220-Road Machinery.  Jim seconded.   Motion carried.


Rex Evans with the Sheriff’s office came in to inform the Commissioners on the 911 upgrade.  The system is working great.


Rex also informed the Commissioners that the east garage door on the south end of the Law Enforcement building is not working.  Ted has called Simplex out several times and they have not been able to get it working.


Stevens County Sheriff’s Office is hosting the Kansas Police Dog Association event.  It will be a 4 day event.


The Sheriff’s Office has been working cases that involves the drug dog and the dog has been very successful in the cases.


Lynn Engle, Tony Martin and Tom Hicks came in to inform the Commissioners about the plat for the new Pioneer Manor project.  Lynn informed the Commissioners he will be setting the corner block pins at a depth in excess of 18 inches.


Gary moved to approve the final plat for the Pioneer Manor project.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


The plat will go to the surveyor now for approval.


The City Planning and Zoning Commission will be working on the approval of the annexation of the property into Hugoton City.


Guy Rowden came in to discuss prices for vacuums and buffers for the Memorial Hall.  The buffers may be able to be fixed.


Guy talked about other projects he is working on for this spring.  He will be renting a sod cutter from Liberal to lower the edges of the lawn and then putting the sod back down.


Mike Schechter came in to discuss the radio system for the EM S/Fire and Sheriff departments.  He is getting bids for the radio system, license modification and repeater for the Sheriff’s office.  The bids will be opened on April 4 at 10:00am.


Neal Gillespie came in to discuss the turning lane on State Highway 25 onto the bypass road.  Neal talked to the State Department/Larry Thompson from Dodge City about a right or left lane.  Paul Stover, an engineer for EBH had questions about the project.


Neal thinks most of the cost should be paid by Kansas Department of Transportation.


Susan informed the Commissioners what the Secretary of State’s office says about redistricting.  The 2010 Census should come out in April, 2011.


Tom Fuhrmann came in to explain about the increase in values for property/land and irrigation.  Tom explained how Landmark calculates the values for the property.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                       ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman






MARCH 10, 2011


Dave Bozone called a special meeting on March 10, 2011 to go look at a road.  All members were present.  Also present was J C Cantrell.  Chairman Dave Bozone asked everyone to meet at the intersection of Road 3 and Road X to discuss closing of roads.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




MARCH 21, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………………7,927.15


Noxious Weed…………………………..….…..784.21

Noxious Weed Equip……………………..……424.30

Insurance Agency………………………….130,344.00


Community Health…………….….………….11,181.53

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………….……..62.50

Airport Grants……………………………….97,323.18


Erick Nordling came in for the discussion of redistricting Commissioner districts.


Susan Schulte presented a map for redistricting of Commissioner districts that shows the population more evenly distributed among the districts.


The Commissioners chose to proceed with the redistricting.  Bob Johnson will check with Secretary of State on the rules and regulations to follow.


Dave moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 10 minutes from 9:20am to 9:30am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the road closing situation.  The Commissioners chose not to close either one of the roads in question.


J C informed the Commissioners of the Road and Bridge road projects for 2011.


Guy Rowden brought in a quote for a 30” wide sweeper at a price range of $1,700.00 to $1,800.00.


Gary moved to allow Guy to buy a sweeper for the Memorial Hall at the price range of $1,700.00 to $1,800.00.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Guy brought in information to replace the pilot lights for the stove unit in the Memorial Hall.  The Commissioners agreed to have the pilots replaced.


Ted Heaton presented a 1 year service contract with Central Mechanical of Wichita, KS.  This contract is for the entire buildings heating, cooling, boiler room, etc.


Commissioners agreed to continue with the 1 year service contract with Central Mechanical of Wichita, KS.


Shawn Anderson, Moscow Athletic Director and Lorie Christensen with the Moscow Recreation Board came in to discuss the Moscow swimming pool.  They informed the Commissioners of the different projects the Recreation budget is tied up with and what they need to buy this year.  The Commissioners agree to help with the pool house.  The Board is to check with Tony McBride to get a bid quote and then come back in the visit with the Commissioners.


Theresa Dasenbrock with Lewis, Hooper and Dick, the county auditors, came in to give the Commissioners an idea of the carry over for the County might be.


Roger Lynch came in to discuss the letter from Abengoa.  He felt that the County needs to have a public hearing for this matter and the Commissioners felt it was not necessary.


Virgil Cox came in to discuss land east of town farmed by Joe D Thompson – SE 3-33-37 and NE 10-33-37.


Laura Hull called to inform the Commissioners of her resigning from the Library Board.  She has one year left and asked to be replaced as of April 1, 2011.  Dave will check with Laura about a replacement.


Wayne Tate came in discuss the property at the new Pioneer Manor.  Hugoton City has two consents to annex property.


Gary moved to approve the annexation of the property into the city limits.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                       ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 4, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk, Ruthie Winget and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers. Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………….141,298.26


Building…………………….……..………… 533,197.84

Noxious Weed…………………………..….…..6,771.05


Alcoholic Treatment……………….…………….237.50


Community Health…………….….…..……….26,242.57

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………….….1,859.01


Gary mentioned to the other Commissioners that an individual wants to put housing by the new Pioneer Manor.  He asked what steps they need to begin this process.  The Commissioners discussed putting together different steps to proceed with this.


Gary moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 15 minutes from 9:15am to 9:30am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.


Gary moved to put a burn ban notice (no control burns) on for all of Stevens County till further notice.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Bob will work on a resolution for the burn ban.


Dave moved to approve Resolution 11-03 putting a burn ban notice (no control burns) on for all of Stevens County till further notice.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell checked in on behalf of the Road and Bridge Department.


Mike Schechter came in with radio bids for EMS Services.


G & G Electronics Inc    2 Motorola MRT3000 continuous duty repeater with duplexer and

Guymon, OK                     cabinet, installed on site to existing antenna and coax system –



18 Motorola CDM1250 40 watt 64 channel radio – $11,160.00


18 External CDM speakers – $594.00


1 Reprogram 50 existing portable radios and remove existing mobiles

reinstall new, and set new repeaters complete – $3,000.00


2 FCC license modifications with “License Guard” – $770.00


TOTAL $29,804.00

Snyder Radio Service, Inc   2 MRT3000 100 Watt continuous duty repeater with duplexer and

Garden City, KS                     cabinet – $18,080.00


18 CDM1250 40 watt 64 channel UHF mobiles with alpha display –



18 External speakers for the CDM1250 mobiles


1 Reprogram 50 existing portables to narrowband remove existing

mobiles, reinstall new mobiles, and set new repeater.  Includes

labor, mileage and travel time – $2,005.00


2 EMS and Sheriff FCC license modification for narrowband

compliancy through Atlas License Company. Fee includes

“License Guard” which allows Atlas License Company to send

renewal notice to you several months in advance of impending

FCC License expiration – $760.00


TOTAL $33,220.00


Mobile Radio Service, Inc 18 CDM1250 UHF 40 watt 64 channel mobile. With Alpha display –

Great Bend, KS                       $10,685.52


18 External speakers for CDM 250 – $684.00


2 MRT 3000 UHF100 watt continuous duty Repeater with

Duplexer – $14,900.00


1 30” Cabinet for MTR 3000 – $322.92


4 Nmale to Nmale cables for repeater to duplexer – $50.00


1 Labor to tune duplexer, program, optimize, installation, and

remove old repeater program 50 portables to narrowband.

Mileage/travel/hotel/ and meals – $3,211.00


1 installation of CDM Radios and external speaker, remove old

radio (using existing coax and antenna) Programming/narrow

narrow banding same template for 18 new radios.  Mileage and

travel time for two technicians to come and do installs will take

approx 3 days – $3,546.00


2 Mobile Radio Service will do the paper work to correct licenses

to accurate change of power and narrow banding and add any

missing documentation required by the fcc – $500.00


2 Customer can avoid this charge by using fee calendar by

outlook – $180.00


TOTAL $34,079.44


Gary moved to accept the low bid from G & G Electronics, Guymon, OK for18 radios for the EMS service at a cost of $29,804.00.


Mike informed the Commissioners that the County fire truck was responsible for the fire at Cave, NE of Moscow.  Everything is being sent to the County’s insurance company.


Mike asked the Commissioners to call into the Legislature to get SB216 passed through.


Dave talked to Kim Harper, President of the Airport Board about a financial dealing with another board member.  A concerned citizen expressed his opinion on the matter by publishing a letter to the editor in the Hugoton Hermes.


The Airport Board voted to buy a used loader from one of the Airport Board members when the member was not at the meeting.


Jim moved to have Bob Johnson send letters to all the head person of all the Stevens County Boards to follow the Counties policy for purchasing items over $10,000.00 by taking bids.


Ted Heaton checked in on behalf of the Sheriff’s Department.


Guy Rowden brought in a quote for a battery operated/bag less sweeper for the Memorial Hall at a cost of $1,975.22 from Massco of Wichita, KS.


Gary moved to allow Guy to purchase the battery operated/bag less sweeper for the Memorial Hall at a cost of $1,975.22.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Guy explained the AC problems on the basement floor and the boiler situation for the courthouse.


Pete Earles came in with a plat for the Stevens County Industrial Park development on land east of town.  Greg Morris and Neal Gillespie were present also.


Pete explained Phase 1 of the plat which includes sewer, water and the frontage road across the

South end of the property (S/2 SE 15-33-37).


