2009 Commissioner Meeting Proceedings


JANUARY 6, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  O D

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………..75,768.49


Services for Elderly…………………………111,312.50


Employees Benefit…………………………135,963.00

Noxious Weed…………………………………5,570.85

Community Health…………………………..21,205.09

Capital Projects (LEC)……………………..…2,717.28

Fire Bequest…………………………………….354.16


Gary moved to appoint Dave Bozone as Chairman.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint O D Littrell as Vice Chairman.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to appoint the Hugoton Hermes as the official newspaper for Stevens County.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to have Citizens State Bank as the bank depository for Stevens County.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to have First National Bank as secondary depository for Stevens County.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to change the meeting days and time to be the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 8:30am unless Monday is a county holiday then the meeting will be on Tuesday.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Pam Bensel, County Clerk presented the GAAP waiver Resolution 09-01 to be approved and signed.  Dave moved to adopt the GAAP Resolution 09-01.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Tony Martin presented a list of the 2009 Fair Board Members.  Dave moved to approve the Fair Board Members presented.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Tony discussed some of the fairground projects they were going work on for 2009.


Tom Fuhrmann faxed an encumbrance letter for the Appraiser’s office in the amount of $4,839.00 for a new printer.  O D moved to approve the encumbrance letter for the Appraiser’s office.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell brought in a contract with Pioneer Electric Coop in the amount of $4,248.00 for a line extension and electric service/single-phase at intersections of Road D and Road 20 and Road D and Road 12.  Dave moved to accept the contract with Pioneer Electric Coop for an amount of $4,248.00.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


J C discussed graveling Road 6.


Dave moved to go into executive session for contract related issues for 30 minutes from 10:00am to 10:30am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:30am.


Dave moved to accept and execute the contract with Gibson, Mancini, Carmichael and Nelson from Garden City, KS on the new Pioneer Manor project.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave Bozone gave an update on the new Law Enforcement Center project.


Ted Heaton presented an encumbrance letter for the Sheriff’s office in the amount of $8,422.98.  O D moved to approve the encumbrance letter for the Sheriff’s office.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 11:50am to 12:00am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 12:00.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




JANUARY 20, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………..56,177.71




Noxious Weed…………………………………..495.37


Alcoholic Treatment…………………………….237.50

Community Health…………………………….4,868.81

911 Land Line………………………………..…768.61


Tom Fuhrmann came to discuss Jim Verner’s 2006 and 2007 oil & gas taxes.  Jim is contesting some of the statement values.  Tom will file the appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals in Topeka.


O D moved to reappoint Mark Crawford, USD 210 Superintendent to the Southwest Regional Juvenile Detention Center Advisory Board.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Phillip Willis came in to inform the Commissioners that the Landfill needs to incorporate 3.7 acres in the SW 10-33-37 already owned by the County, to pile dirt on.  Bob Johnson will notify the tenant.


Ted Heaton brought in bids for furniture at the Law Enforcement Center.  The bids were from:


KS Correctional Industries from Topeka       $39,813.32

Liberal Office Machines from Liberal           $33,500.00


Dave moved to accept the bid from Kansas Correctional Industries in the amount of $39,813.32 based upon KS Correctional Industries having a complete bid and Liberal Office bid was a partial one using parts of the old furniture.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell informed the Commissioners that the City of Hugoton put the light up at the intersection of Road 20 and Road D.


Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition and litigation for 30 minutes from 9:45am to 10:10am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:10am.


Cathy Wolters and Steve Rome with the Extension Council Board came in to inform the Commissioners since the last Extension agent left the State Extension Council Department has put a hiring freeze on throughout the state.  They are allowed to hire someone if they are transferring.  They tried to get another agent but were unsuccessful.  They asked if the County would be willing to help support an agent.  The State agrees to pay a small amount for a new agent but not enough to hire one.  No decision was made at this time.


Kim Harper came in with a map from FAA showing the restricted areas to not infringe on their guidelines with things such as communication towers.


Mike Schechter and Rick Wolters came in to discuss the building at 424 S Jackson.


O D moved to purchase the building at 424 S Jackson in the amount of $150,000 to house the Stevens County ambulances, training center and offices.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Rick Wolters presented a quote for repairs to the ambulance building project in the amount of $31,734.14.


O D moved to accept the contract with Wolters Construction, LLC to remodel the ambulance building for the purpose of housing the ambulances, training center and offices.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




FEBRUARY 2, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:


General…………………………….……….. 215,952.12

Road & Bridge……………………………….301,127.56


Airport………………………………………..   2,837.17


Noxious Weed………………………………….6,407.24

Community Health……………………………27,054.05

Capital Projects (LEC)………………………142,337.12

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………………2,160.00


Paul Kitzke, County Attorney came in to inform the Commissioners what was going on with the court activities of his department.


Paul agreed to allow Bob Johnson, County Counselor, approve the bills and sign the voucher listing on his behalf.


Dave moved to have Bob Johnson, County Counselor approve the bills and sign the voucher listing.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to go into executive session for contract negotiation and trade secrets for 20 minutes from 9:10am to 9:30am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.


Ted Heaton came in to discuss moving the 911 system from the old sheriff building to the new Law Enforcement Center.  This cost does not include the moving of the radios.  The bid amount was $15,500.00.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the 2008 Annual Report.


There was some discussion on the county policy.  Bob is going to talk to the person from Lewis, Hooper and Dick that helped put the policy together.


Matt Johnson came in to discuss the Pioneer Manor project.  There was discussion of time line and the amount of units in the plans.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




FEBRUARY 17, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:


General…………………………….……….. 63,430.15

Road & Bridge……………………………….54,155.35


Noxious Weed………………………………..1,131.89

Alcoholic Treatment……………………………237.50


Community Health……………………………2,126.29

911 Land Line………………………………..…768.61

Capital Projects (LEC)……………………..…7,821.75




Dave moved to go into executive session for trade secrets with WEKANDO for 30 minutes from 9:10am to 9:40am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Neal Gillespie present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:40am.


Ted Heaton and Rex Evans brought in the final cost for the moving of the 911 system from the old Sheriff office to the new Law Enforcement Center at a cost of $4,017.70.


Tony McBride came in to give an update on the new Pioneer Manor project.


Tony informed the Commissioners that Joel with EBH and Assoc has finalized the engineering services on the street and utility improvements for the Pioneer Manor project.


Alan Riney with Davis Electric came in with Tony McBride.  He talked about their business and the different jobs that they have worked on.  Tony asked to hire Davis Electric to do the electrical part of the Pioneer Manor.


O D moved to allow Tony McBride to retain Davis Electric for the electrical portion of the Pioneer Manor project for pre-construction planning not to exceed $5,000.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Nancy Honig, Steve Rome and Cathy Wolters came in to ask the Commissioners if the county is still willing to help support an agent.  K-State Research and Extension has an agreement that needs to be signed by the County if they are in agreement.


Gary moved to accept the Memorandum for Employment of Extension Agent with Increased Contribution by Local Extension Unit to help support a non transferring employee as an Extension Agent.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Lynn Ashmore with Pioneer Communications came in to explain how the security system would tie together between the Court System and Law Enforcement Center.  The estimate was $6,200.00.


O D moved to accept the surveillance system from Pioneer Communications for new cameras, controller and labor at an approximate cost of $6,200.00.


Guy Rowden came in to ask about getting Diebold of Liberal to do repairs on the vault doors in the Courthouse.  He will get estimates to present to the Commissioners.


Guy asked about having the speakers in the Memorial Hall replaced.  He will get estimates to present to the Commissioners.


J C Cantrell came in to give an update on the Road and Bridge Department.


J C asked if he could update the computer system for the oil distributor unit #324 at a cost of $10,549.78.


