Commission Meeting Minutes 10/1/2018

OCTOBER 1, 2018

The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with Joe D. Thompson and Pat Hall.  Also present were Paul Kitzke, County Attorney; Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk and RoGlenda Coulter with the Hugoton Hermes.  Joe called the meeting to order.  The minutes from the past two (2) meetings were approved.  Pat moved to approve the county vouchers.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.  The County Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts:


General  $           48,921.84
Road & Bridge  $           67,407.15
Noxious Weed  $             3,957.92
EMS  $             5,525.39
Fire  $             8,525.22
Community Health  $           18,313.63
911 Wireless  $                412.24
Emp P/R Misc W/H  $                  36.38
Airport  $             1,615.39
Reg Deed Tech Fund  $             3,000.00
Sheriff  $           36,689.36
 $         194,404.52


Joe opened the discussion by stating the commissioners should have a board training session to better the boards for the county entities as well as helping the boards with issues or questions anyone might need addressed.


Rex Evans and Robert Lucero came in to report to the commissioners on Rex’s first day and clarification on job duties.  Rex stated he went around and got cleaning schedules for the offices and is getting familiar with the grounds.  Joe suggested Rex find someone to lock up the building so he won’t have to have such odd hours for work.


Robert Lucero told the commissioners he ordered handicap button parts for the west entrance by the Memorial Hall from another company.  Waiting longer than eight (8) weeks is long enough.  The parts are in and he will start working on the handicap button to get it working again.


Marilyn Harris came in and the commissioners clarified that Marilyn is in charge of cleaning the kitchen in Memorial Hall after it has been rented out.  She will clean the ovens, stove, wash dishes, keep inventory of the items, sweep the kitchen and ice room floor as well as mop.  Pat made a motion to pay Marilyn $300.00 per month salary for part-time on an as-needed basis.  Joe seconded.  Motion carried.


Marilyn asked if there were any benefits as far as getting discount to use the kitchen and Amy Jo informed her that the county employees get half (1/2) off the Memorial Hall expenses.


Vernon Anderson with Planning and Zoning came in and questioned Paul Kitzke on what kind of permit he should write up for KDI’s lagoon.  Paul said if it’s not a change of use and doesn’t seem to require anything new then possibly a general construction permit would work.  Vernon informed the commissioners that KDHE gave KDI a permit that requires water samples periodically and other stringent rules.  Joe instructed Vernon to do a general construction permit contingent to KDHE’s permit.  Pat reminded Vernon to have KDI file for crossing permits from the Road and Bridge department.


Tony Martin with the Road and Bridge department came in and told the commissioners the road Robb Heger requested was good but could use moisture to harden up.  He stated they had taken water out and sprayed it but it could use more.


Joe asked Tony if the asphalt had to stay heated up to be used because the heating bill was quite large for the month.  Tony said this past heating bill wasn’t just to keep the asphalt warm but the plant was being used and some asphalt was being ran.  Tony said with the way it is heated it takes anywhere from seven (7) to ten (10) days from cold weather to heat the asphalt up enough to use.  It’s better to keep it heated until it can no longer be used for the year.  The weather has to be watched because they use water as the filtration system and they don’t want the pipes to freeze by shutting the heat off too soon.


Tony told the commissioners that he still has to repair the gun range road, 2nd Street, some places on the Landfill road, Sunbelt feeder roads, around Moscow and out at Riverbend feeders.  He hopes weather will permit and he can get the Landfill and gun range completed before the weather turns too cold to run asphalt.


KCAMP will be sending a check for around $14,000.00, for the damages to the stacker conveyor.  Tony said Jesse with KCAMP said it will more than likely go for salvage scrap.  If it does Tony would like to purchase it at a fraction of the cost and salvage parts that could be used on the new one if needed.  Tony said the new conveyor could possibly cost $35,000.00.  He will be bringing in specs on October 15th for companies to start bidding.


Jackson Sheets and Richard Vertrees with Aqua Shield brought in the spec sheet for the roof on the EMT and Fire building.  Pat and Joe asked if Jackson could add the square feet and amount of gallons with comparable product.  Jackson said he would get that to the County Clerk’s office today to go out to those who would like to bid.  Pat said the bids will be opened at 9:00 am at the next commissioners meeting, Monday, October 15th.  Joe instructed Amy Jo to put a quick add in the paper for bids on the roof.


Sheriff Ted Heaton came in to let the commissioners know that all was good and he does have a warrant out on the person responsible for the recent car thefts.


Paula Rowden with the Community Health Department came in and said that the revenue is $15,000.00 higher than last year.  She told them she is applying for a grant to receive money and resources for the concerns of alcohol and drug use in the community.  She said this grant will help provide families with additional help.  Paula is communicating with KDHE which had a coalition in operation along with the school’s recent survey to receive the grant funds.


The meningitis scare could have required convening the Board of Health which consists of the County Commissioners.  This board is set in place to help guide the school on whether it would need to close, cancel certain activities and other issues presented due to a contagion.


Trista and Yesi from the Community Health Department attended a WIC conference which will be reimbursed by WIC funds.  Paula asked for the approval of $51.00 per day on meal allowance since WIC will be covering the costs.  Pat approved.


Appraisal issues came up with the knowledge of Landmark going out of business.  The discussion was tabled for when all three (3) commissioners can be present to discuss the matters.  Pat spoke to Angela at Mcully and Associates to get information on other appraisal agencies.  Joe said something needs to be put in place before June 16th of 2019.  Joe said he would call McCully and Associates and see if they could attend the meeting Monday, October 14.



By motion, the Board adjourned.


Attest: Amy Jo Tharp, County Clerk



Joe Thompson, Chairman