Gary moved to continue forward with Phase 1 of the Stevens County Industrial Park plat.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Lizann Shugart with Great Plains Gas Compression Inc came in to discuss the public hearing on the tax exemption of Great Plains Gas Compression Inc.


The Commissioners agreed to move forward with the public hearing on the tax exemption of Great Plains Gas Compression Inc to be on May 2, 2011.


Bob will take care of the publication for this public hearing.


Neal Gillespie came in to discuss neighborhood revitalization.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 8, 2011


The Board of Canvassers met at 7:30am to canvass the votes from the April 5, 2011, General Election.  Present were Dave Bozone, Jim Bell, and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.


There were 23 Provisional Ballots, 19 were counted and 4 were not counted because these people had not registered before.  These ballots did not change the outcome of the election of the first count.


Dave moved to appoint Shelly Kurt as the Library Board Member to replace Laura Hull, as of April 11, 2011.  Jim seconded.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                         ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 18, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Jim moved to approve the county vouchers. Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………….24,778.93


Noxious Weed…………………………..….…..267.03

Noxious Weed Equip……………………..……644.60


Community Health…………….….……………1,841.67

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………….69.92


Dave moved to go into executive session for attorney/client for 10 minutes from 8:50am to 9:00am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.


Mike Schechter stopped in to invite the Commissioners to a lunch/meeting for the LEPC meeting, Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 11:30am at the Fire Station.


J C Cantrell came in to inform the Commissioners of Jerry Stuckey calling him to have the Road and Bridge Department help clean up his property that burned.  Bob Johnson suggested Jerry Stuckey put in writing what he wants the County to help with and send it to the County’s insurance company so the County can be released from liability, should it assist.


J C brought in the 2012 Road and Bridge proposed budget for $4,112,500.00.


Tony McBride came in to with change order #3 in the amount of $14,557.00 for revisions on the Pioneer Manor project.


Gary moved to approve change order #3 in the amount of $14,557.00 for the Pioneer Manor.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Ben McClure came in to have his name on the list for consideration to lease the County’s property – SE 3-33-37 and NE 10-33-37.


Chris Steincamp came in to talk about bringing contaminated soils into the landfill.  Also present were Greg and Sheryl Morris, Gene Leonard and Danny Skinner.  Chris presented information from KDHE on the situation.  He is asking the Commissioners to reconsider allowing the disposal of the special waste products into the landfill.  There were no changes made in the policy.


Gene Leonard says that oil, salt water and scrap jobs waste can be taken to Seward County or Finney County because they have liners in the landfill pits.


Commissioners asked Greg Morris and Gene Leonard if they had any thoughts and concerns.  They each expressed their concerns.


Bob Johnson is working on covenants for the property South of town-Pioneer Addition-SW 21-33-37- and East of town-Stevens County Industrial Park-SE 15-33-37.


Tom Robb explained the progress of the Abengoa project.


The Commissioners discussed the railroad situation.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




MAY 2, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………200,803.06



Noxious Weed…………………………….…..11,472.46

Alcoholic Treatment……………………………..237.50

Community Health…………….….……………37,357.40

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………….69.92

Airport Grants………………………………320,468.22


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 8:40am to 8:50am with J C Cantrell and County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 8:50am.


Sherri Martin presented the 2012 Soil Conservation budget in the amount of $32,020.00.


Sherri informed the Commissioners of possible changes to the Conservation program for July, 2011.


Dave moved to go into executive session for possible litigation and attorney/client for 10 minutes from 9:25am to 9:35am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:35am.


Jan Leonard came in to discuss the streetscape program for a hike/bike trail, safe routes to school and the underground lighting system for the courthouse.  Jan explained what route/sidewalks in town they are planning on using for the safe route to school for kids to walk or ride their bikes.  He informed the Commissioners about a grant that is being pursued for this project.


Jan discussed the hike/bike recreational trail and what possible grant monies are available.


Jan explained that when the City of Hugoton replaces the sidewalk in front of the Courthouse and Memorial Hall the lighting for the light poles could be replaced at that time.  He informed them that the City could get new light poles to match the rest of the streetscape project and the Veterans Memorial.


Jan asked for a letter of support from the County Commissioners at this time to continue with phase 1 of the project.


Gary moved to offer a letter of support to Jan Leonard/City of Hugoton for the continuing of phase 1 of the streetscape project.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave Bozone opened the Public Hearing at 10:00am for a tax abatement exemption for Great Plains Gas Compression. Present were Neal Gillespie, Lizann Shugart and Keith Bell.


Dave opened the floor for comment.  Keith Bell asked why the County is giving tax abatement exemptions then raising his property taxes.


Lizann explained what Great Plains Gas Compression has done for the County.


Neal explained about the valuation and why the spike in taxes.  He explained the process of the cost analysis.  He explained the abatement was an incentive to get business’s to come into Stevens County which in return allows more jobs, more money coming into the community, increase of school kids and many other positive outcomes.


With no further comments, Dave closed the hearing at 10:10am.


Gary moved to grant the tax abatement exemption request for Great Plains Gas Compression with Resolution 11-05.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Nancy Honig and Josh Morris presented the 2012 4-H budget in the amount of $13,500.00 and 2012 Extension Council budget in the amount of $150,000.00.


Nancy voiced some concerns about plumbing issues at the Extension building.  The Commissioners felt she would need to talk to Dean Banker with the City of Hugoton.


Dave Bozone informed the other Commissioners that he received a letter from Doris Morris asking to dismiss the retirement cottages she had planned to be built at the South end of town next to the new Pioneer Manor.


The Commissioners and Bob Johnson discussed the covenants and restrictions for the Pioneer Addition.  Bob will get together the covenants for the Commissioners to go over.


Ashley Fiss brought in a cost estimate of $126,000.00 for the landscaping at the new Pioneer Manor.


Ashley presented a drawing with a cost estimate for the renovation of the old Pioneer Manor.

Ashley informed the Commissioners that Paula would like to keep the gazebo if possible and putting parking in the demolished area.  Ashley said the cost estimate would change.


Ashley presented a contract for her services with a fee not exceed $5,000.00 for the landscape at the new Pioneer Manor.


Gary moved to accept the contract for services from Fiss Architect not to exceed $5,000.00.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Ashley gave a progress report on the new Pioneer Manor.


Linda Stalcup, Celain Baker and Rachel Crane came in with a quote for $360,400.00 from Direct Supply for all furnishings, artwork and blinds for the new Pioneer Manor.  They asked if the County could help with the expenses.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                     ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




MAY 16, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………..126,051.20


Noxious Weed…………………………….…..4,083.51


Community Health…………….….……………4,309.49

Fire Bequest……………………………………..53.00

Airport Grants………………………………18,711.40


Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………..……….34.96


Gary reported on the WEKANDO meeting at Ulysses.  The railroad representatives said they are ready to start repairs on the bridges that were destroyed in the fire in April.  They are working on grants to help with the expenses.


Ted Heaton presented the 2012 Sheriff budget in the amount of $1,595,459.06.


Gene Leonard presented the 2012 Solid Waste budget in the amount of $303,085.00, 2012 Noxious Weed budget in the amount of $262,943.00 and 2012 Rodent Control budget in the amount of $1,700.00.


Gary moved to waive the tipping fee on concrete brought into the Stevens County landfill from the Jerry Stuckey home site if his insurance company does not cover this cost.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell informed the Commissioners that Road 11 had been finished except for the dirt work on the shoulders.  The Road Department will start working on Road Q – truck by pass, next.


J C informed the Commissioners that Millie Heger asked if the Road Department could bring some dirt to the race track for the pit area.


Commissioners decided since there are businesses in town that do this type of work, it would be best if the County does not participate in this matter.


Richard Claggett called J C and asked if the Road Department would gravel a non-opened section line off of Road 13.  Then Brandon Kolb called and asked if the Road Department would asphalt it instead.


The Commissioners decided not to do anything with the non-opened section line.


Pat LeClerc came in to discuss long term care insurance for the employees.  The County pays for the first $1,000.00 for a 3 year duration at a cost of $893.20 a month and if the employee wants more they can purchase the additional for them self and pay the additional amount.


Jim moved to adopt the long term care plan for the County to pay for the first $1,000.00 for 3 years for 85 employees at a cost of $893.20 a month.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


David Lunzmann with Lewis, Hooper and Dick of Garden City and Eric Smith from Omaha, NE with TASC (Total Administrative Service Corporation) came in to talk about a 125 Cafeteria Plan program for Stevens County employees.


Eric explained the benefits of the plan and how it works.  TASC would take care of all the financial aspects and expenditures for the plan.  The set up fee is $550.00 with an annual fee of $5.25 per employee per month.  The plan start July 1, 2011 thru December 31, 2011, then changes January thru December for each year.


Gary moved to accept the proposal from Eric Smith with TASC for the 125 Cafeteria Plan program at a cost for a set up fee $500.00 with an annual fee of $5.25 per employee per month.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Kim Harper presented the 2012 Airport budget in the amount of $393,260.00.


Robert Rich presented the 2012 Wellness Center budget in the amount of $136,275.33 and the 2012 Community Service budget in the amount of $17,350.64.


Maria Gonzales came in to discuss her son getting his hours finished up with Community Service.  She asked if there were other places that he could get his hours in besides through Community Service.