O D moved to allow the update on the computer system for the oil distributor in the amount of $10,549.78.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Pete Earles with Earles Engineering came in with an updated plan for the SE 15-33-37, east of town.


Paula Rowden came in with updates on the water damage to the storage building at the Landfill.  She estimated $2,000.00 worth of damage to the contents in the building.


Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners that he was purchasing a new refrigerator, standup freezer and dishwasher from Sears for the Law Enforcement Center.


Mike Schechter came in to discuss a code violation in the Memorial Hall.  O D will contact Guy to not lock the entrance/exit door into the Memorial Hall.


Dave moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 15 minutes from 2:40pm to 2:55pm with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 2:55pm.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




MARCH 2, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge………………………………172,433.62



Noxious Weed…………………………….…..7,345.24

Alcoholic Treatment………………………….…237.50


Community Health…………………………..27,031.45

Capital Projects (LEC)………………………72,019.69


O D moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 30 minutes from 8:45am to 9:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:15am.


Joel McElroy with Artistic Flooring & Concrete Design out of Edmond, Ok came in to inform the Commissioners he had stripped all the flooring at the Law Enforcement Center and the contract is finalized.  He left some cleaning supplies for the janitor to use on the floor.


Ted Heaton and Rex Evans came in to discuss the final stages of the Law Enforcement Center project.


Ted asked if he could have an area behind the LEC with an impound fence.  Tony McBride gave him a quote for this project in the amount of $5,920.00.


Ted brought in two quotes from Jeff Crawford with Yardmaster Lawn & Landscape for the Law Enforcement Center.  The amounts were:     $1,827.50 sod turf grass (fescue) only (4 areas)

$7,606.50 underground sprinkler system

sod turf grass (fescue) (4 areas)

landscape steel edging & fabric

drip line installed

shredded cedar mulch


Dave moved to accept quote from Yardmaster in the amount of $7,606.50 for the underground sprinkler system and sod turf grass at the Law Enforcement Center.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to accept the quote from Tony McBride to fence the area in the amount of $5,920.00.

Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the starting time of the Abengoa project.


J C was asked if he would put a deer crossing sign west of Prairieola Grain Elevators on Road J.


J C informed the Commissioners that he submitted a “Request for Construction Projects Using Recovery Funds 2009” to Larry Thompson, KDOT Engineer for District 6, to use for the Radio Tower Rd-7 miles overlay.  The request would probably be denied since the intentions for these monies are to create new jobs.


Dax Gaskill, A J Owens, Tony McBride and Curtis Howser came in to discuss the aviation fuel system project at the airport.  Due to certain circumstances, Owens Welding is unable to purchase a performance bond and Tony McBride is willing to step in and become the contractor for the project with Owens Welding as the sub contractor.  The Airport board filled out a modification based on the Airport board agreement to use McBride Construction as the contractor and Owens Welding as the sub contractor.


Gary moved to accept the modification based on the Airport board agreement with McBride Construction and Owens Welding.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for possible litigation for 15 minutes from 10:45am to 11:00am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:00am.


Duane Cheney with Western Prairie RC&D, Sherri Martin, Kerri Morris-Supervisor for Soil Conservation and Neal Gillespie came in to update the Commissioners on the accomplishments of the organization for the counties.  Mr. Cheney invited the Commissioners to come to the next Santa Fe Trail RC&D meeting at Lakin.


Alta Pettis came in to ask if the Commissioners knew of anyone that would be interested in being on the Silver Haired Legislative Committee.  They are asking for another volunteer from Stevens County.  Gary suggested asking Charlie Wagner.


Guy Rowden presented an answer from Diebold on the vault doors.  Some of the pins need to be replaced and lift the doors so they will open/close correctly.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




MARCH 16, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………… 61,053.12


Noxious Weed…………………………….…..1,144.79

Hospital Maint………………………………900,000.00

Community Health……………………………2,659.76

911 Land Line…………………………………..768.61


Gary moved to allow any one of the three Commissioners to be able to sign paperwork for the crop insurance and government programs at FSA and Ag 1st Insurance for Stevens County.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go into executive session for contract negotiation for 10 minutes from 8:40am to 8:50am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 8:50am.


Dave moved to advance payment of January, 2010 to now on the water rights to Hegers’, contingent upon execution of a water use agreement.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to appoint Charles Wagner to the Silver Haired Legislative committee.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came and gave updates on the Road & Bridge Department.


Ted Heaton came in and gave updates on the Law Enforcement Center building.  There are some final details that need taken care of before the County accepts the building.


The open house for the Law Enforcement Center was Saturday, March 21, 2009 from 9:00am to 12:00pm.


Gary Dick with Dick Construction came in discuss the final details of the Law Enforcement Center.


Gary moved to accept the trade off of the change order in the amount of $17,196.00 for liquidation damages.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Roger Lynch came in with questions on the Wind farm Project.  He had been to a wind farm meeting and asked if Stevens County was still getting its wind farm.


Roger had received a letter from the State on Jim French’s salvage yard.  The letter stated there was 30 day compliance before taking action.


Roger asked for a request to start proceedings for abandonment on 5 trailer houses at Moscow to have them condemned and moved.  He is still trying to find out the owners of the trailers.


Amy Davidson and Lorie Christensen with the Moscow Recreation came in to ask for monies needed to replace score boards ($7,500.00 each) at the ball fields and possible repairs on the Moscow swimming pool.


Amy said that First National Bank would donate $7,500.00 but they wanted their name on both signs.  The Commissioners suggested asking the Parsons Trust Fund, Pepsi Cola Company or Coca Cola Company.  The Commissioners told them to come back in after they check out these other sources.


Amy says they have some monies but they want to build a new Recreation Building sometime in the near future.


The Commissioners talked to Galen Hancock about the computer backup system for the Courthouse.  He found a system for $8,000.00 plus hook up with a 5 year warranty.


Gary moved to allow Galen Hancock to purchase the computer backup system with the 5 year warranty in the amount of $8,000.00.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to accept the bid from McBride Construction in the amount of $5,126.00 for concrete work around the Courthouse.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


The Commissioners agreed to revise the nepotism policy in the Stevens County handbook.  Page 7,

Section C-6.


Vincent Mancini and Ashley Fiss came in to discuss the Pioneer Manor project.  The Hospital Board asked if they could add 4 more rooms to the Alzheimer unit being 2,000 square feet and a new addition, North wing, with 20 rooms being approximately 14,851 square feet.  Vince presented a drawing for the proposal.


Dave moved to have the architect Vincent Mancini get 2 bids one with the addition of 2,000 square feet to the Alzheimer unit and then the other bid with the Alzheimer unit and the new addition, North wing, being approximately 14,851 square feet.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 7, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………..143,874.69



Emp Benefits………………………………….1,872.00

Noxious Weed…………………………….…..7,575.08

Road Machinery…………………………..…62,914.32

Alcoholic Treatment…………………………….237.50

Insurance Agency-Damages………………..…1,618.71

Community Health…………………………..32,581.43

Spec Law Enforcement TR…..…………………311.90

Capital Projects (LEC)……………………..267,273.53

Emp P/R Misc W/H……………………………1,740.41


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 9:05am to 9:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:15am.


O D reported that the EMS building had to spray insulation in the ceiling to repair cracks in the roof for a cost of $10,000.00.


The Commissioners discussed markers for the towers and guideline wires under 300 ft or 100 ft.  No decision was made at this time.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the demolition of the old Sheriff building.  The bidding procedure was tabled at this time.


J C asked when the dirt work for the new Pioneer Manor project will begin.  He will be starting on the road repairs in a few weeks.  The Commissioners said to check with Tony McBride.


J C reported he had to replace a light that was shot out on Second Street-Road D.