Bob suggested asking Ted Heaton if he had jobs for her son but the jobs will be overseen by Robert Rich.


Mark Hinde and Verleen Hancock with Southwest Developmental Services, Inc from Garden City presented the 2012 budget in the amount of $36,821.00.


Deanna Berry and Jill Reagle with Russell Childhood Development Center from Garden City presented the 2012 budget in the amount of $24,500.00.


Mark Kliewer, attorney representing United Prairie Ag, came in to discuss street signs when elevators are loading unit trains. Also present were Robert Ward, CEO of UPA and J C Cantrell, Stevens County Road Supervisor. City of Hugoton asked to have the signs changed.


Mark explained that KDOT would take care of putting out the necessary signs if everyone is in agreement.


Dave moved to adopt Resolution 11-06 authorizing KDOT to put up signage for the temporary closures of through streets when elevators are loading unit trains.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike Schechter brought in a resolution for a firework ban for 2011 for Stevens County.  He said Hugoton City and Moscow City were in agreement.


Gary moved to accept Resolution 11-04 for a firework ban for the year 2011 for Stevens County including the cities of Hugoton and Moscow.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike presented the 2012 Fire budget in the amount of $157,500.00, 2012 EMS budget in the amount of $169,000.00 and 2012 Emergency Preparedness/Civil Defense budget in the amount of $2,500.00.


Larry Sharp with KCAMP came in to present Stevens County’s 2010 annual report.


The Commissioners asked the Senior Citizens Board to come in and talk about the possibility of moving the Senior Citizens Center to the old Pioneer Manor.  Marilyn Holcomb, Karen Rich,  Todd Gayer, Sharon Parsons and Barbara Beeks with the Senior Citizens Board and other concerned citizens were June Trentham, Ronnie Rich, Wendell Swinney, Loretta Woodworth, Nancy Honig, Steve and Lucinda Perry.


Dave explained the reasons the Commissioners thought the Senior Citizens would enjoy having the South end of the old Pioneer Manor as their Senior Center.


Dave asked for comments from the Board and the other citizens.  Karen Rich felt it was too far for some of the elderly people to walk to or the ones in motorized wheel chairs to go.  Some use that time to do their down town shopping.


Linda Stalcup, Dave Piper and Rachel Crane came to inform the Commissioners of the financial status for the Hospital and Pioneer Manor.


Tony McBride came with change orders in the amount of $53,700.67 for the Pioneer Manor.


Gary moved to accept the change order revisions in the amount of $53,700.67 for the Pioneer Manor with the exclusion of #6.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Paula Rowden presented the 2012 Stevens County Community Health budget in the amount of $508,100.00


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




JUNE 6, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………….565,934.90



Employees Benefit………………………………893.20

Noxious Weed……………………………..…..25,132.60

Noxious Weed Equip……………………………305.46

Alcoholic Treatment…………………….……….237.50


Insurance Agency Damages…………….………3,056.76

Community Health…………….….……………..24,677.15

Fire Bequest…………………………..………..2,744.03

Airport Grants…………………………………12,024.19

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………….217.74


Ted Heaton and Alvin Riley presented bids on two 2011 pickups for the Sheriff Department.


2011 Chevrolet Silverado 4X4 Ext Cab                     $32,751.86

3% Dealer Profit                                                             1,051.65

Add for front Grille Guard Black                                      550.00

Less GM Bid Assistance                                              – 5,700.00

Less trade in on a 2009 Chev Ext Cab 4X4                –13,500.00

Total                                                                            $15,153.51


2011 Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab 4X4                  $35,391.36

3% Dealer Profit                                                             1,143.45

Less GM Bid Assistance                                              – 7,000.00

Less trade in on a 2009 Chev Ext Cab 4X4                -13,500.00

Total                                                                            $16,034.51

(Riley Chevrolet made a mistake: it should be

$16,034.81 instead of $16,034.51, they left it .51)


Dave moved to allow Ted to trade 2-2009 Chev Ext Cab 4X4 PU for 1-2011 Chev Silverado 4X4 Ext Cab cost of $15,153.51and 1-2011 Chev Silverado Crew Cab 4X4 cost of $16,034.51.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Commissioners discussed redistricting with Susan Schulte and Bob Johnson.  Bob has communicated with the attorney at Secretary of State office and he is suppose to be getting information to Bob on how the last two counties in Kansas redistricted.  Commissioners said they want to proceed.


Jim moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 10 minutes from 9:15am to 9:25am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:25am.


J C Cantrell reported on the road improvement progress.  Commissioners asked if J C’s crew could pick up branches at Russell Lake.  J C said it would be next week but they could do it.


Ted Heaton came in for the Sheriff sale for address 215 S Monroe being Lot 4 and N/2 Lot 5 Block 16 of Hugoton City.  The successful bidder was Tom Oder in the amount of $4,309.89.


Jim Karlan, Dr Leslie Bissell and Opal Hall came in to present the 2012 Southwest Guidance Center budget in the amount of $47,277.00.  Dr Bissell will be taking Jim Karlan’s position when he retires.


The Commissioners discussed exchanging land with Pelajo Properties.


Gary moved to allow Bob to draw up a contract with Pelajo Properties for property exchange of NE 24-33-38 for NE 10-33-37.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


David Fyler with Western KS Child Advocacy Center of Scott City, KS came in to ask for help with funding for the 2012 budget year.


Eunice Schroeder, Charlotte Veatch and Bob Eyestone presented the 2012 Library budget in the amount of $428,372.00 and Employee Benefits $75,655.54 totally $504,027.54.


Tony Martin presented the 2012 Fair budget in the amount of $124,250.00.


Neal Gillespie presented the 2012 Economic Development budget in the amount of $109,107.14.


Neal Gillespie informed the Commissioners that Patty Bultman with Peace House Ministries would like to use the old Pioneer Manor as housing for the girls in the Peace House Ministries program.


Neal also discussed the Interfaith Housing Project through Economic Development which is funded with government grants and church funded.


Gary mentioned the Hospital is thinking of doing a daycare and possibly using the old Pioneer Manor for this program.


Gary moved to amend the motion on March 21, 2011 for the Hugoton City to annex property at the new Pioneer Manor property.


Gary moved to approve Hugoton City to annex property in the Pioneer Addition into the city limits.  The property being annexed is Block 1-3, 7-10, 14-21.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 2:10pm to 2:20pm with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 2:20pm.


Darlene Harper came in to ask if the Fulkerson family could put a picture of John Fulkerson up on the 3rd floor of the Stevens county Courthouse.  He was Clerk of the District Court for 50 years.


Dave moved to allow the Fulkerson family to put a picture of John Fulkerson on the 3rd floor of the Stevens County Courthouse. Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Stanley McGill and Gladys Renfro presented the 2012 Historical budget in the amount of $97,000.00.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




JUNE 20, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………410,485.28


Noxious Weed……………………………………..157.96

Community Health…………….….……………..1,696.23

Fire Bequest…………………………………..1,000.00


Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition and possible litigation for 10 minutes from 8:55am to 9:05am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:05am.


J C Cantrell brought in two bids from Berry Tractor and Equipment Co to buy 3 belly dump trailers.


Berry Tractor   ranco belly dump trailer                      $36,910.00 x 3 = $110,730.00

Trade in 3 ranco belly dump trailer      14,500.00



Difference of 3 trailers                        $69,730.00



Berry Tractor   dakota belly dump trailer                      $36,910.00 x 3 = $110,730.00

Trade in 3 ranco belly dump trailer      14,500.00



Difference of 3 trailers                        $69,730.00


Gary moved to trade 3 used ranco belly dump trailers in for 3 new ranco belly dump trailers from Berry Tractor and Equipment Co for a cost of $69,730.00.  Dave seconded.  Jim voted no.  Motion carried.


Linda Stalcup presented the 2012 Hospital/PM budget in the amount of $2,100,000.00.


Ted Heaton stopped in to update the Commissioners on the Sheriff’s department.


Neal Gillespie came in to explain a letter has to be presented to the state for the Strategic Plan.  Bob is working on the letter.


Patty Bultman, Patty Lahey and Shelly Kurt with Peace House Ministries a project for homeless women and children, came in to ask about using the old Pioneer Manor facility as a home for the women.  They are trying to keep the girls together as a family group and it includes Stevens, Grant and Morton counties.  They are trying to teach them life skills such as money management, cooking, child rearing, etc.  Patty Bultman asked about leasing the building for 1 year.  Dave suggested talking to Ashley Fiss on details of the building to see if it would work for them.


Pat LeClerc came in to present the savings for the County by switching the health and dental plan to the State BC-BS plan.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                           Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 6, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………………155,353.41



Services for Elderly……………………………94,411.50


Employees Benefit……………………………19,000.00

Noxious Weed……………………………….….16,527.14


Hospital Maint……………………………….950,000.00

Highway Improvement…………………..…..294,103.45

Insurance Agency……………………………118,529.00

Alcoholic Treatment………………………….…..237.50


Wellness Center Bequest………………………19,891.58

Community Health…………….…..……………..29,606.85

Airport Grants…………………………………93,145.35

Emp P/R Misc W/H……………………………….504.00


Guy Rowden came in to discuss the pilot lights on the gas stove in Memorial Hall.  The Commissioners said to check into the cost of electronic pilot lights and report at the next



Jim moved to adopt Resolution 07-2011 Solid Waste Management Plan.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Commissioners received a letter from Effie Gaskill explaining why she chose not to be a provider for Delta Dental insurance.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel and pending litigation for 20 minutes from 9:05am to 9:29am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:29am.