John Deere asked if the Road & Bridge Department could fix the drive at their business.  The Commissioners decided there are businesses in town that does this type of work so they don’t want to compete with them.


Ted Heaton came in to update on the progress of moving into the Law Enforcement Center.


Gary moved to give $150,000.00 to the Hugoton Municipal Golf Course for the continuing expansion of an 18 hole course.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




APRIL 20, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………..26,805.41



Noxious Weed…………………………….…….77.94



Insurance Agency-Damages…………………3,611.46

Community Health…………………………..1,820.68

Fire Bequest…………………………………….107.71

911 Land Line………………………………….776.79

Capital Projects (LEC)……………………..…6,653.70


O D moved to go into executive session for contract negotiations for 15 minutes from 8:50am to 9:05am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:05am.


The Commissioners discussed getting bids for the roof on the extension building.  Dave moved to pursue having Ashley Fiss put a bid package together for a roof on the extension office building.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in and informed the Commissioners that Ron Heger with the Stevens County Racing Association asked if the County could fix the pit area of the track.  No decision was made at this time.


J C talked to the insurance man about the roof on the Road & Bridge Shop area.  He says to get two bids and turn them in to the insurance.


After looking at the old Sheriff building, the Commissioners told J C to go ahead with the bids on the demolition of the building.


Ted Heaton came in to report they were on the final stages of moving into the new building.  They will be completely out in a week or two.


O D moved to go into executive session for contract negotiations for 15 minutes from 9:25am to 9:40am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.


Jack Rowden came in to ask for reappointment on the Economic Development Board.  Dave moved to reappoint Jack Rowden to the Economic Development Board.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


The Commissioners received a letter from Shawnee County stating Stevens County is one of twenty counties that have been underpaid pursuant to the Special City/County Highway Fund established by K.S.A. 79-3425c.  These counties were paid back for 3 years.  Shawnee County Commissioners has authorized their County Counselor to pursue legal action against the State of Kansas for the six years that reimbursement was not made.  They are willing to advance our claim at the same time they pursue Shawnee County’s claim.  All expenses will be received if money is recovered and if no money is recovered, Shawnee County will pay the expenses.


O D moved to join Shawnee County with the other counties to file claim in the legal action to recover past due fuel tax funds from the State of Kansas.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




MAY 4, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………………..144,072.61

Airport………………………………………… 3,467.17


Employees Benefit………………………………336.04

Noxious Weed…………………………….…..7,062.00

Alcoholic Treatment………………………….….237.50

Community Health……………………….….25,432.96

Capital Projects (LEC)……………………..…1,250.26


Kim Schroeder came in to discuss storage space for the District Court.


J C Cantrell came in with bids for the demolition of the old Sheriff building.  The bids are from

Metcalf Trucking, Inc in the amount of $12,500.00 and Pete Woods Excavating in the amount of



O D moved to accept the bid from Metcalf Trucking, Inc in the amount of $12,500.00 for the demolition of the old Sheriff building.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C had a bid quote from American Implement for a John Deere 7330 Standard tractor in the amount of $70,160.40 with a 1997 John Deere 7710 tractor to trade in for $29,000.00 bringing the bid quote to $41,160.40.


The Commissioners asked J C to get at least one or two more bids.


Ted Heaton came in and reported that two of the flashing lights had been shot out on Road D.


Ted informed the Commissioners that the Sheriff’s office is getting ready for the auction to sale the older furniture that was left over from the old Sheriff building.


Sherri Martin with Soil Conservation brought in the 2009 budget.  They are asking for $32,020.00.


Sherri reported that on May 11, 2009 at 7:00pm at the Library there is a Santa Fe RC&D meeting if they were interested in going.


O D moved to go into executive session for litigation for 20 minutes from 10:30am to 10:50am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson, Appraiser, Tom Fuhrmann and Terry Lawhon with Landmark Appraisal present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:50am.


The Commissioners opened bids for the spraying of some of the county buildings.  Due to the bid process of the companies, the bids will be redone and reopened at the next meeting.


Ron and Millie Heger with the Stevens County Racing Association came in to ask for help from the County.  The pit area is dirt and they asked if the County could asphalt part of the pit area to help with the blowing of the dirt.  No decision was made at this time.


Mike Schechter and Richard Barnes came in to inquire about Southwest Incident Management Team using space on the Fire Departments radio tower and to use the office in the Fire Department for meetings.


O D moved to allow the Southwest Incident Management Team to use space on the Fire Departments radio tower and have meetings in their meeting room.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Nathan Holman with United Prairie Ag came in to discuss moving their anhydrous plant to the

Stevens Industrial Area, west of town.  The Commissioners agreed this would be a good move.


Ted Heaton came in to ask for two more pickups.


Alvin Riley came in with a bid for a 2009 Silverado 1500 4WD Ext Cab LT1 Pickup in the amount of $21,448.03 for the Sheriff office with trade in 2006 Ford F150 Pickup.


O D moved to accept the bid from Riley Chevrolet Buick, Inc in the amount of $21,448.03 for a 2009 Silverado 1500 4WD Ext Cab LT1 with trade in 2006 Ford F150 Pickup.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Roger Lynch came in to discuss the radio tower that is going up one mile east of town – SW corner of SW/4 of 11-33-37 on Keith Peachey’s land.  The county is requiring all guy line wires and the top of the towers to be marked regardless of the height.


O D moved as of May 4, 2009, there is to be proper marking on guy line wires and lighting of towers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Bob Johnson will have a resolution for the proper markings of towers at the next meeting.


Gary moved to accept bids for the sale of the radio tower from the old Sheriff’s office.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary made the motion that as of May 4, 2009 anyone that is hired after this date will not be eligible for the County’s insurance benefit of working 20 consecutive years and then retiring with the option of staying on the County’s insurance for a cost of $250.00.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Paula Rowden came in to inform the Commissioners that she feels the flu situation is under control in this area.  The medical staff seems to have everything in order.


Paula informed the Commissioners the new bus will be coming in June, 2009.  The federal grant will be $38,000.00 and the County pays 20% ($6,000.00) of the purchase price.


Rick Wolters came in to ask about the bidding for the Extension Council building roof.


Dave moved to go into executive session for contract negotiations for 10 minutes from 3:55pm to 4:05pm with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 4:05pm.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




MAY 18, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….……..49,402.89


Noxious Weed……………………………..…..125.92

Insurance Agency-Damages………………….6,801.00

Community Health……………………….….3,843.01

Airport Grants………………………………..1,200.00

911 Land Line…………………………………..776.79

Capital Projects (LEC)……………..………..…685.64


Ashley Fiss came in to discuss the roof on the Extension Council building.  The Commissioners asked her to get a bid package together for a general contractor do the project.


Bids were opened for spraying the different entities in the County.

Hi Plains Pest Control                  $360.00 monthly

General Pest Control                     $629.30 monthly

Rine Exterminating, Inc                $525.00 monthly

Southwest Pesticide Inc                $410.00 monthly

Orkin Pest Control                        $533.00 monthly


Dave moved to accept the bid from Hi Plains Pest Control in the amount of $360.00 a month for spraying the County entities.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in with another bid for a tractor to finish the bid process from last meeting.

American Implement – John Deere 7330 Standard tractor in the amount of

$70,160.40 with a 1997 John Deere 7710 tractor to trade in for $29,000.00 bringing the

bid quote to $41,160.40


Keating Tractor & Equipment – John Deere 7330 Standard tractor in the amount of

$78,000.00 with a 1997 John Deere 7710 tractor to trade in for $34,000.00 bringing the

bid quote to $44,000.00


O D moved to accept the bid from American Implement for a John Deere 7330 Standard tractor in the amount of $41,160.40.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C presented the 2010 Road and Bridge budget in the amount of $4,482,500.00


Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners about the auction for the left over furniture from the old Sheriff building.