J C Cantrell updated Commissioners on Road & Bridge Department projects.


J C asked if the Department could asphalt Cemetery Road from Highway 51 to First Street and put a 2 ½” lift and widen the road to 25’.  The Commissioners were in agreement with this request.


Bob Johnson informed the Commissioners on the redistricting which makes each Commissioner district equal pursuant to State Law.


Gary moved to adopt the new Commissioner Redistricting map previously presented by Susan Schulte.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Patty Bultman and Patty Lahey informed the Commissioners about the State requirements for updating the old Pioneer Manor for the use of housing and a daycare facility.


Patty Bultman informed the Commissioners that Linda Stalcup was interested in the daycare facility for the children of the Hospital employees.


Patty Bultman said the sprinkler system will be required by State law.


Tom Fuhrmann, County Appraiser gave an update on the production of oil & gas in Stevens County and the 2011 county valuation being $294,359,898.


Jan Leonard came in to inform the Commissioners of the safe routes to school and the hike/bike trail.  He explained about the grants and what percent the City, School and County would pay.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 7, 2011


A special meeting was called with the auditors at 8:00am on July 7, 2011 for an audit and budget presentation.  Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and Jim Bell were present.  Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.


Theresa Dasenbrock and Charles Claar with Lewis, Hooper and Dick of Garden City explained the 2010 County audit and reviewed the 2012 County budgets with the Commissioners.


The Commissioners had J C Cantrell come in to discuss the 2012 Road and Bridge budget.


The Commissioners had Ted Heaton come in to discuss the 2012 Sheriff budget.


The Commissioners had Kim Harper come in to discuss the 2012 Airport budget.


Gary moved to adopt Resolution 2011-08 expressing the property taxation policy with respect to financing the 2012 annual budget.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to have the budget hearing on August 1, 2011 at 9:00am during the Commissioners regular meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Jim moved to give a 3% cola raise across the board.  Part time employees will be to the discretion of the Department heads.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 12, 2011


Dave Bozone called a special meeting on July 12, 2011 to go look at the drainage situation at the Pioneer Manor.  Members present were Dave Bozone and Jim Bell.  Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave Bozone asked everyone to meet at McBride’s trailer at the site.


Richie Sherer, Tony McBride and Dwayne West showed everyone the progress on the building.  Richie showed the Commissioners the drainage situation in the courtyards.  They discussed what could be done to help keep the water away from the building.  No decision was made at this time.  There will be further discussion at the next Commissioners meeting on July 18, 2011.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman





JULY 18, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Jim moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..12,008.61


Noxious Weed………………………………….….259.79

Community Health…………….…..…………….3,954.41

Fire Bequest……………………………..….…..357.65

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………….….…..35.01


Dave explained the drainage situation in the courtyard at the Pioneer Manor.  The landscaping in the courtyard needs built up around the building to allow the water running off the roof to flow to the drainage area.


J C Cantrell discussed the water flooding the road from a sprinkler at intersection of Road 6 and Road K.  Bob will contact the owner of the sprinkler to shut the water down some in order to keep it off the road.


A worker for a gas company asked if the county could grade a road that had been blown shut from sand.


Gary moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 20 minutes from 8:55am to 9:15am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:15am.


Rick Wolters came in to express his appreciation for the County allowing Wolters Construction to receive the bid on the Hospital roofing project.


Ted Heaton came in to update the Commissioners on the Sheriff’s Department.  The prisoner count in down at this time but the out of county prisoners are in the process of getting ready to come to Stevens County.


Tony Martin asked if the Fair Board is included in the County’s Workman’s Comp insurance.


Pam Bensel was asked to call KCAMP and KWORCC to find out if the Fair Board is included in the WC insurance.


Tony Martin came to discuss the Hike/Bike trail.  He had some concerns on the part running by the Fair grounds.  He asked if there were legal issues that needed to be addressed such as easements on the fairground property.


Jan Leonard came in to discuss the Hike/Bike trail. The 80/20 grant needs to be in by the first of August so Jan asked if the County is willing to help fund the 20% of the grant, surveying fee and engineering fee for the Hike/Bike trail. The 20% amount for the grant is $85,000.00; this will be split between the City of Hugoton and Stevens County being $42,500.00 each.


Jan presented a map showing the route for the trail.  The map showed the route going on fairgrounds property.  The decision was to use the present sidewalk at the fairgrounds and the City of Hugoton will maintain it.  The trail will tie in with the safe routes to school project.


Gary moved to agree to pay up to $42,500.00 for the Hike/Bike trail if the grant for the Safe Routes to School is accepted and contingent to the approval of the Fair Board for use of the sidewalk on the fairgrounds.  Dave seconded.  Jim voted no.  Motion carried.


Tony McBride gave an update on the progress of the Pioneer Manor.  The project is approximately 80% finalized.  There are 39 people working on the project at this time.


Tony talked about the landscaping for the courtyards.  Commissioners suggested talking to Ashley Fiss and Linda Stalcup.


Gary discussed a new program for the people on diversion to get their Community Service hours worked out.  The new program would allow the individuals to contact a participant of the program to work out their hours on their own.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


As of July 18, 2011, Robert Rich will no longer serve as the Community Service officer.


Gary moved to start the new program and let the individuals on community service work out their own hours.


Jim discussed the fire truck at Moscow.  The fire department at Moscow asked Mike for more fire hoses and Mike made the decision to not buy more hoses.  Jim will talk to Mike about the situation.


Gary asked about the furnishings at the new Pioneer Manor.  He asked if the County is going to help with the cost of the furnishings.  No decision was made.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




AUGUST 1, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with Dave Bozone and Gary Baker present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:


General…………………………………………………………………. 228,941.64

Road & Bridge……………………………………………………….. 215,678.53

Airport……………………………………………………………………… 5,187.00

Building……………………………………………………………………. 2,979.32

Noxious Weed…………………………………………………………. 24,189.23

Alcoholic Treatment……………………………………………………… 237.50


Community Health…………………………………………………… 28,372.35

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………………………………… 66.31


Dave declared the Stevens County 2012 Budget hearing open at 9:00 a.m.   After no response, Dave declared the hearing closed at 9:10 a.m.


Gary moved to approve the 2012 Stevens County Budget.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Theresa Dasenbrock with Lewis Hooper and Dick LLC explained the “letter of engagement” for the county’s audit and single audit costs.  Dave moved to accept the letter.  Gary seconded.


JC Cantrell came in to discuss his plans for next year’s road projects.


Mike Schechter presented a job description for the Emergency Services Coordinator position which will become available when he retires.  The job opening will be published until August 22, 2011, for applicants.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel for 10 minutes from 9:55am   to 10:05am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:05am.


Sheriff Ted Heaton came in to report on his department.


Bob Wetmore with Great Plains Development, Dodge City, explained the projects, loans and grants available through Great Plains Developments list of programs.  The membership dues for Great Plains development for 2011 are $1,025.00.


Gary moved to pay the membership dues.  Dave seconded.   Motion carried.


Roger Lynch came in to ask if fire ban is still in effect.  The commissioners confirmed the Fire Ban is still effective.


Linda Stalcup, Dave Piper and Rachel Crane to discuss the information they need from the Commissioners on their yearly Medicare enrollment.


They also asked for help with furnishings for the new Pioneer Manor.  It was decided to wait on this decision until all Commissioners were present.


Commissioners then discussed the center section of old Pioneer Manor and grants available to be utilized.


Linda, Dave and Rachel then explained what the hospital is looking at for mandates in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 years.


Christian Knipp came in to discuss various problems with heating and cooling at the courthouse and replacing the current system with a more efficient Mitsubishi Electric cooling and heating solution along with related costs.  Commissioners ask for references and pictures of this product to be emailed prior to next meeting.


Ashley Fiss came in to discuss new Health Department Renovation on North end of old Pioneer manor.  The planned demolition of center section is on hold at this time.


The new Pioneer Manor’s landscaping was discussed.  The sign for the new Manor will be on the corner of 17th and Main Street.


It was discussed if all new employees participate in the Unum-long term care insurance furnished by the County.  Commissioners agreed to allow all new employees this benefit when they start.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman


AUGUST 15, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..45,145.04


Noxious Weed……………………………….….4,097.77


Community Health…………….…..…………….9,760.64

Fire Bequest…………………………………..….20.00


Ashley Fiss came in to report on the demolition of the old Pioneer Manor.


Ashley asked a mechanical engineer, Bryan Ward about the Mitsubishi system for the Courthouse.  He felt a study needed to be done.


Dave moved to do a study for heating and air/conditioning on the Courthouse if the cost does not exceed $5,000.00 for the mechanical and electrical study.


Ashley discussed the remodeling of the North end of the old Pioneer Manor.


J C Cantrell reported that Abengoa had asked for some asphalt and dirt moving.  Commissioners chose not to do dirt work since there is a company in Stevens County that does dirt work.


Dave moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 20 minutes from 9:45am   to 10:05am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:05am.


Terry Lawhon with Landmark Appraisal, Inc came in to give an update on Tom Fuhrmann’s condition.  He is progressing slowly at this time but he will know within 2 to 3 weeks how well his condition has progressed to continue working.  Terry asked for time to allow Tom to progress in rehab.