Ted said the demolition crew will be here this week to start tearing down the old Sheriff building.


Tony McBride came in to discuss the Pioneer Manor project.  He will be working on the zoning changes with the City for the area of land needed at this time.


Tony will be taking bids on May 28, 2009 for the set up work for the project such as: curb & gutter, waterlines, building pads, parking lot.


The County will be taking care of the builders risk insurance through the County’s insurance company, KCAMP for the building of the new Pioneer Manor.


Ron and Millie Heger came in to discuss the race track.  They brought in another quote for a restroom at the track.


The Commissioners asked if they talked to Chuck Oldaker with KDOT about getting some of the asphalt millings from the State Department for the pit area.  The County’s millings are already being used.


Neal Gillespie came in and is willing to talk to Chuck Oldaker about using some of the millings for the race track.


Neal Gillespie came in to talk about new businesses in the County.  The Economic Development Board is checking into an upscale hotel to come into the County to attract the tourist passing through.  He asked if the County would pay for a feasibility study.


The Commissioners agreed to pay for the study if the County owned it and could use it at a later time.


Kim Harper came in to discuss land acquisition.


Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition and contract negotiations for 20 minutes from 11:30am to 11:50am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Kim Harper present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:50am.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




JUNE 1, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Dave

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….……..186,968.50



Noxious Weed…………………………….….32,677.65

Alcoholic Treatment……………………….…….237.50

Community Health………………………..….38,617.28

Airport Grants…………………………………….60.00

Capital Projects (LEC)……………..…………44,921.92


A bill was presented to the Commissioners for the County fireworks display insurance.  The bill was from J & M Displays in the amount of $620.00.  O D moved to approve the paying of the bill from J & M Displays in the amount of $620.00 for the fireworks display insurance.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Larry Sharp with KCAMP came in to discuss the County’s insurance policies.  He updated the Commissioners on what types of insurance that the policies cover.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the summer road projects for the Road & Bridge Department.


Jim Karlan with Southwest Guidance Center came in to present the 2010 budget in the amount of $47,277.00.


Eunice Schroeder, Annette Sosa and Laura Hines-Hull came in to present the 2010 Library budget in the amount of $495,461.60.


Eunice informed the Commissioners about the water coming in the South door of Library.


Eunice asked if the Library could use the exercise pad and the Commissioners agreed.


Tony McBride and Ashley Fiss came in to open bids for Pioneer Manor:


Dirt work – Metcalf Trucking – $187,200 with Alternate bid of $23,104 for North Wing

Utilities: Water, Sewer & Lift Station – King Enterprises – $197,599.62

Street Improvements – McBride Construction – $100,178.00

Parking Lot – McBride Construction – $381,454.00


Dave moved to accept bids that were proposed by Tony McBride including the Alternate bid.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Neal informed the Commissioners that stimulus monies are available for the projects.


Neal Gillespie came in with a copy of an agreement from Spurrier Consulting for a feasibility study.  The study will determine class, size and continue with amenities for a limited service hotel to be located in Hugoton, KS.  Dave moved to have Spurrier Consulting continue with the feasibility study and the County will own the study when it is completed.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Dorothy Hagman came in to voice her opinion of the feasibility study.  She feels the County should not help fund a study for a private entity.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman





JUNE 15, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Dave

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….………84,345.30


Noxious Weed…………………………….……7,176.07

Insurance Agency…………………………….57,529.68

Community Health………………………….….5,711.52

Fire Bequest……………………………………..111.90

Airport Grants……………………………..…34,785.66

911 Land Line……………………………………776.79

Capital Projects (LEC)……………..…………36,781.04


Tony Martin and Theresa Knier came in to present the 2010 Fair budget in the amount of $113,500.00.


Dave Bozone opened the public hearing meeting at 9:00am to change the parcel SW SW 11-33-37 owned by Keith Peachey from agricultural land to conditional use land for a radio tower.  Roger Lynch, Keith Peachey and Bryne Sullins were present.  Roger reported that the lines will be marked State and County regulations (FAA regulations).  He also informed the Commissioners that the Planning and Zoning Board agrees to the conditional use permit.  Dave closed the hearing at 9:15am.  Gary moved to change the land parcel SW SW 11-33-37 from agricultural to conditional use.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to go into executive session for litigation for 10 minutes from 9:20am to 9:30am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:30am.


J C Cantrell came in and reported on the progress of the road projects.  They are working on Road Y at the present time.


Kim Harper presented the 2010 Airport budget in the amount of $339,960.00.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:15am to 10:25am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Kim Harper present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:25am.


The City sent a letter in reference to the billing for dispatching at the Sheriff’s office for all City and County incidents reported.  There was a discrepancy in the billing and the City is to be refunded the difference.


Robert Rich was asked to come in for a Community Service issue.  Robert explained the incident and Paul Kitzke, County Attorney and Robert Johnson, County Counselor agreed with Robert.


Paul Kitzke explained how diversion cases and County issues work.


Mark Hinde with Southwest Development Services presented the 2010 budget in the amount of $33,347.00.


Deana Berry with Russell Childhood Development presented the 2010 budget in the amount of $22,394.90.


Nancy Honig brought in two quotes for a new stove at the 4H building. One was from Golden Light Equipment Co for a Range, 60” Restaurant, Gas

Southbend Model No 45603DD-3GR

Cost $6,144.00


Range, 60” Restaurant, Gas

Imperial Model No IR-4-G36

Cost $5,404.00


The other quote was from Denver Cutlery Inc for 60” Range w/4 burners

Cost $5,225.36


Dave moved to accept the quote from Golden Light Equipment Co for the Imperial Model stove in the amount of $5,404.00.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Jerry Hull came in to inquire about purchasing the 140’ self supporting radio tower from the old Sheriff’s office for the area farmers to be put up west of town.  Gabe Baeza explained what purpose the tower would serve for the farmers.


Commissioners informed them the County needs to have sealed bids for the radio tower.  They will open any bids received on July 6, 2009 at 10:30am.


Gene Leonard presented the 2010 Noxious Weed budget in the amount of $290,985.00, 2010 Solid Waste budget in the amount of $327,570.00 and 2010 Rodent Control budget in the amount of $1,700.00.


Gene Leonard presented the Stevens County Solid Waste Management Plan. The plan is necessary to establish and maintain desirable and adequate solid waste management practices, agreeable to the health of the citizens and to the quality of the environment.


There is a public hearing set to adopt the Solid Waste Management Plan at the next Commissioners meeting on July 6, 2009 at 10:00am.


Gene talked about spraying the County right of ways.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman




JULY 6, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….……..597,618.41


Airport……………………………………… ..85,737.17

Services for Elderly………………………… ..87,312.50


Noxious Weed…………………………………13,517.21


Hospital Maint………………………….……900,000.00

Alcoholic Treatment……………………………..237.50

Community Health………………………..….30,647.69

Fire Bequest…………………………………….3,324.65

Airport Grants…………………………………13.239.09

Capital Projects (LEC)……………..………………405.85

Reg of Deeds Tech Fund……………………….1,464.00

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………………..……..804.99


O D moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 9:00am to 9:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:15am.


Tony McBride came in to update on the progress for the Pioneer Manor project.


J C Cantrell came in to report on the progress of the County road work.


J C informed the Commissioners that the Hugoton Cemetery Board wants the Road & Bridge to asphalt another street for them.  The cost would be $16,500.00.