Terry informed Bob Johnson and the Commissioners that Tom had an email from Mr Miller requesting information.  Terry asked if they would allow Tom 30 days to get the information together for Mr Miller.  The Commissioners agreed to this request.


Greg Bond came in to explain that the law requires surveys for land splits being sold.  At this time as of July 1, 2011 the counties are not required to do anything.  According to SB112 surveyors have to file the actual survey.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:08am   to 10:18am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:18am.


Ted Heaton came in to discuss the light situation at intersection Road D and Highway 25.  There have been 2 serious vehicle accidents at the intersection and he was asking about checking with JC and the State Department again to put a caution light at this intersection.


Ted reported that prisoner count is up at this time.


The Commissioners talked about the WEKANDO railroad project and the cost for each county involved.  There will be further discussion at a later date so no action was taken.


Guy brought in a proposal in the amount of $1386.72 from Pipkins Steam Way, from Liberal, to clean the traffic area of the carpets in each office on each floor of the courthouse.


Dave moved to accept the proposal in the amount of $1,386.72 from Pipkins Steam Way to clean the traffic area of the carpets in each office on each floor of the courthouse.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave opened discussion for the purchase of the new furnishings at the new Pioneer Manor.


Gary moved to pay the total cost of the furnishing bill at the Pioneer Manor being $366,000.00.  Motion dies for lack of a second.


Dave moved to pay $183,000.00 of the $366,000.00 total cost.  Jim seconded.   Gary voted no.

Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 5 minutes from 11:55am   to 12:00pm with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 12:00pm.


Dave moved to ban smoking on courthouse grounds.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman






The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..181,208.38



Noxious Weed………………………………….17,991.36

Alcoholic Treatment……………………………..237.50

Community Health…………….…..……………47,325.33

Employee’s R/R Misc W/H………………….….172.84


Gary moved to go into executive session for possible litigation and non elected personnel for 18 minutes from 8:42am to 9:00am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.


Roger Lynch with Stevens County Planning and Zoning came in to discuss condemning two trailers at Moscow.  Moscow City Council asked if the County would start procedures for condemning and removing two abandoned trailers houses on the South side of town before the City annex’s the area into town.


Commissioners agreed to allow Roger to start the proper procedures for condemning the trailers.


J C Cantrell asked for permission to dig test holes on the new county property by the Stevens County Landfill for cliché.  Bob said he would get back with J C.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 9:50am to 10:05am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:05am.


Mike Schechter brought in an application for his replacement as Emergency Management Director.


Gary moved to go into executive session for replacing of non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:12am to 10:22am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson, Mike Schechter and Ted Heaton present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:22am.


Juan Garcia from the Sheriff’s office came in to discuss a workmen’s compensation claim.  Bob suggested he call the County’s workmen’s compensation agent.  Ted Heaton was present.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 5 minutes from 10:35am to 10:40am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:40am.


Bob Johnson presented the Protective Covenants and Restrictions on the plat for the annexation of the new Pioneer Manor property on the south end of town.


Bob Johnson informed the Commissioners that the Secretary of State approved the redistricting of Commissioner District boundaries.


Paula Rowden came in to discuss the possibility of allowing a social worker counselor come in to work with them on a 3 month trial basis at no cost to the County.  The Commissioners agreed to allow the 3 month trial and Paula will report back at the first of the year.


Tony McBride brought in a change order for the Pioneer Manor that had been missed.  The price increase on the change order would be $37,974.00.  The change order was for the color change to the wall protection under the rails in the hall way.


Gary moved to allow the change order for the different color scheme.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Jim voted no.


Commissioners asked to tour the Pioneer Manor at 1:00pm.


Ashley Fiss presented a fee proposal in the amount of $2,800.00 from the Consultant on the heating and air conditioning of the courthouse.


Dave moved to approve the Consultants contract in the amount of $2,800.00 for the mechanical system review and evaluation on the heating and air conditioning of the courthouse.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The WEKANDO meeting was discussed and there were two resolutions sent to be approved.


Resolution 2011-09 approving to extend the contract to rehabilitate railroad from a period of ten years to thirteen years was presented.


Resolution 2011-7.27 assessing proposed expenses against the member counties was presented.


Jim moved to approve both resolutions 2011-09 and 2011-7.27.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




SEPTEMBER 19, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Jim moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..13,140.84


Noxious Weed…………………………………….266.70

Community Health…………….…………………7,830.33

Employee’s R/R Misc W/H……………..…….….74.52


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 18 minutes from 8:42am to 9:00am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.


Commissioners asked Lori Rome and Ginny Marquis to come in and explain what Landmark Appraisal, Inc does for the County.  They explained the process of the oil & gas and real estate appraisal and how Landmark handles each one.


Roger Lynch came in to discuss Abengoa.  One of Abengoa’s members informed him of how they were doing the housing for the workers on the project.


The Commissioners informed Roger of the Mennonite group wants to put in a subdivision south of town with housing, a school and a church.  They asked if the county would be in charge of the zoning and Roger says it would fall under the city’s jurisdiction because of the three mile radius agreement with the city.  The land in question is S/2 of SW 27-33-37 and SW 22-33-37.


J C Cantrell came in to ask if he could get Road Q between Road 11 and Road 12 and Road 11 to Road P and Road Q ready to asphalt in the spring of 2012.


Gary moved to table the issue of the road at this time.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 20 minutes from 9:55am to 10:15am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson and Rod Kelling present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:15am.


Jim moved to offer Mike Schechter’s job position, at same pay, to Rod Kelling to begin as soon as Rod is able to start work.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dean Roehr, Ron Martin and Robert Veatch came in to discuss the clean up at Lake Russell.  Dean Roehr says the south end is the main part that needs cleaned.  They were very thankful for Wayne Tate trimming the trees and the County Road Department cleaning up the branches.    They asked if a stop sign could be put up on 6th and Cemetery Road.  Robert Veatch said the Lions Club might donate time to pick up trash at the Lake.


Ted Heaton checked in to let the Commissioners know that Simplex has finished their work and the Sheriff’s building is in full running order.


Robert Johnson presented the covenants and restrictions for Lots 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 and 17 of the Prairie Addition within the City of Hugoton.


Dave moved to adopt the covenants and restrictions for Lots 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 and 17 of the Prairie Addition within the City of Hugoton.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Nancy Honig came in to ask if they would be able to have the Extension Council 24 member board election at the same time as the county’s November General Elections.  Pam Bensel will call the Secretary of State’s Office and find out the rules.


Terry Lawhon and Ann Papay came in to give an update on Tom Fuhrmann, Appraiser.  Ann chose to come back, if needed, and help in the appraiser’s office while Tom is recovering.


Terry and Ann explained the method used for the assessment of oil and gas and real estate.  They feel everything is on track for all counties.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 20 minutes from 1:55pm to 2:15am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 2:15pm.


Gary moved to adopt Resolution 2011-10 changing the Commissioner District boundaries within the City of Hugoton.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.

By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




OCTOBER 3, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk, RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes and Paul Soutar, Watch Dog team.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Jim moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..120,956.15



Noxious Weed……………………………………7,908.07


Alcoholic Treatment……………………………..237.50


Community Health…………….…..……………28,676.80

Employee’s R/R Misc W/H……………….….….179.32


Bob Johnson informed the Commissioners; Pete Earles is waiting on the City Planning and Zoning Commission to sign off on the plat for the land east of town.


The Commissioners discussed the burn ban for Stevens County.  There are individuals needing to burn some stubble and trash in the country.


Gary moved to lift the burn ban for Stevens County as of October 4, 2011 for 30 days.  The individual needs to call the Sheriff’s office for date, time and legal before burning.


J C Cantrell came in to inform the Commissioners that the test holes he dug on the county’s property being SE of NE 10-33-37 by the landfill proved to be beneficial.  There is cliché and some good dirt in this area to use for road materials.


J C asked if he could put in a road to the property by the landfill.  It would be Road 14 off of P going ½ mile north.


J C informed the Commissioners that the surveyors for Abengoa were messing up the asphalt on Road 10.  They are cutting squares out and not capping them when they are finished.


Roger Lynch came in to report on the Mennonites possibly building south of town.


Michael Taylor and Steve Hittle came in with some concerns on the restroom at the Lighthouse Fellowship Church/ EMS building.  They have some members in wheel chairs and it is difficult for these individuals to get into the restroom. The Commissioners said to check with Mike Schechter.


Steve asked about transportation for one of the residents at the nursing home that comes to the church.  The Commissioners said to talk to the Nursing Home administrator.


The Commissioners discussed the difference in methodology used in appraising oil and gas by Tom Fuhrmann, Stevens County Appraiser and Jim Verner.


Gary moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 20 minutes from 9:55am to 10:15am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No action taken.  Meeting reconvened at10:15am.


Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners that everything is doing well at the Sheriff’s office.


Gary Baker informed Ted that Kathy Hanks from the Hutchinson news will be here Tuesday, October 4, 2011 to tour the county facilities and asked if he would be available to give a tour of the Law Enforcement Center.


Ted discussed the security in the county with different businesses coming to town.


Karen Yoder called and will send a market analysis on the lots at the South end of town by the Pioneer Manor.

Dave moved to go into executive session for atty/client for 15 minutes from 10:35am to 10:50am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at10:50am.