Dave moved to do the street at the Cemetery and be reimbursed by the Hugoton Cemetery Board at a cost of $16,500.00.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


J C informed the Commissioners that he was approached for the County to fix the Moscow Airport strip since it is County owned.  J C figured it to cost $60,500.00 for a 2” lift and $44,000.00 for a

1 ½” lift.


The Commissioners decided to table the Moscow Airport strip project at this time.


Dave moved to open the hearing at 10:00am for the 5 year Solid Waste Management Plan with Gene Leonard present.  The hearing was closed at 10:05am.


Dave moved to adopt Resolution 09-03 for the 5 year Solid Waste Management Plan.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


The Commissioners received a letter from the Southwest Agency on Aging stating the County needs 2 appointments to the board.  Gary volunteered to ask some individuals if they would be interested in serving on the board.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:35am to 10:45am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.   O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:45am.


Bids were opened for the self supporting radio tower from the old Sheriff’s office.  Bids were received from Jerry Hull for $2,502.00 and Mike Willis Farms for $2,025.00.  O D moved to accept the bid from Jerry Hull in the amount of $2,502.00.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Selia Crawford & Karen Reynolds with the Sunflower Plaza Housing Authority Board came in with Frankie Thomas to ask for help with replacing some of the courtyard lights.  Seven of the lights had hail damage and it will cost $8,000.00 for 12 lights.


O D moved to buy 12 lights up to $8,000.00 plus pay for labor up to $8,000.00.  The bills need to be turned in to the County Clerk’s office.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Neal Gillespie brought in copies of the feasibility study, on a new hotel, for the Commissioners to look over.


Tom Fuhrmann brought in the Appraiser contract for reappointment.  The State needed a Resolution signed for the reappointment.


Dave moved to reappoint Tom Fuhrmann as Stevens County Appraiser for a 4 year term and approved Resolution 09-04 stating the reappointment of Tom Fuhrmann as Stevens County Appraiser for a 4 year term.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Stanley McGill and Gladys Renfro with the Historical Museum presented the 2010 budget in the amount of $95,000.00.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________                                                                                            Dave Bozone, Chairman





JULY 7, 2009


A special meeting was called with the auditors at 8:30am on July 7, 2009 for an audit and budget workshop.  Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and O D Littrell were present.  Also present was Pam Bensel, County Clerk.


Theresa Dasenbrock and Charles Claar with Lewis, Hooper and Dick of Garden City, KS   explained the 2008 County audit and reviewed the 2010 County budgets with the Commissioners.


Theresa discussed a Charter Ordinance for a petty cash fund for Paula Rowden.  Bob needs to prepare an ordinance.


O D moved to adopt Resolution 09-05 expressing the property taxation policy of the Board of Stevens County Commissioners with respect to financing the 2010 annual budget for Stevens County.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





JULY 20, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….……240,043.48


Employees Benefit……………………………2,084.37

Noxious Weed…………………………….  .17,999.87

Insurance AgencyDamages…………………….999.50

Community Health…………………………….6,608.15

Airport Grants…………………………….…50,472.99

911 Land Line………………………….…….1,080.72



Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 9:06am to 9:16am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Roger Lynch present.   O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:16am.


Robert Rich came in to discuss getting 2 middle sized fans to put by the treadmill for the Wellness Center.


Robert asked if he could sale the portable coolers that were purchased several years ago.  The Commissioners informed him there needs to be sealed bids and brought to the County Clerk’s office to be opened at the next meeting.


J C Cantrell presented a breakdown of the total cost of repairs for the Radio Tower Road.  The total cost was $1,654,928.28.


J C said Eileen Gregg asked if the County would be interested in buying the lot south of the Road & Bridge Shop.  The lot is 200’ x 200’ with a large metal building on it for a price of $90,000.00.

No decision was made at this time.


Alejandra Juarez with Blue Cross-Blue Shield brought in the 2008 Annual Corporate Report.

She reported there are many different issues being negotiated.


George Bushnell and Larry Davis with Pioneer Electric Cooperative of Ulysses came in to discuss purchasing right of ways, if necessary, from the County to put up new electric lines.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




AUGUST 3, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with O D Littrell and Gary Baker present.  Also present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Vice Chairman O D Littrell called the meeting to order.  Gary moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….………407,533.42



Noxious Weed………………………………..23,642.97

Alcoholic Treatment……………………………..237.50

Community Health…………………………….29,025.66


Fire Bequest……………………………………….48.92


O D Littrell opened the Budget Hearing meeting at 8:30am.  No one from the public showed up.

O D closed the hearing at 8:45am.


Gary moved to accept the County budget as published in the Hugoton Hermes.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 10 minutes from 8:50am to 9:00am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.   O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.


Sealed bids were opened at 9:00am for two 36” port-a-cool portable evaporative cooling units from the Wellness Center.  Three bids were brought in:


G + Ag – Greg Grewell   $1,850.00 each

C T Machine Shop – Tom Oder   $410.00 each

Esteban Garcia – $126.85 each


Gary moved to accept the bid from G + Ag for $1,850.00 each.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Greg Grewell was contacted about the bid and he miss understood the bid statement in the paper.  He thought the County wanted to buy two port-a-cooler units and offered to sale them two for $1,850.00 each.  So the move to accept the bid from G + Ag was rescinded.


O D moved to accept the bid from C T Machine Shop for $410.00 each.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell and Alan Bultman came in to discuss the sale of the land and building for BCI Mfg in the Stevens Industrial area west of town.  Alan brought in an appraisal report.  The 6A of land and building was appraised at $670,000.00 and with all other personal property items the amount would be $850,000.00.  No decision made at this time.


Mike Schechter and Susan Schulte came in to discuss the 911 Mapping Project.  The County has a contract with Allied Information Solutions-Jim O’Loughlin, signed February, 2007 for a 13 month period in the amount of $42,500.00.  The amount of $18,750.00 has been paid and the county still owes $23,750.00.  Mike is not in agreement to pay Allied Information Solutions the remaining amount until they have fulfilled the agreement.


Bob Johnson, County Counselor will write a letter to Jim O’Loughlin with Allied Information Solutions and ask him to come to the next Commissioners Meeting on August 17, 2009.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




AUGUST 17, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor and Pam Bensel, County Clerk.  Chairman Dave

Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary

seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various

funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…..…177,570.92


Noxious Weed……………………………..  .26,074.86


Community Health……………………………13,868.67

Fire Bequest…………………………………..…110.00

911 Land Line………………………….……..1,080.72


Capital Projects (LEC)…………………………240.00


O D moved to appoint Connie Slemp, as the West Center Cemetery Board Member, to fulfill the unexpired term of Phillip Norton.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to appoint Gary as the voting delegate for KAC with Dave as 1st alternate and O D as 2nd alternate.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


Connie Gold came in to discuss the possible date for the County’s tax sale.


J C Cantrell came in to update on the Road & Bridge Department.  They have started working on the streets for the new Pioneer Manor project.


Gary moved to approve Resolution 09-06 for the continuation of authorizing the imposition of a telephone user tax for the operation of an enhanced 911 Emergency telephone service in Stevens County, KS.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Mike Schechter and Susan Schulte came in to discuss 911 addressing.  The contract with Allied Information Solutions, Inc is being reviewed.  Bob Johnson sent a letter to Jim O’Loughlin with Allied Information Solutions, Inc with notice to terminate and allowed a 10 day reply or the contract will be cancelled.  A decision is pending the reply from Jim O’Loughlin.


Mike will be checking with State to find out if the grant monies funding the project will still be available if another company continues the project.


Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners the Sheriff’s office is going well with a few minor issues.


Ralph Stoddard came in to ask if the County Weed Department could spray a 3 mile area of cockleburs on Road 14, south of highway 54.  They will contact Gene Leonard to address this matter.