Gary moved to release the report on the difference of appraising for oil & gas from Richard Miller of California and the final report will be released when received by the Commissioners.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




OCTOBER 17, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..29,975.41


Noxious Weed…………………………………8,745.68

Community Health…………….…..……………..812.12

Employee’s R/R Misc W/H……………….….….70.02


Charlie Wagner came to update the Commissioners on the Silver Haired Legislative session.  He discussed the two laws that the Legislature went over.


Charlie reminded that the Lions Club will pick up the metal pieces at the Lake Russell area.


Jim moved to appoint Dave as the voting delegate for KAC with 1st Alternate – Gary and 2nd Alternate – Jim.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint Jim as the voting delegate for KCAMP with Dave as alternate.  Dave second.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to appoint Gary as the voting delegate for KWORCC with Jim as alternate.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 30 minutes from 8:55am to 9:25am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:25am.


J C Cantrell informed the Commissioners that the attorney representing EOG asked if Road 6, North of Road K, could be cleaned off, where the sand had blown in, and put the salt water dirt on the road.  J C thought this would help the road.


Bob Johnson will check with Chris, attorney representing EOG, about getting a letter from the Commissioners for the approval of putting the salt water dirt on Road 6.


Gary moved to allow EOG to put the salt water dirt on Road 6.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


J C informed the Commissioners that Tom Robb, with Abengoa, asked to have the speed limit lowered from 65 to 55 on Road P, between 10 and 11, going east and west.  Commissioners agreed to allow J C to lower the speed limit.


J C informed the Commissioners that all the County’s black top roads have been striped.


Eunice Schroeder and Bob Eyestone with the Library came in to update the Commissioners on new classes at the Library.  They have continuing educational classes with actual teachers on line.  There are several classes for different languages and certificates for educational uses can be earned.


Eunice asked if the Library could get bids for concrete on the lot between the courthouse and library.  She informed the Commissioners that the Library had funds to pay for the project.


Gary moved to allow the Library to get bids for concrete on the lot between the courthouse and library and then open the bids at a regular Commissioners meeting.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Tony Martin came in to check on the county’s insurance for the Fair Department.  He needs to get insurance coverage for the part that is not covered by the county.  Pam Bensel will check with Tom Job from KCAMP.


The Commissioners discussed the water and sewer line for the lots south of town at the Pioneer Manor site.  Bob will get the utility plat from EBH.


Tony Martin informed the Commissioners that the city planning and zoning regulations state, if a hotel goes in on the lots east of town, the lot should be zoned as B1 and not as I1 for a commercial business district.


Pete Earles brought in some plans of the Stevens County Industrial Park area east of town.  He discussed the sewer and water and showed the Commissioners were the path for the lines would run.


Commissioners asked Pete Earles to get bids for the sewer and water system on just Block 1 and a different bid for all of Block 1 and Lots 1, 2, 8 and 9 of Block 2 to be opened at the November 21 Commissioner meeting at 11:00am.


Gary moved to allow Peter Earles to send out to bid for the sewer and water system on Blocks 1 and 2 to be opened at the November 21 Commissioner meeting at 11:00am.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


The County Commissioners will invite the City Council to come to the November 21 Commissioners meeting at 11:00am for the opening of bids for the water and sewer system on Blocks 1 and 2 in the Stevens County Industrial Park.


Tony Martin, Hugoton City Planning and Zoning inspector, informed the Commissioners that the City would require the County to sign consent for annexation on Block 1 Lot 1 and 2 before allowing a business to come in.


Dave moved to change the zoning code from I1 to B1 for Blocks 1 and 2 in the Stevens County Industrial Park area.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom Fuhrmann, Terry Lawhan and Ann Papay came in to discuss the appraisal of oil and gas in the county.  Lori Rome and Ginny Marquis came in for support of the appraiser’s office.


Terry pointed out the errors in the article from Paul Soutar, Watchdog.  Terry had asked the errors be corrected but they never were.


Terry handed out a report and the Commissioners asked questions about the report.  Terry, Ann and Tom answered their questions.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 30 minutes from 1:25pm to 1:55pm with County Counselor, Robert Johnson, Terry Lawhon, Tom Fuhrmann and Ann Papay present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Commissioners came out of executive session at 1:55pm. Then Gary moved to go back into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 2:00pm to 2:15pm with County Counselor, Robert Johnson, Terry Lawhon, Tom Fuhrmann and Ann Papay present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  No action taken.


Roger Lynch came in to inform the Commissioners about the septic system at the Abengoa site.  Roger Hoffman with KDHE-Kansas Department of Health and Environment informed Roger Lynch that KDHE is working on the regulations for the septic system.


Jim moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 13 minutes from 2:27pm to 2:40pm with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No action taken.


Commissioners agreed to put in an ADA compliant restroom at the EMS building/Lighthouse Fellowship Church.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




NOVEMBER 7, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………………185,041.46



Noxious Weed……………………………………6,397.72

Alcoholic Treatment………………………………237.50


Ambulance Bequest………………………………..43.50

Community Health…………….…..…………….26,714.07


Employee’s R/R Misc W/H……………….…..….108.03


Commissioners discussed taking tables and chairs out of the Memorial Hall.  They agreed to allow other County owned entities to take the tables and chairs out of the Memorial Hall if it is to be used at the other County owned entity.


Dave informed the other Commissioners that Walter McClure asked if the Kiwanis could plant a tree at the new Pioneer Manor.  The Commissioners were all in agreement to allow the Kiwanis group to plant a new tree when it’s time for the landscaping.


Dave informed the other Commissioners that he went with J C Cantrell to look at the dirt and cliché on the SE of NW 10-33-37.  He feels this quarter of ground will supply the materials needed for the roads in the county.


Dave suggested the County sell the NE 2-31-39 and use the other quarter for road material.


Ashley Fiss came in and asked if she could get another company to do landscape drawings for the Pioneer Manor.  Commissioners gave approval for this request.


Ashley Fiss brought in the visual mechanical observation report that was done for the courthouse.  The Commissioners will check it over and decide at a later date if this will be beneficial.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the Cullison contract for the gravel pit with the Commissioners.


J C informed the Commissioners that Russell Jays with Anadarko asked if a duck nest could be put at Russell Lake.  The Commissioners agreed to allow the duck nest.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 9:45am to 10:00am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No action taken.  Meeting reconvened at 10:00am.


Ray Hoggatt, Debbie Nordling, Erick Nordling, Don Concannon, Pat Hall and Jim Kuharic came in to discuss County Counselor issues.


Ray Hoggatt was the first one to address the County Counselor issue.  He feels the County Counselor should live in Stevens County so the tax dollars spent, stay in Stevens County.


Don Concannon expressed his side and feels the County Counselor should live in the community.


Debbie Nordling expressed her side and says there are three law firms in town that has someone capable of handling the position.  She presented wage figures for Paul Kitzke and Robert Johnson given by the County Clerk’s office.


Ray Hoggatt asked for the Commissioners to give a vote on whether or not to reappoint Bob Johnson as County Counselor for the year of 2012.


Dave Bozone said he would like to think about it and talk to Paul Kitzke.


Gary Baker expressed his thoughts on the matter and was in agreement with Dave that the Commissioners should talk about it and make a decision at a later date.


Tony Martin came in to talk to the Commissioners about the water and sewer project in the Stevens County Industrial Park area east of town.


Tony talked about insurance coverage for the Fair board and buildings.


Neal Gillespie and Mark Crawford came in to talk about housing for when the new business, Abengoa, comes in.  There will be approximately 65 full time employees.


Commissioners discussed hiring an engineer to get the utilities started on the lots south of town by the Pioneer Manor.


Neal discussed neighborhood revitalization.


Dale Noyes came in to ask about putting his name on the list to buy a lot east of town, when they are ready.  The Commissioners said there is not a list, but he would be informed when the lots were ready to buy.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 10:55am to 11:10am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  No action taken.  Meeting reconvened at 11:10am.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




NOVEMBER 21, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Jim moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..84,130.88


Noxious Weed……………………………..………12.38

Community Health…………….…..………….10,147.20

Employee’s R/R Misc W/H………….…….….….70.02


Dave moved to go into executive session for attorney/client and land acquisition for 10 minutes from 9:10am to 9:20am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  No action taken.  Meeting reconvened at 9:20am.


Mike Schechter came in to ask about getting bids to replace the burned fire truck.  The cost would run around $90,000.00.


Dave moved to allow Mike to send out for bids on a new fire truck.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike asked if he could donate the old radios and repeater to the amateur radio club in Seward County.  Mike said these items are of no value for commercial use.


The Commissioners asked Mike to give them a letter stating that the radios and repeater have no value for commercial use but the amateur radio club could get some use out of the equipment.


Robert Rich and Elaine Rowden came in to discuss a situation at the Wellness Center.  Robert presented the rules and regulations that were set for the Wellness Center in 1986.


Robert stated he had figured out an exercise program during June, July and August for the kids under 14 and he would be the instructor.


Robert asked what kind of liability coverage the County has on the Wellness Center.


Dave moved to approve the rules for the Wellness Center as written then if there are any corrections or additions to the rules, Robert Rich will come back with the change.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in for the notice of compliance for a road to be open in the County.


No one showed for the hearing to disagree with the opening of Road 14.


Jim moved to allow J C to open Road 14 off of Road P going ½ mile north.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Ted Heaton asked why Stevens County Hospital does not accept the County’s insurance card for Quest Lab.  Gary Baker informed him that the Stevens County Community Health Department accepts the insurance card for Quest Lab.