A list of the 2010 holidays was reviewed.  The County policy will be amended by a motion from Dave to accept the 2010 list with the removal of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Paula Rowden came in to discuss a situation at the Stevens County Community Health Department.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 11:05am to 11:20am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson and Paula Rowden present.   O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:20am.


Nancy Honig, Extension Agent came in to introduce Joshua Morris, the new Ag Agent for Stevens County, to the Commissioners.  He talked about some of his ideas he had for the community as the new agent and asked if they had any concerns for him.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





AUGUST 25, 2009


A special meeting was called to order by Dave Bozone, Chairman of the County Commissioners at 7:00pm on August 25, 2009.  Dave opened the floor for discussion of a resolution for WEKANDO approving funding to the Western Kansas Development Organization for its obligations under a contract to rehabilitate railroad for five years, commencing in project year 2010 and continuing through project year 2014, to assist in the rehabilitation of the Cimarron Valley Railroad.  Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and O D Littrell were present.  Also present were Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Ruthie Winget for the Hugoton Hermes.


Gary moved to approve Resolution 09-07 approving funding to the Western Kansas Development Organization for its obligations under a contract to rehabilitate railroad for five years, commencing in project year 2010 and continuing through project year 2014, to assist in the rehabilitation of the Cimarron Valley Railroad.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman






The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…..….240,813.32



Noxious Weed…………………………………..7,389.10

Alcoholic Treatment………………………….…..237.50


Insurance Agency Damages……………….….26,977.76

Community Health……………………………..54,641.74


Gary moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel and litigation for 20 minutes from 8:40am to 9:00am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.   O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:00am.


Neal Gillespie came in to discuss some recovery bonds that State has allocated to Stevens County in the amount of $17,000.00.  After some discussion, the Commissioners chose to waive the allocation of the recovery bonds in the amount of $17,000.00.


O D moved to waive the allocation of the $17,000 worth of bonds due to the expense it would take to get them together and so they chose to allow State to reallocate the bonds to help other counties with their projects.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell presented the total cost of two projects.  The new Pioneer Manor project road cost $107,931.97 and the road at the Cemetery cost $28,231.04 with reimbursement from the Cemetery Board of $28,231.04.


O D moved to allow EOG gas company to drill a gas well on the airport property NW 20-33-37W.  Commissioners signed a Surface Damage Agreement.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Ted Heaton and Rex Evans came in with a bid from Riley Chevrolet Buick, Inc for a 2009  Chevrolet Silverado 4×4 Ext Cab less trade difference of a 2006 Chevrolet 1500 PU and 2007 Ford F150 PU.  With trade difference the amount was $10,548.03.


Gary moved to accept the bid from Riley Chevrolet Buick Inc for a 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 4×4 Ext Cab less trade difference in the amount of $10,548.03.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Ted discussed the 911 system at the Sheriff’s office.  He says it is still in working order but will need to be upgrade in the near future.


Tony McBride, Vincent Mancini and Ashley Fiss presented product material that will be used on the outside of the new Pioneer Manor project and copies of drawings for each section of the building.


Tony McBride says the bid packages for some areas of the project will be ready to send out by September 18, 2009.


Gary moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel with Matt Johnson and Linda Stalcup for 20 minutes from 10:50am to 11:10am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to go back into executive session for another 10 minutes from 11:10am to 11:20am.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:20am


Mike Schechter and Susan Schulte came in to discuss the 911 addressing.  Mike informed them due to a mixup with a letter sent out and Jim O’Loughlin will be at the next meeting on September 21, 2009.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





SEPTEMBER 21, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…..….5,645.16


Noxious Weed……………………………….6,127.40

Community Health……………………………3,994.51

911 Land Line…………………………………1,080.72



Kim Harper came in to have paper work signed for a grant to help construct the parallel taxiway at the airport.


Dave moved to start meeting at 8:00am till 9:00am on October 5, 2009 to meet with all department heads.  O D seconded.   Motion carried.


Carl Eyman with KWORCC presented a 2nd place plaque to the Commissioners for exceptional loss ratios for 2007 by premium size.


J C Cantrell gave a report on his department, Road & Bridge.


The Commissioners asked J C to get bids for cement work on the sidewalk in front of the old sheriff building.


Ted Heaton came in to inform the Commissioners that he has started in house cooking for the prisoners.


Ted says he is checking into different phones that will work inside the new Law Enforcement Building.


Kim Harper asked that the Commissioners reappoint Bob Passmore, Shannon Crawford and Dax Gaskill on the Airport Board.
O D moved to reappoint Bob Passmore as of September, 2009, Shannon Crawford as of October, 2009 and Dax Gaskill as of October, 2009 to a 4 year term as members of the Airport Board.


Gary moved to pass Resolution 09-08 to help mobilize opposition to a decision to list the Black-tailed Prairie Dog as an endangered species.  O D Littrell seconded.  Motion carried.


Jim O’Loughlin with Allied Information Solutions, Inc informed the Commissioners about where the Company is at with the 911 address process of the county.  They are working on all areas of the county to finalize the addressing.  Bob Johnson informed him that contract date is overdue and asked when he thought they would be finished with the project.  He felt sure that by the December 7, 2009 Commissioners meeting, things would be finalized.


Susan Schulte asked if she could encumber the left over monies from the GIS Department into the County Equipment Account within General.  The Commissioners agreed to allow this transaction.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





OCTOBER 5, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Kay McDaniels, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…….149,601.40



Noxious Weed…………………………….…11,132.00


Alcoholic Treatment……………………………..237.50

Insurance Agency Damages……………………2,691.06

Community Health……………………………39,287.99


Employee’s P/R Misc W/H……………….…….117.75


The Department Heads were asked to come in at 8:00am to discuss their departments and present any concerns.  Present were Ted Heaton, Robert Rich, Gene Leonard, Tom Fuhrmann, Betty Rosel, J C Cantrell, Paula Rowden, Guy Rowden, Susan Schulte and Pam Bensel.  Not present were Mike Schechter, Connie Gold and Roger Lynch.


There was discussion of the different entities.  Dave expressed concerns about the future outlook for the county.  The valuation of the county will probably be gradually decreasing each year and the entities will need to conserve as much as possible.


They discussed worker’s compensation and encouraged each entity to have safety meetings regularly or request tapes from KWORCC to watch and learn the correct procedures needed for each task.


The Commissioners thanked each department for their hard work and encouraged them to continue their efforts.


O D informed the Commissioners that the City of Moscow needs help in funding the cost of repairing the drainage ditch in Moscow.


O D moved to give $5,000.00, out of the Economic Development Incentive account with in the General fund, to the City of Moscow to help with the cost of the repairing of the drainage ditch in Moscow.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in with two bids for a cement project 64’ X 6’ X4” sidewalk, starting at the back entrance of the courthouse drive to the Library.  The two bids were from G & M Construction and McBride Construction.


G & M Construction’s bid was $1,450.00

McBride Construction chose not to bid turn in a bid for this project-they sent a note

stating they had more work than we can get to now


O D moved to accept the bid from G & M Construction for the cement project of 64’ X 6’ X 4” sidewalk.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Due to conflicts in the Commissioners schedule the November 16th meeting will be November 23rd.


The third and final meeting for the year will be on December 30th, 2009.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





OCTOBER 19, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…….50,789.08


Noxious Weed……………………….……….…71.07


Insurance Agency Damages…………………..5,902.49

Community Health……………………………2,989.22

911 Land Line…………………………..……1,076.41

Reg of Deeds Tech Fund……………………..2,138.93


Dave moved to appoint O D as the voting delegate for KWORCC with Dave as 1st alternate and

Gary as 2nd alternate.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Gary moved to appoint Dave as the voting delegate for KCAMP with O D as 1st alternate and Gary

as 2nd alternate.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Guy Rowden came in to ask about replacing the window in the ticket booth in the Memorial Hall.

The Rotary Club uses this space for storage and asked if this could be fixed.  Guy had some quotes

and the Commissioners agreed to replace the window with plexy glass from Mead Lumber in

Liberal, KS.


Guy asked about getting help for Mario to set tables and clean up the Memorial Hall.


J C Cantrell came in and reported on the Road & Bridge Department.


Ted Heaton came in and reported that Simplex fixed the cameras in the Law Enforcement Center.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel with Ted Heaton for 5 minutes

from 10:10am to 10:15am with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion

carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:15am.


Charlie Wagner reported on the KS Silver Haired Legislature.  He shared several bills that are going to the Legislature.  The KS Silver Haired Legislature Group is funded by contributions.


Gary Baker moved that the County reimburse travel expenses (room, mileage and meals) for the members that are appointed to the KS Silver Haired Legislative Group.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave Eckert came in to inquire about the dedication of the Hugoton 406AFM Masonic Lodge stone plaque for the Pioneer Manor.


Gary moved to allow the Masons to dedicate a stone plaque at the new Pioneer Manor.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Millie Heger came in about a beverage license for the race track.  She now owns all assets at the race track and wants to sell beer starting at the spring opening.


Gary moved to allow the Stevens County Racing Association to sell 3.2 alcohols at the race track during racing season.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Paula Rowden came in with concerns about getting information out to the public on the importance of the influenza vaccine.  She expressed the different ideas her office has for this matter and asked if the Commissioners had any other suggestions.


Paula talked about additional grant funds that are available.


Paula informed the Commissioners they have received the lien release on the old transportation bus.  She asked if they could put the bus up for auction to sale.  Commissioners agreed to allow the sale of the bus.


Teresa Head, Billy Bell-Mayor of Moscow and Mike Colantonio came in to talk about getting a license to sell liquor by the drink at Antlers.  There are different ways to accomplish this matter.  The one they would like to use is declare that Antlers has at least 30% sales of food.  This should allow the establishment to sell liquor by the drink with a meal.  County Counselor is checking into the legality of this process.


Alejandra Juarez with Blue Cross – Blue Shield brought the 2010 proposal for Stevens County to have the Commissioners look it over.


Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 2:45pm to 2:55pm with County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 2:55pm.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





OCTOBER 23, 2009



A special meeting was called to order by Dave Bozone, Chairman of the County Commissioners at

1:00pm on October 23, 2009.  Dave called the meeting to order.  Commissioner Dave Bozone, Gary Baker and O D Littrell were present.  Also present was Susan Schulte, acting secretary.


Kim Harper with Stevens County Airport Board brought in contracts for Commissioners to sign, concerning the new runway project.


Vincent Mancini, Ashley Fiss and Tony McBride came in with bids.  Tony presented 2nd bid package for the new Pioneer Manor project.


The bid package that was accepted included:


Builders Plus Concrete, LLC for concrete work, reinforcement, duct flowable fill,

Energy edge & labor

Quote Amount:  $609,812.00

Control Budget Amount:  $583,690.00


Tatro Plumbing Company, Inc for mechanical

Quote Amount:  $3,410,908.00

Control Budget Amount:  $3,284,000.00



Davis Electric, Inc for electrical

Quote Amount:  $3,069,753.00

Control Budget Amount:  $3,092,020.00


O D moved to accept these three sub contractors’ contracts in bid package 2.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Ashley Fiss gave a brief update on the roofing problem at the Extension office.  She suggested getting bids for this along with another one and try keeping the cost lower.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman





NOVEMBER 2, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel, County Clerk and Marie Austin, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…….139,451.62



Employees Benefit……………………………1,515.69

Noxious Weed……………………………….…8,677.38


Community Health……………………………34,055.81



O D moved to approve Resolution 09-09 establishing a petty cash fund up to $150.00 for the Stevens County Health Clinic.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


J C Cantrell came in to discuss the different roads they are working on.


He informed the Commissioners that G & M Construction will start working on the sidewalk between the Courthouse and Library.


Robert Davis, Jr came in as a prospective member for the Hospital Board.  The Commissioners asked him what he thought about the hospital and how it helped the community.


Robert explained his concerns and desires for the hospital.


Dave moved to appoint Robert Davis, Jr to the Hospital Board for a 3 year term replacing Ron McFarlane for a term beginning January 1, 2010.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Guy Rowden asked if he could have Hi Plains Lumber cut a piece of plexy glass for the ticket booth window in the Memorial Hall since Mead Lumber is unable to fulfill the request.  Commissioners agreed to allow Hi Plains Lumber to finish this project.


Teresa Head with Antlers at Moscow came in to find out the Commissioners decision on selling liquor by the drink.  Bob Johnson informed her that this will have to go to the public for a vote by resolution or by petition.


Ted Heaton checked in but had no concerns with his department at this time.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




NOVEMBER 23, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Susan Schulte, acting secretary, and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…….50,917.04


Noxious Weed………………………….….…8,677.38

Alcoholic Treatment……………….….………237.50

Community Health……………….…………19,239.39

Fire Bequest…………………………………….40.00

Airport Grants……………………………….3,185.62

911 Land Line……………………………….1,076.41


Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………..………….117.75


J C Cantrell reported on the light torn down by a semi-truck at the intersection of Road 12 and Road D.  Commissioners discussed and agreed to send the bill to the semi-truck owner for damages.


Dave Bozone requested permission to go down the county right of way with a water line.  He excused himself from the room during the discussion and decision.  Gary moved to allow the request.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


J C is going to get bids on two pickups for the next commissioners meeting.


Pat LeClerc with Group Benefits came in to give an overview on health insurance options.  She also discussed long term health care insurance.


Tony McBride gave an update on the new Pioneer Manor progress.  He presented bid package Phase 2.  Dave moved to accept the bid package Phase 2 with amendments.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Tony requested J C bring gravel to put in parking area at construction site.  Commissioners told Tony to contact J C.


Ted checked in and said everything is going good.  They now are providing all inmate meals in-house.


Koleen Nosekabel brought in bids for a copier.

Stanfield Printing  $6,543.00 Minolta Bizhub 362 Digital copier

$4,800.00  service contract


Southern Office Supply  $8,325.00 Sharp MX-M363N Digital copier

$291.37/mo Lease for 60 months


$8,3170.00 Sharp MX3501N Digital copier

$291.09/mo Lease for 60 months


Key Office  $15,143.00 Canon ir 3235i Copier

Trade in  $ 7,358.48

$ 7,784.52


After discussion, Gary moved to accept the bid from Stanfield Printing Company for $6,543.00/copier and $4,800.00/service agreement.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Clerk of the District Courts office also bought two Dell Optiplex 780 processors for $1,352.00 each.


Dave moved to go into executive session for land acquisition for 10 minutes from 11:05am to 11:15am with Kim Harper and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Dave moved to go back into executive session for 5 minutes from 11:15am to 11:20am.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:20am.


Gary moved to continue with Blue Cross – Blue Shield Health Insurance accepting Option 1.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


By motion the Board adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




DECEMBER 7, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, and Susan Schulte, acting secretary, and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  Dave moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting as presented.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Dave moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…….113,896.34



Noxious Weed………………………….………7,709.98

Road Machinery……………………………..41,160.40

Alcoholic Treatment……………….….…………237.50


Insurance Agency Damages…………………..4,700.00

Community Health……………….……………25,117.76


Commissioners discussed Community Health and Community Service budget overages.  O D moved to allow the County General Fund to cover the overages.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Commissioners discussed appraisal error.  Dave moved that Bob draft a letter and bill to send to Landmark Appraisal for expenses incurred to correct the error.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


O D moved to reappoint Mike Schechter as Stevens County’s council member to the Southwest Kansas Regional Emergency Planning Council.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Jim Ghumm came in to bring sealed pickup bid and answered questions concerning service of vehicles and warranty work.