The meeting with Ray Hoggatt and other concerned citizens was held in the Courtroom on the 3rd floor of the Courthouse at 10:30am.


Ray Hoggatt and other concerned citizens – Jim Kuharic, Doug Mills, Greg Gaskill, O D Littrell, Don Beesley, Roger Lynch, Mae Ray, RoGlenda Coulter (Hugoton Hermes newspaper reporter), Doris Roberts, Lorene Bell, Ronnie Rich, Karen Rich, Helen Farrar, Phillip Willis, Dorothy Hagman, Walt Beesley, Gary Gold, Connie Gold, Pete Hickey, Kristin Farnum, Tony Martin, Arlan Hanquist, Pat Hall, Berneice DeWitt, Tony McBride, Bobby Moss, Frankie Thomas, Barry Angell, Leigh Angell, LaDonna Perry, Elwanda Irwin, Martin Daharsh, J C Cantrell, Rex Evans, Ted Heaton, Debbie Nordling and Erick Nordling came back to ask the Commissioners what their decision was on keeping Robert Johnson as County Counselor.


Each of the Commissioners made a statement.  Dave Bozone said he felt with the information he had that Bob Johnson was still the one for County Counselor at this time.  It would take time for someone else to start in the middle of the projects and get all the information together to feel comfortable to make the decisions needed.


Gary Baker said two weeks ago he felt it was time to let Bob Johnson go as County Counselor but after thinking over the situation, he felt the statement he made was wrong.  He asked the group, is it right to get rid of an employee, just because he doesn’t live in Stevens County.  We the Commissioners still need Bob Johnson as County Counselor to help finish the work that has already been started in Stevens County.


Jim Bell stated he was in agreement with the other two Commissioners, Dave and Gary.  He feels Bob has done a great job serving the County and he knows what is needed at this time, so he is in favor of keeping Bob on as County Counselor.


The concerned citizens that spoke up and stated their opinions were:  Ray Hoggatt, Jim Kuharic, O D Littrell, Don Beesley, Walt Beesley, Barry Angell, Bobby Moss, Greg Gaskill, Gary Gold and Debbie Nordling.


Bob Johnson expressed his thoughts and feelings on the situation.  He is more than willing to serve as County Counselor if the Commissioners decide to keep him or if they choose to let him go and appoint someone else he would be fine with that decision.


Shelby Martin came in to discuss the Wellness Center.  Robert Rich, Elaine Rowden, Tony Martin, Roger Lynch, Lorene Bell, Doris Roberts and Martin Daharsh were also present.


Martin Daharsh asked to allow his son, age 8, to enter into the exercise area at the Wellness Center while accompanied by a parent.  Robert stated the rules say that anyone under the age of 14 is not allowed to enter into the gym area.


Martin asked if they would be willing to change the rules so the kids that wanted to work out could come in.  He felt it was time to move forward and do more for the community.


Bob Johnson said he would check with Tom Job of KCAMP on the liability issues.


Gary moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 11:30am to 11:40am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson, Shelby Martin and Martin Daharsh present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  No action taken.  Meeting reconvened at 11:40am.


Shelby Martin asked if the Commissioners could appoint a board to oversee the Wellness Center issues.


The Commissioners felt that might be an option.


Tony Martin informed the Commissioners he had checked with EBH for plans on the electricity for the new Pioneer Manor.  He was not able to locate them at this time.  He was going to talk to them again.


Jim Bell made a motion to retain Robert Johnson as County Counselor.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 1:15pm to 1:25pm with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.   Meeting reconvened at 1:25pm.


Bob Johnson went out to discuss a personal matter with Guy Rowden.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




DECEMBER 5, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………………266,566.31



Noxious Weed……………………………….……9,063.80

Alcoholic Treatment………………………….……237.50


Community Health…………….…..…………….23,533.02

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H…………..….…..….….70.02


Tony Martin and David Rome, Fair board officers, came in to present a list of names to be approved by the Commissioners for a 3 year term Fair board member for 2012-2014.  The list of names are: Duane Baughman, Don Beesley, Steven Claggett, Shelly French, Gary Gold, Jamie Gold, Nancy Honig, Mark Kerbow, Colby Leonard, Karen McClure, Joshua Morris, Matt Rome and Billy Woodworth.


Dave moved to approve the appointment of names listed above for a 3 year term Fair board members for 2012-2014.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 9:05am to 9:15am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.   Commissioners came out early at 9:11am.


Dave moved to go back into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 min from 9:20am to 9:30am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson and Guy Rowden present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.


Gary discussed the water rights for Abengoa with the other two Commissioners.  Gary says they will have to get clearance from KDOT and all the owners before Abengoa can get water to their site.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss Abengoa.  There were 3 men representing Abengoa at the meeting.  They asked if the County would lower the speed limit to 45 mph on Road P.  J C said he had changed it to 55 mph.  After further discussion, it was decided to lower the speed to 45 mph on Road P for a distance of 1000’ (feet) from each south entrance of the Abengoa site going east and west.


J C informed them he was putting signs up stating, Trucks Entering Hwy, at Road P.


They discussed to abandon the drive into the disposals on Road P by the Abengoa plant.


The Commissioners asked to have stop signs at each entrance/exit for trucks going out of the site.


Jim moved to rescind the previous motion of 55 mph at the Abengoa site on Road P in the October 17, 2011 minutes.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to reduce speed to 45 mph for 1000’ each direction of driveways at the Abengoa site on Road P going east and west.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


J C informed the Commissioners that he had put a locked gate on the property of SE of NE 10-33-37 and no trespassing signs.


Charlie Wagner at 906 S Monroe came in to discuss noon meals at the Senior Citizens Center.  He feels he is being discriminated against because he was told that the Meals on Wheels van would deliver his lunch at his house instead of him coming in.  Charlie said he talked to Paul Kitzke.  He said he just wants the opportunity to eat at the center or at home whichever he chooses.  Bob Johnson said he would talk to Paul Kitzke and Barbara Beeks.


Jill from Russell Childhood Development of Garden City brought in cookies, made by the kids, to show their appreciations for the support the Commissioners have given over the years.


Tony McBride discussed the parking lot on the north side of the courthouse.  He asked if the dump fees at the landfill could be waived for this project.  No decision made.


Tony informed the Commissioners there will be a dedication plaque for the Pioneer Manor.  He asked if they wanted all four Commissioners names on the plaque.  Dave thought O D Littrell and Jim Bell should both be on the plaque.  The other two Commissioners were in agreement to have all four names on the plaque.


Tony brought in change order for Revision #6 for the Pioneer Manor project in the amount of $28,674.00.  Dave moved to pay the change order for Revision #6 for the Pioneer Manor project in the amount of $28,674.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Tony said Ashley is still working on getting the drawings for the landscaping project at the Pioneer Manor.


Tony asked the Commissioners if they were going to have an open house for the public before the residents were moved to the new manor.  Commissioners said they were going to so Bob Johnson will talk to Linda Stalcup for a date and time.


The Commissioners received a letter from Jeff Crawford stating he is not interested in being reappointed on the Economic Development Board.


Neal Gillespie came in to express his thoughts on Jody Whacker as an Economic Development prospective board member.


Trever Stoppel with Earles Engineering and Tony Martin, Hugoton City Planning and Zoning Administrator came in for the opening of bids on the utility improvements at Stevens County Industrial Park.  There were two bids opened:


Middlecreek Corporation                   Schedule A    $354,333.50

Frank Oursler – Peabody, KS            Schedule B     $190,686.50

Total Cost      $545,020.00


Nowak Construction Co Inc              Schedule A     $493,256.90

Deb Jordan – Goddard, KS                Schedule B     $246,901.00

Total Cost       $740,157.90


The Commissioners decided to allow Pete Earles of Earles Engineering to make sure the bids were in order and which one would be the contractor for the job.  Pete Earles called and both bids were in order and the lowest bid from Middlecreek Corporation being $545,020.00 will be the contractor for the job.  The Commissioners were in agreement.


A group of citizens came in to show their appreciation of the Wellness Center and Robert Rich and Elaine Rowden.  The citizens were:  Shirley Dowell, Donna Rotolo, Janet Sutton, Pete Saltzmann, Nina Gooch, Ginger Mostrom, Janice Porter, Leta Walkemeyer and Ruth Farmer.


Ruth Farmer was the spokesperson for the group.  She read a letter expressing the groups’ feelings about the Wellness Center and the staffs’ capability to supply the needs of the community.  The letter was signed by the group of citizens and Ruth says she could get more signatures if needed.  The Commissioners said she could get the rest of the signatures then bring the letter back into the Clerk’s office.


The Commissioners asked each one in the group to introduce themselves and express any thoughts or concerns.


Jody Whacker came in to interview as a prospective board member for the Economic Development Board.  She introduced herself and talked about her business interest.  Commissioners asked her questions about the community and if she had any thoughts or concerns.


Dave moved to appoint Jody Whacker to the Economic Development Board for a 4 year term.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to construct Bob to proceed with the tax foreclosure action on properties that are delinquent on property taxes.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.

Attest:  Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              _________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




DECEMBER 8, 2011


Dave Bozone called a special meeting on December 8, 2011 at 8:30am to talk about the water rights for the Abengoa site.  Members present were Dave Bozone and Gary Baker.  Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Don Concannon.