J C Cantrell, R & B Supervisor, came in to open bids for two pickups.  Also, present. Alvin Riley:


Ghumm’s Auto Center   $37,385.00     2011 Ford F250 EXT CAB 4X4

$39,640.00      2011 Ford F250 CREW CAB 4X4

$  8,445.00      TRADE IN-1998 Ford F150 Super Cab

$  8,670.00      TRADE IN-1996 Ford F250 Crew Cab

$59,910.00      TOTAL WITH TRADES


Riley Chevrolet Buick, Inc       1st BID:  2010 Units to be ordered.

$32,227.40      2010 Silverado Crew Cab 4X4

$30,674.96      2010 Silverado Ext Cab 4X4

$  2,200.00      1996 Ford Flatbed

$  1,300.00      1998 Chevy ½ ton 2WD

$59,402.36      TOTAL WITH TRADES


2nd BID:  Have following in stock with more options

$33,113.74      2010 Silverado Crew Cab 4X4 LT

w/power seat, Bluetooth and Onstar

$32,131.57      2009 Silverado Ext Cab 4X4 LT

w/power seat, Bluetooth, Onstar and

Exterior Plus Package.

$  2,200.00      1996 Ford Flatbed

$  1,300.00      1998 Chevy ½ ton 2WD

$61,745.31      TOTAL WITH TRADES


Dave moved to accept 1st BID for the 2010 Chevy Pickups from Riley Buick Chevrolet, Inc.  O D seconded. Gary opposed.  Motion carried.


Mike McEvers & Bryan Smalley with TKO and Steve Harper came in to request information on obtaining permissions for a group of about fifteen farmers to lay a pipeline to furnish gas for irrigation motors.  Commissioners told them to try to obtain permission from all landowners affected by laying pipeline.


Neal Gillespie came in to discuss a new state economic development guide he was told about at a recent conference he attended.  He suggested the possibility of the WEKANDO counties paying the cost of a full-page ad in the new guide.  Commissioners requested Neal contact the other counties and get their opinions.


Commissioners discussed purchasing a commercial grade water softener for the courthouse.  Dave moved to purchase the water softener.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.


Commissioners discussed the Extension Office Roof.  Dave is going to contact Ashley Fiss to find out where we are with getting bids for this project.


Commissioners asked Bob to contact Earles Engineering concerning area east of town.


Ted reported everything going fine.  Commissioners also talked to him about putting camera into Memorial Hall.  He said he’d check into it.


Jim O’Loughlin, Mike Schechter and Susan Schulte came in to give update on 9-1-1 addressing.  Jim reported that they were “pretty well done” with the addressing.  He said they should to get the maps operational with the new data at the Sheriff Dept by Wednesday.  Susan reported she had talked to Connie with Pioneer Communications and she just had a few disconnected accounts needing addresses.  Commissioners agreed to pay the final invoice as soon as Mike and Susan have a chance to check over and okay all information sent and the maps are working properly at the Sheriffs Dept.


By Motion, the Board Adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman



DECEMBER 21, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting as presented.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Gary moved to approve the county vouchers.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….………5,263.98


Noxious Weed…………………………..…….26,780.67

Community Health……………….….…………3,543.43

911 Land Line………………………….….…1,076.41


The Department Heads were asked to come in at 8:00am to discuss their departments and present any concerns.  Present were Mike Schechter, Ted Heaton, Robert Rich, Gene Leonard, Tom Fuhrmann, J C Cantrell, Paula Rowden, Guy Rowden, Susan Schulte, Roger Lynch, Connie Gold and Pam Bensel.  Not present was Betty Rosel.


Dave Bozone started the meeting by thanking the Department Heads for their hard work.  He asked if anyone had any concerns or questions with any of their departments.


Stacia Tauscher with Russell Child Development brought cookies to thank the Commissioners for their support in 2009.


Gene Leonard came in with the evaluations for Noxious Weed and Landfill.


Gary moved to go into executive session for evaluations on non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 9:05am to 9:15am with Gene Leonard and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 9:15am.


Gene asked if the Noxious Weed Department could change the rates for spraying.  The Commissioners asked him to check with other counties for rates.


J C Cantrell opened bids for furnaces in the Road & Bridge Shop.  There were two bids:


Lin Goode & Co             $9,000.00

install 4 Trane 120,000 BTU, 95% furnaces, hung horizontal from

ceiling.  Two in NW corner of new shop and two on South side of

new shop.  Price includes enlarging 20’ of gas line to the North.

PVC vents would extend through the nearest wall, labor &



Moss Heating & Air      $10,452.50

install 4 340AAV060140 Bryant 92% efficiency multipoise fixed

capacity furnaces, supply duct fittings, insulated return duct

fittings, flues, Honeywell thermostats, custom built stands, labor


Gary moved to accept the bid from Lin Goode & Co for $9,000.00.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


J C brought in the evaluations for the Road & Bridge Department.


Dave moved to go into executive session for evaluations on non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 9:45am to 10:00am with J C Cantrell and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:00am.


Tony Martin, Fair Board President, came in with a list for 2010-2012 new Fair Board members for

the Commissioners approval.


Dave moved to accept the list of names as Fair Board members for 2010-2012.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.


Robert Rich came in with the Wellness Center evaluations.


Dave moved to go into executive session for evaluations on non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 10:20am to 10:30am with Robert Rich and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:30am.


O D moved to go into executive session for another 10 minutes from 10:30am to 10:40am on non elected personnel with Robert Rich and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Dave seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 10:40am.


Paula Rowden came in with the evaluation for Community Health.


Dave moved to go into executive session for evaluations on non elected personnel for 15 minutes from 11:05am to 11:20am with Paula Rowden and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:20am.


Paula asked if she should advertise the old van at the Community Health for sale.  The Commissioners informed her to advertise on the Purple Wave Internet Auction web site.


Dave moved to go into executive session for evaluations on non elected personnel for 10 minutes from 11:35am to 11:45am with Tom Fuhrmann and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  O D seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 11:45am.


Dave moved to give all full time county employees that make less than $36,000.00 a year a 2% raise with the exception of Commissioners.


Dax Gaskill, Shannon Crawford and Kim Harper with the Airport Board came in to discuss non elected personnel.


O D moved to go into executive session to discuss non elected personnel for 20 minutes from 1:20pm to 1:40pm with Dax Gaskill, Shannon Crawford, Kim Harper and County Counsel, Robert Johnson present.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 1:40pm.


Ashley Fiss brought in some estimates for re-roofing & alterations of the Extension office and a portion of the Hospital.


The Commissioners asked her to get bids and bring them to the February 8th meeting to open at 10:00am.


The Commissioners decided to have the last meeting of the year on December 30th at 6pm instead of 8:30am.


By Motion, the Board Adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman




DECEMBER 30, 2009


The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present.  Also

present were Bob Johnson, County Counselor, Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter, Hugoton Hermes newspaper.  Chairman Dave Bozone called the meeting to order.  O D moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting as presented.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  O D moved to approve the county vouchers.  Gary seconded.  Motion carried.  The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:



Road & Bridge……………………….…..…100,353.08



Noxious Weed……………………………..…….6,246.21


Community Health…………………..………..26,887.81

Employee’s P/R Misc W/H………….……….…..59.86


O D moved to accept the amended Bylaws and Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for membership in KCAMP and Resolution 09-10.


By Motion, the Board Adjourned.


Attest: Pam Bensel, County Clerk                              ________________________________

Dave Bozone, Chairman