Gary discussed about Abengoa getting water rights from the Hugoton City well.  Don was representing Barber’s.  Hugoton City was not represented at the meeting. The City’s well is on the NW 20-33-37 and the Barber well is on the SW 20-33-37.  When the City deeded the land to the County, the City reserved ½ of the water rights.  All the parties need to give their consent.


Gary and Don decided to go to the Citizens State Bank to talk to Jack Rowden, Hugoton City Councilman.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman





DECEMBER 19, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with Gary Baker and Jim Bell present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Gary Baker, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order.  Jim moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Jim moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………………83,093.02


Noxious Weed………………………………..……584.15

Community Health…………….…..…………….4,460.91

Airport Grants……………………………….115,830.57

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H…………..….…….….35.01


June Trentham, Karen Rich, Don Trentham, Marilyn Holcomb and Steve Perry with the Stevens County Council on Aging Board, came in to discuss the matter of Charlie Wagner at 906 S Monroe.


June discussed the situation they have at the Senior Citizens Center concerning Charlie Wagner.  They asked what they could do as a board.  Bob told them whatever rules the board has, they should apply to all individuals coming to the Center.  Anyone that does not follow the rules may be asked to leave.


Bob discussed the legal issues for the County’s side of the situation.


Eunice Schroeder and Charlotte Veatch with the Library Board came in to have bids opened for the Courthouse/Library parking lot.  There were two bids for the project.


Wolters Construction LLC

Base bid proposal                         $78,900.00

Alternate #1 Alley Paving              16,300.00

Total                       $95,200.00


McBride Construction Inc

Base bid proposal                         $75,450.00

Alternate #1 Alley Paving              14,300.00

Total                       $89,750.00


The Commissioners decided to allow Eunice to discuss the bids with the rest of the Library Board before making a decision.


Jim moved to end the burn ban as of December 19, 2011.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Jim moved to reappoint Ted Heaton to the Southwest Regional Detention Center Board for 2012.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to adopt the 2012 Holidays as presented.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell and Tom Robb came in to discuss the easement on the county right of way for water rights to the Abengoa site.


Jim moved to grant an easement for Abengoa on the NW and N/2 of SW 20-33-37, so long as the use and placement doesn’t interfere with the use by the Airport of affect any of the grants or FAA regulations.  Abengoa agrees to work with J C and Kim Harper on this location.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike Schechter and Rodney Kelling came in for the opening of bids on a new fire truck.


Hays Fire & Rescue Sales – Hays, KS

Prairie Ranger Quick Attack Brush Truck Unit              $99,663.00

mounted on a 2012 Ford F550 chassis

if agree to pay for chassis ahead of time ($32,892.76)

there will be a $3,000.00 deduction on total for an

amount of                                                                    $96,663.00


Weis Fire & Safety Equipment Co – Salina, KS

Weis Fire Quick Attack 500                                           $87,891.00

mounted on a 2012 Ford F550 Super Duty chassis

if agree to pay for chassis ahead of time there will be

a deduction of $825.00 and $1,000.00 for

participating in Weis Fire Body Pre-Payment

Plan for an amount of                                                $86,066.00


Jim moved to accept the bid from Weis Fire & Safety for a 2012 Ford F550 Super Duty chassis and make payments ahead on the chassis as it is being built, total amount of $86,066.00 for the fire truck.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike brought in the letter that the Commissioners asked him to write stating that the radios and repeater have no value for commercial use and recommending donating the equipment to the amateur radio club.


Gary moved to accept the letter from Mike Schechter and recommends donating these items to the amateur radio operators (ham radio).  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike presented drawings from Ashley Fiss with Fiss Architectural Design to update the restrooms to meet ADA compliance.


Mike presented three letters to the Commissioners to have Rodney appointed to the KS Board of EMS as Emergency Manager and EMS Director for Stevens County and to the Kansas Department of Emergency Management as Emergency Manager for Stevens County effective January 1, 2012.


Gene Leonard presented the 2011 encumbrance letter for Stevens County Solid Waste in the amount of $65,000.00 from the 2011 Solid Waste budget and $40,000.00 out of transfer in the County transfer in the General fund to use for the purchase of a track loader.


Jim moved to allow Gene Leonard to encumber $65,000.00 from the Solid Waste budget and $40,000.00 from the County transfer in the General fund.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Susan Schulte presented the 2011 encumbrance letter for GIS in the amount of $2,000.00 to use for the Magic Symposium meeting in KS City and to pay for travel expenses as KAM Board Secretary.  (if granted this will deplete the GIS budget and there will not be a transfer to the equipment fund)


Jim moved to grant the 2011 encumbrance letter for GIS in the amount $2,000.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Susan explained to the Commissioners that she is getting a new computer.  She has compared to get the best computer for the cost.


Paula Rowden with Stevens County Community Health came in to discuss merit raises.


Gary moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from10:45am to 10:55am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson, Paula Rowden and Pam Bensel present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:55am.


As head of the Department, Paula Rowden will make the decision.


Jan Leonard came in to interview as a prospective board member for the Economic Development Board.  He expressed his views on economic development in the County.  Commissioners asked questions about the community and if he had any thoughts or concerns.


Jan talked about the Hike/Bike trail.  Since the County and City joined together, this put them at the top of the list to be reviewed to receive a grant.  Then, tying back into the safe route to school was also a positive decision.


Commissioners were presented with an agreement from KCAMP for the Rate Stabilization Program.  This is a contribution credit and rate lock for the county for risk management.  It is a three year program.


Gary moved to accept the agreement with KCAMP for the Rate Stabilization Program.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


Jim moved to go into executive session for contract negotiation and attorney/client privilege for 10 minutes from11:15am to 11:25am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:25am.


Kim Harper, Ryan Hamlin and Tron Stegman came in to get permission for Anadarko to use the County right of way on Road 23 for laying a pipe line.


Ryan and Tron asked Bob if he would write a letter of approval from the Commissioners.


Tony McBride came in with Revision #7 on the Pioneer Manor.  The revision consists of exchanging 8 toilets for $1,578.24, large washer for $11,609.00 and new range for $5,841.20 for a total cost of $19,028.44.  No decision at this time, will wait until December 29th meeting.


Linda Stalcup came in to interview as a prospective board member for the Economic Development Board.  She explained her background in business and her interest in the board and community.  Commissioners asked questions and if she had any other thoughts or concerns.


Linda said the Hospital will pay for the new oven out of the Hospital budget if it is necessary.


Tron Stegman and Jan Leonard came in to discuss putting in a RV park.  Roger Lynch discussed the zoning regulations.  The land will need a conditional use permit from agriculture to residential.


Jan said they talked to KDHE about the septic tanks.  Commissioners suggest they talk to an engineering firm for the sewer.


Jan suggested tying into the lift station at the Landfill and the Commissioners were in agreement this idea.


The utilities such as electric and water will be with the City.


Roger gave them several rules and regulations that will need to be met.


Jan and Tron will get the information together and bring it back in at a later date.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman





DECEMBER 29, 2011


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes.  Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge…………………………………..112,624.59


Noxious Weed…………………………….…..……160.21

Community Health…………….…..……………..3,099.44


Employee’s P/R Misc W/H…………..….…….…174.84


Tony McBride came in to discuss Revision #7 for the Pioneer Manor.


Gary moved to accept Revision #7 for the Pioneer Manor.  The revision consists of exchanging 8 toilets for $1,578.24, large washer for $11,609.00 and new range for $5,841.20 for a total cost of $19,028.44.  Dave seconded.  Jim voted no.  Motion carried.


The cost amount for the Pioneer Manor is still under budget by $808,084.00.


Tony updated the Commissioners on the landscape project for the Pioneer Manor.  Tony suggested putting 6” gutters and down spouts in each courtyard.


J C Cantrell checked in but didn’t have any business to conduct.


Dave moved to go into executive session for attorney/client for 15 minutes from 9:10am to 9:25am with County Counselor, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.   Meeting reconvened at 9:25am.


Eunice Schroeder and Charlotte Veatch with the Library Board came in to discuss the parking lot between Courthouse and Library.


Dave moved to accept the bid from McBride Construction for the parking lot/ alley in the amount of $75,450.00 and Alternate #1 Alley paving in the amount of $14,300.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The Library Board is willing to pay for the parking lot but doesn’t have the funds for the alley.  The amount for the parking lot is $75,450.00.


The Commissioners agreed and will pay for the Alternate #1 Alley paving in the amount of $14,300.00 and allow the Library Board pay for the parking lot in the amount of $75,450.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Rodney Kelling presented an encumbrance letter request for 2011 EMS budget in the amount of $20,000.00 and for 2011 Fire budget in the amount of $10,000.00 to go toward the purchase of a new First Response/Command truck.  This will replace the 2002 Ford that currently has 93,000 miles.


Dave moved to allow the 2011 encumbrance letter request from Rodney Kelling in the amount of $20,000.00 EMS budget and $10,000.00 Fire budget.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners that he had to order new computers for the Sheriff’s department.


Dave moved to appoint Jan Leonard to the Economic Development Board.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary let the other Commissioners know that he had talked to Megan Sullivan at Physical Therapy and she is very much in favor of getting a therapeutic pool.  It would be used for a patient that has a Doctor’s order so the medical insurance would help pay expenses.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                        ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman